Reviews mean so much to me! Thank you for those who have stuck with me all the way through! I hope it is still as entertaining as the first chapter! On to the story! And yes, there IS a Starkid reference in here. If you don't know what Starkid is, search "A Very Potter Musical" on youtube. Another short chapter. Sorry! Best way I could end the chapter I think.

Chapter 9:

Severus looked at the chocolate orbs that were glistening with unshed tears. The girl almost knocked the breath out of him, she looked so sad.

"Hermione, what has gotten into you? Surely Poppy didn't let you out so early. I know she wouldn't even hear of it! Now you are wandering the halls at some ungodly hour and so that is two rules you have broken. Am I wrong or isn't two rules already a bucketful of rules to break for you?" Severus huffed. The harsh tone used towards her caused her eyes to widen even more. This time, tears started pouring down her face and she turned, getting ready to run.

"Stop" Severus murmured as he grabbed her left wrist and pulled her towards him. "Come in" He said, not giving Hermione much of a choice as he kept her wrist firm in his hand. The black cloak Snape wore flew behind him as he seemed to float across the floor. With his left hand, Severus took his wand out and conjured two comfortable chairs. Severus lightly guided the young witch to a chair and sat in the chair next to hers. For a few minutes, there was an awkward silence as Hermione attempted to keep her tears from falling and Severus waited patiently for Hermione.

"Severus, what has happened to me?"

"You have gone through some rough things Hermione." Severus almost whispered.

"You have too!" Hermione nearly shouted. "Why am I the only one who can't seem to control these things?" She threw her hands in the air in frustration. Severus drew in a deep breath. I can't believe I am about to tell her these things. She doesn't even mean that much to me! Does she?

"Hermione" Severus began. "It has been incredibly hard for me but unlike you I have had many years to learn how to cover up tracks. It has taken quite some time but I have learned. Perhaps you are going through the same thing. You have lost the love of your life as well, haven't you?" Severus bitterly stated.

"I don't know…" Hermione mumbled.

"Well as you know because of that dreaded Potter, I have also lost my love." Hermione whipped her head up and looked at Severus with a shocked expression.

"H-he didn't really tell much of anything actually." Severus sighed deeply. "But I did know." Hermione added. Snape raised a black eyebrow. Hermione blushed and looked down.

"So what brings you down here Hermione?" Severus growled.

"I… We kissed,"

"That is quite a false statement!" Severus gasped. "Where is this coming from?"

"Well…" She began, telling the whole story, her eyes focused on her twitching hands.

"You were in the Hospital Wing because Minerva found you lying on the floor screaming. You are very lucky that the students are home for Holidays! Nothing of that sort had ever happened. I can promise that to you as I would have known since I have been keeping an eye on Mr. Weasley's whereabouts." Hermione stood up and walked over to where the dark man sat. She sat on his lap and kissed him. At first Severus was hesitant. He eventually let Hermione have full access and hugged the woman close to him. Severus's mind was clouded and couldn't think while Hermione kissed him. He grabbed her arms and pushed her away until she stood. The dark Potions Master stood up as well and towered over her. He then strode past her and started to pace.

"Severus," Hermione whispered, causing the man to shiver.

"Severus, please listen to me. Please stop pacing," She whispered some more. This time Severus stopped pacing and instead started to twiddle his thumbs.

"Why did you do that Hermione," Severus asked, his words laced with pain.

"I-I couldn't help myself sir. I haven't been completely honest with you but I might actually be in love with you!" Hermione had no idea why she said that. She wasn't in love with him! Was she? Hermione honestly couldn't tell how she felt about anything anymore. She couldn't even tell if what had just happened was real.

"So we didn't kiss earlier today?" She couldn't understand why she was disappointed. She couldn't be in love with him! But Hermione was the smartest witch her age and she knew.

"No Gran-"

"DON'T CALL ME THAT AGAIN!" Hermione begged, tears starting to run down her cheeks. "Pl-please call me Hermione. Please." She ran up to the tall man and put her hands on his cheeks. She closed her eyes at the warmth and sighed.

"Enough," Severus barked more harshly than he meant to. Hermione winced and let go. As if she was a zombie, Hermione stared out in front of her with blank eyes and slowly walked out of the room. Severus was speechless and paralyzed.

What the devil is going on here! Severus screamed in his mind.

Go after her you idiot! A voice in his mind told him.

I-I can't! I don't love Hermione Granger, Gryffindor princess! I love Lilly Evans!

Lilly Potter, His thoughts reminded him. Look, she never loved you and she never will. She can't. She is dead. Can't you just grasp that fact already? She is gone. Dumbass.

Severus started to pace again. He loved her, he loved her not. Then, one thought came to mind. Dumbledore.