Stiles peers across the street from Jackson's bedroom window. He licks his lips as he watches Isaac, the boy he used to play with in Kindergarten move restlessly around the house, constantly looking over his shoulder. The problem with being in a three person relationship is they have each managed to pick a separate person, and now they have to decide who Derek should bite. Danny was already adjusting to being a werewolf, hanging out with Scott and Allison but that was on Derek's plan before they were...them.

'I still think we need more girls,' Stiles says turning away from the window. Derek's lying in the middle of the bed, while Jackson cuddles up to his side, his fingers beneath the hem of Derek's t-shirt. Stiles bites his lip, he knows that they're taking him into their relationship but he can't help but wonder at the closeness the two already share, push away the feeling that they've already been with each other. Sometimes he considers just stepping away, despite how they both tell him they want him. He also knows that while he's spent time alone with both of them that they've spent time alone without him too, and he's not jealous of that time, he can't be, but he wonders if they're glad to get rid of him because he's not ready for that part of their relationship, and they clearly are. Stiles wants to have sex, but he also wants it to work well for all three of them.

'You just like Erica's boobs,' Jackson says nuzzling Derek's neck. Derek chuffs out a laugh and raises an eyebrow at Stiles.

'Boobs. Really, that's where you're going here Jackson?' Stiles asks. Jackson makes a noise and peers at Stiles from his place on the bed. 'You think my main reason for choosing Erica is boobs?'

'No, we know your reasons just as you know my reasons for Boyd and Jackson's reasons for Isaac.' Derek says.

'Come cuddle.' Jackson says and Stiles rolls his eyes but he does, tripping over Derek's boots on the way and landing in their lap.

'This sucks,' Stiles mutters face stuck in Derek's crotch.

'Please do.' Jackson says. Stiles shoots him a glare and shuffles into a more comfortable position. Derek's got an arm curled back under his head so Stiles snags a bicep as a pillow, flings a leg over Derek's legs, tangles with Jackson. A door opens downstairs, there's bickering then it slams closed again.

'Boyd will bring strength and stability,' Derek says to the ceiling.

'Isaac is kind, considerate.' Jackson says stubbornly. Stiles has a secret feeling that out of the three arguments, Isaac's is winning. The final decision lies with Derek of course, he's the one who has to turn the boy, but Stiles can see Isaac's situation pulling at Derek's heartstrings.

'Erica's strong in spirit,' Stiles tells them. Derek sighs heavily, 'this will change her life for the better,'

'It would change everybody's life for the better Stiles, doesn't mean that her epilepsy is a cause to bite her.'

'Jackson's using that excuse with Isaac.' Stiles argues sitting up slightly.

'Isaac's dad abuses him!' Jackson retorts.

'Erica's body abuses her!' Stiles practically shouts.

'Enough!' Derek's voice is quiet, deadly. Both boys shush instantly. Jackson's cheeks have heated up; his eyes are darting around the room. 'Look,' Derek says turning to Jackson, wrapping fingers around Jackson's forearm, 'we're talking about this okay, and we're looking at all the options here.' Derek says, and Stiles watches a subtle squeeze, a turn up of his lips, and a cock of his head to the side. They make eye contact, unspoken communication passing between them that Stiles doesn't understand.

'Okay,' Jackson whispers swallowing.

'Okay,' Derek smiles at Jackson, wide and honest. He looks over his shoulder to Stiles. 'I'm going to talk to Isaac.'

'Fuck this shit!' Stiles snaps, his chest blooming. He pulls himself to his feet in record time and grabs his backpack on his way out the door. Jackson is a few footsteps behind him, but Stiles ignores him, shrugging the hand that's on his shoulder away.

'Trouble in paradise?' A cool voice drawls but Stiles ignores Jackson's mom too so he can push out the door and trot down the steps. Derek's on the ground by the time Stiles starts his engine but Stiles gets away before Derek's even halfway across the garden.

Stiles doesn't go home, he goes to the Sheriff's Office. His dad's buried elbow deep in paperwork when Stiles pops his head around the door, holding up a brown paper bag full of food. 'I love you son, but I swear to god if there's anything veggie or meatless in there I will disown you to that circus that wanted you for the Amazing Talking Boy act a few years back.'

Stiles grins as he sits down and picks out the food containers. There is salad and fruit, but he's also picked his dad a lean pork and apple burger up, and he's allowed a small amount of cheese to be grilled on it. They eat quietly for a while before Stiles's natural nosiness kicks in. 'What are you working on?'

'Oh, missing person, and before you ask, I'm saying nothing.' Sheriff says. Stiles grins and leans back in his chair.

'Dad?' Stiles asks, trying to keep the curiosity out of his voice.

'Uh oh, this doesn't sound good,' Sheriff mutters looking at his son.

'How did you and mom agree and make decisions?' Stiles asks, fidgeting with a square of blank paper, folding and unfolding it into squares, making each one smaller as he goes.

'We talked it out, argued, sometimes we used rock paper scissors, sometimes she made them without me...'

'Like when?' Stiles asks lifting his head. He always believed his parents had the perfect relationship.

'Naming you,' his dad grins wide, 'but Stiles was all me.'

'Yeah,' Stiles sighs and looks at his fingers, 'decisions aren't that easy as a three-way.'

'They haven't...' Sheriff trails off, making hand signals that only a Stilinski man would understand.

'No,' Stiles shakes his head frantically, 'nothing like that, they wouldn't I know they wouldn't, but...Derek feels like he needs to expand his pack, and well, it's like choosing an orange ice lolly or a lemon one, they both have the same qualities, skin looks the same, everything like that, one's just a lemon and one's an orange.'

'I'm not sure I'm following you here Stiles...' Sheriff says stealing a drink of Stiles's milkshake.

Stiles sighs. 'Okay, so the person I want Derek to talk to about the pack suffers from epilepsy, she's a nice girl she just hasn't had any decent breaks in life because of her condition. I want Derek to offer her the bite because the structure of the "venom" means it heals all current conditions. Jackson on the other hand wants Derek to change a boy who's being physically abused by his father, he feels that the bite and the pack will give him the strength to stand up to his father and report his abuse to you. As far as I can see they're both practically the same,' Stiles trails off glaring at the wall.

'So, Derek chose the boy?' Sheriff says. Stiles bobs his head.

'Yeah,' Stiles says picking at his nails again.

'I can see why she appealed to you. ADHD, okay, so it's nothing like epilepsy but you know what it's like to let your mouth run away with you, you know what it's like to be bone tired physically but mentally still be steaming strong along the tracks.' Sheriff says, tapping his pen against the note pad in front of him.

'Yeah,' Stiles nods.

'And Jackson, he knows what it's like to be unwanted, he feels that all the time and he sees this boy's abuse as the boy not being wanted, he sees a situation he could have been in himself, but I don't think Derek's ever felt like that.' Sheriff ponders, drawing a house with smoke curling out of the chimney.

'Derek wanted to change a kid with no friends,' Stiles says quietly. He watches his dad nod again like something makes sense to him.

'So, he's changed popular kids, now he wants to mix that up, giving a big pack with a wide variety of skills,' Sheriff muses. Stiles nods, resting his cheek on his hand, 'has this helped you at all son?'

'Not a bit.' Stiles admits. His dad grins and Stiles grins back, but he still feels hurt that Derek chose Jackson's prospective werewolf choice over his own, and he doesn't want to feel that way, if he keeps acting like this, their relationship won't work, and he desperately wants it to, because he thinks he might be in-well, strong feelings.

They call a pack meeting. If there's going to be a new member of the pack, Jackson has reasoned to Derek in Stiles's absence, then they all should have a say, so they sit around Derek's new dining room table, and there's more than enough room for them. Someone has ordered Thai food, little cartons full of hot deliciousness that pull the water from Stiles's teeth.

Stiles wants to be contrary and sit away from Derek but he sits to Derek's left. Derek beams at him, smile wide and he clutches Stiles's fingers like he might run away again. 'We'll talk later,' Derek promises kissing Stiles behind the ear.

Jackson sits opposite Stiles, on Derek's right, and Stiles wondered if it was some sort of power play on Jackson's part. Jackson shoots him a look and Stiles doesn't think he'll be forgiven just as easily, although he feels like he's done nothing wrong.

They eat first, tucking into the food, sharing like a good pack would. Everybody offers Derek the first bite out of each carton but Derek politely declines, but he still looks immensely pleased that these misfit bunches of teenagers see him as their alpha.

After their meal they talk, outlining their choices for the new pack. Lydia takes minutes, and Stiles tries not to gape at how business like the pack have become. She has a notebook and everything, and there's a binder on the floor that's colour coded and Stiles can't understand why he didn't think of that. His mind is dragged back to the table as the pack gets ready to vote.

Scott and Danny vote for Isaac with Jackson (Scott agreeing with Jackson shocks Stiles to no end, but then Scott always a sucker for a sad story) while Lydia sides with Derek for Boyd. Allison looks uncomfortable but surprisingly she smiles over at Stiles. 'I was there last week when...well it's not pretty and if we can give her a better quality of life then...'

'Thanks,' Stiles grins at her and Derek's thumb rubs the back of his hand.

'I intend to change them all eventually,' Derek admits squeezing Stiles's fingers as he talks, but his face has that grim frown.

'But you're going to bite Isaac first?' Jackson prompts poking Derek's arm.

'Yes,' Derek smiles to Jackson, 'I'm biting Isaac.'

It feels like a judgement has been passed, like Stiles lost something and he doesn't know what. Allison asks him for a lift home because Scott and Danny are going to train in the woods and Stiles agrees, shouting goodbye to everyone with a wave. He drops here off and doesn't go home, but to the sheriff's office where he sits on the couch in his dad's office while his dad works and Stiles picks up on some homework he's been neglecting recently.

Derek bites Boyd.

Danny's been chatting to him about werewolves, he and Boyd are sitting on the bleachers because Derek's instructed them to bring the three potentials into the pack as it is now, and Derek will give them the bite when they're ready. Stiles doesn't like this plan for Erica, if she has a fit around the pack she may not be so inclined to want to be around them.

Stiles is just making his way to where they're standing when the hair rises on the back of his neck. They don't see them coming, the two werewolves who whip around Danny and Boyd and leave them both in a pool of blood. Scott and Jackson mare chase but Stiles is on his knees trying to stop Boyd from bleeding to death, and Danny's looked dazed and confused. Half the pack are after the intruders, but Derek skids to a halt by them and falls to his knees.

'Now Stiles, I have to do it now!' Derek says ripping Boyd's t-shirt.

'Okay,' Stiles says waiting for instructions, but Derek doesn't give any, just dips and bites into the fleshier part of Boyd's side.

Boyd screams in agony then jerks and slows his breathing. Derek squeezes Stiles's shoulder, his face sliding back to normal. Boyd blinks up and smiles at them as one by one the pack return empty handed.

'Should we move him?' Jackson asks, his legs pressing into Derek's torso, fingers touching his hair.

'Not yet,' Derek says quietly reaching a hand out to cover Stiles's hand pressing down on Boyd's wounds. They stay there, and Stiles is glad schools over because he's sure they're drawing attention to themselves.

Boyd eventually falls into a fitful kind of sleep, and they move him into Stiles's jeep and take him to Derek's. Finally Boyd's in bed twisting and turning as the bite catches and its Jackson who wraps a hand around the back of Stiles's neck. 'You're covered in blood,' he says leading him into Derek's en-suite shower.

Once they're inside they wash each other, and everyone's touching, caring. Stiles feels like a douche for the way he's acted, childish and surprised they still want him. When Jackson falls to his knees and looks up through his lashes, Stiles breath catches. Derek's beside Stiles, and suddenly it's like a scene from a bad porno because Jacksons sucking Derek off and jerking Stiles at the same time, then alternating back between them, trying to get the heads of both their cocks in his mouth at the same time.

Derek's arm is like an anchor around his waist, keeping him grounded, preventing him from outright fucking Jackson's mouth. 'Stiles,' Derek mutters when Stiles shifts slightly, fingers running over Jacksons wet hair, down to his shoulder, up Derek's hip and around his cock.

Derek grunts, hard and heavy and Stiles wants to make him feel amazing so he moves and joins Jackson on the shower floor. It's fast and messy, and very sloppy, but Derek comes while their kissing, tongues laving the head of Derek's dick, their hands playing with his balls and shaft. They share, kissing until only the taste lingers and then Jacksons being hauled up and Stiles is faced with his bobbing erection.

It's different with Jackson, Stiles allows his fingers to cup Jackson's hips, slide into the soapy track of his ass where Derek's fingers are already teasing. Stiles has just edged the tip of his index finger in when Jackson comes with what sounds more like a yelp than anything else.

After everything blurs, Stiles rides Derek's thigh, fucking into a groove made by Derek's hip and Jacksons hands and there's an orgasm, hot and intense that has Stiles shaking.

Somehow they end up in Derek's massive bed, curled around each other, but in the middle of the night something disturbs Stiles, the soft click of the bedroom door. Jackson's blinking at him and Stiles leans forward and kisses him, ignores Jackson's protests of "middle of the night breath" because that doesn't really exist. 'I'm sorry if I was childish.' Stiles bites his lip. For some reason apologising to Jackson is so much easier than Derek, yet infinitely harder, because it's Jackson and while Stiles has no doubt that their relationship has changed for the better.

'Meh, what can I expect from you?' Jackson teases. Stiles kicks him in the shin and Jackson laughs, before pulling Stiles to him and curling around his chest. 'It's hard, this relationship, I understand, it's new for us all and were finding our feet here.'

'Who are you and what have you done with my Jackson?' Stiles breaths in mock awe.

'Shut up,' Jackson narrows his eyes but pushes closer. They stay curled like that until the bedroom door opens. Derek slides into the bed behind Jackson, and they all tangle together again.

'Boyd's doing well; he's going to make a good beta. I might ask Scott to mentor him,' Derek suggests

'Good idea Batman,' Stiles mutters. Jackson peeks at them with one eye open and lets out a snort.

'Derek, what's so important that you grow your pack. I mean, there are Jackson, Scott, Lydia and Danny, not to mention Allison and me,' Stiles asks. Jackson tenses slightly and Stiles knows he's keen to hear too.

'The larger my pack the greater my strength, our collective strength.' Derek says resting his chin on Jackson's shoulder. Stiles notices that their fingers are tangled together too, and his belly feels gooey for a moment.

'So we're making you insanely strong?' Jackson wonders aloud.

'That attack this afternoon, I'll need to address it later, but those two werewolves are just part of a bigger enemy coming to town. I need to be insanely strong to take them on.'

'Couldn't the power go to your head?' Stiles asks from his place on Jackson's shoulder.

Derek makes an agreeing noise in his throat, 'yeah but you two ground me, anchor me if you will,' Derek says. Jackson turns and kisses Derek, dark against light. They look beautiful like this, both too perfect to even exist sometimes. And then there's hands pulling him in, and lips on his and they're engaged in some sort of twisted three way kiss that's doing all sorts of things to Stiles's mind and libido and his eyes flutter closed as Jackson slinks beneath the duvet, a promise twinkling in his eye.