A/N - Okay, thank you to all who reviewed and pressed me to finish this story. I had to change this author's note, as originally this was going to be the last chapter, but its going to go on for a little bit more. I am sorry it took so long, as real life interfered for a while. Plus, my muse went a different way and I have been writing for other sections in the fandom. I still do not own anything, although Mike is still on my list.

The next morning, after being sedated overnight to keep the guys from being tortured by hallucinations through the night, they awoke, still somewhat groggy, but feeling much better than they did the day before. The only one not on the same floor was Karen, as she was still critical enough that she had to be placed in ICU. Dixie allowed them to congregate in Johnny and Roy's room to check on each other. Dixie helped Cap, Chet, Mike and Marco into the paramedics' room, then left to check on a "few things" for a little while.

"How are you guys feeling?" Cap asked, glancing at each member of his team. He had been plagued with guilt ever since he had woken up and been told that his whole crew had ended up in the hospital. He had been roomed with Mike, but he was going crazy with worry about the other five members of his crew.

"Better than yesterday. Man, what in the hell happened? I remember walking into the day room, but after that, I have no idea," Chet said, looking at his crewmates. He had been roomed with Marco and once they had woken up, they talked about what happened to them. They were still confused.

"I think the same thing happened to all of us Chet," Johnny replied, exchanging a glance with his partner. "But I sure am glad to be feeling better too. "

"Yeah, me too. I felt like crap until I woke up this morning," Marco added. The others nodded their heads in agreement.

"I'm glad to hear you all are feeling better," a voice added from the door. The men looked around to see Kel and Joe standing at the door.

"Morning Docs," came six voices, who then snickered.

"Wow, in stereo," Joe replied, causing all in the room to break out in laughter.

"Okay, so what happened to us Doc?" Cap asked the question that was on all their minds.

Joe and Kel took seat in the two available chairs in the room before Kel replied," Apparently, you all were suffering from something called ergotoxicosis, which is commonly known as Saint Anthony's Fire."

"Never heard of it," Mike said, shaking his head. The others agreed with him as well.

"What is that Doc?" Roy asked.

Kel answered him, "Ergot is found in some drugs that are used today. But sometimes it can be found on grains that have been contaminated by this fungus, such as rye."

The others glanced at each other before looking back at the doctor. "Do you mean to tell me we were poisoned, by Karen's bread?" Johnny asked incredulously.

"Believe me fellas, it wasn't intentional. Apparently the health food store Karen bought the grain from received a bad batch of rye. She didn't know there was anything wrong with her bread. Neither did the health food store."

"So is that why Karen had so much trouble?" Mike asked. He had been really worried about their youngest crewmate.

"Yes, that's why her symptoms that were so radical yesterday morning. Because she not only made the bread but ate it too, it caused her symptoms to accelerate quickly."

Cap looked to the doctors, asking what was on all their minds, "Is she going to be okay?"

"Its still a little too soon to tell, but we're optimistic," Kel replied. Joe continued, "She's in ICU for the time being. Right before you all were brought in, Karen stopped breathing and we had to intubate her. We started her on the same medication as you all, but she is responding more slowly, due to the fact that she had more exposure to the toxins than you all did."

"How long will she need to be in ICU?" Cap asked, worried anew for his youngest crew member.

Kel stood, glancing at the six men who were patiently waiting for an answer. "Its hard to tell. We are going to keep her sedated and intubated for another thirty-six to forty-eight hours, to give her body enough time to heal. After that, we'll take the tube out and get her to wake up."

"Can we see her?"

"Yes, after we check you guys and you rest for a little while," Joe replied, turning as the door opened, revealing Dixie.

"Okay, time to head back and get some rest," Dixie said in her no-nonsense voice.

"Yes ma'am," came the reply she had been looking for. She smiled as she crossed her arms and watched as the four members who didn't belong in the room rolled themselves out and back to their rooms.