Hey [someone think of a name I could call you guys!] Okay.. I wanted to get 5 reviews on "Got her, and lost her" but oh well LOL Ok so I have a bit of writers block right now so in this story CeCe 'writes' a song and whoever guesses the right song gets to write the next chappy! And I know I have like two or three people who read this so it's not like it's that hard lol But FO-real y'all I NEED HELP! On ward with the story!

CeCe's POV

Yesterday, oh yesterday how I hate the!I guess the world just does not want us to be together... I hate the world right know... I knew this was going to happen! Now we won't be friends. I should have said no! But how could I? I mean he has the eyes that you just fall in to, and his smile is so dreamy![A/N See what I mean? I am writing sucky! LOL] But I need to get over him. Well, time for school! Great... My mom's partner Justin took me to school, because she is doing paper work.

"So, CeCe. Do you have a boyfriend?" Justin asked.


"Well I don't see you as much as I did when you were little. So Do you?"

"No I do not Justin. We just broke up last night." I said with a tear on my cheek.

"Oh I am sorry CeCe... Wait your mom said that you are not allowed to date yet!"

"Oh yeah... What boyfriend?"

"Yeah ha-ha. Well here we are I will see you tonight."


"Your mom is training the new guys so you and Flynn are going to come over."

"Oh. Ok. Well bye Justin!"

"Bye CeCe!" He yelled at me running in to the school. I got to my locker, and saw Rocky at hers.

"Hey Rocky!"

"Oh, hey CeCe. What's up?"

"Nothing, I am going to my mom's partners house today,, fun,,"

"Ha-ha well me and uhh him are going to our uncles today."

"Cool!" RING-UH-DINGY-DOW-RING-UH-DINGY-DOW! [A/N do y'all know what that is? lol]

"Oh, well see you after class!" Rocky said going the other way. Ty is in my fun...

"Oh, okay class! Today we are going to learn about nouns!" I. Don't. Care. I was doodly on my notebook and Summar pasted me a note. It was from Ty. It said...

Dear CeCe,

I know you are probably not going to care about this or even me, but I want you to know that I am very sorry for what I did to you. I know that I have told you this and you think I am lying, but it is true. I love you more then you will ever know.

I smiled. I looked over at him, and he look away. I got a piece of paper and wrote.

Ty, I do care about you. I knew that we could not be together, but I did what I wanted not what I knew was best. I wish I could what I said back about how I didn't love you, and how I loved you. I think we need to talk about this,, us. Meet me at my house at four. We can talk then. My mom, and Flynn will be gone.

I passed the note to Summar who passed it to Casey who passed it Ty. I looked at Ty and he mouthed 'OK' and I smiled. The rest of the day went by pretty fast. We got out of school and I went to my house to get ready to go over to Justin's. Justin has two kids, they were both adopted, the boys name is Blakly, who is 8 like Flynn, and the other boys name is Ryan, and he is 14. Ryan is cute, he has blue eyes, sandy blond hair, honey skin, and freckles! I know he's nothing like Ty, but I like him. I was ready to go but Flynn was not here yet 'cuz he has baseball today. So I waited for Ty to get here. It was 15 minutes later and I was about to leave, right when I opened the door I saw Ty. And I said.

"Come on in." I stuttered.

"Uh thanks. So CeCe I know what you are going to say... You want to get back together."

"What? No I want to make sure we can still be friends! Why would I want to get back together?"

"'Cuz you love me! Duh."

"Did I not say I wished I never said that?"

"Just say it! You love me! And I was right! You need someone to protect you!"

"No I don't! And I never will! I thought you changed..." [Have I used the line b4?]

"You need me CeCe! You will never find someone like me!"

"I don't want someone like you! *Yes I do! I freaking love you!* I think you should leave."

"Fine. I have to go anyway. Goodbye!"

"Bye." I said. And Ty left. I was about to cry, then I thought of the song I was writing. I couldn't finish it because I was to happy to write that kind of song. I went to my desk and finished the song.

When I was just a little girl,

My mama used to tuck me into bed,

And she'd read me a story.

It always was about a princess in distress

And how a guy would save her

And end up with the glory.

I'd lie in bed

And think about

The person that I wanted to be,

Then one day I realized

The fairy tale life wasn't for me.

I don't wanna be like Cinderella,

Sitting in a dark, cold, dusty cellar,

Waiting for somebody to come and set me free (Come and set me free)

I don't wanna be like someone waiting

For a handsome prince to come and save me

On I will survive

Unless somebody's on my side

Don't wanna depend on no one else.

I'd rather rescue myself.

Someday I'm gonna find Someone

Who wants my soul, heart and mind

Who's not afraid to show that he loves me

Somebody who will understand I'm happy just the way i am

Don't need nobody taking care of me

(i will be there)I will be there for him just as strong as he will be there for me

when i give myself then it has got to be an equal thing

I can slay (I can slay) my own dragons. (My own dragons)

I can dream my own dreams. (My own dreams)

My knight in shining armor (shining armor) is me.

So I'm gonna set me free.

I don't wanna be like Cinderella,

Sitting in a dark, cold, dusty cellar,

Waiting for somebody to come and set me free.

I don't wanna be like someone waiting

For a handsome prince to come and save me

On I will survive

Unless somebody's on my side

I don't wanna be like Cinderella,

Sitting in a dark, cold, dusty cellar,

Waiting for somebody (oh - Oh) to come and set me free.

I don't wanna be like someone waiting

For a handsome prince to come and save me

On I will survive

Unless somebody's on my side

Don't wanna depend on no one else.

I'd rather rescue myself.

I don't wanna be like Cinderella,

Sitting in a dark, cold, dusty cellar,

Waiting for somebody (oh -Oh)to come and set me free.

I don't wanna be like someone waiting

For a handsome prince to come and save me

On I will survive

Unless somebody's on my side

Don't wanna depend on no one else.

I'd rather rescue myself.

Just as I finished Flynn came in ran to the bathroom got a shower, got dressed and came and got me to leave. Justin lives about 10 minutes away, so Flynn and I took the subway. On the way there, some guy who smelled like bad cheese, brought a goat him. The goat smells better then the guy. Right before I pasted out we were at our stop, and without think I yell...

"THANK THE LORD, I'M OFF THIS DEATH TRAP! I ALMOST DIED! Uhhh... I mean,, Bye...?" Then I ran off that death trap! We finely got to Justin's house and knocked on the door.

"*Opens door* Hi CeCe! Hi Flynn! Come on in!" Justin's wife Tori said. Last time I was here, I was 7. The last time I saw Ryan, I was 7. I have seen pictures of him, and he is VERY cute! We walked in and, Ryan walked into the living room... shirtless...

"Umm... Hey Ryan."

''Umm,, Hi. Do I know you?"

"Ha-ha yeah you do. It's CeCe. CeCe Jones."

"Oh, yeah!" Ryan try to hug me but I stopped him.


"You don't have a shirt on!"

"So? You know you like the view *then he smiles like this (;*"

"Shut up and a shirt on." I said laughing a little bit. I heard the door open and someone said.

"Hey we're here!" A voice said. I walk in to the kitchen and I saw,, Rocky...?

"Hey Rocky! What are you doing here?"

"Hey Ce! Umm this is my Aunt and Uncle's house. What are you doing here?"

"Justin is my mom's partner!"

"Oh. My. Gosh. THATS AWESOME!" Rocky said then and did our happy dance! I stopped when I saw...him...

"Hey Ce."

"Hey Ty."

"Ok CeCe I got a shirt on can I have my hug now?'' Ryan said walking in the kitchen.

"Yes." I said smiling. I walked over there and gave Ryan a hug. I could see Ty in the corner of my eye and he was red! His hands were in fists and I felt sorry for him.

LOL I am so happy I got to the end! lol Well tell me what the song is! And go on Facebook and look up That Should Be Me! - Justin Bieber cuz I have like 3 ppl that like it!): Well hope you liked the story! And I will pm the person that wins! #nohateonJB

Luv ya!
