Temperance Brennan couldn't believe herself. She wasn't sure why, but she felt so...strange. It's like those smallest moments in life that leave a huge impact and make your day, like someone giving you a smile on the subway, or helping someone who drops their things.

She wasn't this irrational. She'd tried her best to be rational, but she couldn't succeed. Temperance Brennan was so tired, but yet she couldn't sleep.

If she could convey her feelings, she would.

She wanted to cry. Nothing had been going right.

Finally giving in to the painful stinging in her eyes, Temperance wept. She wept over everything she never cried for, the things that happened in the past 20 years. Everything that she remembered from the moment she realized her parents weren't coming home. She'd lost things she couldn't replace, and she had loved someone but it had gone to waste.

Could this be worse?

She stopped crying and got up, grabbing her suitcase. Packing quickly, she grabbed her keys and ran for her car, tossing her duffel bag into the backseat.

She sped out of the parking lot and got onto the interstate, deciding to go home. Temperance would let the lights guide her home.

Maybe this would fix her.

Temperance was too in love to let him go. She drove for hours, following the interstate signs until she got towards Burtonsville, Ohio. She then got off the interstate and followed the familiar back roads she drove past her old elementary school, the familiar grocery store, Burtonsville High, until she got to the familiar street.

Pulling into her old driveway, she realized that no one was home. Or, maybe had no one moved in after all these years, twenty years after the owners went missing.

Turning the doorknob, she realized it was unlocked. She walked in, and everything was there from her last day. No one had been here. Everything was how she had left it, dishes put away, floor vacuumed, all the beds made and the clothes folded. She went into her old bedroom, and realized it looked exactly the same, except for the things she took with her to her first foster home.

That was when she made her decision. She would keep this house. She would live here now.

Dialing Booth's number, she called him to wish him a happy life with Hannah.

But Temperance Brennan knew that she would never be fixed.