"I never knew my dad" – "but you're a Malfoy?" – "Check this out, 'Attacks on Muggles Terrorize The Country" – "But Voldemort's dead?" –"Yeah... I thought so too." PLEASE READ!

Okay, so since reading a Dramione that my sister pestered me about for nearly a month, I've decided to try and write my own – which is absolutely huge for me. I don't own any rights to the characters or what not as of course they are J.K Rowling's; however I hope I'm successful with this!

"LAST CALL!" the whistle blew for the train to leave platform 9¾ as Hermione quickly jumped on after Ron. The boys had almost made them late after seeing George at HIS SHOP that morning, something that was not supposed to have happened at the last moment.

Ron messed up his hair with one hand, smiling at Hermione sheepishly as they checked for a spare compartment, he knew she never liked to be late for anything. It was going to be their final year at Hogwarts, really it was lucky Dumbledore told Harry and Ron to return and finish their wizarding education or Hermione would have been quite alone. There was always Ginny, Ron's younger sister who she was rather close to, but it wasn't the same.

Now they were in Ginny's year, the year below what they had been in before, which Ginny was excited about but Hermione felt oddly wary, she didn't want the teachers to think of them as stupid.

Harry slid open a door to reveal a compartment where Neville sat alone.

"Hey Neville, do you mind?" Harry gestured towards the empty seats.

"Not at all," he said, the boy sat up and a book fell off his lap, "I'd like someone to talk to. I just finished my last Herbology book from Professor Sprout."

"Really?" Hermione asked, lowering herself into the seat opposite him. Neville nodded and grimaced,

"Yeah, I only started it yesterday too. Hopefully there's more about Russian fungi in the library at school." He heaved the large book up onto one of the shelves above their heads before sitting back down. "You guys don't think it'll be weird going back to school in the year below, do you?"

"Yes" Ron and Harry huffed simultaneously, but Hermione shook her head,

"I don't think it'll be all that different, just new classes and dorms" She didn't want to voice her thoughts on friendships; they would all play out during the school year.

"Don't forget we'll still be terrorised by the Slytherins," Ron said with a mocking voice, "Just think, Malfoy is coming back too, so nothing can be weird there." Everyone cringed at the thought of Draco Malfoy's merciless jibes.

"Actually," Neville interjected, "I don't know if he hasn't changed" all three of them turned to look at the long faced young man.

"Well just before you came in, I saw Malfoy walk past and then not even a minute later he went past again in the same direction, wearing old, second hand robes. It was a little confusing." he admitted. Hermione felt sympathetic, most things did confuse Neville when it came to the Malfoys.

"Don't worry Neville, it was probably some prank of his" she said, rolling her eyes.

But as she said it, the compartment door slid open and there stood a dishevelled Malfoy. Not the superior, selfish, pure-blood type Malfoy they were used to, rather his face looked older, the circles under is eyes a little deeper, and his hair was darker than before.

There was something in his eyes that told Hermione he was different, hadn't they been a grey colour before?

The Malfoy that stood before them was completely different. He had incredibly green eyes.