Chapter 77: Epilogue- Life As We Know It

(Author's Notes: Hey everyone! I hope you all enjoyed reading the story and I appreciated all the reviews. I know it's taken longer than expected for me to finish this story & I like to thank you for following this story. So this is the final chapter of this story and many have asked if there is another story in the works, the answer is there will be a sequel in the works. I'll keep you posted on anymore details! Anyways, hope you enjoy the last chapter!)

(3 Months Later: The Boarding House)

"Okay I need to coordinate with Zack on the catering for the children's Christmas party this weekend? Also I need to double check with Katherine on the decorations and make sure there are enough presents to give to the kids," Kimberly replied as she was going through her holiday itinerary.

Tommy was busy helping the children decorate the rest of the living room with the Christmas decorations. This has been their life for the last six months since their battle with the Acadians getting back to the normal routines. From celebrating holidays to birthdays and other milestone events it seemed that peace was finally restored and everything they worked hard for was being rewarded.

"Don't forget you have to pick up Rosaline from the airport later dad," Elena reminded her father. "And please let's not have another mishap like what happened on Thanksgiving."

"Are you guys holding that against me?" Tommy slightly teased. "We weren't that late picking up your big sister at the airport."

"Yeah after she waited for an hour because dad forgot to wind up his watch and then got pulled over for speeding," Hayden laughed. "But in all seriousness I rather ride in a car with mom or dad than with Rosaline."

"Please tell me you two aren't trashing your older sister's driving skills?" Kimberly shook her head in disbelief. "Come on she's not a bad driver and imagine what she would say to you two if she heard you guys talking about her driving. Your dad and I did all we could to teach her how to drive and help her get her licenseā€¦"

"After three attempts at the written test. Yeah I'm not going to think about the incident with her parking my truck that time," Tommy remarked as the twins giggled. "The fact she got her license with her somewhat satisfactory driving skills baffles me."

"Why don't you guys just ask Virgil to pick her up? Probably give them some time to catch up and make out," Hayden laughed as Elena rolled her eyes at her twin brother.

"That's too much detail there you just spilled son," Kimberly moaned but took her son's suggestion and phoned Virgil. She was lucky that their daughter's boyfriend didn't hesitate and agreed to pick up Rosaline from the airport. After she provided the flight information, they didn't have to worry about rushing later to pick up their daughter from the airport.

Meanwhile, Tommy and Elena were dealing with Gabriel who was preoccupied disorganizing the decorations they laid out for the Christmas Tree. The family were going through with the youngest Oliver's terrible two phase. It amaze them how much Gabriel was growing up before their eyes. The two year old was a breath of fresh air and filled the household with his smile, antics and cuteness. With their last battle now behind them, it was only then when the boarding house felt silent, empty and the only occupants residing in the house itself were the Oliver family.

"Bright lights papa! Bright lights mama!" Gabriel yelped happily playing with the Christmas lights Tommy spent the last hour untangling.

"Oh dad Gabe is tangling the lights again!" Elena moaned sighing in disbelief.

"No little man come on cut that out please for daddy?" He gently released his son's grip from the lights and luckily they weren't plugged in. The twins assisted Tommy in putting up the remaining decorations on the tree while Kimberly rested for a bit. Her pregnancy was continuing on without any complications and being in her fifth month the baby was making its presence known. Kimberly smiled remembering her and Tommy's little playful bet to see how long it would take their friends to notice her pregnancy. It wasn't until Halloween they took notice at the intruding bump. It came as a shock at first but then a joyous celebration for the couple.

"Guys come here quickly all of you," Kimberly happily said as Tommy and the kids gathered around her. She grabbed Tommy's hand and placed it on her belly. "The baby is kicking again! Come on Handsome feel your child moving!"

"That's pretty amazing, Beautiful. It's our baby in there." Tommy said in awe. She smiled at Tommy knowing how these little moments of her pregnancy affected him. He kept his hand on her belly for a few more minutes taking in the sensation of feeling his child's presence growing inside of his wife. Although it pained him to miss out witnessing all the aspects of Kimberly's last two pregnancies, this one was worth the wait. Kimberly knew her husband was true to his word and been with her every step of the way from her appointments to prepping the nursery to the Lamaze classes. He was holding Gabriel when he turned to his youngest son. "Hey buddy, can you feel that?"

"Wat's tat mama?" Gabriel asked as he followed his dad's lead placing his small hand on Kimberly's belly.

"That my little guy is the new baby. In a few months you're going to be a big brother to your new sibling." She smiled and then looked at the twins. "I know you two have a betting pool on what the sex of the baby is. We did this before with Gabriel and we're going to do this again for the new one."

"Again? Usually after 21 weeks you can learn the baby's gender but why do you guys want to wait?" Elena sighed in anticipation. "If I have to guess I'm assuming it's going to be a girl that mom and dad are going to have. Besides, I already have to deal with two brothers it would be nice to have a girl around."

"It's probably going to be another boy hands down!" Hayden replied arguing with his twin sister. "Besides, I have two older sisters I have to contend with and little Gabe here needs a partner in crime. Alright, we won't pester mom and dad about the sex of the baby but it's still going to be a boy!"

"Genius we're twins and you're still going to hold it over me because I'm older by 16 minutes come on," Elena teased her twin brother and smiled at her parents. "Can you believe this guy? And they say I'm the insensible twin here. What if it's twins?"

"Okay and that is our cue to have our little tweedles to stop throwing suggestions of what their new sibling will be," Tommy and Kimberly smiled. "Come you kids let's get the rest of decorations up before we go shopping."

(Downtown Angel Grove)

Rosaline was startled but also ecstatic at the same time to see Virgil waiting at the terminal once she arrived in Angel Grove. He let his girlfriend know that Tommy and Kimberly contacted him to pick up Rosaline at the airport because they were still busy decorating the house. They relished seeing each other after three months apart and the missed opportunity to spend time together during Thanksgiving when Virgil went out of town with his family. However, the last six months since the defeat of the Acadians left a void among the Twilight Rangers realizing that another adventure and battle was done and semi-retirement was beyond the horizon.

Virgil took Rosaline to the loft he is currently residing in with Chan and Aidan since the trio were the only three who opted to stay behind in Angel Grove. It surprised her to realize that her boyfriend took up residence in the empty loft above his uncle's old music store. On the contrary, Rosaline learned that the guys are helping Virgil's uncle by working part-time at the store in order to pay for tuition.

"I like what you did with the loft space upstairs Chan," Rosaline complemented as the four of them headed back down to the main store. "The architectural interior designs, you created it?"

"Pretty much and plus I'm taking a couple courses in architecture at the local community college along with Virgil. Your boyfriend transferred whatever credits he completed at UCLA to Angel Grove Community College." Chan explained. "We chose to stay behind if in case things start up again, well wish we could say the same thing for Aidan."

"Are you seriously going to guilt me in front of our residential little Mozart?" Aidan teased his friends. "Besides, I don't know if I should go or not."

"Just tell her already you told the others," Virgil smiled at his friends. "Your family was thrilled when you got the letter and it's one of the best schools in Massachusetts."

"What's going on Aidan?" Rosaline asked as the four worked on stacking new inventory on the shelves. "Did something happen?"

"Remember the national informative technology competition I entered awhile back?" Aidan asked as Rosaline nodded her head. "I actually won it for my presentation on a cyber security algorithm I created. One of the reps who was in charge of the competition works for the admissions department at MIT in their cyber security and computer science program. I...I got offered a full paid scholarship to MIT for their computer science and cyber security program for the start of the Winter term after the holidays."

"MIT that is awesome, I'm so happy for you," she smiled hugging her friend. "Wow your hacking and hi tech computer skills are paying off. Oh, you have that look on your face debating whether or not it would be alright for you to go."

"Hey just because we were chosen to be Power Rangers it doesn't mean we should stop living our lives," Virgil reassured. "Look at the rest of the gang. Heck we been scattered throughout different parts of the world for the last six months. Shouldn't the powers that be award us for our latest battle by giving us a chance to experience life in the real world?"

"Virgil is right Aidan we'll all still be here and no matter wherever we all are, we're all best friends for life," Chan added. "Always and forever. This is an opportunity for you to put your skills and talents to the test. Those people saw something special that day during the competition and the potential you'll bring to MIT."

"I spent most of my time perfecting my skills underground learning everything I can from binary coding to algorithm, decryption and encryption and everything else I needed to know. At times my skills and talents got me into trouble and made me cross that grey line. I'm not as IQ genius smart as Quincy but I have my moments." Aidan explained. "I just wanted to be sure if you guys would be okay even though it's ridiculous to ask for permission. Since Virgil and Chan will be the only two members of our team left to hold down the fort I made sure you two don't kill each other in the loft."

"Yeah we got word from Kenji and Grace they need a place to crash and Bianca and Shi-Ann has the futon to sleep on whenever she pops into town," Virgil and Chan replied. "We'll be fine and the team isn't going anywhere nor our friendship."

"I just want to make sure...because I already confirmed my registration for the upcoming Winter Semester. However, if anything goes wrong like the others said including Rosie here, we're just one tap on our communicators away," Aidan replied. "We'll be back in Angel Grove in no time."

"Well I'm glad you didn't pass up MIT Aidan," Rosaline said. "I'm sure you'll do great things and show them where your potential will take you. I don't know how long we'll hold our tenure as Power Rangers for, but no matter what we'll always be best friends for life, each and every single one of us. Always and forever."

Rosaline looked at the time and saw that she needed to head home to her parents. After saying goodbye to Aidan and Chan, Virgil offered to give her a ride back to the boarding house and informed her that the rest of their friends would be arriving the following day. As the couple was getting ready to leave, they accidentally bumped into a local shopper as they helped gather the shopping bags up.

"We're so sorry we didn't see you there sir," they apologize as the shopper simply nodded. "Take care and Merry Christmas."

"Same to you dearies," the shopper replied and pulled something out of their pocket giving it to Rosaline. "Merry Christmas to you both...est in potentia."

"I'm probably guessing it's a holiday greeting in some foreign language," Rosaline simply said disregarding it as she and Virgil drove off. The shopper watch the couple depart staring at them with intrigue. He looked up to the sky and said something no one can hear. "...Ut eso, qui serviunt ei..."

(The Scott Residence)

"Not bad for a big girl bed from Wayfair huh Jas? And you were skeptical about Tommy and I buying our goddaughter from an online furniture shop," Kimberly reassured her "big brother" as she and Kat watched Tommy and Jason assemble the new bed she and Tommy bought for their goddaughter. Tommy and Kim stopped by Jason and Kat's place with the kids to help Jason and Kat set up Sophie's new bed in the nursery.

"A 3-in-1 convertible toddler bed, you outdid yourself little sis," Jason smiled. "Sophie is going to love it. So you two decided on which bed would be a perfect Christmas gift for your goddaughter?"

"Pretty much even though it was my credit card that was used to pay for it," Tommy jokingly teased. "Kim here had the interior voice. Just make sure your daughter doesn't go jumping on her new bed. Gabriel tested out his new bed by jumping on it."

"Don't worry Tommy I'll keep the receipt on hand and then phone you guys for an exchange," Kat laughed as she heard Aaron talking on the phone again. The four of them peeked out of the nursery for a second to hear the oldest Scott child talking on his cellphone. She sighed as she went back into the nursery to rejoin the others.

For Jason and Kat they thought it was time for Sophie to finally get her very first bed after she made a couple of jailbreaks from her crib. Their youngest little baby was already two years old and the couple thought at her age she was ready for her own bed. They were startled when Sophie's godparents opted to get the young Scott toddler a bed paid for by her godparents and as a Christmas present which they promptly accepted. Katherine was satisfied with the choice of toddler bed that Tommy and Kimberly picked out for Sophie and showed it to them online.

On the other hand, it was Jason they needed to convince to let them buy the bed for their daughter. It was amusing seeing the former Red and Gold Ranger voice his opinion to his best friends on what to buy his "little princess." However, leave it to Kimberly to convince her big brother that Sophie would like her new bed as he and Tommy finally finished assembling it. Minutes later, Claire came into the nursery with Sophie for her little sister to see her new big girl bed.

"Gosh Aaron talks too much on the phone," Claire commented. "Every week there's some new girl he's talking to. Sooner or later mommy and daddy are going to take his cellphone away because he texts too much as well."

"And who's idea was it to give our twelve year old son a cellphone for his birthday?" Kat teased. "Our phone line is busy half the night because the female population of Angel Grove Junior High is calling our house wanting to talk to our son. The thought of our boy dating...yeah you know what I'll let you handle that one Jas."

"Hey we made a deal Kitty-Kat when we get to that road. You deal with Aaron's dating life once he hits puberty and I'll look out for the girls' dating life and make sure they're single girls until they're thirty." Tommy and Kimberly both laughed at their friends' playful banters about their kids.

"Of course Jason's solution when dealing with potential suitors for his little princesses. Make sure no one dates daddy's little girls or suffer a beatdown." Tommy laughed.

"Don't you start with me Tommy besides we're already heading down that road with the twins. Oh and even though Rosie is already twenty years old it still doesn't help that you keep on reminding our daughter's boyfriend not to hurt our little girl or you'll break his neck bit."

"Unc Tom, Auntie Kim, big girl bed, wow!" Sophie said, running to her new bed when she decided her parents and godparents were taking too long.

"Well Sophie wasn't going to wait anymore to see her early Christmas present!" Claire said following her little sister.

The four were happy to see Sophie enjoy her new bed and showing Claire the new bed sheets, pillows and stuffed toys that were outfitted. It was nice for them to just hang out and spend time with their children without worrying about impending danger. Six months has passed and it was still surreal to them that there was this moment of peace and tranquility. The original veterans still had their days overseeing and reaffirming the survival of the future Line of Power and restoring the Ranger Initiative Program. It was a new era and new regime at the helm which made them question where do things go from here. A little while later, Rosaline showed up at Jason and Kat's house to meet up with her family as the couple invited Tommy, Kimberly and the kids to stay for dinner.

It gave both families time to catch up and hear about Rosaline's latest stories about Juilliard and the latest news in regards to the Twilight Rangers. The veterans loved hearing Rosaline's latest updates in regards to her friends since these group of Rangers held a special place inside their hearts. Over the last few years they come to view these particular Rangers not just as their original potentials and proteges they trained, but somewhere down the line these young Rangers came to view the original veterans more than just mentors. They became somewhat of second parental and familial figures who helped guide them and offered advice on how to cope with the changes going on in their lives. These young Rangers were the next generation and waiting down the road where they too would be mentors to the next line and future group of Rangers.

"So the other Rangers will arrive tomorrow and you guys will be at NASADA?" Tommy asked. "You know it's not necessary for you guys to temporarily relinquish your Power Morphers. The power won't leave you guys we can assure that."

"You guys passed the Denizen's trials and the Twilight Ranger powers are bonded to you guys once you each obtained the Sacred Flames of Power." Jason said.

"I know and so do the others that we're now the successors to the Denizens of Twilight." Rosaline stated. "The Twilight powers are bonded to us now with or without the use of the Power Morphers. We just feel for the time being we want to explore what the world has to offer. We've been doing that for the last six months living out our lives. At least with all the battles we fought with Satsu, the powers that be rewarded us with this time of calm and peace. It's something we're not going to take for granted come the day we find ourselves entangled in another battle against the forces of evil."

"We know that feeling," Kat replied. "What it feels like to pass the torch. It was hard for me, Tommy, Tanya and Adam to pass our Turbo Powers over to TJ, Cassie, Ashley and Carlos. However, it came at a time where the powers that be felt we already paid our dues for fulfilling our tenure as Power Rangers."

"Katherine is right. Eventually you guys will come to a point where it will become time to choose your successors." Kimberly added. "However, the choice and time when that all will be decided is all up to you and your team. On the contrary, at least we can enjoy this time of peace and relaxation until the next big bad decides to take a stab at attempting to destroy the world."

"And also with the aftermath of our last battle we need to rebuild. It's a new era and a new world order and just trying to be the new supposed governing body and order is a lot to ask. The Order of the Meridian chose us to be the new council but like any form of government, we're all about given power to the people." Tommy explained.

"Does it get any easier? When will you know the time is right to step back and choose someone to continue something you started?" Rosaline asked looking at the children in the living room.

Hearing from her parents and their friends their accounts when they passed on their powers to their successors made her think about her tenure. She had come to accept this was her reality since she was sixteen. She wonder if her parents and their friends ever imagine themselves once again being at the helm of all of this and being task to govern the new era of the Line of Power. She thought about her siblings and the other children of the original veterans wondering when their time will come to take the mantle and follow the footsteps of their parents. However, their talks about Christmas presents and the holidays made Rosaline reconsider and with the same thought her parents had just wanted the next generation to enjoy their childhoods and life normally as possible.

Throughout dinner, Tommy and Kimberly revealed to Jason and Kat their thoughts about selling the boarding house. With most of the Rangers away from Angel Grove and only coming back periodically and living their own lives, it made them reevaluate the future of their family. At the same time, they were contemplating if they can give up the boarding house since it held so many memories for their family and for their Ranger family also. Unfortunately, the possible idea of Tommy and Kimberly selling the boarding house surprised their closet friends, but also the children and it was a conversation that possibly trampled the festive mood for the little get together.


The dinner at Jason and Kat's house ended on a somewhat somber mood and the next day showed evidence of that. It took less than 24 hours for Tommy and Kimberly's news of possibly selling the boarding house to reach the rest of the original veterans and Rangers. Also, it was evident when the couple arrived the following day at NASADA with their kids to meet up with the other last night wasn't the right time to reveal their idea. The thought of their parents selling the boarding house brought upon a feeling of uncertainty as it held so many memories not only for their family, but for everyone else.

For Tommy and Kimberly, trying to reassure their children that they haven't made a decision in regards to their family's future didn't fare Rosaline rather catch up with her friends and give the latest updates about their lives, the others thought it be best to hear from the golden Power couple about the rumors.

"Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to tell the kids about the possibility of selling the boarding house," Kimberly sighed as the twins and Gabriel gave their parents the silent treatment all morning. She sighed as she placed a hand on her pregnant belly. "Not one of them is talking to us, including our two year old son."

"Well for the two of you to blurt out the notion of selling the boarding house didn't suit well with them," Jason added. "It's a normal thing for kids to react that way about the possibility of relocating and moving."

"But we haven't decided anything yet," Tommy argued. "And our children think we already made the decision. Hence, the silent treatment."

"Just out of curiosity, was it your intention to ruin Christmas for your kids?" Rocky asked but received a death glare from Aisha for his insensitive comments.

"No Rocky we didn't want to purposely ruin the holidays for the kids. We're not those type of parents to do something as heartless as that." It wasn't enough to hear arguments from their children about selling the boarding house for Tommy and Kimberly. They also took into consideration the opinions of their friends and the Rangers starting to see what the place meant to them.

"We wanted to ask what's making you guys consider selling the boarding house?" Billy asked. "Technically it belongs to Kimberly's family and it's been apart of the town for hundreds of years. Don't worry about your kids, they're just overreacting over something that they feel uncertain about. However, speaking on behalf of the others here hearing the possibility of you two selling the boarding house startled us."

"It's just we're thinking about what's best for the kids, especially with our unborn child on the way. Originally, the idea for Anton to restore the old Hart Boarding House was as a base of operations to house the potential Rangers and train them. After we found out about Rosaline and then adopting the twins and Gabriel's birth we got our second chance at a life and family together in the midst of the whole Ranger business." Kimberly explained.

"Now those potential Rangers are now serving their tenure as the active team and are grown up. They're living their lives for now out in the real world and only come back to Angel Grove periodically unless otherwise. We're at this point in our lives whether or not we'll still have any prominent roles in looking out for the next generation. We thought about it for awhile but then something is holding us back." Tommy added looking at his friends.

"And what would that be?" Justin asked.

"Despite what the original purpose of the boarding house was suppose to serve in the beginning, it was more than a house for our family to live in. It...became a home for all of us." The couple continued. "We didn't care if it has a dozen rooms and a secret lab underneath or faced the lake, there are a lot of memories and moments created in that house. We're starting to realize that the place holds a meaning to all of us in many different ways."

"So the question becomes if you're ready to let it go and move on," Jason replied. "Like you two said it's more than just a house or a base of operations. It stands for something more and you guys have to figure that out."

While the original veteran Rangers continued to discuss with Tommy and Kimberly the outcome of the boarding house, the ten Twilight Rangers convened down in the now infamous "Vault 815." It was there almost two years ago they began their tenure as the newest team of Power Rangers. Their first run was memorable and full of twists and turns that pushed them over the limit of expectations. When the decision came for them to temporarily relieve themselves of their morphers they reassured their mentors it wasn't the end. For now, they wanted to reap the benefits of their hard fought victory and explore everything life has to offer.

However, the news about Tommy and Kimberly possibly selling the boarding house was putting a damper on their annual holiday visit to Angel Grove. Although Rosaline and her siblings heard from their parents nothing hasn't been confirmed, it still left a cloud of uncertainty. Instead of relishing over the start of their "Ranger Sabbatical" this was leaving the Rangers wondering if this was an end of an era as they prepared to seal up Vault 815 for the time being.

"So Bianca, where is your supernatural road trip leading you this time?" Christian asked.

"Ash and I have been in New Orleans for the past month checking out the local supernatural scene." Bianca explained recounting her latest travels. "We've been helping RJ through his transition phase and Merrick got in contact with us. He's been getting acquainted with the original seven wolfpacks that all reside in Louisiana: Deep Water, Malraux, BasRoq, Barry, Poldark, Paxon and Crescent. It was from the original seven wolf lines, the werewolves are derived. My father said if I wanted to reconnect with my supernatural roots New Orleans is the beacon of mystical and supernatural activity."

"Wow keeping in touch with your roots huh?" Desmond replied. " it both the Highlander and the Necromancy you're homing in on?"

"A bit of both Desmond. I met with the Elders from the nine covens of New Orleans along with the Regent: The French Quarter, Treme Coven, Ninth Ward, Garden District, Algiers, Gentilly. Obeah, The Kindred and the Monts-Vivants. Regents are usually the big heads that govern the witch community in the Big Easy. There's a truce that they have among the different supernatural factions residing. It's like the supernatural capital of the world and it's the norm there. My father's reputation and name is known among the different factions, he actually spent time years ago in New Orleans."

"At least one of us is still keeping tabs on the supernatural community here," Penny stated. "I mean with everything that has happened with the Acadians it's still a rebuilding process. Satsu's dead and buried back in Japan though I would have opted to light the bugger on fire."

"What's done is done and Michu Asaukai was able to give her niece, husband and two sons a proper burial despite what they did," Rosaline said as she was the last person to place her Power Morpher in the container. Quincy did the honors of sealing up the vault by inputting the code combination that they familiarize themselves with. "4, 8, 15, 15, 23, 42. Nothing like six numbers from Lost to lock up this vault."

"I guess this is the start of our sabbatical huh?" Quincy slightly smiled. "I guess this is over huh?"

"Not really and as we just said we're on sabbatical for now." Rosaline reassured the group. "The world is still going to need the Power Rangers and since there are so many of us out there. They'll be waiting for the call of fate and destiny and guys don't think it's over. After all we been through, for now one battle is finished and we should reap the benefits of our rewards. We'll be back and definitely we all stay in touch I don't care how we contact one another can't imagine life without my best friends around."

"Yeah we're all best friends for life: always and forever," Virgil smiled putting his arm around his girlfriend. "No matter how far the distance we are away from each other there is always a place that stays constant with us. We'll always find our way back to the place that unites us and what we call our home away from home..."

"If it's still there," Shi-Ann sighed thinking about the boarding house. "The boarding was our second home when we couldn't be with our loved ones. Somewhere down the road we all became a family and with someone with experience growing up without a real family we don't know what will happen."

"Tell me about it Shi-Ann. I mean when we first came to Angel Grove we thought we were just using that boarding house as a base of operations and for training. I was going through a rough time after losing my adopted parents but then finding my biological parents and reuniting with them was surreal. That house became more than a base of operations and training. It became home for not only me but for each and everyone of us. I'm not mad at my mom and dad it's just a bombshell they're considering it but I have to understand their reasons."

"The idea to focus on what's best for your brothers and sister considering your mom is pregnant," Chan added.

"We all shared a lot of good times at that house didn't we?" Aidan replied as each of them smiled thinking. "If I could ask for one thing for Christmas is not for everything around us to change quickly. The boarding house being one of them."

"I wish for the same thing too pal," Rosaline said. "Four years that place has been my home and a place I live with my family and friends. Let's just hope everything isn't changing so fast because that place is the one thing that stays constant among all of us. Whatever my parents decide I have to respect their decision knowing they're putting our family's interest first. Christmas wouldn't be the same spending it somewhere that doesn't feel like home."

(The Juice Bar)

Initially the plan after they finished up at NASADA was to help out Zack, Kat and Kimberly organize and get everything ready for the children's Christmas Party. Unfortunately once they arrived at the Juice Bar, they found the trio in the midst of setting up for another event. The other veterans watched as Zack, Kat and Kimberly were in the middle of a stress filled conversation.

"Damnit it slipped our minds that had the Juice Bar already booked for Saturday night," Zack sighed looking at the scheduling book. "It was for the Winter Formal Dance for Angel Grove High. Great, we can't hold the Christmas Party here. Girls, I'm really sorry for messing up the schedules."

"It's not your fault Zack these things happen," Kimberly reassured her friend. "We know it's been hard since BJ's birth. We can't say no to Appleby because they already had the down deposit first to rent out the place and they can't refund the tickets and DJ. Curtis said that you'll oversee the even this weekend and I gave him the spare keys to the Juice Bar."

"So the question is where are we going to find a venue to host the Children's Christmas Party in forty eight hours? We got all theses presents, a catering order that was suppose to be used for one event that is being used for a bunch of high school students, no furniture and we need somewhere to store all of this stuff. Plus we have to call up the adults and children attending the party to tell them the venue changed." Kat said.

"And where is the new venue going to be exactly?" Zack asked while Kimberly continued to watch the custodial staff set up for the Angel Grove High's dance.

"Well we better figure out something because these kids are looking forward to this Christmas Party this year." Kat said.

The last thing neither of them wanted was to cancel the Children's Christmas Party. This year they had the children from Little Angels Haven attending the party and a lot the presents they bought were going to be donated to the kids at the shelter. Suddenly, an idea came to her as she called Rosaline and her friends.

"Guys, I think I might know of a place but we need to work fast." Kimberly smiled getting her daughter's attention, the young Rangers and then formulating a plan to solve their problem. "Rosaline! I need you guys to go to Rocky and Adam's dojo and ask them to borrow the tables and chairs they use for their open house events. Also, ask Aisha for her contact list of PR vendors and even planners. Kat, can you get Jason to transport all the presents using his pick up truck? We'll store the presents at the boarding house. Here, Zack will give you all the contact numbers of the guests coming inform them where the new venue will be."

"And where exactly is the new venue?" Kat and Zack asked. "Please tell us you have a plan."

"Don't worry we're not cancelling the Children's Christmas Party and forty-eight hours gives us enough time to have everything ready. We got a platoon and besides we were able to plan last minute events." Kimberly then pulled out one of the business credit cards they use for business purpose at the Juice Bar. "There are still a few more decorations and party supplies we need. Just use our party lists and get everything for us will you? We really appreciate it."

"So mom once we get everything on the list, where are we going to deliver it?" Rosaline asked as Kimberly smiled at her daughter.

"To the boarding house," Kimberly smiled as the others stared in awe. It was something she wanted to suggest and the boarding house was a big enough venue to hold the children's Christmas Party. "The house is capable enough of hosting a big party. If the Asukai-Matsuki's were able to host one at the old Barnes mansion why can't we host the children's party at our house? We have a big enough yard for an outdoor party, a lot of space and we can get everything set up in no time."

(The Boarding House)

The boarding house was actively busy and in the midst of holiday havoc once Kimberly arrived home to tell Tommy and the kids the news about the annual Children's Christmas Party. Once she informed her family of the news within the next hour the house was filled with a party planning crew Kat and Zack were overseeing to begin setting up. The three enlisted the help of their friends and the Rangers to help prepare everything in the next forty-eight hours. Although the children were a little upset to hear that the Youth Center was already booked for Angel Grove High's annual winter formal dance, they didn't mind that the holiday party was moved. However, the three did emphasize the majority of their guests coming were from the children's shelter and reminded them about the value of giving back to the less fortunate. After forty-eight hours of last minute planning, organizing and sacrificing a couple of hours of sleep, everything was good to go.

When the day of the annual holiday party arrived, the boarding house was busy and lively with the holiday spirit. Thanks to the efforts and assistance of their friends and the Rangers, the event was going smoothly without any problems. The event planning crew they used through one of Aisha's vendor contacts provided valets to help park the guest cars around the area. The house was nicely decorated both inside and outside in the yard and there were a lot of fun activities set up to entertain the kids. The party guests and the children marveled at the size of the boarding house and complimented Tommy and Kimberly for hosting the annual children's party. Justin and Tanya arrived with the bus full of children from the Little Angels Haven shelter who were excited over the holiday party and presents. Their friends complimented on organizing a party that was put together in only the span of forty-eight hours but there was not one negative comment from the guests.

"You know for a Christmas Party put together and relocated at the last minute, I must admit you guys outdid yourself Beautiful," Tommy smiled as he and Kimberly observed the festivities of the party. The house was lively and everyone was enjoying themselves as she gently placed a hand on her pregnant stomach.

"Well we couldn't let the guests and kids from the shelter down and besides, our house does have a lot of historical history to it," Kimberly smirked. "For a party slapped together at the last minute we sure did a good job on making a festive holiday." She sighed for a moment and then smiled. "I like this feeling, Handsome."

"And what feeling is that babe?" he asked.

"That everything feels like home and there is this warm presence that fills the house. Everyone is happy and not worrying about coming up with battle strategies. Our friends and family are finally able to celebrate the holidays together and the best thing is that I'm here celebrating the holidays with my white falcon."

"Yeah I like that feeling of warmth too, love. This is what we wished for, what we wanted and what we worked and fought for. We might be the governing body of the new order or era, or whatever we call it. We struggle trying to find a balance between normalcy and fealty to fulfill an oath and duty. Sometimes we have to make sacrifices for the greater good but that's who we are and we do this for moments like this. The reward for peace and tranquility from a hard fought battle."

"You're right Tommy and that's's not time yet to be making memories in a place that doesn't feel like home to the children." Kimberly said with a smile. "Maybe we were rushing into things and didn't see things at first. When we first came back here, you and me thought we would just be using my ancestor Nathan Hart's boarding house as a base of operation. It was just about the mission at first but then it became more than that. This is where we built and rebuilt our family. This is where we were reunited with our oldest daughter, adopted the twins and gave them a new home and family with us, where Gabriel took his first steps and where our next little will also."

"This may have been used originally for the mission but it's more than that. This place is our home, our children's home and a place that provides comfort and sanctuary for our friends and family." Tommy replied. "This may have been your ancestor's house once Kim, but these last few years have brought so many memories for us that I don't think we're ready to let go yet. Where home is or what we call it as long as you and the kids are with me that is all that matters. Through thick and thin no matter what I love you, always and forever." Kimberly smiled and nodded as she gently squeezed Tommy around the waist. He returned the hug but careful not to crush his wife's belly.

"So we're going to reconsider our idea aren't we? This is probably the best Christmas present the children will get." The couple's moment was soon interrupted when four pair of prying eyes spotted their parents making out. Gabriel let out a giggle to get the couple's attention.

"Yucky!" Gabriel yelped smiling while Rosaline was carrying him with the twins standing on each side of their big sister.

"Okay how long have you all been standing there?" they asked their kids.

"Long enough to hear what we wanted to hear, but we want to make sure." Rosaline said staring at her parents suspiciously. "So...are you guys reconsidering? You're not going to sell the boarding house?"

"Are you children still going to be mad at us if we tell you that we're not ready to make new memories in a house that doesn't feel like home?"

"We can't stay mad at you guys besides it wouldn't do us good for our wish lists," the twins joked as their parents eyed them. "Okay sorry small joke, small joke."

"Look we're sorry for overreacting and it was wrong of us to be acting like such brats," Rosaline apologized. "I know you guys were thinking what was best for our family and we didn't mean to disrespect you both, especially around the holiday season. If you're doing this just to make us feel better than we don't want to guilt you into making a decision you'll regret. Whatever you two decide we promise we'll be the supportive children you've raised and love us."

"Kids you have nothing to apologize for and you have a right to react the way you did," Tommy assured the kids. "Your mom and I made this decision because we felt it was the right one we felt in our hearts. Despite all the craziness and mayhem that will come and go in our family, this house is our home. This is where we intend to raise you kids because it feels natural. We've only been together as a family for a couple of years and we're not ready to make new memories in a new place just yet. In the end we realized that the boarding house meant a lot to not only our family, but everyone else who have come and gone from here."

"We don't know what is going to happen down the road or what might come next. However, what your father and I want you children to know is you kids will always be our first priority in life." Kimberly added. "This isn't usually the ideal life we had for your kids growing up knowing about monsters and superheroes. However, it doesn't mean that you'll have a normal life. This is our family home and this is where we're going to keep on continuing to make memories whether it be celebrating birthdays, holidays, any special moments this is where it will happen. It's the one thing we can't take away from you guys, especially not during the holidays."

After Tommy and Kimberly finish making amends with their children, the family went back in the main area to rejoin the festivities. The smiles on the faces of their family, friends and guests was all they can ask for. The couple watched their best friends distribute the Christmas presents to the children from the shelter and then give Tommy and Kimberly thanks for hosting such an amazing party. Jason and Kat noticed their two best friends as they walked over to them.

"I take it everything worked out alright with your Oliver brood?" Jason replied. "So the little birds still on the outs with the falcon and crane?"

"We've managed to patch things up with our kids," Tommy reassured his friends. "And hopefully they're all trying to score brownie points with us in order to upgrade their Christmas wish lists."

"Well it's good to hear," Kat said smiling. "Besides, Jason and I couldn't imagine driving to some new house Christmas morning to drop your presents off."

"Don't worry Katherine we promise you and our kids we're not looking to put this place on the market anytime soon." Kimberly added. "For now, it just feels right being here despite all the craziness and mayhem our fealty to the line of Power does to us. This is life as we know it and have to deal with."

"Kim has a point. One battle maybe over but somewhere or at some point we have to prepare ourselves for what comes ahead. We've done this routine before and now it's a new era and new world order. We promise each other one thing? No matter what happens, we keep our priorities straight first: the people we love."

"This is our life as we know for so many years but don't worry bro," Jason replied looking at his children. "Katherine and I have our priorities straight: everything we do and what we fight for is Aaron, Claire and Sophie. That's our legacy and our life, something we're going to protect with our lives until our last breaths."

"I'm in the same vote as Jason, we protect our children and ensure they are granted peace and normalcy in their lives." Kat said. "The line and legacy of Power doesn't extend not only to the Twilight Rangers and every other potential Ranger in training, but our children as well."

"Our legacy, our line of Power which we need to keep safe and prepare in the near future," Kimberly added looking around. "And I think this place still has a lot memories left to build whether it be in our personal and family lives or continuing to fulfill our fealty and mission."

"However there is something we need to do first," Tommy spoke up as the three of them turned to their infarct leader. "Let...them grow up still and when the time comes for them to fulfill their fates and destinies, we'll be there for them. For now, let just enjoy life as we know and go back to enjoying the party."

From outside the boarding house and inside, the scene unfolding watching the holiday festivities and the Rangers both old and new celebrate the holiday season. Unknown to the occupants and guests inside the house and outside in the yard resuming their activities, a few observers kept a watchful eye on the line of Power. One of the spectators was maneuvering an iron coin in their hands.

"...Ut eso, qui serviunt ei..." they simply muttered. "It has been done, the remnants of the old regime have been atoned for. May you both find rest and peace beyond this veil and in the next life, Gratias Meum."

"They have finally gotten justice on the defiler, Domine Mi." the other observer replied. "Cassius' legacy, his line has finally be diminished. He deserved the punishment that was dealt with and the line of Power will no longer have to contend with the Progeny of the Source. When will the time come to us to emerge?"

"All in due time my fledgling. The battle with the Acadians is over, but another war will bring upon the winds of change for the new era. They must be ready. Atticus spent his entire existence fulfilling his fealty and oath to the Order of the Meridian, I will ensure Atticus' legacy will continue on and keep watch over the Line of Power."

(Author's Notes: Alright it's finally over and yes, I did leave it on sort of a cliffhanger. I gave a small preview of the players in the upcoming story and I am currently working on the third and final story of this trilogy. I hope you all enjoyed the story and I thank you very much for reading it and for all your support. If anyone has any concerns or inquiries about what the story or what to expect for the next one please feel free to PM me and I'll be more than welcome to answer any questions you have. I appreciated all the reviews and feedback!)