"Are you sure I look older than 18?" I asked Yuffie again as we waited in line to get into Wildcat, one of the clubs that Yuffie had, yet again, convinced me to come to. I ran my hand through my hair yet again in nervousness.

Yuffie grabbed my hand and forced it down to my side. Despite her small stature she had surprising strength. "Yes, now stop messing with your hair. It'll get greasy. And stop worrying about your age, just act natural and they'll let us in. The bouncer doesn't care. I come here all the time." She reassured me.

I sighed and attempted to slow my heartbeat by taking deep breaths. We neared the front of the line. The guy standing at the door was big, broad shouldered, bald and wore dark sunglasses that were impossible to see through.

We approached Sunglasses and Yuffie held out both of our fake IDs. "Ahh Yuffie. Here again? And you brought a friend? Just remember to stay away from the bar." He said with a small, knowing grin.

I started having a mini panic attack in my head, but Yuffie just smiled and said "We're just gonna get a little tipsy, Rude. I'm sure Reno will be keeping an eye on us. Don't be such a worrywart." She said with a laugh as he let us through.

Sunglasses -Rude- just shook his head at her.

I followed Yuffie as she walked down a long dimly lit hallway filled with smoke that made me cough. We reached the end of the hallway and she opened a door that I hadn't seen. More smoke poured out of the door and loud music greeted my ears. Bright lights periodically cut through the smoke.

Yuffie grabbed my hand and pulled me through the doorway. She skirted around the dance floor filled with sweaty gyrating bodies and made a beeline for the bar.

Luckily, there were two open stools right next to each other in front of the bar. Yuffie waved over the bartender who gave us a once-over. I noticed his eyes lingered on my chest, and I crossed my arms self-consciously. He smirked and then turned his attention to Yuffie.

"Two Stellas, please." She yelled into his ear. He took down two cups behind him and set them on the counter in front of him and filled them with beer. He scraped off a bit of the foam off the top and then set them in front of us. "Five bucks." He said.

"I'd like to start a tab." She replied. He only nodded.

"Kid, are you gonna make me pay that off for you again?" a voice said behind us.

We swiveled around. A guy with long spiky hair tied in a ponytail down his back stood there with a hand on his hip.

Yuffie nodded enthusiastically and smiled. "I expect you too. Reno, this is my friend Tifa. Why don't you show her around?"

He looked at me and held out his hand. "Reno." I took it and shook. "Tifa." I replied. "Come on. I'll show you the club." He said, and pulled me off my stool.

I glanced over at Yuffie who gave me a shooing motion. I turned to Reno.

"We'll start with this floor and make our way up. I'm gonna hold your hand to make sure nothing happens to you, sometimes this club can be a little wild." He said. I nodded and took his hand. I knew he was doing it just to make sure I stayed safe.

He pulled me through the crowds and near the back of the room. There were three elevators at the back stealthily disguised amid the curtained wall. I wouldn't have noticed them if he hadn't pointed them out to me. He pressed a button and the middle elevator instantly opened. We stepped inside and as soon as the doors shut all the sound was blocked.

"The club is soundproof so our offices upstairs aren't disturbed." He explained. Offices? What kind of offices are found above a club, I wondered.

Reno pressed the button that had a two on it and we ascended in silence. The elevator opened into a large room with a bunch of doors all over the walls. There were two dozen doors. Each of the doors had a number on it. 1-24.

"This is where our offices are. My office is number 3. Wanna see?" he asked me excitedly.

"Sure." I said. He led me over to it and opened the door. Inside was a small barren office with a desk, two chairs on either side of the desk and an Apple Laptop. Around the laptop was a mess of papers.

"Pretty boring, huh? I don't like it in there." He explained.

"I bet the club downstairs is much more exciting." I said.

He laughed. "Yeah."

He ushered me out of his office and closed the door behind him. "So what exactly do people do here in the offices?" I asked him curiously.

"We offer a variety of services from tech help to dating advice. You name it we probably offer it." He said, then added as an afterthought "Of course we don't deal in illegal dealings like drugs…"

"Uh huh…." I said.

He glanced over at me with a raised eyebrow. "I know you don't believe me but come on, I still need to show you the third floor."

He led me back over to the elevators and pressed the button. Again the elevator dinged pretty much instantly. We stepped inside and Reno pressed the button that said 3.

When the elevator opened I gasped and stepped out. Reno followed me and I caught him grinning out of the corner of my eye.

The room was entirely glass. You could see out to the city which had so many lights on that they all kinda blurred together when you tried to look closer.

"Pretty impressive, huh?" Reno asked me, when I finally managed to tear my eyes from the view.

The room was actually an office, but it was just as sparse as Reno's had been. Desk, two chairs, and an Apple laptop. That was it.

"This is the boss's office. Normally we don't usually bring people up here but I don't think he would mind this time…" Reno trailed off. I zoned him out at boss.

Outside, someone on a motorcycle was pulling around the side of the building. I could blond spikes and flashes of pale skin before he pulled into what must have been a garage in the building.

"Come on. You can come back another time and look at the view. I'll take you back to Yuffie." Reno said and pulled me by my wrist away from the window. I took one last longing glance out the window and then went with Reno to the elevator.

3 hours later….

"WHOOO!" I yelled as I finished my drink. I was more than a little tipsy. Yuffie was worse though. Even in my state I could tell that she wouldn't remember tonight.

She grabbed a random guy by the hand and pulled him out to the dance floor. I tried not trip over anything as I watched them dance.

"Would you like to dance?" a quiet voice asked in my ear, even over the music I could hear him. I looked over to see hotness incarnate standing by my side.

He was a couple of inches taller than me. His blonde spikes fell over his eyes and they looked super soft. My fingers twitched to brush them out of his eyes but I resisted. His body looked lean and hard underneath his black t-shirt and black jeans. His skin was pale and the way the light glinted off of it was almost eerie. He looked vaguely familiar but I quickly decided that there was no way I could have forgotten someone this hot and therefore I had never met him before.

I swallowed; my mouth suddenly dry. "Yeah." I must have said it too quietly because he frowned and leaned in. "Yes." I said louder.

He took my hand and took me onto the dance floor. I stumbled a few times but he quickly righted me.

When we reached the middle of the dance floor he put his hands on my hips and we started dancing. It was sloppy since I was drunk but I don't think he minded.

We danced for a long time. Or at least what seemed like a long time. By around the -what I think was the- tenth song I started feeling dizzy. I stopped dancing.

"Are you gonna be sick?" He asked me. I shook my head, but that made my stomach start churning really bad. I tried to swallow a few times but I felt like I couldn't breathe. Everyone felt suddenly too close and it was like there wasn't enough air for me to breathe.

Just as I fainted I wondered if I would ever find out more about my mysterious dancing partner.

Whoo! That was soo much fun to write. I love Tifa and Cloud together. It is now 2:19 in the morning but I'm still really hyper so I think I'll start on the second chapter