Me: This is a two-shot that is co-written with myself and Angelgirl16290. Whatever OC doesn't appear on her profile belongs to me :D. Enjoy :D

Katie's P.O.V.

"This is one of the biggest Risks I have ever done." I said to myself holding my iPhone looking at it "If I bring her in she might be how she is in the WWE right now." I said again

"Then don't bring her in." My Husband Allen (AJ Styles) told me "If you don't want a repeat of the WWE then leave her there."

"Jeff needs her Allen." I told him "If Karen didn't get herself involved then I wouldn't consider this. But as always she got herself involved so now I have to or at least try to bring Alison in." I said referring to Jeff Hardy's wife and Assistant to interim Raw GM John Laurinaitis Alison Bernier-Hardy

"Have Addie back him up then." Allen said referring to Jeff's little sister

"You know she has Darcy to take care of and she's finally getting Phil (Gunner) to help out. Face it Allen it has to be Alison." I said sounding stressed

"Are you sure?" He asked me

"100 percent positive." I said sounding serious "And if she does try to be a bitch then I'll put her in her place." I said as I dialled Alison's number and called her

"Hello?" Alison asked picking up her phone after a few rings

"Alison hi." I smiled

"Katie what's up?" She asked smiling. Knowing her she wants to know about Jeff "How's Jeff is he doing ok? Is he staying clean?"

"Yeah don't worry he's clean and he's doing better than ever." I smiled

"Thank god." Alison smiled

"There is one problem." I said sounding nervous

"What? What's the problem Katie? Did he get in trouble? Did you suspend him again you bitch!"She yelled at me

"No none of that." I said quickly

"Then what?" She asked getting impatient with me

"Jeff has run into a situation with the Jarrett's." I said

"What Kind of Situation?" She asked

"One where Jeff Jarrett's wife Karen got herself involved in their business." I said

"Physically or Mentally?"Alison asked me

"Both." I told her "So that's why I need you to come to TNA." I said and she was quiet for a few

"Katie you know I can't." She said "I have an Iron clad contract, I'm John Laurinaitis's assistant, I'm still in charge of the Divas and…"She tried to say but I cut her off

"Have Laura, Chelsea and my sister take over." I said referring to the three members of Redemption "And don't they have that new girl that's a lawyer…what's her name…?...Ashley am I right?"

"Yeah." Alison said

"Maybe she can get you out of your contract." I smiled "And as for being in charge of the Divas wasn't that originally Laura's job?"

"Pretty much." She said

"So will you come to TNA and help out Jeff?" I asked her

"You'll have to give me time to think about it." She said

"Alright call me as soon as you make up your mind." I told her

"Alright thank you Katie."She said hanging up

"I hope she says yes. Jeff needs her more than WWE Does right now." I said softly holding my head

Alison's P.O.V

I hung up my phone and placed it in my pocket. Raw was having another one of it's shows and I was in my office, now mainly thinking about Katie's offer for me to come in TNA and help Jeff out with what he was dealing with.

Having no in-depth knowledge about what's going on, I'd decided to go on YouTube on my laptop and watch a couple of TNA videos on there that were showing what Katie had said to me. After watching a few clips, I ended up commenting, "Maybe he needs me more than this company does." I leaned back in the chair I was sitting, ran my hands through my hair and did a frustrated sigh over what is going on at this moment. After a few minutes of being in the position I was in, I ended up getting out of my chair and out of the locker room in search of someone.

"Ashley?" I asked walking up to Ashley Batten, who was the lawyer/legal advisor for Redemption.

"Yes Mrs Hardy?" Ashley asked.

"Listen, can I ask you to do something?" I asked.

"Yes," Ashley said. "What do you want me to do?" She asked.

"Well," I started. "I'm going to need your help getting out of my contract," I added.

"Why?" Ashley asked.

"Because my husband is dealing with something right now and-" I started, but got cut off.

"And you need to be over there to help him?" Ashley asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"So because of that and as you stated earlier, you need my help to get out of your contract?" Ashley asked.

I nodded.

"Okay, I'll make that happen," Ashley said.

"Thank you," I said with a huge smile on my face as we both went to Laurinaitis' office. We walked into the office where Laurinaitis said, "Alison, why is she here?" Referring to Ashley.

"Because Mr. Laurinaitis, you're assistant here wants to be let go of her contract," Ashley said.

"What's the reason?" Laurinaitis asked.

"Mrs. Hardy heard that her husband needs some help from what he's dealing with over on Impact Wrestling, and she needs to be over there to help him," Ashley replied.

"So, you want to go over to another company just to help your husband?" Laurinaitis asked, sounding like he doesn't believe me. "Even though you have a job to do here?" He asked.

"Oh, being the VP of the Divas Division and being your assistant is a job?" I asked with a sarcastic attitude. "Can't I just get Redemption to take over for me?" I asked.

Laurinaitis thought about it for a few minutes before saying, "Alright. But, you still have that 90 day-"

"I'll take care of that Mr. Laurinaitis," Ashley said.

Deciding not to fight with Ashley on myself not having that 'not compete for 90 days' rule, Laurinaitis said, "Fine."

"Thank you Mr. Laurinaitis," I said before me and Ashley left the office.

"Thanks for doing that for me," I said to Ashley.

"You're welcome Mrs Hardy," Ashley said before we went our separate ways.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialled Katie.

"Hello?" Katie asked after a few rings.

"Katie, this is Alison," I said.

"Hey Alison, have you made your mind up yet?" Katie asked.

"Yeah, and I decided that I'll go over to TNA," I said.