Hey guys, i know i haven't updated for a really long time but here it is :)

It was Friday, seven days after my date with Charlie. Everything was fine, everything was going great. I was having a good time, the dinner was pleasant and the movie was too. Even though I found it generic; dinner and movie date and all, as unromantic as it sounded, it was romantic, in a way. I enjoyed Charlie (that sounded dirty didn't it?). He was nice, funny, wasn't a pervert, patient, kind and did I mention he wasn't a pervert? In the movie theater, he hadn't even tried to do that thing where the guys just fake yawn so that they could put their arm around or when they accidentally-on-purpose reach for the popcorn at the same time as you so they can just touch your hand and make it seem romantic which is not, at least not for me. He actually loved the Lion King but I mean who doesn't? But it was nice for some guy to actually admit it.

It all went well until:

Charlie walked me up to the steps of my house. The night air cool on my cheeks and the sound of crickets were humming softly in the background. It was the perfect setting for a romantic, walking-up-to-your-door. We stopped and he handed me back my coat.

"Thanks." I said daintily.

"Yeah, any time," he said smiling, showing me his adorable dimple again. And then the sort of awkward silence.

Then he was the first to break it. "Um, I had great time tonight." He ran his hand nervously through his hair. "Is there any chance that I get to see you again?"

"Of course, it's Lima. It's really small." I said noncommittally. Okay, don't get me wrong but of course I know what he meant by "Is there any chance that I get to see you again?" I've seen too many chick flicks to know that from the back of my hand but I didn't want him to know about me and Puck. Although I didn't exactly know what me and Puck were. Were we dating? No. Were we NOT dating? After that kiss, NO. Definitely no. But I didn't like lying to Charlie or lying for that matter.

He looked a little crestfallen. Mission accomplished.

"That's not what I meant," he said, chuckling roughly at the end. "But let me rephrase: do you want to do this again? I know it wasn't up to par with the first date thing, dinner and movie is really, really been-there-done-that. But I am really looking forward to doing this with you again. If you'll let me, that is." He sounded really confident that I found it kind of hard to say the words to turn him down but when I opened my mouth, he just went for it. That kiss, if I had the decency to call it that, was like a ninja. But after I got over the paralyzed shock of that kiss, I found myself wanting more. But when we parted, my stomach churned and I felt sick to my stomach. It felt like a rollercoaster, after the drop.

"Does that change your mind?" he said grinning.

"Um, about that…" I couldn't tell him the reason why I didn't want to continue with Charlie. That was forbidden information. "Look Charlie, you're a great guy but…"

"But what?"

"It…I'm not ready." I crossed my arms and took a mini step back. "I'm not ready for this."

"But you…you seemed so psyched about it when you said yes. I thought…" He frowned which made my heart heavier.

"Yeah, I thought so too. But look Charlie, maybe we can work out when I am ready. I'm really busy with my life and school and I guess I really don't have the time for a relationship."

Charlie crossed his arms. "So what you're saying is you like me but you're busy and you can't be with me?"

"I guess so." I said in the most hopeless voice I could muster so I couldn't give him a lot of encouragement in case he decided pursue me. "I'm a lost cause."

Then he stepped forward and took my hands in his. "No you're not Quinn. I like you and even though it's only the first time that we've ever hung out, I feel something when I'm with you. It's different. I won't give up. I'll wait."

At that point I wanted to shoot myself.

"You don't get it Charlie. I'm not the kind of girl you want to be with. I have weird glasses, I eat with my mouth open, I have foot acne and possibly a hairy back." I added the last part myself and I felt it was way too exaggerated. I had to throw him off.

"And yet I still like you. Weirdly enough." Charlie chuckled. "You're definitely worth it."

I cursed to myself. He just doesn't give up. "It's late Charlie. I have to go to bed now." If he doesn't give up, I will.

"Okay," he let my hands go and sighed. "Goodnight Quinn."

"Night Charlie." I said nonchalantly and ushered myself through the door and into my house, wondering if Charlie ever got the hint.

So that Monday, the day when I got to see Puck again, he asked me what happened. I had been dreading it. I had hoped he wouldn't ask but of course he just had too. But here's the thing, I found myself ridiculously honest with Puck so it was easy for me to blurt it out. The only part I left out was the kiss. To be honest, I still didn't know how I felt about it but I only knew how guilty I felt when it ended.

"Oh. He just took me to dinner then a movie and drove me home." I said casually.

"I was kind of hoping for specifics," he said sitting down on the couch, twirling a pencil between his fingers. Now there was a huge lump in my throat. The truth or not the truth? That is the question!

"Well he asked me on a second date or at least I think that's what he asked me. But I turned him down."

He grinned to himself. "Wow, I must be that special huh? You turning down Charlie Collins for me." He said cockily.

"Don't press your luck." I said, grinning also. "Now let's get back on your trigonometry." He immediately frowned.

"I demand a celebration." He said standing up.

"Exactly what for?"

"I don't know. Turning down Charlie Collins?" he chuckled at the thought.

"You're just looking for an excuse not to study so get let's skip the champagne Puck."

Puck sighed and sank back down on the couch. "Yes ma'am."

For about 30 minutes he cooperated, not saying anything and being a good student but then he whispered in my ear, "I wanna take you out." I raised my eyebrows.


"I'm dead serious."

"You've got to be kidding." I crossed my arms and put down the pencil. "You weren't paying attention to what I was explaining to you?"

"Maybe," he said licking his lips. "But it's kind of bothering me that he took you out and I didn't. And you enjoyed his…company."

"It's bothering you? But we hang out everyday." I protested.

"No we don't. You're tutoring me everyday. And it's not everyday, it's every weekday." He shot back. "What hanging out is, is that we're doing something fun like bumper cars or paint ball or we can play World of Warcraft."

"If that's your definition of fun, then no thanks. I'm completely happy with watching Honey Boo Boo child."

"We can do that too."

"Puck you know I can't be seen with you."

"Why not?" He frowned.

"Because if you're seen in public with me then say goodbye to your reputation." I put my hand on his arm. "I care about your reputation because you care about it and I care about you. I can't let them slushie you."

He shrugged. "How bad can a slushie be?"

"Trust me, it's very bad." I squeezed his arm to get his full attention. "Hanging out with you can wait."

His shoulders deflated. "Fine, if you're too embarrassed to be seen with me."

That stung. I wasn't embarrassed to be seen with him. Just in fact the opposite.

"Let's go back to inverse okay?" Puck said, still frowning.

Dang, now I felt bad. I continued to tutor him until it was about six and then it was time to leave. Puck didn't bring up the subject again in the days that followed. He never brought it up again and didn't talk to me much during our tutoring sessions which made me even feel worse. First about Charlie's kissing me and now this. I didn't like keeping this from people. I was carrying other people's burden.

Well now it was Friday and Puck texted me earlier that he had something to do with his football buddies so my apology would have to wait until Monday. I preferred apologies done personally, not some electronic message. My parents had gone off to a charity dinner hosted by Reverend Collins himself. My parents offered me to go with them but I knew Charlie was there and I didn't have the heart to face him yet so that left me all alone on a Friday night.

I was in my room, contemplating life while playing some Red Hot Chili Peppers until I heard a knock. It wasn't even seven yet and my parents were back. I padded down the stairs and opened the door, only to see Puck there with a picnic basket. "Hey." He said sheepishly.

"Hey yourself. What are you doing here?"

"Um, dinner I guess?"

"My parents aren't here." I pointed out. He held up the picnic basket. "It's a little something I whipped up."

"Where do you plan on eating that?"

"In your room." He said confidently. "What makes you think you can just go inside my room?"

He pushed past me and went up the stairs with me protesting behind me, telling him to get out of my house. He entered a door that was ultimately the bathroom. He closed it and stopped in front of a purple door with a big doodle of Sylvester Stallone saying, "Keep out or I'll knock your socks off!" He snickered and let himself in.

"Nice room," he said with a smile, taking in the purple wallpaper, the vintage movie posters and the princess-y like theme.

"Shut up and get out," I threatened him.

But of course he ignored me and spread out the blanket on the floor. He plopped down and gestured me to plop down with him. I obeyed partly because I was flattered that he decided to talk to me again. "You won't let me take you out so I'm taking you in. Whether you like it or not." Puck began emptying the contents of the basket.

I smiled when he pulled out chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, eggs, toast and two cartons of orange juice. "Breakfast for dinner, how convenient." I teased.

"I don't know cook dinner. Only breakfast. So don't judge," he smiled and stacked my plate up. Everything was delicious if I do said so myself. Puck was actually a good cook and I ate everything and he even let me eat his last piece of bacon. We were having fun chatting about random things that I soon forgot how much time had passed.

"So what is this?" Puck asked in between his eggs.

"What's what?"

"I mean, what are we? Are we together?"

That was the question I have been asking myself for the past week. "I don't know. Are we?"

"I don't know. But seriously, are we?" Puck downed his orange juice. "I mean, that kiss proves that…that we got something going on. This "hanging in" deal too. We can't always be like this Quinn."

"Be like what?"

"A fling."

"Isn't that your thing?"

He sighed sadly. "That's what you always assume. I know what a fling is and this isn't one. You're different Quinn and what we have is special and you know it. Look me in the eyes and tell me that that kiss meant nothing to you."

I couldn't.

"I can't."

"See." He reached over and held my hand and held my gaze for the longest time. His warm brown eyes pulling me closer.

"Maybe you're right. Maybe I just…yeah. We could definitely work this out." I said then he kissed me for I thought was the longest time I ever kissed someone.

Tell me what you thought in your reviews, good or bad :))