I don't know who owns Camp Rock, but I do own the original characters.

This is dedicated to Standard-Ang3l, the hard core Jaitlyn fan. Because Jason needs more love in his life.


Violet Cessario had enough to worry about.

Her jerk of an older cousin, Shane.

Her emo of an older cousin, Nate.

Her father, who didn't get the fact that she would be teased as the directors daughter.

Caitlyn and her dance class of doom.

Mitchie and her kum-ba-ya circle.

The snakes in the lake.

Andy's advanced drumming class where she'd have to sit next to that weird kid, Tamera, again.

Yucky boys and much, much more.

Her other older cousin was also her camp counselor... again.

She didn't want the other kids to know she was related to any of them. She wanted to make it on her own, break her mold, and be her own person!

But how could she do that with so many of her own relatives with in a 10 foot diameter?

"You know Vi," Jason picks up her duffel bag "You can be anything you want to be here. No one to tell you no. No person to say who you should be."

She tries to ignore the whispers that come with walking with a Connect3 member. Violet also tries to think of when Jason became so intuitive.

"IDK what you're talking about, Jase." She huffs, crossing her arms in a pout.

"That, that right there." Jason accused, wagging a finger in her face. "You'd gag at anyone else doing that, so why did you start?"

She looks at the trail on the way to her cabin.

"Look Vi, I know that it's not easy trying to be yourself here. Mitch had the opposite problem you have, and she still got picked on. When ever people break out the talons, you know you've got talent." He punches her shoulder lightly. "And, kid, you ooze talent."

He bounds over the steps in a single jump and waits at the top for her to catch up.

"Have some fun. Loosen up! It's not all bad." Jason assures her, dumping her bag on to a bed. "Do something unmusical. Like swimming or archery. Maybe you could even go bird watching!"

She giggles a little, but squashes it down. Cool kids don't giggle.

But it was to late, Jason heard her and sent a wink her way.

Well, Violet did have one thing to look forward to...

Her softy of a cousin (and her favorite), Jason.

Who knows? Maybe the big dork is right?

"Jase, I thought Violet was going to be at camp this summer?" Nate asked at the lunch table. Jason chewed his sandwich carefully, not sure where this was going.

"Yeah, she's here."

"She's not in my advanced drumming class."

Jason's eyes flicked briefly to Andy.

"That's weird."

Andy looked down the table, recognizing his student's name.

"Violet? Red head, freckles, wicked on the marimba?" He asked, picking through his chips. Andy didn't even notice Nate's eyes narrowing.

"Yeah, that's her. Why?"

"She's in my second class, the advanced-"

"Drumming. She's taking your advanced drumming class instead of mine? Why? She's my cousin."

Caitlyn let out an undignified snort before tossing a pickle at Nate.

"Nater, I'm not sure if you know... but you're kind of... intense. I wouldn't want to take your class either."

Jason took another bite of his sandwich before swallowing and mentioning.

"She's not taking any classes that are taught by us, Nate."

"What! That means she's not taking my vocal class!" Shane whined, thumping the table with the fist, then he thought about it... "That means she's taking Mitchie's class! Ugh, this sucks!

Caitlyn shot a glare at Jason for a moment.

"Jason, can I borrow your pickles?"


"What the- Cait, stop throwing stuff at me!"