Take Two with Phineas and Ferb

Another 'Take Two with Phineas and Ferb' episode/chapter! Hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts and Phineas and Ferb


The crowd gave the whole crew a big round of applauds while the crew waved their hands. "Thank you everyone! Now settle down as we call our favorite Keybearer and the apprentice of Master Eraqus, please give him a round of applause to Ventus! Or Ven for short," Phineas said as the crowd went wild while Ventus walks in the stage, waving his hand with his sweet smile. Meanwhile, Perry slowly walks away as Ventus sat down on the chair, next to Ferb. "So, how're you today, Ven?" Phineas asked.

"Doing fine, Phineas," Ventus answered while Phineas puts his hand on his chin.

Phineas raises an eyebrow. "Really? Aqua told me about that incident you had last Sunday. Care to explain to us?"

Ventus merely face palmed. "Oh that… Well, Terra and I were walking around the halls doing nothing at the time being. Then, we passed by Aqua's room. We saw it open and Terra and I decided to peep around. By the way, it wasn't my idea, it was Terra's idea. Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, we were looking around not until I found something Aqua's closet. It was a… well… I don't want to say it out loud but it was super private for a woman. Terra saw me and told me to quickly let go of it and that we should run. So, I threw the… thing away but Aqua was already there. I asked her on how long she was there; she told us that she was there long enough to see me holding the… thing. Terra and I tried to run but we already tasted Aqua's fist of hell. And then we were in our rooms for about a week or so."

"Man, Aqua's punch must've given you two a black eye, huh?" Phineas said as Ventus sighed.

"Tell me about it…" He said. "And I blamed Terra for that incident, since he was the one who made that idea."

"You're lucky that I was there or else you would've died at Aqua's fist of hell!"

Ventus just rolled his eyes. "Yeah but we still had Aqua's fist of hell! And I can still feel that pain…"

"Maybe I'll have a little chat with Aqua in some other chapter, so we could talk about the embarrassing moments you and Terra did," Phineas said as Ventus blushes.

"Be careful though. You might taste Aqua's fist of hell," Ferb said, earning some laughs and chuckles from the crowd.

Phineas also laughed too. "Good one, Ferb! So, Ven, have you ever lost a tooth when you were young?"

Ventus shudders at the memory. "Yeah, and it was a stupid accident. Terra and Aqua were teaching me on how to ride on a Keyblade Glider but then I hit on a tree, face-first. Since then, I never went out of my room until my tooth grew back."

"You mean, you made your personal things and eat in your room all day?" Phineas asked as Ventus shook his head.

"'Course I go out and do personal stuff and eat. All I did is that I never went out of the castle," Ventus said while Phineas nods. "So, any more questions, Phineas?"

And that's when Phineas got an idea. "Actually, when is the last time you cried?"

Ventus, clearly taken back by what Phineas said, raises an eyebrow. "What?"

"You heard me, Ven. When is the last time you cried?" Phineas said with a grin.

"… I never cried before in my life," Ventus said like he was lying.



"How about when you were a baby?"


"5 years old?"


"8 years old?"


"10 years old?"



Ventus shook his head.

"Even 15 years old?"

"No, I never cried in my life," Ventus said, crossing his arms not until an apple core hits his head. "Ow! What's the big idea? ! Who threw that stupid apple core?"

"You idiot! You cried everytime! Even when you're a baby!"

"Yeah? Prove it, Terra!" Ventus shouted as Ferb presses a button. Then, a large flat screen TV comes down. Ferb presses another button and a movie is now being played on the flat screen TV.

. . . . .

"Ven, will you please stop crying? !" A ten year old Terra said while a six year old Ventus continued to cry. "Ven! I'm serious! Why don't you ask Aqua instead of me? !"

"No! I want you!" Ven cried as Terra groans.


A 12 year old Terra continues to struggle on walking with one foot because an 8 year old Ventus was holding his foot, crying about something again. "Please! Don't go, don't go, don't go! You'll die! It's too dangerous!" Ventus cried while Terra rolls his eyes.

"How many times do I have to tell you, Ven? The Master told me to take the trash out! There's nothing dangerous in there!" Terra said, glaring at Ventus, who was still crying.

"But you might get bacteria!" Ventus cried as Terra facepalms.


"Terra! P-h-h-lease! I need your help on my homework!" A 12 year old Ventus cried while a 16 year old Terra continued to ignore him by reading a novel. "PLEASE TERRA!"

"VEN! I can't even leave chapter 1!" Terra shouted while Ventus sobs.

"Just help me on my homework!" Ventus cried.

"Fine! What's the subject anyway?"

"… Math."

"VEN! You know I always fail in Math! Especially Algebra! Why don't you ask Aqua for some help?"

"But, she also told me to ask you."

Terra just groaned.


"C'mon Terra! Teach me how!" A 15 year old Ventus said, crying over and over again. Terra stares at him and then went back to read his book. "COME ON TERRA!"

"Ugh, why can't you just take a break and eat some cookies?" Terra groaned.

. . . . .

"Alright… Point taken," Ventus said while crossing his arms as the flat screen TV went back up. "So, anything else that is embarrassing you want to show, Terra?"

"Nope! That's all!"

"Okay… That was awkward… Anyway, that's all folks! Tune in next time on the next episode!" Phineas said while waving his hand as the crowd went wild again.


Sorry for the long wait guys! Tune in next time, 'kay?

See ya!