The first thing that Kurt Puckerman noticed was that he was comfortably warm under soft blankets and the hard arms that held him close to an equally hard chest. The second thing he noticed was that there was an ache that ran up his spine anytime he shifted. Unable to catch himself, Kurt let out a soft groan as a sharper pain struck as he attempted to scoot closer to his husband.

"Kurt, are you ok?"

Kurt's eyes lifted to meet those of a groggy Noah who had awakened at his love's sign of discomfort. Kurt nodded his head and moved to kiss Noah's lips. Noah happily accepted the kiss and unconsciously pulled Kurt closer so that he has nearly on top of him.

"Noah, easy!" Kurt hissed as the movement brought more discomfort. Puck instantly stopped and the lips under Kurt's turned downward in a frown. Guilt panged in his chest as his husband breathed through his nose before opening his eyes again. Although Puck had been careful with his virgin mate, they had both been pretty heated and enjoyed one another very thoroughly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you," Puck whispered, stroking the other's cheek. Kurt surprised him when he just grinned down at the love of his life.

"O you hush now. There is nothing to be sorry for. We both knew there was going to be some repercussions after my first night but Noah, I don't regret any of it." Kurt laughed, turning his head to kiss the palm against his cheek. Puck smiled at the beautiful man and sat up slowly, keeping Kurt comfortably seated in his lap. Wrapping his other arm around Kurt's waist, his large hand cupped the flawless porcelain cheek as he leaned in for a deeper kiss. But Kurt only let him give a small peck.

"Noah, I love you but we both have morning breath and it kind of ruins the mood," Kurt smirked as Puck's jaw dropped before he smiled again and pecked Kurt on the nose. Moving his hand to slide across the back of his husband's shoulder, Noah gently picked the young man up off his lap and laid him on the bed before getting up.

"Fine, I'll go brush my teeth then. I'll bring you your," Puck teased as he moved toward the bathroom. Kurt smiled and turned his head toward the ceiling, his mind remembering the night before. Kurt moaned as he remembered a certain position he had experienced, too caught up in the memory to register a gloriously naked Noah standing by the bed. The deep voice brought him back to the present.

"Kurt, don't make those kind of noises if it's not me provoking them." Kurt only laughed and gazed up longingly at his husband.

"But it was you provoking them, or the memory of you to be exact." Noah chuckled and just shook his head before motioning for Kurt to lift his arms. Kurt did as instructed and wrapped them around Noah's neck as he was suddenly lifted, much like he was last night when they crossed the threshold. Kurt nuzzled his face into the crook of Puck's neck and caught the scent of mint.

"You brushed your teeth. I thought you were going to bring me my toothbrush in bed," Kurt teased, enjoying the feeling of Puck's laugh against him.

"Well I was going to but I thought you would appreciate a bath after you brushed your teeth and one trip is easier than two," Puck stated as he entered the bathroom, setting Kurt on the sink counter and handing him what he needed before turning to the bath and starting the water. Kurt began brushing but hummed in appreciation of the view as Puck leaned over the tub. Puck shot him a grin over his shoulder and shook his ass much to Kurt's appreciation. Kurt finished but stayed silent as he watched his husband add a few drops of lavender into the water and light the candles around the tub. If asked if the football player turned doctor was capable of such romantic habits while in high-school, Kurt would have laughed and asked if the person was mental. Now, Kurt would be worried if the man did stop being a helpless romantic.

Puck turned back to his husband and held out his arms which Kurt gladly accepted. "My Prince," Kurt whispered, kissing Puck's neck. Puck gently sat the man down in the tub before getting in behind him. Kurt instantly relaxed against the man's chest, enjoying the soft kisses behind his ear and down his neck.

"Only for my Princess," Puck whispered against his hair, fondly using the pet name from their friendship at the end of high school. Kurt shifted slightly with a wince which quickly turned into a gasp of pleasure as large hands ghosted over his lower stomach and inner thighs. Puck continued to press kisses against his neck and shoulders, occasionally turning Kurt's head to lazily kiss those plump lips. Kurt let out a soft mewl as one hand held his member in a loose grip, just barely ghosting over his skin as it moved. A louder moan passed his lips as Puck attacked his pleasure spot on his neck and the hand tightened its grip. The pleasure was beginning to build to a point where Kurt didn't noticed another hand slipping to his entrance. That was until a finger just barely brushed around the puckered entrance. Kurt gasped and shot a hand under the water to grab Puck's wrist.

"Noah, I'm sorry…I..I can't." Kurt stuttered. Puck pulled his hand away from Kurt's grasp and used it to tilt the smaller male's chin so that he could look into the hazel eyes he adored.

"Shh, it's ok there is nothing to apologize for, I should be the one apologizing. I am not trying anything, I am just checking to make sure you're ok. I'm sorry; I didn't mean to scare you." Puck apologized again. Kurt gave him a small smile and enclosed his smaller hand around the wrist again, moving it to his thigh.

"Puckerman, stop apologizing. Yes I am sore but deliciously so and the cause was so so worth it." Kurt reassured before closing the gap between their lips, pressing closer to the man. The hand around his cock began to stroke again, harder than before, and the fingers returned to Kurt's entrance. Kurt tensed as Puck checked him but did not break the kiss. The fingers finally pulled away much to Kurt's relief but then began running across his chest, pressing against the hardening nipples. Kurt tore away from the gasp and moaned, one hand grasping the strong thigh behind him while the other reached up and grabbed the back of Puck's neck. His hips began to move of their own accord and the man could not help but notice the hardness pressing against his back and Puck became aroused while watching Kurt.

"Noah, stop stop." Kurt panted. Puck obliged but couldn't help the confusion that passed his face but it was replaced by surprise when Kurt turned in his arms so that he was straddling his thighs, their chest pressed against each other. "I don't want to leave you out," Kurt whispered, his voice thick with lust. Looking down, Kurt's hand wrapped around them both and began to slide. Noah's back arched at the feeling and his own hand wrapped around Kurt's, adding more pressure. It was Kurt's turn to lean forward slightly and lick a stripe up the strong neck before placing love bites across his collar bone.

"Ah Kurt," Puck moaned as he ran a hand through his husband's soft hair, encouraging him to continue. Their hands began to move quicker, both eager to reach completion. Kurt suddenly latched onto Puck's own pleasure point and the darker man cried out as white ropes of cum splashed across both chests and hands. Not willing to let Kurt last too much longer, Puck pumped the man harder as he pushed his softening cock against the other. Not able to handle much more stimulation, Kurt gave a cry of his own and his essence mixed with his husband's.

Puck pressed kisses against Kurt's hair and whispered, "I love you." Kurt hummed as a form of reply against his shoulder and he wrapped both arms around Puck.

"Noah, you know there is no way I am bathing in this water now?" mumbled sleepily as his eyes began to drift shut.

Noah laughed and leaned forward to pull the drain. "I know, Princess."