Ficawesome Gift Exchange- 3some

Title: In the Eye of the Storm

Written for: Kuntrygal

Written By: Readingmama/Vampiremama

Rating: T

Summary/Prompt used: A couple meets in a snow storm

If you would like to see all the stories that are a part of this exchange visit the Facebook group: Fanficaholics Anon: Where Obsession Never Sleeps or add the C2 to get all the stories direct to your inbox.

A/N- Thank you so much to Dazzleme Cullen for beta'ing. And an extra huge thanks to ThisGuiltyBlood, if it wasn't for you, Beibs, this would have never made it. I bow down to all your knowledge of MI and strive to one day be just as cool as you. And last but not least, thank you to lvtwilight09 for making me a great banner, which you can see on Facebook.

This story is 5 chapters long.

Chapter 1- The Distress Call

I wiped the sweat off my brow. It was late November and the sun beat down on me in some unnatural way. Of course it wasn't unnatural here in Australia. I wasn't Australian by birth; in fact I was raised in Brooklyn. My mother moved us here on my sixteenth birthday, four years ago. She had told me it was no longer safe to stay there. I thought she meant cause of the rise in muggings, but what I didn't know, what very few people knew was that there were demons, and those demons were after me. Vampires, werewolves, and fairies, and those were only the half demons.

My mother Jocelyn had a somewhat colorful past in which she kept a secret for my whole life. But when her 'friend', Luke, who also turned out to be a werewolf and more shockingly, her lover, found out that Valentine was after me, we got the hell out of dodge, as they say. But not here. Here they'd just say, get the fuck out of town. The Australians are not a subtle people, but they do know how to have fun. Unfortunately I'm not allowed any of that, have to keep a low profile and all, so even though I am twenty I am still not allowed to leave the house at night. By the end of the day I don't have the energy to anyway.

It was apparently not enough to run away, now I was being trained as a Shadowhunter. Which sounds all bad-ass, but really it has been me training my butt off in combat and demonology for the last four years without ever seeing so much as a fang. Luke excluded, and I don't even want to talk about the time I had to pick him up because he shifted and wrecked his pants. Wrong, just wrong.

Now you might be wondering how my mother had a werewolf boyfriend when we were Shadowhunters. Well the truth is the half demons, or Downworlders as we called them, aren't the ones we tended to kill. Sure if they get out of hand, but we were really more like police to them. It's the real demons you had to watch out for. The Moloch, Drevack, and Ravener to mention a few, the last being something between a crocodile and a centipede, with a cluster of eyes on his forehead and a mouth full of sharp teeth. Now those things were nasty, or so the gruesome drawings in my textbook would suggest.

Now before you go thinking that the slimy bug like demon impregnated a human and that's how we have half demons, let me stop you. Demons infect humans with viruses, scratches and blood exchange and all that. It's why it can spread so quickly and why it is so dangerous. Still, better than having a demon baby claw out of your uterus, right?

I grabbed the knife out of my boot. My opponent lunged at me and I side stepped, causing him to trip and fall forward. When he fell to the ground, I landed on top of him bringing my knife down quickly but stopping before I punctured him.

"Okay, that's enough," the instructor called out. She was a pretty woman, blonde and in her early twenties. She never gave us a name, saying they weren't important. Fighting was the only thing that mattered. Needless to say, she wasn't my favorite.

The boy I had defeated, Aaron, rolled over and I offered him my hand to help him up. He looked at the knife in my hand and raised an eyebrow. I sheathed it back in my boot and then he took my hand.

"Nice job, Clary," he said. "You're getting better."

I grunted and nodded. I was sore, it was the first fight I had actually won. Most Shadowhunter children are trained from the moment they can walk. So I was about fifteen years behind everyone else. I picked up my stele, the most important tool for a Shadowhunter.

With the right markings, one could heal themselves, or put a protection spell on for a fight, or if in a pickle just use the stele to stab a bad guy with the pointy end. Marks were applied directly to the Shadowhunter, and they did sting, not to mention they left behind little scars when the marks faded, not that you were ever going to complain if they saved your life. But again, I had the scars but nothing to show for them.

I grabbed my backpack and started to make my way back to the apartments, a small group of housing provided for the members of the school. Mine was occupied by my mom and Luke.

"Hey, wait up," Aaron shouted from behind me.

I turned, a bit startled. I talked to people during classes and training, but pretty much after the first week when everyone learned I was in lock down, I didn't get much after class conversing. The boy that stood in front of me I had seen hundreds of times, I can't say I really knew him all that well, but now that I looked at him, I can't say I really looked at him all that clearly either. He was tall, well taller than me, and his hair was curly and sandy. He had rugged cheekbones and a strong build, but everyone around here did. I just never noticed his eyes, they were kind and smiling even though the rest of him looked nervous.

"What's up?" I asked, blushing at the obvious once over I gave him.

When he smiled, it was forced looking, but it was still cute. "I was wondering, if maybe you'd like to come over and watch a movie tonight, around seven?" I looked down, oh. "I mean, I know that your parents don't let you off the base, but I thought maybe they could let you out of their sight for a couple hours?"

I wanted to say yes, my heart was beating so fast. It had been a long time since anyone had shown any interest in me, and it felt really good.

"I'll have to check…but I'd like that," I replied.

"Yeah?" His smile was genuine now and I laughed.


Mom wasn't home when I arrived at the house. It was quiet and normally I would grab a book or flick on the television but I knew I had work to do if I was going to get her to agree to let me out. I started with the kitchen, tidying up the clutter and washing the dishes. Then I wiped down the counters and swept the floor. When that room looked done, I moved to the living room, dusting, vacuuming and cleaning up Luke's newspapers.

"What do you want?" Luke's voice startled me and I jumped.

With my hand on my chest and my heart thumping my voice didn't pull off the casualness I was hoping for. "Can't a girl just clean a room without the third degree every once in a while?"

"Of course a girl can, you however, it's more doubtful." His lips were turned up at the side and I rolled my eyes at him.

The truth was, I liked Luke. He was a good guy and he made my mom happy. He unfortunately liked to rib on me like I was twelve and sometimes it could cause some tense moments between us.

Mom came through the door then, in each arm she held two grocery bags. I looked at Luke. "You may want to stop hounding on my stellar family responsibility and help mom with the groceries."

"You win this one," he said with mock darkness in his voice, turning and taking the bags from mom.

"Wow, honey, it looks great in here," mom said smiling.

"I was hoping since I did some chores that maybe I could ask you for something." My hands linked together and I wrung them, my nerves getting the best of me.

She narrowed her eyes, looking a lot like Luke had just a few minutes earlier. "And that would be?"

"Well a friend from my training class asked…"

"Clary," she sighed. "We have been over this. It's not safe. Until Valentine is caught…"

"I'm not asking to leave the base," I explained hurriedly.

Her eyes narrowed further; pretty soon they would be closed. "Then what are you asking?"

"He just wants me to come over and watch a movie."


"Uh, um, eeee, ahhh….yeah?" I flushed a brilliant red to match the color of my hair.

With a knowing smile mom agreed. "Okay, but you know the rules. To his house and then back, and you have three hours. That should be plenty of time."

"What if we wanted to watch Lord of the Rings?" I asked with a smile.

"Don't be sassy," she retorted, but she was grinning.

I didn't wait around for her to change her mind; I took the stairs two at a time, rushing up to my room. I combed out my hair, it rested in the middle of my back and it was the only thing of my mother's I got. I always saw her as beautiful and my features were like the elf versions of hers. I was cute, short and cute.

I glanced at the clock and saw that it was just after six thirty, I didn't have time to shower and change. I grabbed my deodorant and applied a few extra doses before going to the bathroom and washing the sweat off my face and chest.

I put on a bit of eyeliner; it was the only make-up I actually knew how to apply that didn't end up making me look like a clown. I had one of those faces where less really was more. I stepped back and looking in the mirror and realized that I was still in my Shadowhunter gear, which was a pair of black leather pants and a black tank top, along with a pair of steel toe boots. It really brought out the pasty white of my skin.

I grabbed the hem of my tank, ready to pull it off, when the sirens started. There had been drills before, we'd had one last week, which is why I was pretty sure this wasn't one. I pushed my top back down and ran downstairs. Mom and Luke were already in the living room, huddled over their phone. I came up beside my mom and looked at the illuminated screen. Soon it would flash and tell us what we were meant to do, and who would be called to fight. In most Shadowhunter circles, Luke wouldn't be allowed, but mom cashed in some old favors and the higher ups here looked the other way. Why they would care the species of anyone on their side, I could never figure out.

When the beep from the text came, it caused us all to jump.

Alert 617
Call 477

I had studied these in school. A 617 alert meant a full scale demon attack but I didn't remember a 477 call. Each house was divided into ranks, meaning that Shadowhunters from the same family were less likely to be called into the same fight. I couldn't recall anyone being in that group, but from the look of Luke and mom, it was someone close.

"Who is it?" I asked.


I looked up at the two of them, horrified. "Like everyone, everyone?"

"Not you Clary," mom said. "Only those who have completed their training." And with that they were both on the move. Luke went to the closet to grab the weapons, while mom started lacing her boots up.

"You're leaving me here?" I asked. "What if the demons get through?"

"They aren't here, we are going through the portal," Luke said.

I hadn't even read to the location line on the text, but I knew if it was this bad, I did not want to be left here defenseless. What if the whole thing was a plan to get this base unprotected.

"Don't look like that Clary, we will be okay. We've done this hundreds of times," Luke said, trying to be comforting.

Mom came up to me and brushed my hair back, kissing my forehead. "We will be back soon."

The two of them left in a flurry out the door. I waited about a minute before I grabbed my stele and tore after them.

The streets of our little community were flooded with people. Organized chaos is the only way to describe it, but it was enough chaos that I was able to slip into the crowd undetected. Shadowhunters were drawing marks on each other, preparing for the fight as they made their way toward the portal. As I neared it, I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up to see my teacher.

"Clary! You should be at home. Get out of here."

I was so close; the portal was just a few steps away. My shoulders sunk and I nodded, right before I turned on my heel and jumped wildly into the portal.