Author's Note: I apologize for everyone who thought I had abandoned this fanfic. I was going to, but after a kind anon sent me a very persuasive message, I've decided to continue it. Hope you all enjoy, forgive me for such a long wait

Chained Chapter Ten

"Blaine?" Santana asked, raising an eyebrow.

Blaine groaned, his eyes fluttering open, as he quickly took in his surroundings. Where was he?

"Now look, you're really attractive, actually, crazy attractive, but you and I both know you're as gay as the fourth of July. So, why are you in my bed, hung-over?" She asked, gesturing to his half naked self, situated on what was apparently her bed. Blaine's memory was hazy; he didn't remember much of last night.

"Did we-?" He asked, suddenly growing beet red.

"No, no, calm down. After the party was over, I was with… someone else." She trailed off, looking away. "But never mind. Why were you getting drunk at my house last night?" Santana asked, sitting down next to him, on the edge of her bed. "Shouldn't you be playing with your boy toy slave?"

Blaine cringed at the thought of Kurt. He now remembered why he'd gotten so hammered: to drown out the memory of him and Kurt, of what could have been. He groaned, flipping over so he was face first in the sheets.

"I wish I was with him, believe me. If it wasn't for Karofsky being such a douche, I'd be with him right now." He regretted the words the minute they flew out of his mouth, barely audible into the thick sheets.

Santana stared at him, mouth slightly hanging open.

"What did Karofsky do to you?"

Blaine swallowed. "I'm not really supposed to tell you…" He said, trailing off, though he sort of wanted to get the weight of everything off his chest.

Santana flipped him over, as he groaned reluctantly, and she stared at him intensely. "Blaine Anderson. You can tell me. What did Karofsky do?" She insisted, and he cracked.

"I was being… inappropriately involved with Kurt," He admitted, catching Santana's surprised glance, "And he found out. So, he told me I had to break it off with him, or he would tell the authorities." The memory of it all flooded back to Blaine, and he shuddered.

"That dick. He's blackmailing you!" She shouted, a little too loud. Blaine let out another groan, covering his ears.

"Sorry." Santana said, slightly apologetic. "But Blaine, don't you worry. I'm going to get you and the other gay back together in no time."

"Santana." Blaine protested, although that was what he'd wanted most in the world at the moment. "Karofsky will tell someone, and we won't be able to be together. Trust me, just leave it alone."

Santana gave him one of her signature smirks.

"I have ways, Anderson."

Here was Kurt again, in the middle of the choir room, scrolling through cute text messages with Blaine when everything seemed to be alright. He was so, so confused about what had happened between them. One day, they'd been so painfully adorable, being all cute and lovey dovey at any time they could sneak it without being seen.

And then in a matter of minutes, Blaine had broken Kurt's heart.

Of course, Kurt pretended to be relatively unphased by the situation, and had driven off without a second thought, but in reality, it only took a half of a minute for tears to escape down Kurt's cheeks in his car, and not even rewatching RENT over and over, or listening to the Wicked Soundtrack on repeat had gotten him to feel better.

But now, he wasn't angry, or crying all the time, he was just sad, and confused, wondering what he'd done wrong to Blaine, to make him lose everything they ever had.

"Kurt, it's your turn." Mr. Schuester called out.

"Hey, hobbit," Santana said into her phone, smiling to herself. She heard Blaine groan from the other end.


"The one and only."

"Why are you calling? It's like, five in the morning."

Santana smirked. "Well, it was important."

"Alright, fine…" Blaine grumbled, still half asleep. He sat up, pressing the phone to his cheek as the rising sun cast highlights onto his sheets. "What is it?"

"You and Kurt are fine. Totally okay to be, how did you put it before, 'inappropriately involved'? Feel free to go back to being gay; doing what you gays do."

"Wait, what?"

"You can keep seeing Kurt," Santana said, really slowly.

It took a moment for the impact of that to settle into Blaine's head. He could finally be with Kurt. Kurt, the boy with the pretty eyes, and the smooth skin, and the mind that worked like no one else's. Kurt.


"Yeah, sorry, Santana. That's- that's amazing, how did you manage to do that?" He asked, a permanent smile creeping up onto his face. He couldn't believe it.

"I can be very persuasive, lovely, let me tell you... That, and the fact I caught him making out with another guy in the locker room. He wasn't too keen on getting that information spread around school, surprisingly." Santana admitted, shrugging to herself. What could she say? Blaine had never been happier than the week before everything happened, and although they weren't the closest of friends, they were close enough, and she liked Blaine. For some reason, she'd wanted to help the little hobbit, make him smile again.

"I can't begin to thank you enough."

"Don't. You just owe me one."

Blaine laughed, a yawn soon following. "Okay. Thanks for everything, again, but I really should be getting some sleep."

"Alright, but remember, you have a lot of work to do, Blaine, if you want to get him back."

Blaine frowned. "What? Why?"

"Are you kidding me? Last time I checked, you broke his heart. I'd say you'll need a lot of apologies if you want to get back with him. Well, I mean, he is your slave, you could just tell him to, but something tells me you wouldn't go for that."

Blaine groaned, remembering how awful he'd been to Kurt, breaking it off like that. "You're right. I'll find a way to make it up to him."

"You'd better, lover boy. I don't know you all that well, but just between you and me, you were considerably happier when you were around him. Don't let him go so easily next time."

Author's Note:

Thoughts, anyone? :)

Reviews are love.