Disclaimer: You already know what the business is. I don't own Glee obviously.

Alright you Purt lovers! Get ready for some Purt lovin'!

This is an alternate universe so dont expect it to be like the show. Hell don't even expect it to be like real life. In this universe gay marriage is legal and HIV...what HIV? haha XD OH YEAH! NO CONDOM BUTTSECKS!

In this story I took it upon myself to make Puck into a smexy, puerto rican bartender and his cousin is Santana. Get ready for it Purt lovers! Noah Puckerman Lopez is in the building! Heyy!

Please read! Review if you want. I can even take constructive criticism, I know my writing skills aren't superb. No flames though. Seriously if i look at the reviews and see "You Suck!" or "Stop writinng you waste of space." I will be more than happy to send a strongly worded letter to you. :)

It was like a tradition really. Every new city Kurt would pop into for a extended period of time, he would spend the first night at a gay club. This time he was in Miami for his new clothing design company looking to expand and become a hot new franchise nationwide. Even though his heart will forever belong to New York City, being in the same place pretty much your whole life can get quite...well boring. So when the twenty-four year old saw an opportunity, he took it, which led him here to Miami where he was currently sitting in a hot new gay club that apparently just opened not to long ago.

Kurt gazed upon the dancefloor from his barstool, back fully erect, a long, slender, skinny jean covered leg crossed over the other and his hands resting neatly on his knee. As if he was the all high and mighty Queen of queer town. Frankly though, Kurt liked the title high and mighty. It certainly kept his employees back in New York in check, but this isn't New York. This is Miami. A totally different atmosphere. And totally different people. For him to act like the head bitch in charge could have him beaten up and tossed into a dumpster, in some dark, smelly, old alleyway like a used condom. And that look just isn't cute. No ma'am mm mm!

But he liked Miami. Guys here are hot. The weather was nice and the beach was practically right around the corner. Kurt can definitely get used to this. "Excuse me, bartender!" He spoke, motioning his hand simultaneously. One of the two bartenders made his way over and Kurt's eyes widened in shock as he almost jizzed in his pants. He normally wasn't the one to be attracted to grundgy/punkish men, but hot damn! Tight muscles on a tall, lean body. A sure sign that this guy works out quite a bit. Dark tanned skin with a few tattoos running up his arms. A scruffy beard over a chiseled jaw line and a mohawk to top it all off. Oh my Gaga this guys was a walking wet dream!He had a swagger in his step as he made his way to Kurt whom was still in a state of awe at the man's striking appearance.

"Yeah babe, whataya need?" he flashed a bright smile towards kurt who just melted even more upon hearing his thick accent.

"C-can I get a...a... um a strawberry daiquiri? Yes! Can I get a strawberry daiquiri, please?" Kurt quickly composed himself. He didnt want to look like a kid in a candy store... a very hot candy store.

"Haha, sure thing pa." The Godlike man grabbed a glass and begin working on Kurt's drink when he parted those luscious, pink lips of his and his voice began ringing through Kurt's pale ears again. "So, I haven't seen your pretty face here before papito."

Kurt swallowed the thick lump he had in his throat. He just called his face pretty! Kurt knew he was just hustling so he could get a good tip. A tip that he would gladly give to the man just by walking up to him. "Um yes. I just moved down here from New York with my husband, hoping to expand my new clothing design company." now why'd he have to go and say about his husband. Oh well, it wouldnt matter anyway for two reasons. One, he was married! And two, there is no way in hell this guy was single. He's too gorgeous. Even if he had just broken up with his boyfriend it would probably be a matter of moments before the next twink whore will be all over him. Kurt rolled his at that thought. He hated whores! Especially the twink whores. Ugh!

"Welcome to Miami then! Here, first order is on the house babe." Good. He didn't stop with the flirtacious name calling. Then again, it probably has to do with that hustling business. But it's still good.

"Oh! You don't have to do tha-"

"Nah pa, it's all good." He smirked. "First glass is on the house."

"Okay, Thank you Mr... umm"

"Noah, call me Noah, or Puck whichever you prefer babe." He waggled his eyebrows.

"I like Noah. I'm Kurt Hummel Anderson." Why not say his last name. Maybe there will be an off chance that Noah would send him a request on Facebook. Kurt extended his hand for a shake, but found himself shocked again and he could feel his cheeks turn into a deep crimson as Noah took his hand and placed a warm kiss on his soft knuckles. 'My Prince Charming' Kurt mentally slapped himself. This little thing going on between them has to stop. He was married for Christ's sake!

"So Kurt, where is your husband? Shouldn't you two be celebrating your first night in Miami together?" God that voice.

"He's still in New york, he has some last minute things to take care of. He'll be down by then end of the week." Kurt took a sip of his drink through a pink straw which helped him calm his nerves down.

"Ah! I see. That's a pretty big rock on your finger. He must really love you pa." He flashed that winning smile of his again.

"Yeah he does. And I love him too, he certainly is a dream come true." Yeah he loves his husband. Maybe if he keeps telling himself that then maybe it will calm him down enough to refrain from flying over the bar counter and pouncing on the latino. "What about you? You have anybody special in your life?"

"Eh, it's complicated. We have issues we're trying to over come."

"What kind of issues? If you don't mind me asking... Jeez Kurt nosy much?" Kurt slapped himself in the head... wait did he just say that out loud? He did. Damnit!

Noah smirked. "Nah you ain't nosy. I just found out he's been sleeping with other people."

"He cheated on you?" Kurt eyes furrowed. 'That bastard! How dare he have the audacity to cheat on a Godly figure like Noah?'

"Yeah." Kurt could tell Noah was a little crushed on the inside "But enough about that. Do you have any friends here?" he quickly changed the subject.

"Nope. Most of my friends are in back up north. So it's just me down here for now." Kurt was a lil surprised that he changed the subject so quickly but he knew it was probably for the best. Noah doesn't need to relive that past all over again... then again it doesn't really help that he's still seeing the guy either. He should just did what Noah did and just the drop the subject. It's not really his place to pass judgement on the situation. He barely knew the guy!

"Damn babe. No friends down here? What you gonna do over the next few days til your hubby arrives?

"Well, I have to do some unpacking, but that won't take long because we lived in a small apartment and the house here is huge. After I unpack I'll probably do some shopping for furniture. The ones we had won't go well with the color scheme of the house. And between you and me, I always hated atrocious couches. They were a complete eyesore! I don't know why Blaine ever wanted to keep those horrendous things!"

Noah just laughed out loud. "You crazy papito! But I'm off for the next two days. Maybe me and my cousin can swing by help you with the house? You need some friends down in Miami."

Kurt smiled brightly "Sure!" He said that with a little too much expression and quickly composed himself again. He dug into his wallet and handed Noah a small card with his number on it. "This is my number."

"Alright babe, I'll give you a call tomorrow." He winked at Kurt.

The two continued to talk for what seemed like hours, stopping here and there for Noah to take drink requests and Kurt would sit back and watch in amazement as Noah flip bottles and glasses around like pro. Other times some drunk baffoon would come onto Kurt a little too strong, which then the latter would make some snarky remark about stench of his breath and comparing his face to the zit on a warthogs ass. One thing Kurt Hummel Anderson absolutely will not tolerate is cockiness, especially if that cockiness was being directed to him by someone else. Then Kurt would have to tell him what the business is and they would sure enough leave him alone and walk away feeling hurt by Kurt's words. But he didn't care, they probably wouldn't remember him in the morning since they're always inebriated when they talk to him.

It was getting late, and the rowdiness of the club began to die down as the more and more people wobbled, or sexed their way out. For real! Some people look like they're fucking each other when they leave because theyre so hammered.

"Well babe, as much as it pains me to say it, the club is closing."

"Yeah I probably should be heading home. Long day tomorrow...or later on today." They both shared a quiet laugh. Kurt reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet to fish out a fifty dollar bill and handing it to Puck. "No," he chuckled "first drink was on the house, and you only had one, so it's free boo."

"I know that. It's a tip. For the excellent service you provided for me. Sweetie." Kurt giggled.

"Oh wow! Thank you." Puck took the bill Kurt offered him and stuffed it into his back pocket. "But yeah sweets," Noah stretched and Kurt saw all his muscles flexed. Damn. "I'll give you a call, when I'm leaving my house."

"Okay!" Kurt smiled brightly as he got his things together and hopped off the barstool. "Sounds good hun."

"Alright babe bye." Noah walked out from behind the bar and gave Kurt a hug and kiss on the cheek. Kurt tensed up feeling such strong arms wrap around him. Maybe this was just all a sex dream and he'll wake up soon in a very warm, wet, and sticky bed because he shot out several loads while he was in his dream world, but that kiss quickly reminded him that he was wide awake... and so was his cock.

Kurt quickly returned the hug and kissed him on the cheek goodnight, the scruff tickling his face. The embrace was short lived much to Kurt's dismay but as he made his way towards the exit he turned to see Noah's back side. 'He's got a great ass' Kurt's ears rang as he heard the drop of a set of keys and Kurt's eyes followed Puck's body as the latter bent down to pick up the keys showing an even greater view of his assets.


Hey you cum guzzlers! How did you like the story? Is it worth continuing? Let me know what you think.

Thanks you xoxoxo

Much love and fucks by, Venetian King.