Damn. The bunnies of plot are swarming my defences, I'm not sure how long I can stand against them.

On with the story.

Allen Walker cried.

In the span of 10 minutes, he had mourned the loss of Mana, resurrected him, nearly died, and killed him. What was worse was he said that he cursed him.


Couldn't he see that he just couldn't stand being without the one person in his life that liked him for him? Allen curled up tighter, tears cooling against his now scarred visage.

He wasn't sure how long he was there, but eventually, through his crying and endless cries of 'Mana, I'm sorry,' he heard someone.

The crunch of gravel sounded the arrival of a person. Allen lifted his tear stained and scarred face, now white hair falling over his grey eyes partially, looking at the person.

He was tall, around 5'10" with golden blond hair. A black leather trench coat covered him from the rain while a hat stayed on his head. He had a pair of leather gloves keeping his hands warm. The solid thunk of his boots mixed with the crunch of gravel. He walked over to Allen, crouching down, letting his shoulder bag fall to his side.

Allen tried to shuffle away, but failed. He just didn't have the heart. He didn't care anymore. He didn't care what this man wanted, didn't care what would happen to him.

"What happened?"

Allen cried harder, the question bringing back the terrible memories encountered just a few minutes earlier.

The man sighed. "Come on, I'm sure it's nothing a cup of hot chocolate and a warm bed will fix." Allen continued to sob. He became aware that he was being lifted up.

"Come on, I'll take you to my place and we'll figure out who your parents are," continued the man.

"... he's dead," whimpered Allen.

"What?" asked the man, slightly astonished.

"H- he died. Somebody told m- me I could b- bring him back. I tried, but..." Allen dissolved into renewed sobs, unable to get the point out. The man hugged Allen close, hoping to provide comfort. Of all people, the man knew what it was like to pay a price to see a loved one.

"And he came back, but not as you wanted?" Allen nodded. He finally looked up into the strangers eyes, seeing gold eyes look at him.

"Believe me, I know what it's like to pay a price for seeing a loved one. I won't judge you." Allen cried some more. A neutral part of him wondered just how much he could cry. Surly his small body should run out of tears soon.

"Do you have any other family you can live with?" asked the man.

Allen shook his head. "Only Mana would take me in. Nobody wanted a freak like me," muttered Allen. The tears were slowing down. Something about the presence of the man calmed him.

"Freak? I don't see anything freakish about you. That scar could attract women if you played it right," responded the man.

"No, my arm, it's deformed." The man's muscles shifted, allowing him to get a look at the arm.

He was shocked, but not repulsed. It was a blood red, wrinkled and old looking. The nails were black, almost armoured looking. A glowing green cross was indented on his hand.

"... Well, I personally don't care if you have a deformed arm or no arm at all." Allen sniffed, looking back up to the man's eyes.

"Really?" he asked. It was pitiful the way his voice sounded, so hopeful.

"Of course, I have no right arm. It's all prosthetic from the shoulder down. I'm in no position to judge." Allen didn't smile, but he felt better.

"Come on, you can't stay out in the rain, you'll catch a cold." Allen nodded, but didn't move. "I've got room at my place. Do you want to stay with me for a while?" Allen nodded again. The man started to pick him up, but realized that Allen's wet clothing added 15 pounds to him. in a crackle of red lightning his clothes began to steam, warming his thin body from within. They dried as well, smelling of clean clothes.

"What did you do?" asked Allen hesitantly. The man smiled. "Alchemy. I'll explain later. Let's get out of the rain." The man got up, carrying Allen in his arms, walking back to his place.

"By the way, my name is Edward Elric. What's yours?" asked Edward. "Allen. Allen Walker."

About an hour passed before a man in a gold and black coat showed up. On his head was a black hat with a giant gold ball with wings and a tail. On his face, partially covered by long red hair was a white mask. He looked around, observing his surroundings. He noted the grave of one 'Mana Walker.'

"Damn, missed him."

[A.N.] That's chapter one. Please review!