The Power Revelation

Author's Notes: This is the sequel to "The Line of Power." So I might suggest you at least read up the story first before following this one. This story takes place after the events of the last story and it's a continuation of the adventures of the Original Power Rangers and their successors.

Disclaimer: I don't own Power Rangers I just own the plot and the characters that don't exist.

Summary: When a series of unexpected events begin to unravel, the original Rangers will soon discover that tempting the hand of fate and destiny will have unforeseen consequences. A mysterious force appears trying to tie up loose ends to unsettled accounts.

Chapter 1: A Shift in the Winds

(Angel Grove, California)

It was strange to notice how quiet and big the old Hart boarding house was. Life was calm, quiet and normal the last couple of months for Tommy and Kimberly. Going back to the mentoring roles for their successors and newly activated Power Rangers, they were glad to find themselves less and less on the battlefield. The two were focused on raising their family together while at the same time provide financial support for Rosaline while she is attending Julliard in New York. During their part-time obligations away from assisting Billy at NASADA, the two of them took up occasional part-time jobs outside of the Ranger business. Tommy resigned from his teaching job at Reefside High after deciding to permanently take up residence back in Angel Grove. He went back to his love of karate and help teach classes alongside Adam and Rocky at their dojo.

He decided not to sell his house in Reefside, but manage to earn some rental income. It was a good investment to still have his name on the property and decided to rent his house out to Trent and Kira after his two former students decided to live together. Kimberly started using the boarding house as a bed and breakfast during the tourist season and holidays to visitors coming to Angel Grove. They had at least a few guests a couple times a month but they needed to assure to reinforce precaution if in case the guests found their Ranger command center in the basement. For now she was content with being a stay-at-home mother until another opportunity arise for another business venture.

"Mom, dad come patch it through already," the twins complained watching Tommy set up the online video chat on the computer.

"Gosh you two are really impatient and I know your sister's schedule," Tommy said logging onto Skype and fixing the webcam. "It's already 7pm eastern standard time. Rosaline should be online exactly right"

"For once kids your father's on time for something," Kimberly slightly teased feeding Gabriel. After a few moments they saw Rosaline online and connected to have their usual video chats with their eldest daughter in New York City. "You always know the drill don't you Rosie?"

"Pretty much it's been a custom I'm aware and yes I've set my clocks to know when exactly the entire family is going to be online," Rosaline smiled on screen through the webcam, "So family how's life back on the west coast? It's already night time here while it's still sunny there in California. I really miss the sunny weather but New York isn't bad."

"You know we miss you back home?" Tommy replied.

"The twins and your little brother Gabe still manage to keep us on our feet here," Kim said. "So how is life in the big apple? How are classes going?"

"I can't complain besides you two paid over twenty grand just for me to attend my dream school. Hopefully, I'm not disappointing you and making sure your money doesn't go to waste." she replied on the other end as she saw her family gave her a pondering look. "Wow...are we going to do this every single time? Well my roommate here at the dorm moved out and transferred to another program so the dorm is mine for now until registration finds me a new bunk mate. I can't complain about classes, my professors had us perform impromptu concerts every other week and music theory classes I'm breezing through them. At least every month my friends tend to pop in for a bit of unexpected visits, but not world in peril visits."

"Is it that cool trick you showed us where you can be in two places at once?" Elena asked curiously.

"Uncle Billy refers to it as teleporting if that's correct," Hayden said, "Is that what it's called dad?"

"Pretty much it's teleporting and hey I thought we told you guys to be discreet about it," Tommy said with a bit of concerned, "When you popped by a few weeks ago you nearly got half of the guests suspicious about how you got here in seconds. Luckily we've been in the game of providing concrete alibis. Your mom explained that you got the last minute flight back home for the weekend."

"Although you technically stayed the entire weekend and then after teleported back to New York with a few things from your bedroom," Kimberly said, "You all be making sure no one catches you guys doing this. It's hard enough dealing with Billy asking could it at least kill any of them once in awhile to book a flight instead?"

"Alright I get it I lay low on the teleport thing for awhile and let the others know," Rosaline said playfully with a pout, "Gosh even more than 3000 miles away you guys still have to be the overbearing parents don't you? If you listening Gabe, good luck with them because you're going to need it. Hey put the little baby bro on screen I want to see him." The two of them lifted Gabriel up on the screen towards the webcam for his older sister to see. He started giggling and reaching out as if he was trying to touch his sister.

"You know we miss you back home in Angel Grove," she heard her parents tell her. "We want to tell you how much we're proud of you Rosie. Listen if you ever get homesick again we're just one click away on your communicator. Your grandparents wanted to make sure you're enjoying their care package they sent."

"Tell grandma Melissa thanks for the scarf," Rosaline smiled, "Still trying to get use to the upcoming cold weather here on the east coast. Quincy is coming down to visit this weekend from Maryland. He's finding fascinating earning a degree criminology and criminal justice. He tries to find time to visit but usually every month he says he gets a visit from Chan and Shi-Ann. He says they're coming down to New York this weekend so it's nice to see the gang again."

"Well if you see them give them our regards," Tommy and Kimberly replied as they finish wrapping up their conversation with Rosaline as they signed off. "Alright take care sweetie and we love you. Hope you watch yourself...and above all let the power protect you."

(Rome, Italy)

Meanwhile, at one of one of the Power Ranger training headquarters in Rome, Italy, Kelsey and Ryan were continuing to survey the security tapes. There was a report of an unidentified intruder who broke into the training facilities and attacked a group of Rangers in training. Some of the ones who survived the attack on the single assailant referred to the attacker as "an assassino" in English terms assassin. However, after forwarding the security tapes to Billy back at NASADA they found it surprising that their assassin was human.

"Whoever this person was is highly trained, stealth and can disappear into thin air," Kelsey reported as they were communicating with Billy.

"One of our recruits Maria stated that this so called assassin's costume looked something mysterious, like from another time," Ryan added, "We got Bianca doing a headcount to see how many are still alive. There was six casualties reported caused by this one intruder."

While Bianca was doing a headcount near the dorms, she started feeling a strange presence in the air. It felt like an invisible force pushing her, trying to get her attention. After transferring her Ranger squad from Bucharest to Rome, Bianca started reading up on necromancy. Sometimes she wished her friends were with her to help her out and maybe hope for some guidance from the veterans to deal with her rising abilities.

"Bianca! Bianca be careful!" she heard a familiar voice calling out to her. "It's starting! Don't pursue the assassin yet! You don't know what you're all up against!"

"You better show yourself whoever you are!" Bianca yelled out frustrated, "What the hell do you want from me you sodding spirit? Can't you pick on someone else to haunt and torture?"

"It's your gift learn it! Our friends need you! The veterans needs you! The veil of the balance and that of the supernatural realm is collapsing! The spirits are whispering the progeny is taking up ranks! I need your help Bianca! We need your help! Don't hold back Bi you know who I am! I'm reaching out to you my friend!"

"Get the fuck out of my head and stop yelling to me! Leave me alone!" she screamed until she wasn't hearing whispers. "What's happening to me? What progeny are they talking about? I know who you are. Why are you trying to cross to the land of the living? Is it possible I'm doing this holding onto your memory?"

She quickly walked to her dorm and pulled out her address book and picked up the phone. She started dialing a familiar number, but ended up getting the voicemail. "Hello Katherine, Jason...this is Bianca calling. Listen, if you get this message I need your help because something is happening that I can't really explain."

(Unknown Location)

In a disclosed location, a green hooded cloaked figure stands in the midst of an abandon land site filled with old ruins and memorial sites. The mysterious figure, holds a staff as the their eyes are drawn to a particular landmark statue that resembles ancient writing with a dragon sigma scripted on it. However, the landmark was a tomb itself, a burial ground of an ancient battle that occurred on these lands many years ago. The green hooded figure who appeared to be female was approached by a white hooded figure. The two were old acquaintances and friends from many years ago.

"You still watch over them do you?" the green cloaked figured asked. She drew back her hood to reveal herself as Dulcea, the master warrior of Phaedos. "It is pretty impressive how far they have come since the first day each of them were chosen. You must be pleased with yourself Zordon...they have done the impossible and redefine the line and legacy of the Power Rangers."

"I have faith in them Dulcea, my old friend and so should you," Zordon replied taking off his hood. "They are able to bind Lokar's forces once again beneath the surface. However, we know that he cannot be truly defeated. But their successors will see to it that a defender against the Source of Evil shall exist."

"We can assure as the prophecy foretells that the Wings of Fate will revolutionize the face of fate and destiny. They are passing the torch and training the future line and legacy of the Power Rangers to carry on their work. What they established, the ones chosen by destiny and fate, there was a reason why those particular ones were selected."

"The history, the dynasty, legacy and line of all that was sworn to protect the universe has been riddled with mystery upon mystery don't you think? We have intervened one too many times and here on this land site is a demonstration of how close we came to destroying what we tried to accomplish. Each dynasty and legacy had the burden to atone for the crimes and flaws of their predecessors. Can you feel in the air Dulcea? they still imposes a dangerous threat? Their curse will continue as they have found a flaw in the revolution of the hands of fate and destiny."

"They will not sleep until they rewrite history as they see fit," Dulcea replied staring at the dragon statue, "I'm praying that the powers that be do not make us repeat history again. There is an uncanny feeling rising and the balance of nature is shifting. Lokar has been an entity that has reeked havoc in the universe for many centuries and yet we cannot kill the source of evil itself without distorting balance. However, the progeny will soon makes its name known to the world. Because of their dynasty's desire and lust for power they nearly exterminated the line of Power. Do you remember Zordon who I'm referring to?"

The Dark Ages of the Power Ranger legacy," Zordon replied sternly. "Once we thought the first team completed their task, the knights ensured successors to carry on the legacy. A living dynasty and ancestral line devoted to the Source...a progeny that is foretold to rise within the ranks. We were bold and drastic once upon a time and we didn't foresee the consequences of fixing the mistakes of the past."

"The progeny, a loyal advocate to the Source and it's second coming." The two of them walked towards stone memorandum that resembled something of various ancestral family trees. What they were staring at was every generation, dynasty and ancestral line of the Power Rangers. "Your original Rangers do not know of history's true past than what they learned about the origins of the first Rangers? They rewrote and redefined fate and destiny when they activated those potentials into full fledged Power Rangers. The Wings of Fate have done their part. The adventure isn't over for them yet, and soon it will begin for the new fledged Rangers. There is a change in the wind and it is already beginning. The spirits are whispering signs of warning."

"The balance of nature and that of the supernatural realm will shift drastically for their power draws from causing perversion in the laws of the universe." Zordon sighed, "Let us hope, and for that of the sake of the universe this perversion will not come to pass for the world will be in peril once again." Unknown to the members of the Order, there was a mysterious stranger observing them off in the distance. "I can sense his presence but yet he still feels ashamed of his misfortune. We know you are here and you understand the threat of the Source's progeny coming into ranks. We beseech you to uphold your ordain oath to the Order. The Power Rangers...they need our guidance once more to stop this perversion from coming to pass."

The stranger knew too well of the threat they were talking about, the forthcoming of the progeny of the Source. "It has already begun...the progeny is making their presence known you," the stranger replied appearing in sight of Dulcea and Zordon. "The Order of Meridian knows of the foretold tales of a progeny of the Source in flesh. The alliance of all that is good in this universe must unite for Earth once again will become another battleground. They must not rise to power for you know the consequences. Do not let history repeat itself for you know the results."