oops i accidentally more Striderfluff
had this idea in a car, after being at a korean resturaunt and then feeling like an absolute nightmare
thank gog for iPhone notepads

Striders (c) Hussie

Dave Strider was sick. And not even ironically. Dave was legit sick and feeling like absolute shit.

It was around two in the morning, Dave was sick, and Bro still hadn't come home.

He slowly got up from the bathroom floor, swaying lightly on his feet before steadying himself. He vision swam with blackness and he nearly fell back to the ground, grabbing onto the edge of the sink before he did. He stayed still for a moment to gather his bearings, then released his hold on the sink and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

He picked his shades off and set them gingerly on the counter, planning on washing his mouth and then going back to bed. Glancing up at his reflection, his face was red and blotchy and his eyes were redder and hazy. As he turned the sink on and water started to drip out, his stomach did another little flip, much as it had before.

His throat convulsed and suddenly he was back on the ground, face hidden in the toilet and hands clenching the seat of it. Whatever had been left in his stomach now hit the bottom of the bowl with a sickening splat, making him feel even worse. His forehead beaded with sweat, making strands of light hair stick to his face. Tears slipped past his clouded eyes and down his face and he felt hot and disgusting and utterly alone.

Trembling, he hiccupped and almost whimpered when a hand brushed against his shoulder. It trailed down his spine and settled in the small of his back, rubbing gentle little circles. The movement calmed him slightly, but his stomach continued to turn.

Dave stayed completely still –save for the subtle shaking-, face pressed against the cold porcelain of the toilet and hands splayed out under him. His mind filled with empty thoughts and questions that he couldn't very well concentrate on through the dark haze of sickness, but two things were clear to him, positive and negative.

The good thing, Bro had gotten home. He had gotten home and was in the rare occurrence of letting Dave know he actually cared, of letting his affection show.

The bad one…Bro had gotten home. He just had to have chosen this moment to come home and see him crying on the bathroom floor, puking out his insides. The very picture of uncool.

Something warm settled down beside him, fingers still rubbing his back. Another hand took hold of his and both were moved into a soft lap. Dave actually did whimper at this, feeling sick and confused and slightly conflicted. His face felt hot and he wanted to keep it pressed against the toilet, but his body was cold and he wanted it against the warm one beside him.

"Shh, s'alright little man," The hand from his back was removed and came up to brush sticky bangs out of his face, lingering on his cheek. The hand was cold and dry and Dave used his own –the one not being held captive in a lap- to reach up and grab it. He led it to his eyes, closing them and sweeping both hands across them. It was like a cool heaven to his heavy, burning lids and he kept the hands there, sighing quietly.

His stomach had finally begun to calm down. Dave swallowed thickly, wishing to get rid of the foul taste in his mouth. The deep voice spoke again, gentle and concerned.

"Are you alright?" Dave kept his eyes closed and tilted his head forward shakily. A soft breath sounded, right next to his ear.

He was pulled away from the toilet, oh so carefully, and placed into the man's lap. Immediately, he curled in it, arms coming up between their chests and clenching at the thin fabric of the other's shirt. He lowered his head into the crook between head and shoulder, pressing his face against the cool skin he found there. He tried to slow his breathing, matching it with the other .

Hands rose and tangled into his already messy hair, rubbing it in a way that soothed his pounding head.

"B-Bro," he finally managed to choke out, quietly so as not to disturb the peaceful moment.

"Shh, shhh. S'okay, you're okay." Words were breathed into his ear but he barely acknowledged them as so. His eyes were still heavy and hot, even as he kept them closed.

He must've missed when he was lifted, but now there was a slight bouncing that he experienced, letting him know he was being carried. He was shifted in his brother's arms.

"Where're we goin'?" Dave's voice was scratchy and slurred, from both his previous activity and his half-asleep state. Bro only shushed him again and Dave couldn't find it in him to argue. He closed his mouth and breathed in, letting the scent of leather and cologne and smoke cool his nerves.

After a moment, he was shifted again and instead of being upright, he found himself curled up on his side with something soft underneath him. A small, questioning noise made itself known from the back of his throat.

"Sleeping in here tonight," Bro explained, and there was a rustle of fabric as he pulled the covers up over the other. Then it was quiet and Dave frowned, reaching out to where he thought his brother would be. His fingers brushed against an arm (he assumed it was an arm, anyway) and closed around it.

"Stay," he mumbled and there was silence. Bro shuffled slightly and the younger Strider thought he wasn't going to comply. But then the mattress next to him compressed with the weight of another body and arms wrapped around him, pulling him back into Bro's chest.