Author's note: Well, here's the first chapter of Chasing Ghosts. I hope you enjoy it, and I'm sorry this chapter is so short. Thank you for reading!

Full Summary: I ran faster into the forest, I wouldn't let him in. I wouldn't break because of a memory, but here I was. Here I was chasing a ghost. "Miharu, please stop running." I froze, that voice, I knew that voice. I'd heard it clearly. I turned to see a familiar face, and everything came crashing down. "Yoite…"

The gist of things: Yoite's back.

Rating: T (May change to M, I'm not sure where this story will go.)

I walked down the crowded street, dodging the people making their way to their destinations. I passed the shops with golden lights the lit up the streets. I was walking home, the falling snow chilling my bones as if to spur me to go faster. I made my way across a short stone bridge, the moon shone in the sky sparkling on the water. The calm invaded my senses, along with a small pang of sadness. Nights like these always did remind me of him.

I shook my head, as if to chase away the sad and nostalgic memories. I began to walk home a little faster, the cold becoming more unbearable in a new way. I kept my vision on the road ahead, and soon found myself at home. I stepped through the door. The warm invaded my body and mind, with a sense of safety.

I set the bags on the counter quietly, and headed upstairs to take a shower. I gather some clothes and a towel, and set them on the counter. I turned the facet on until the water was steaming. Slowly peeling away the wet clothes, I let my mind wander a bit. I shudder a bit at letting his memories invade my mind. The understanding he had for me, as I had for him. The occasional moments of happiness, and that rare, weak smile I had received.

I stepped into the shower, letting the warm water fall over my skin. My muscles relaxed, and let the water wash everything away, those memories, that sadness, and these tears.