"Remind me again, why can't we just fly there, like normal people?"

"Harvey, you know the client's stance on flying."

"That's his stance, not mine. It's not like he would know we flew."

"That's not the point, Harvey. And it's not going to kill you to have to drive somewhere either. In fact, it could be good for you two. Male bonding and what not," Jessica said with a smile. She was enjoying this way too much.

"About that, do I really have to take the kid with me?"

"You do realize I'm still in this room?" Mike said.

"Of course you have to take him. He's your associate. You picked him. He's your problem to deal with."

"Orrr..you can just keep talking about me like I'm not here," Mike said under his breath.

"Jessica, I really think you should re-consider."

"And I really think you should get out of my office. You have packing to do. Go. Now."

Harvey let out a huff of frustration before turning to leave the room, "Let's go, Mike."

"Oh and Harvey? Mike? Have fun," she added as they were halfway out the door. She was definitely enjoying this way too much.

Harvey just gave one of his patented eye rolls before closing the door.

"Wait, Harvey are we seriously going on a road trip together?" Mike asked excitedly, while scrambling to keep up pace with Harvey.

"First things first, Mike. It's a business trip, not a road trip, road trips are supposed to be fun, and with your friends. Being trapped in a car with you? Well, that's the exact opposite of that."

Mike looked like he just had the wind knocked out of his sails.

"Look, I didn't mean it like that. I'm just frustrated with this whole thing."

"So you do want to go on a road trip with me?" Mike asked.

"Don't push it. Why don't you go home and get packed awhile. I'm going to have Donna get our itinerary together and everything ready, so we can try to make this nightmare go as smoothly as possible. All right?"

"What do I need to bring? I've never really been on a road trip before."

"I don't know, Mike. Clothes, for starters. You're smart, figure the rest out. And stop calling it a road trip."

"All right. Clothes. Got it. I'm going to go pack now. This is pretty exciting, Harvey."

"Would you just go already?"

"Right," Mike said as he ran off.

Harvey sometimes wishes he could be more like Mike, excited about, and by, everything. Being trapped in a car, hours upon hours of driving, rest stops, and hotels, however, just weren't exactly his idea of a good time. However, he'd have to suck it up, because Jessica obviously had made up her mind, and getting her to change her mind once it was made up was about as easy as getting Harvey to change his.

So off he went to find Donna so she could get everything arranged. At least with Donna getting everything ready, that meant everything should at the very least, run like a well-oiled machine and they could get this thing done and over with, and when they got back Harvey was so treating himself to the most expensive wine money could buy.

In typical Donna fashion, she was already holding out a stack of papers to him before he could even get the first word out of his mouth.

"This is everything?"

"Everything. I planned out your motel stops along the way, and I listed off different rest areas, gas stations, places to eat, gas stations, et cetera. There are also some maps in there with your route highlighted."

"That's great and all, but my GPS can take care of that."

"Yeah, about that. I also have the information for the rental car you'll be using."

"Rental? I'm not using a rental."

"Seriously Harvey? You'll be packed like sardines in any of your cars. But if you're okay with Mike sitting on your lap, then I'll just call and cancel the rental."

"Shit. Screw it, I'll just take the GPS out of one of my cars, just to be safe, because I'm not about to deal with maps like we're on some god damn treasure hunt."

"Good. Looks like you're all set then. We'll have the rental dropped off at your place in the AM, so I suggest you get home, get packed, and get some rest, you've got a long day of driving ahead of you tomorrow."

"Thanks," Harvey sighed.

"And Harvey, just because you're miserable, doesn't mean you should make Mike miserable too. He seemed pretty excited when I saw him."

"I'll try."

Mike could barely sleep, and even though Harvey didn't seem too keen on the idea of a road trip, which despite what Harvey said, this was a road trip, damn it, Mike was excited about it.

Work had been stressful lately, so almost an entire week away from it seemed like a welcomed change, even though it was still officially for work. Since Mike couldn't sleep he spent some time googling what to bring on a road trip, but he was still certain he was probably forgetting things. Like Mike had told Harvey, he'd never really been on a road trip before, the closest he came was a 5 hour drive with his Grammy to see some kind of specialist many years ago, and that definitely didn't count.

Harvey, on the other hand, slept like a baby and was annoyed when he heard his alarm clock going off before the sun had even come up. He dragged himself from bed and threw himself into the shower in an attempt to wake himself up and feel at least somewhat human. It seemed to have worked for the most part. Coffee could probably get him the rest of the way to fully functional, he figured. As he was drying off he could hear his phone vibrating out on his nightstand, so he wrapped the towel around his waist and headed out of the bathroom to check it. It was from Mike. Of course.

Hey! I'm outside your place! You awake yet?

That reminded Harvey, he should look into seeing if they made phones that excluded the exclamation mark feature. He sat the phone back down and went back into the bathroom to finish changing before he decided to answer the door for Mike.

"I thought I told you that I was going to pick you up?"

"Good morning to you too, Harvey."

"It's barely morning, and that still doesn't answer why you're here."

"Sorry. I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd just save us some time and bike over here."

"You rode your bike with that duffel bag?"

"Yeah. Well, I had to walk it a lot of the way, but it wasn't too bad."

"Hmm, that's actually kind of impressive. Here, come in and set your bag down," Harvey said as he opened the door all the way, closing it once Mike had stepped inside.

"Wow, Harvey. Your place is amazing. I feel like I'm in a museum or something," Mike said as his eyes darted around the condo.

"I have to finish packing so, much like in a museum, same rules apply, don't touch anything until I get back."

"All right," Mike sighed, "I'll just be sitting over here, not touching anything."

Harvey was gone for about 20 minutes, while he packed his suitcase, everything folded perfectly and put in the suitcase in an orderly fashion. When he came back out of the room, Mike was still sitting on the sofa, his body twisted sideways, staring out the window, the expression on his face unreadable. The sun was just starting to break through, and was cascading through the window in streams, highlighting Mike's face with a soft glow. Harvey just watched him for a little while before speaking.

"Like the view?" Harvey asked, causing Mike to jump a little bit.

"It's kind of perfect."

"It really is," Harvey agreed. And he was talking about the same thing Mike was, right?

There was a slight pause, as Mike turned back to stare out the window a little longer, before Harvey said anything again.

"Do you need anything, Mike? A drink? Are you hungry?"

"A drink, please," Mike said as he pulled himself off of the couch and joined Harvey in the kitchen.

"Is orange juice okay?" Harvey asked as he opened the fridge.

Mike nodded his head, so Harvey grabbed two glasses and poured them each a glass.

"Thanks, Harvey."

"Once you finish that, I guess we can get things loaded up and hit the road, we have a lot of ground to cover today."

Mike polished off his orange juice the second Harvey had finished that sentence. "Ready," he said as he sat down his empty glass.

"I didn't mean for you to...ah, never mind. You should go to the bathroom before we leave, I don't want to have to stop 15 minutes into this thing."

"I don't have to go."

"Well, you should try anyway."

"Harvey, I'm not 5 years old."

"Fine. Suit yourself. I'm not stopping though."


Harvey turned out the lights in his condo and locked the door behind them after they grabbed (hopefully) everything they needed, and headed outside so they could get this show on the road.

There was apparently some confusion with the car, which had ended up costing them a half hour worth of time while they were waiting around for said confusion to be fixed, which didn't help Harvey's mood at all, especially when he saw the car was a, as he described it, "piece of shit". Mike thought it was pretty nice though. It looked like a normal car, which Mike guesses is why Harvey seemed to hate it so much.

Eventually though, they had gotten everything loaded, seat belts were on, and they were officially on the road. Harvey had given Mike the GPS and told him to program the first stop into it, so Mike was currently fiddling with that, while Harvey drove. They had a while to go before they would actually need the directions.

They had only been on the road about 20 minutes when Harvey noticed Mike glancing up from the GPS and at Harvey every couple of seconds, like he wanted to asked a question, but was scared to.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing..it's just..I kind of have to go to the bathroom."

"Are you serious? I told you to go before we left!"

"But I didn't have to go then. And now I do."

"Tough. I told you I wasn't going to be stopping 15 minutes into this thing."

"It's been 20 minutes," Mike pointed out.

"Just hold it like a normal person."

"I could get a bladder infection if I do that. Do you really want that hanging over your head?"

"I'll take my chances. Figure out the GPS and I'll consider stopping."

"Why can't we just use the map and directions that Donna gave to us?"

"Because it's 2011, and people don't use maps any more."

"I use maps."

"You also ride a bike."

"I'm really good with directions, Harvey. I think we should just use a map. This thing is a piece of junk."

"You're not figuring it out, because you don't want to figure it out, Mike."

"Yeah, gee, you're right Harvey, I should just will it to work with my mind."

"Seriously Mike, could you just try to get it to work? That's all I'm asking."

Mike sat in silence for awhile, really focusing on trying to make it work, but every time he tried to enter anything, the screen just turned white, and froze up.

"Okay, screw it, this thing officially sucks. I give up," Mike said tossing it to the floor of the car in frustration. He wasn't actually expecting for the screen to completely crack when he tossed it.

"Real nice, Mike. Now it's really not going to work because you just cracked the screen."

"I am so sorry, Harvey. I didn't mean to do that. I promise I will pay you back for it."

"Would you just do me a god damn favor and stop talking for awhile?" Harvey shouted.



Mike sighed and slouched down into his seat, turning away from Harvey and just staring out the window. Pretty much any excitement he had for this road trip, had already been sucked out of it, and they hadn't even been on the road for a full 2 hours yet. Maybe this would be the nightmare trip that Harvey had made it out to be after all.

Harvey felt like a horrible person for taking his frustration out on Mike like that, especially when he knew Mike had really been looking forward to this road trip. He felt even worse when he could hear Mike sniffling and saw him wiping at his eyes. He didn't say anything to him for awhile, just focused on the road ahead instead, because really, he was unsure of what to even say to him. He was never good at apologies and Mike was definitely owed one.

The silence seemed to go on for days, despite it really only having been another hour. Harvey felt a little better when Mike faced forward again, and started leafing through the papers. In silence of course, because that's what Harvey had wanted. Except, he was going to need directions soon, and well, it was kind of boring riding in silence, and okay, maybe he was already missing having Mike to talk to.

"They should mark the damn signs around here a little better," Harvey said, as he peered outside, looking for a sign as to whether to take a left or a right.

"It's a left," Mike said in a small voice.

"How do you know?"

"I memorized the map and directions."

"Just now?"

"I tried to tell you that I was good with directions."

"Mike," Harvey said before taking a deep breath, "I shouldn't have yelled at you the way I did. I was a dick... and I am sorry."

Mike reached over and pressed his two fingers to the inside of Harvey's wrist, "Wow Harvey, you apologized to me and you still have a pulse. It didn't kill you!"

"Yeah, yeah. Are we okay?"

"We're good. I'm still really sorry I broke your GPS."

"It's okay, that thing was a piece of junk anyway."

"So I don't have you pay you back for it then?"

"Oh no, you definitely still have to pay me back for it."

"Come on, Harvey!"

"Okay, fine. Here's the deal, you give me the correct directions the rest of the trip, then you don't have to pay me back for it. Sound good?"

"Deal!" Mike said with a smile, knowing that he definitely would not be paying Harvey back for that damn thing.

"Hey Harvey?"


"Can we please stop for a bathroom break soon?"

"Oh, right, yeah. I forgot about that. You should have said something earlier."

"I would have, but you were mad at me."

Harvey was sure Mike wasn't purposely guilt tripping him about that, but it was effective nonetheless.

"So tell me, when's the next gas station?"

"A little over 15 miles."

Sure enough, almost exactly 15 miles later they were pulling into a gas station. They climbed out of the car, and stretched their legs that were starting to get a little cramped from sitting in the car.

"I'm going to go find the bathroom," Mike said before starting to dash off.

"I'll meet you inside then," Harvey yelled to him, as he walked around the car to start pumping gas.

When he went inside he saw Mike standing at the register, getting ready to pay for a bottle of water.

"What are you doing?" Harvey asked, as he approached him.

"I'm uh, buying water?" Mike said, confused.

"Stop. Come with me," Harvey said as he tugged at the sleeve of Mike's shirt.

"Harvey, you can't just not let me drink anything because you think I'm going to have to pee every 15 minutes if I do."

"You really haven't ever been on a road trip, have you?"

"No," Mike said, still confused as to what Harvey was exactly getting at.

"An essential part of a road trip is getting junk food when you stop off somewhere. Not water."

"I thought you said this wasn't a road trip, that it was a business trip."

"Okay, instead of harping on what I said or didn't say, why don't you help me grab some junk food?"

"I think I can do that," Mike smiled, his expression very much like a kid in a candy store.

Mike and Harvey worked together to grab candy, chips, cookies and everything else in between. Mike might not have road tripped before but he was able to skill Harvey in the art of Slushie flavor mixing.

Once they got everything they needed, or rather, once they ran out of arm space to carry everything, they dumped it on the counter and paid, before heading back to the car.

"I can't believe we bought this junk food. I can't believe you encouraged buying this much junk food," Mike said, as he tore open a bag of Twizzlers.

"Just don't expect me to be encouraging your junk food habits when we get back to the office," Harvey warned.

"I won't," Mike smiled, half Twizzler hanging out of his mouth, "here," he said, handing Harvey a few.

The next two hours were spent between eating different junk foods, and sharing their opinions on them. Mike had a lot of opinions on candy, and a very intricate ranking system for them, as it turns out. And Harvey, well Mike was surprised to know that Harvey equated a lot of candy with memories of his.

He told Mike a story about how when he'd get a good grade in school, since he wasn't allowed candy on a daily basis, his mom would reward him by taking him to the candy store, and letting him pick out any flavor of candy he wanted, and he'd almost always go straight for the Caramels. He told Mike about the way his grandma would sneak him lollipops anytime he was over at her house to visit, so Mike understood why Harvey was smiling the smile he was now, the one where he uses his whole face to smile, and gets those crinkles by his eyes that Mike loves so much.

Harvey hadn't exactly planned on sharing any family stories or anything of the sort, it just kind of happened. Maybe it was the sugar rush messing with his brain, or maybe it was just the fact that Harvey felt comfortable around Mike in a way he hasn't felt with another person in, well, in probably ever.

As he watched Mike lay his head back on his seat, his lips tinged the slightest shade of red from the candy, he couldn't help but think that maybe this road trip wasn't such a bad idea, maybe it could be something good. Really good.

"Ugh Harvey, I feel so sick."

"Probably because you just ate your weight in candy."

"I feel like I'm going to...'

"Going to what? Mike, please do not puke in this car," Harvey said, noticing how pale Mike's face had suddenly gotten and veering off to the side of the road, rushing to the passenger side to help Mike out. Close call too, because Mike was puking almost immediately upon getting out of the car.

Harvey stood next to him, and rubbed soft circles on the small of his back in an attempt to comfort him, and also tried to distract his mind from the fact that Mike had definitely just gotten vomit on his shoes. At least it wasn't in the car, he reminded himself.

"I think I'm good now," Mike said, standing up and catching his breath, "I didn't get any on you, did I?"

"No, we're good," Harvey said, giving his best fake smile. He walked around to the other side of the car and opened the back door, grabbed a water bottle, unscrewed the lid, and walked it over to Mike.

"Thanks," Mike said, as he took a swig from it.

"You okay to get this thing back on the road?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Let's go."

They had only been back in the car for no more than 10 minutes when Mike was eating candy again.

"Are you serious, Mike?"

"What?", he said, as he unwrapped a Starburst and popped it into his mouth.

"Do you really think you should be eating candy right after you just turned the side of the road into Candyland?"

"That wasn't because of the candy, I think it was just motion sickness or something."

"Right. You're impossible. You know that?"


"It's not a compliment. Now stop eating the candy, and we will find you a place with actual food."

It was starting to get late, and Harvey was getting exhausted from driving. He was used to being driven around for the most part, so hours of driving wasn't exactly sitting well with him. They had ended up stopping at a diner, which had surprisingly good food, of course it wasn't exactly a 5 Star restaurant, and a cheeseburger and fries definitely wasn't lobster, but it was still good, and Harvey figured he'd have to live in the gym for the next year or so once they got back.

Mike on the other hand figured he kind of liked Harvey like this, not in a suit, and despite the purpose of this trip ultimately being about business, it wasn't about business when Harvey was telling jokes over dinner, and it wasn't business when he'd throw his head back and laugh at some random story Mike had just told for the sole purpose of trying to make him laugh, it was just Harvey. Harvey as a person, not Harvey Specter, Best Closer in New York.

"You ready to get out of here?"

"Let me just finish this," Mike said as he sucked the rest of his milkshake threw the straw, making that obnoxious sound a straw makes when it's sucking at barely there liquid on the bottom of a glass. Harvey would normally find that sound like nails on a chalkboard, so why did it suddenly seem somewhat, dare he say, adorable when Mike was doing it?

"All right Mapquest, how long do we have until we get to our hotel?"

"Only about 50 miles, give or take."

"Oh, is that all?"

"That's all," Mike said, apparently not catching the sarcasm Harvey had just used.

"Before we leave, we're stopping at the rest room."

"But I don't really have t-"

"Mike. Go."

"Okay. Fine."

Everything in order, and with assurance that there would be no need to stop for pee breaks, they were back on the road, with their destination not too far, yet seemingly still so far away. The drive there was mostly quiet, just the sound of the wind blowing through the cracked windows. It was a nice night out; a sky full of stars and the temperature was at the point where it would just be considered a 'little chilly' for most.

Eventually they arrived at their hotel, or what was supposed to be their hotel anyway.

"Are you sure this is it?"

Mike just gave Harvey a glance. He hadn't been wrong about anything all day and he certainly wasn't wrong now.

"This can't be right," Harvey said, as he pulled into the parking space.

"Why not? Because there's no valet? Because it's not 10 stories tall? It's just a motel, Harvey. And we're only staying for a night. It looks quaint."

"It looks like the god damn Bates Motel."

"Well, I'm going to go inside. You should come, unless you'd rather sit out here in the car and sulk all night," Mike said as he got out of the car, slamming the door behind him.

"For the record, I wasn't sulking. Because I don't sulk. Period," Harvey said as he rushed to catch up to Mike.

"So instead of sulking what term do you prefer? ActingLikeAGiantSpoiledBaby?"

"Keep it up, Ross, and you'll be walking tomorrow."

Mike just shook his head and pushed his way through the door of the front office. He was welcomed by the smiling face of a little old lady.

"Welcome to the Pines Motel," she said, happily. Too happily if you ask Harvey.

"How are you?" Mike asked.

"I'm doing quite well, darling. That's so sweet of you to ask. How are you tonight?"

"I'm great. Thank you."

'Seriously? Does Mike really have to become best friends with every single person he meets?', Harvey thought to himself.

"Our room, it should be under Specter," Harvey butted in, causing Mike to shoot him a look.

"Right hun, let me just look you up here," she said as she started to leaf through a big book.

"I really like the way you decorated this place. It has a nice vibe to it."

Harvey's eyes were practically rolling so hard, that they were in the back of his head now.

"Well aren't you just the sweetest thing," the lady said, her face flushing pink.

'Oh my god, and how long did it even take to look up his damn name, it's not like people were exactly knocking down the doors to stay here,' Harvey continued to rant in his head.

"Specter. Harvey Specter?"

"Yes, that's me."

"Very good. Let me just get you a key. You'll be in room number 4."

"Finally," Harvey mouthed under his breath, to which Mike elbowed him in the arm for.

She walked back into the back room and eventually came back out dangling a key in front of her.

"Well Mr. Specter, if you two need anything just feel free to give us a ring on the phone."

And Harvey was amazed they had phones at all, considering she had just leafed through a book that looked as old as her for reservations, and how the hell did Donna even find this place anyway?

"Thank you," Harvey said as he took the key from her hand.

"Thank you, ma'am. We appreciate it," Mike said with a nod.

"Boy oh boy, Mr. Specter, you did such a wonderful job raising your son. He is just so darn polite," she smiled.

"Wait..what? He is not m-" Harvey started to say before Mike thanked the lady again, and pushed Harvey towards the door, trying his best to at least make it out of the door before he started laughing. The door had just went closed behind him and he was laughing as hard as he laughed in a long time.

"Mike, it's really not funny," Harvey said, the corners of his mouth already starting to turn upwards, but only because of the way Mike was practically on the ground rolling with laughter.

"You're right, it's not funny. I'm so sorry, dad," he said as he continued to laugh.

"I'm locking you out of the room," Harvey said, as he turned and started to walk to find room number four.

Mike tried to get his laughter under control, he had managed to cut it back to small giggles. "Harvey, wait!," he yelled, as he ran to catch up.

Okay, so the actual room wasn't that bad inside, it was, what's that word Mike used? Kind of quaint.

Mike flopped himself down on the bed as soon as they were in the room.

"Finally done laughing?" Harvey asked.

"No. But I didn't want locked out of the room. Or left behind in the morning, so I figured it was best if I stop..until we're in the car again, anyway."

"Smart move. That way I can abandon you alongside some old country road."

"You could never abandon me."

"Yeah. I think you're right about that," Harvey said, with a small smile, "I'm going to go grab our bags from the car."

"I can help."

"It's all right, I got it."

"Hey Harvey," Mike said, catching Harvey as he was halfway out the door.


"Thank you for bringing me with you. I can't remember ever having as much fun as I had today."

"No problem," Harvey replied before stepping out of the room.

By the time Harvey came back with the bags, Mike was fast asleep. Harvey pulled the covers over him, and whispered 'Night, kid' softly in his ear before changing and crawling into bed himself.

Mike was woken up by his bladder acting like an internal alarm clock. He sat up straight, and surveyed the bed next to him, Harvey wasn't there, he either hadn't slept or he had made the bed after he slept, which Mike figures the latter was the more probable of the two.

He could hear what sounded like the shower running, and was that also singing he heard? He rolled himself out of bed, and walked over to the door, pressing his ear up against it. That was definitely singing. And that was definitely Unchained Melody he was singing. Mike might have laughed, but Harvey actually sounded..well, he sounded really good. So instead of laughing, he just stood there with his ear pressed up against the door, just listening, and taking it all in, until he heard the squeaking of the faucets turning off, where he quickly moved away from the door, and tucked himself back under the covers.

Mike definitely was not expecting to see Harvey come out of the bathroom wearing jeans without a shirt on, his hair still damp and sticking up all over the place, and pretty much looking very un-Harvey like, but that's exactly what he saw.

Harvey had his shirt in hand, and 'Why couldn't he have just put that on before he came out. Oh right, because he must still be wet', Mike thought, and as watched Harvey patting his chest and stomach dry with the towel, and yeah, maybe he should just stop staring at him now, especially from underneath his blanket the way he was.

'I'm definitely going to stop looking right about..now...wait geez, look at his arms, how does he even find time for the gym anyway? He probably has his own gym in that giant condo of his..I definitely need to look around next time I'm there', Mike continued rattling thoughts off in his head.

Harvey finished drying off and then stretched his arms over his head and pulled on a t-shirt that clung to his skin in all the right places.

'Huh, funny. I didn't even know he owned any t-shirts. I bet that shirt still costs more than a month of my rent..shit..is he walking this way'? Mike thought as he noticed Harvey moving in his direction, causing him to immediately duck fully under the covers, close his eyes and pretend that he was sleeping. He felt the bed shift as Harvey sat down on the ledge of it.

"Mike..Hey Mike," Harvey said softly, gripping Mike's shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze.

"What?" Mike replied with his best attempt at sounding like he'd just woken up.

"I need you to get up soon. We have a lot of driving ahead of us today, so if you want to grab a shower before we hit the road, now would be the time to do it."

"All right."

Mike laid in bed for about 5 minutes more before crawling out of it, for the second time.

"Good morning," Harvey said as he walked passed, unable to suppress a smile upon noticing Mike's ridiculous case of bedhead.

"Good morning," Mike echoed as he headed into the bathroom, to which his bladder was finally thankful for.

"Harvey, what's this?" Mike asked as he emerged from the bathroom a minute later holding up a bottle in front of him.

"It's moisturizer, what does it look like?"

"No. I mean, I know what it is, but I was just wondering what chick left it in this bathroom?"

"Are you implying that only women use moisturizer, Mike?"

"Oh no, not at all, but I do think only women use the kind in a pink bottle that smells like a bouquet of flowers."

"Funny, Mike. It's just the kind that happens to work best for my skin. Now give it here and go get your shower."

"Make me."

"Make you? What are you, six?"

"It's all right, I understand, you're too slow. It's okay," Mike teased.

"Mike, if you don't think I can have that bottle out of your hands in less than 25 seconds, you are severely mistaken."

"Oh..well now that you put it like that..25...24...23.."

"Are you kidding me right now?"


Before Mike could get to 19, Harvey had sprung off the bed, and caught him by the shirt, Mike spun around and escaped Harvey's grasp, managing to get about 4 steps away before Harvey had tackled him to the ground.

"Har-vey, you're crushing the air out of me," Mike whined, as he lay flat on his back, Harvey's body pinning him tight against the floor.

"Good," Harvey said, with a smirk. He reached down grabbed Mike's hand that was still holding the bottle of moisturizer, "I'll be taking this back now, just like I said I would," he said as he pried it out of Mike's hand.

"You suck," Mike replied, the smile on his face negating the words he'd just said.

Harvey rolled off of Mike, pulled himself to his feet, and then extended his hands down to offer to help pull Mike off of the ground.

"Hey..your skin actually is really soft," Mike pointed out, before letting go of Harvey's hands after he helped him up.

"Would you go get your damn shower, already?"

"Fine," Mike replied as he grabbed his change of clothes from his duffel bag and went into the bathroom.

Harvey crawled back up onto his bed, and rested his arms behind his head against the headboard, a little smile creeping over his face. Mike was like nobody Harvey had ever met in his life, this much was for certain.

"God, I love hot showers," Mike proclaimed, as he walked out of the bathroom, running his fingers through his wet hair.

"I can tell, considering you were in there almost an hour."

"Sorry. I didn't realize I'd taken that long."

"Not a problem, but we really, seriously, have got to leave soon."

They packed up their things, and Harvey sent Mike to check out, well actually, Mike had volunteered to go checkout, which Harvey figures meant he wanted to say goodbye to his friend that he had made, so Harvey just finished packing up the car while he did that, reminding Mike that they really, really, had to leave like, an hour ago, so to make it as quick as humanly possible. Mike was coming out about 10 minutes later, so he actually had at least tried to listen to Harvey.

"She's such a nice lady," Mike said, as he climbed back into the car and pulled his seat belt on.

"She was all right, I guess."

"You're just jealous that she liked me better than you."

"Did you pee?" Harvey asked, choosing to ignore what Mike had just said, especially since he was mostly right.

"Do you really need to keep asking me that?"

"Well, did you?"

"I'll be fine."

"Not stopping, so I certainly hope so. For your sake."

'And damn it, why the hell did Harvey have to ask him that, because now all of a sudden he already felt like he had to pee. Hopefully the feeling would subside. Also, how did Harvey almost never have to go? He must have some sort of iron bladder', Mike thought to himself.

"Can I turn on the radio, Harvey?"

Harvey shot him a look that looked like it either meant no, or definitely not.

"Please? I'll keep it really quiet," Mike said, giving Harvey his best puppy eyes.

"Go ahead," he said, unable to resist that look. He really did need to get better at learning to say 'no' when Mike shot him those puppy eyes. That weakness could end up getting him into a lot of trouble.

Mike did keep his word, and kept the volume down really low, Harvey wasn't even sure if he was really even listening to it. He mostly just seemed content with looking out the window, and then rolling his window down halfway and letting the wind blow through his already perfectly messy hair, with his head back against the head rest and his eyes closed.

It was really hard to divert his full attention back to the road when he'd catch a glimpse out of the corner of his eyes of Mike looking like that; carefree and relaxed, basically the opposite of how he usually looked when he was at work.

"Can I ask you something, Mike?"

"Of course."

"Do you know how to drive? I mean, did you ever even get your license?"

"I'm sorry, Harvey, but if you want me to drive the car, you're kind of out of luck."

"I wasn't asking because I need a break driving, I was asking because I was curious about you."

"Oh. Well, no, I've never had my license. My parents, uh, they died before I was even old enough to drive, and then my Grammy, well, I felt bad asking her to teach or take me, because she couldn't even afford paying for a car for herself, so I just rode my bike everywhere instead. I don't know, I'm also, well, this kind of embarrassing, but I think I'm just kind of terrified of driving. It's stupid, I know, feel free to laugh."

"It's not stupid."

"I feel stupid for feeling that way."

"It's the unknown, and the unknown always has the potential to be scary."

"What do you know about being scared? You're not scared of anything."

"Everybody's scared of something, Mike."

"Like what? What scares you? Besides losing, of course."

"Do you want to drive?" Harvey asked, ignoring Mike's question.

"Eventually..I mean..I guess it'd be nice at some point."

"No, Mike. I mean right now. Do you want to try it?"

"I'm sorry, Harvey, but did you miss the part about me not having a license? And being genuinely terrified?"

"I heard you, but we haven't seen a car for miles, and now's a good a time as any to get rid of that fear."

"I can't."

"You really need to take that word out of your vocabulary," Harvey said as he was pulling to the shoulder of the road.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm not asking you to drive the rest of the way, I just want you to try it. Try. It's all I'm asking."

"What if I wreck or break the car? Or what if a cop comes by?"

"You won't wreck, or break the car, and if a cop comes by just flash him those puppy eyes of yours and we'll be off the hook."

"Funny, Harvey, but I'm being serious."

"So am I," Harvey said as he got out of the driver's seat and walked over to the passenger side and opened Mike's door, "Out."

Mike unbuckled his seat belt and climbed out of the car, reluctantly taking his place in the driver's seat. Just sitting in it was making his heart feel like it was beating out of his chest.

"Put on your seat belt," Harvey said.

As he watched Mike slowly pull the belt on, he could see how tense Mike was.

"Hey, Mike. Look at me."

Mike looked over and met Harvey's eyes.

"Just relax, I wouldn't ask you to do something if I thought it was in any way going to hurt you. You can do it," he assured.

As Harvey was explaining everything to Mike it was apparent that his issue was really just the mental block he had, because Mike had clearly read books and information on driving since he seemed to know everything, most things better than Harvey even knew them, considering he was rattling off facts nervously about cars, and driving in general.

"You ready?" Harvey finally asked, knowing full well that Mike certainly was ready.

Mike closed his eyes, took a deep breath in, and exhaled it slowly, glancing over at Harvey and nodding his head yes.

"Holy shit, Harvey. I'm actually driving," Mike said, his voice a mixture of surprise and excitement.

"You are. Just keep your eyes on the road," Harvey reminded.

Mike drove for no more than 10 minutes before Harvey had him pull over so they could switch, because after all, despite it being a long, seemingly abandoned stretch of road laid out in front of them, Mike didn't have a license, and Harvey didn't want to risk getting in trouble, he just wanted Mike to get the experience of it, which he had definitely just gotten, even though he never broke going more than 15 miles per hour.

"I can't believe I just drove! That was kind of awesome!" Mike exclaimed as he got out of the car and walked over to the passenger side. As Harvey was coming around the other side of the car he was met with Mike wrapping his arms around him, engulfing him in a hug while thanking him.

Harvey smiled, and returned the hug, because, what the hell, he was proud of Mike, after all. He also made sure to make a mental note to himself to remind Mike that what happens on road trips stays on road trips.