Last chapter...

I'm sorry for any confusion this story may have caused you... anything that can be made clearer or improved, please tell me. Thankyou so much to everyone who reviewed ;) I love you all! ROYAI FOREVER!

Days, months, years…. Everything blurs together into one mess. Each time he sees red roses, each time he looks out the window.

Envy would like to see him suffer some more. But Lust will not have it. He's broken, she says. No threat to us anymore. Leave him be, the man's already suffered enough. Then she would laugh, cold and cruel like all of the Homunculi. So be it, Envy thinks. Maybe, just maybe, he won't tell the Colonel. But when he comes and asks, hunting for revenge… Envy can see it now. A beautiful moment, to watch as the once proud man gets kicked down in the dust. Envy plays it out in his mind, a thin, freezing smile beginning to appear on his face.


Here it is- the golden moment, the moment that makes everything worthwhile.

"You want to know who killed her…?"

"It was… you."

Watch as his features fall into despair, the denial…. And finally, the cold, hard, truth. The truth is sometimes too much…. What kind of methods will he use to escape from it?

Lust will not have it. But who cares what she thinks, anyway. She's already become too human, become the puppet instead of the puppet master. She'll never understand, because she only understands emotions- what a weak word- and rainy days. She has her own, too. Envy just loves to make humans suffer, beat them until they never stand up again. It's an amusing little game, the meaning of life. He'll know eventually, he'll know that

Roy Mustang was the one who killed Riza Hawkeye. It was easy, really. They trust each other too much… Humans are so weak, so weak it makes Envy laugh with amusement. So, if you keep them apart, the Lieutenant and the Colonel, their greatest strength becomes their weakness. Ha. Ha. This is so fun. He's nothing without her, and she's nothing without him. Don't become weak- don't ever, ever, become human.

Mr. Mustang will know eventually- and when he does, hopefully, without even direct attack from any of the Homunculi, their goal will be accomplished, and Roy Mustang will be finally gone from this world. It's so much fun to do it this way. The pleasures in being the puppet-master- laughing at such pitiful creatures. Envy really loves humans…. So much fun. Maybe it will keep him away from his own nightmares, his own envy, and his own…. rainy days. Maybe it will keep him from realizing the cold, hard, truth.

The truth is everyone feels the rain… Homunculi, humans, ghosts. It's only some that feel it every day.

Far away, the Colonel looks out the window on a bright summer day, full of blue sky. The weather is at the height of summer, ablaze in brilliant colours. Every day has been cheerfully sunny and the air is fresh and abuzz with life. It hasn't rained for a long time, but for some,

It's going to rain today.