A/N The manner of Uther's death in The Wicked Day was obviously very traumatic for Merlin. He looked completely devastated as he spoke to Gauis in the passage way afterwards and i found this to be the most upsetting part of the all four series, so far. This is my attempt to twist what happened a little bit, so that Merlin still has some hope that Arthur might one day accept magic, and therefore Merlin himself.
This will be a two-shot. The first part turned out to be a bit of a ranting Morgana fic.

It had not been her original intention to be present at Uther's death. She thought she'd hide out in her hovel and wait for her messenger and favorite puppet, Agravaine, to deliver the news to her that the deed was done.
When the time came though, Morgana couldn't stay away. The desire to see her nemesis take his last breath and to experience his last ever mortal moment, had been too great. The chance to feel the deep thrill vengeance produced in her and the simultaneous opportunity to display her magical prowess to Arthur was irresistible.

Morgana had perfected the art of sneaking into and around Camelot long ago. She knew exactly where the guards were posted and their numbers, she knew which routes to take in order to remain undetected and she knew how to move noiselessly and invisibly (a little bit of magic often helped in this regard). If necessary, a mere thought quickly dealt with anybody who dared approach her or question her presence. She had no qualms about killing anyone who stood in her path – her sole purpose for living was to reclaim the throne of Camelot and she didn't care the human cost of her retribution.

So it was she found herself hidden within the King's chambers as Arthur and the old sorcerer began their secretive endeavor to heal Uther of his mortal wound using magic.

It had required all her efforts to keep herself from fleeing when she got her first good look at the sorcerer Arthur had employed. That useless Agravaine only told her he was an old man, but Morgana knew him as Emrys. He was the much feared enemy of her vision that the Cailleach told her would be her destiny and her doom. If she'd known it was him, she mightn't have come. She wasn't ready for a face to face confrontation with a sorcerer who clearly held such powerful magic.

Bloody Agravaine. Maybe it wouldn't be long before he out lived his usefulness.

As the one she knew as Emrys performed the final incantation and Uther started to breath deeply again she heard Arthur's voice; a burst of relieved laughter, followed by Uther's voice greeting his son.

Wait for it dear brother, she scowled and smirked silently, hidden away behind the dressing screen. She knew her enchanted pendant would act immediately upon the magic Emrys just spelled, turning it into a weapon for murder.

Sure enough, a few seconds later she heard a few desperate gasps for air and then a pathetic, grief filled cry of, "What's happening?" from Arthur. She didn't need to hear the sorcerer reply to him that Uther was dead, as she could feel it - a nauseating lurch followed by a lingering, twisting sensation deep within her soul.

All her previous fear of Emrys was blown away in an adrenaline burst of triumph. She'd don it! She'd brought about the death of the man who'd made her hate herself, who'd caused her to feel such confusion, guilt, pain and self disgust. The man she once trusted and loved as a father but who'd damaged her beyond reason with his arrogance, cruelty and vindictiveness. The power coursing through her veins made her dizzy.

She heard Arthur's accusing tone as he yelled at the old warlock, "What have you done?"

Morgana could contain herself no longer. She shoved the screen aside and swept across the room, her black cloak swirling dramatically behind her.

"It wasn't him you simpleton! I did this! I killed our loving Father!" Morgana leered at Prince Arthur. There was no way anybody was going to take credit for her magnificent success. "You were so pathetically desperate to save him. Using magic Arthur? What were you thinking?" She sneered sarcastically at him.

Emrys was staring at her in obvious confusion – first at her, then at Arthur. He was shaking his head from side to side and he looked almost….guilty.

"Don't worry old man," she was downright cocky by now. "There was nothing wrong with your spell. I enchanted an amulet which if you'd bothered to check hangs around dear father's neck. My charm reversed your magic and increased it's power tenfold so that it killed him instead of saving him. Really Arthur, what thanks do you think you would've gotten from Uther if he knew you'd saved his life with the one thing he despises most in the world?" Her eyes burned with hatred more than a little lunacy.

It was going well so far. A dead King and Arthur guilt ridden and broken by betrayal. Perfect!

Arthur was dumb struck with grief and shock. He was trying to get himself to move – call the guards, apprehend this evil creature he used to call his sister, do something! Her deliberate, planned cruelty rendered him unable to move.

"Morgana," he mumbled in horror. Her actions were causing a stab of savage pain and torment through his heart. Gods, he used to love her! The betrayal she'd already dealt him and Uther when she took over Camelot with Morgause had been horrific enough. He had just started to build up his emotional defenses again after the damage done by those events, and now this. How could she have ended up so evil, so malicious?

"He's our father Morgana." Arthur's misery laden voice continued. His expression was laced with anguish and confusion, tears welling in his eyes. Morgana felt no guilt or remorse – she was far too addled by evilness and her overwhelming need for vengeance.

"It's really all your doing Arthur. Think about it. You wanted to save him with magic. This is what resulted." She gestured at Uther's prone form on the bed. She couldn't stop the demented laugh that escaped from her mouth.

Although she was overcome with her own success, it hadn't completely gone without Morgana's notice that the almighty Emrys had not said a word yet. Surely if he was her doom he would act against her somehow?

"What about you?"She taunted him. "How do you fell about all this?"

The old sorcerer seemed to come out of his trance as he finally moved, raising his right arm toward her and beginning some sort of incantation in the language of magic. Morgana was ready for him though and before he completed anything, she rapidly uttered a chant she'd practiced repeatedly of late and a violent twist of air swirled like a protective shield around her. The vortex screamed louder and louder, causing debris to fly round the room wildly. As the strength of the tornado finally reached a crescendo, Morgana vanished from Arthur and Merlin's view, transfiguring herself out of the castle and out of danger.

An exhausted and heartbroken Arthur dropped to his knees in despair. He crawled over to the bed where Uther lay and buried his face in the sheets, sobbing quietly.

Dragoon/Merlin tried to bring some solace to the anguishd Arthur, "Young Prince, don't listen to the witch. You acted out of love for your father. My spell was working - you saw that for yourself. We were so close."

Arthur, still crazed with grief, looked up at the elderly sorcerer. "Get out. Now. Magic is evil. My Father was right!" he screamed at Dragoon/Merlin.

"No, no, no you're wrong - it is the user that is evil, not the magic itself. Please believe me Sire, I wanted to help!" Dragoon/Merlin was desperte by now to try and salvage something from this horrible mess. Arthur was beyond reason though. In his despair he clung to the beliefs instilled in him for a lifetime.

"Get out! Before I have you executed!"Using his anger as a source of strength, Arthur raised himself to his feet again and stalked toward the sorcerer menacingly. "Get out of Camelot! If I ever see you again I'll have you burnt at the stake!" The rage was clear in Arthur's face and baring. His expression was contorted and spittle flew from his mouth as he yelled.

Dragoon/Merln really had only one option left to him - turn and flee. He'd barely rounded the corner in the hallway outside the King's chambers when he heard Arthur shouting for the guards.

A/N I can't say I've ever had much sympathy for Morgana. To me, it was clear that she was going to turn out evil. (Due to the Arthurian legends i suppose). I hope i managed to convey her unhappiness as well as her rotteness!

Please drop me a review. Any opinion acknowldged.
The next chapter wil feature Merlin and Arthur's exchange about what happened.