This is My first Yaoi Fan Fiction It's A GaaNaru. OOC-ness, And Sakura Bashing and A little Sasuke Bashing, But It's Still Great. Review. Btw: One Original Character Her Name's Luna Kurosaki! and she's a little of a potty mouth. Now On With The Story! =)

As he sat in class, ignoring their Sensei, Naruto Uzumaki, age 16, was gazing in dreamy like daze at his long time crush, Gaara no Sabaku, A redheaded male with beautiful green eyes, that was across the classroom writing in his notebook. Naruto had had a crush on Gaara since the sixth grade. When the redhead had first walked into that class, Naruto's heart felt as if it stopped and he didn't understand why.

Gaara was so quiet then, not talking to anyone and no one talking to him. Everyone was scared of him because of the way he looked (and the fact that Gaara had threaten to skin on of the students alive, but Naruto didn't seem to care about that), but he wasn't and he wanted to try and be friend's with him. So one day at lunch time when saw that the redhead was sitting alone, he walked up to him and sat down next to him and talked. Everyone stopped what they were doing watched in pure shock, thinking that the blonde was trying to get himself killed, but to there surprise the redhead talked back.

And soon the two were friends and Gaara had somewhat turned into Naruto's protector. protecting him from anyone that dared bullied him in his presence. Naruto had found it sweet, having Gaara protect him like he would...

"Naruto..." He heard someone call him in a hush whisper.

"Naruto.. Your drooling.. Again.." Naruto snapped out of his trance and looked to who was calling him. It was his best friend Luna Kurosaki. She was pretty girl, but short for her age, like Naruto. She's 5'0 and petite build with subtle curves, with light grey eye's and short black hair that stop's at her chin with twin braids in the front going back meeting. Now she may be small with a sweet face, but don't let that fool you. She's a real sweet girl, but she can be blunt when she feel's like it, which is most of the time, and she is a little too strong to be human... well that's what Naruto say's since when they first met she nearly threw a boy out the 3rd story window of their school in the fourth grade.

He had said her name was weird.

"Naruto, If you like him so much just go talk to him." She whispered. "And then you guy's can totally fuck."

"Luna!" He said in a hush whisper. Out of all the year's he's known her, he still wasn't use to her bluntness. "Don't say thing's like that."

"Sorry I have no type of filter, but you know that." She told him with a lump sided smile, making him sigh realizing she was right.

"Well I can't do that anyway..." He said. Luna raised in eyebrow at that.

"And why is that?" She asked.

"Because he'd never go for someone like me.." The blonde said, starting to look depressed.

Luna knew the blonde never had much self-esteem in himself. Luna had known Naruto since they started four grade together and she just looked out for him ever since like a big sister. The other kids would try to beat on him and make fun of him. Like pulling on his hair and calling him "orphan baby" because his mother had abandoned him when he was little. Luna hated it. Naruto was so sweet and nice she just couldn't didn't understand why they would do that to him. So she just protected him and they became the best of friends. But You can also say they have a brother-sister relationship since that's what they call each other most of the time.

"Naruto-" Luna started, but the sound of someone clearing their throat interpreted her.

"Naruto Uzumaki and Luna Kurosaki!" It was their Sensei Kakashi Hatake. The silver-haired man looked at them with annoyance in his one good eye.

"Class has started! And your grade's aren't looking too good to be talking in the back of my class." Kakashi Said slightly annoyed. The class started to laugh quietly and Naruto started looking down at his desk blushing in embarrassment. Luna saw this and admittedly started to stare death glares at the whole class and growl deep in her throat. Needless to say the class become quiet and stiffed nervously under her gaze. She turned back to Naruto just as Naruto was starting look at her. He Smiled shyly at her, But she saw it as a 'Thank You' smile and she smiled back.

Kakashi cleared his throat again.

"Now, back to class..."

~After School~

Naruto and Luna were just walking out the school door's when...

"Hey Naruto-Baka!" A familiar annoying voice called.

"Kami! Not now!" Luna and Naruto thought as she and Naruto turned around to see an angry Sakura Haruno. Now if you don't know Sakura, you may not want to. She's a selfish stuck up girl with an attitude problem. She love's to make everyone that she deem's unworthy of being in the some school of her life hell. Mainly Naruto's. She also the head cheerleader of Konoha High school and president of the Sasuke Uchiha fan club which shockingly has over Hundred member's who she's usually always with... but not now. .

"She's usually with her Sasuke fan club whore's." Luna thought eyeing the girl carefully. Nothing good ever happen when Sakura decided to "grace" you with her presence.

"W-what is it Sakura-Chan?" Naruto asked wondering why she was bothering him after school. She quickly walked up to him and..


She slapped Naruto across the face. Luna was about to loss it.

"You Bit-" She started, but Naruto put his arm out to stop Luna from killing the girl. He looked to Luna and smiled at her letting her know it was ok. So Sakura (unaware of the death glare Luna aimed at her) continued.

"Stay away from Sasuke-Kun! you little slut!" Sakura yelled, Forming worry line's on her giant forehead.

"W-what are you talking Sakura-Chan?" The blonde asked tilting his head to the side unconsciously.

"Dammit! You know what I'am talking about! You Bitch! I saw you kiss Sasuke-Kun!" Sakura pretty much screamed. Luna Raised an eyebrow. She was totally gonna ask Naruto about that later. Naruto just giggled lightly and said:

"Sasuke kissed me Sakura-Chan... not the other way around..." Sakura gasped looking at Naruto with horror and disbelief. Luna put her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing out loud.

"He.. He would never do that! He would never kiss a lowlife like you!" She screamed upset, but Naruto shock his head before walking away. Luna Looked at Sakura with the 'You do that and i will kill you slowly' look and jogged after Naruto. She looked at Naruto and yelled:

"What the fuck Naruto! Duck-Butt kissed you?!" then she looked hurt pouting her lip's "And you didn't tell me... How cruel.."

Naruto and Luna looked each other and like clock work, they both laughed. Once they both calm down.

"But Naruto really tell me what happen." Luna said seriously. Naruto turned to her and smiled.

"Don't worry Luna I'll tell you everything later, But I gotta get home." Luna nodded. they said their good-bye's and Walked their separate ways. Unaware of the teal colored eye's that watched the whole scene before they walked their own way home.

Sooooooooooooooo! Did you like it so far.? I have to know! Review Plz! I'll thank you for reviewing by saying your name at the end of the next Chapter!

Date August 5th, 2012


Until Then! Love Ya 3
