The story plot and custom characters (OCs) are the property of GNDPrivate and xsmokeandmirrorsx.

Summary: In this epic journey to the land that can only be dreamt of, what else could anyone possibly wish for? A journey into the animated fantasy world isn't as fun as it seems. Heylin characters mainly.

Asha: The pessimistic/sarcastic one.
Danny: The paranoid coward.
Zara: The happy-go-lucky Jack-addict.

Chapter 1
-The Trio-

"Well, anything else?" Asha shifted subtly, drumming a pencil rhythmically on the table. Gazing around at the other 2 girls gathered in the tiny room, she inwardly sighed at the blank faces staring back to her.

"How about…there's this normal girl, she meets the monks, her potential is realized and she kicks everyone's arses in a spectacular showdown of awesomeness?" Danny piped up, smirking dreamily out of the frosted window.

Turning back, Danny found Asha staring at her, her face overcome with boredom and her eyebrow raised slightly. Next to her however, Zara sat fidgeting in her chair like a child hyper on sugar, a smile playing on her lips that never seemed to leave her.

"I kinda like it." Zara chirped, her eyes darting towards Asha.

"Yeh…and so do the dozens of other people who have thought of that idea." Asha replied, burying her head in her arms on the table in front of her, letting her long brown hair shield her face and blend onto the oak desk.

"Or, how about I get stuck in the middle of a showdown and meet Jack Spicer and become his apprentice?" Zara ended with a 'thumbs up' to Asha who, without lifting her head replied instantly.

"No. Enough with the Jack Spicer, that whiney little geek doesn't deserve an apprentice." With that, Zara lowered her head for a split second before snapping it back up to reply.

"Girlfriend?" She questioned hopefully, her grin returning.

"Oh God it's hopeless." Danny intervened before Asha could argue with the daydreaming fangirl. "We need to get this fic written. I can't believe we've ran out of ideas, but Zara's is the only one we've got, so I think we should write it down."

Asha stared at Danny with her eyes narrowed for what seemed like minutes before she slowly turned her head to write. "Where's that notebook you got today Zara?" she said in a defeated sigh.

The girl was staring into space, twirling her dyed red locks between her fingers, before spinning her head around at her friend's voice. "Oh yeh!" She said, jumping up and routing through her rucksack. Eventually pulling out the book, she took a moment to look at her new purchase. Well, she could say purchase, but the reality was it was the result of an ill advised trip into an old junk shop down a long, narrow street in their town centre.

Wiping dust off various items, Zara had literally squealed with delight when she dug and found out from under countless Victorian novels and antique atlases. She had set her eyes on an ancient looking notebook, covered in scarlet velvet and edged with golden embroidery. The shop keeper had at first refused to sell it, trying to put her off with stories full of curses and ancient magic, but as Zara listened wide eyed to his ramblings, her hands had 'accidently' knocked the book into her open rucksack.

Lifting the heavy book carefully on her palms like a fragile dictionary, Zara held it out to the girl sitting at the desk with a grin on her face. "Isn't it beautiful?" She whispered, her thumbs sliding over the golden thread binding the sides.

"Yes…fantastic…" replied a stoic Asha, yawning as the words left her mouth.

"Damn right." Zara said, missing the sarcastic undertones from her friend.

Opening the book and flicking carelessly through the empty pages, Asha began to run through the few ideas they had gathered.

"So, Ash, what we got?"Zara said, her eyes widening expectantly.

"Basically, you get put in Xiaolin showdown somehow, meets up with Jack and probably ends up doing something obscene…" Ash finished in an unenthusiastic drone, spinning the chair to face the other girls.

Zara chirped, her grin spreading wider on her face, "Sounds good to me! Me and Jack-"

"No, we should all go together. We all get transported and we have to go on a massive journey to find our way back." Asha interrupted, with a slight smirk plastered on her face. Zara seemed to be already in her own fantasy 'world'.

"That's…actually pretty good. I like it." Danny said, smiling at the girl. "We should put that down."

"I dunno… I'm not sure…" Zara whined, her smile fading slightly.

"You still get to meet Jack you know…" Ash added, anticipating Zara's next reaction.

"I love it!" Zara replied, clasping her hands in front of her. "Asha, you're a genius!"

"Okey dokey then, down it goes." Ash swivelled round on her chair and opened the book to the first page. The paper was oddly thick, and felt almost like papyrus, making it particularly hard to write on. Gliding the pencil across the canvas, the lead seemed to sink slightly, as if it was descending into the document. "Do you ever buy anything practical? This thing's useless."

"Don't dis the book!" Replied Zara, quickly followed by a pillow thrown across the room towards the girl.

Snatching it out the air before it could reach her, Ash laughed openly, shutting the book carelessly and throwing it back with more than necessary force.

The room descended into a chaotic mess of thrown objects and giggling girls before Danny hurled herself in between them with her arms outstretched, trying to stem her own chuckling. "Before we kill each other, can we go and eat? I'm starving."

"I got it!" Yelled Zara, emptying the contents of her multicoloured bag onto the bed as the other girls rallied around. Covering the bed was an array of sugar filled treats, mountains of chocolate and countless E-numbers.

"No wonder you're so hyper all the time..." Danny mused, staring wide eyed at the swell of food.

"You should be in a sugar induced coma by now, surely." Asha added, reaching out to take her pick, followed by the other 2.

A chorus of talking and laughing had filled the room as they stuffed themselves with various fattening foods, but had stopped suddenly when a soft thump was heard from behind them. Looking over towards the desk, they saw the cover of the book flung open and the pages start to turn. The girls looked around, searching for an open window, but finding none, they slowly walked towards the peculiar book, encircling it. The pages stopped abruptly, making them recoil slightly before leaning in to see the faint writing etched into the page.

"That's what I wrote..." Ash whispered, now struggling to see the pencil marks on the rough paper. "That's...unusual..."

"Unusual? That's a bit of an understatement isn't it?" Danny said, frowning fearfully at the book, as the others stared, wide eyed.

"Look, the writing's disappearing!" Zara said amazedly, pointing at the rapidly disappearing letters. There was silence as the three girls stared at the page intently, watching in confusion as the disappearing pencil marks gave birth to new, and bold black letters, like a phoenix from the ashes.

"That's so cool! See I told you it was cool!" Zara gloated, dancing in front of Asha, who was more interested in the letters staining the page of the book.

"What does it say?" Danny whimpered, shrinking backwards.

"That's not even English, how unfair is that?" She moaned, throwing her hands up in the air in frustration.

"Its cursive as well..." Ash said, leaning in closer to read the elaborate words. "Gong...Yi...Tan pai? That can't be a coincidence."

"That doesn't make any sense!" Danny whined, narrowing her eyes at the book. As if in response, new words began to rise from the paper, making every pair of eyes follow them, and everybody to lean back upwards when they had read it.

"Let the journey begin? And what does it mean by that?" Zara questioned, leaning back over the book. "Make sense damn you!" She said, laying her hand on the page and shrieking backwards at its touch and hiding behind Ash.

As Zara had laid her hand on the paper, a circular silver hole had appeared from where her palm had been, and began rapidly expanding, soon taking up the whole book.

"Whoa! What's going on?" Danny shouted over the whirring noise coming from the void, but she didn't get a response. As the portal expanded, it swiftly took over each of her friends before finally taking her, leaving her with only the sight of a silver abyss before everything faded to black.