Hey you guys, this is my first Twilight Fic and I decided to play around with the idea of what would have hapened if Carlisle hadn't refused to abort Bella and Edward's baby. In the book the only thing really stopping him is Esmee's objections but I think the more logical thing for him to have done would have been to do it. I think he would have felt as though he was not only saving Bella's life but Edwards's too (because of Edward's reaction to her'death' in New Moon). So here is an alternative version of events...
(Oh and don't mistake this fic for what I wished had happened! I like the book just the way it is! :D)

All I could do was scream. There was nothing else to be done. It didn't matter how much I kicked or punched or tried to toss and turn to somehow attempt to escape their grasp it was useless. Because they were three vampires and I was one human, and not even a strong human at that. But their strength did not stop my efforts, I was determined, deranged even. All I knew was that if they managed to lie me down on the bed they may as well kill me. If they managed to hold me down and inject me with a syringe, if I was to go under anaesthetic, I did not want to wake up, period. I could tell they were conflicted, I could see how hesitantly they were handling me. If they really wanted to it would only take one of them to pick me up and place me on the bed in less than a second. I was helpless against their strength and everybody in that house knew it. It was as if they were trying to put off what they were planning as long as possible and somehow make me go willingly, but I wouldn't, and they knew that. I dug my heels into the ground and screamed for them to let me go as we neared the bedroom they had set up for me, every inch we moved closer the more I screamed, the harder I fought and the weaker I felt. I couldn't believe this was happening, I couldn't believe they didn't feel the same way I did, I couldn't believe he didn't feel the same way I did. This was his baby too. This was his own flesh and blood, a part of him, a part of me. A miracle, growing inside me. The hardest part about deciding to become a vampire had been knowing I could never have a child, I would never have that experience, I would never be someone's mom. This was our second chance, the chance to be a family, like we never thought was possible. Couldn't he see that? Didn't he want that?

I couldn't even look at him as he gripped my arm and steered me towards the bedroom. I could however look at Carlisle as he held my hand and near enough dragged me forward, but I couldn't look at him. Out of everyone Carlisle was the one who believed what he was about to do was truly the right thing, despite my objections; he had no hesitation, no query, and no doubts. It pained him to have to do it against my will, I could see that, but his mind was made up, in his mind he was saving my life, he was saving Edward's life, no matter what the sacrifice. Alice on the other hand was in tears as she griped my shoulders from behind and walked me forward, she kept muttering how sorry she was and how it was for the best, how I'd understand later, but Alice could see the future and I knew that she must know how un-okay I'd really be. Tears streamed down my face as I realised the inevitability of the situation, there was no way out, this was it. I dug my heels into the floor harder and screamed louder than I thought it was possible, my vision was blurred but through the tears I could make out Jasper holding the door to the bedroom open, a solemn look upon his face. Somewhere behind me I could hear Esmee's gentle sobs and Rosaline's protests, out of everyone it was almost comical to think she was the only one who understood how I felt, the ice cold blonde, who I thought I'd never agree with on anything. If it wasn't for Emmet holding her back, I was sure we would have a fight on our hands.

As we passed the threshold into the bedroom and I saw the bed that was set up, I had an overwhelming feeling as though I was walking (or being dragged) to my death.

"YOU CAN'T DO THIS" I screamed as I struggled, tossing and turning punching and kicking to no use, "THIS ISN'T RIGHT!"
"Bella, calm down sweetie, this is for the best trust me it's for the best" Alice soothed through her sobs as she stroked my hair.

All of a sudden I felt a wave of calm come over me, and in that second I had somehow been picked up and placed on the bed in a fraction of a second. My brain wasn't working properly. Why wasn't I screaming? Why couldn't I scream? Why wasn't I fighting back? My eyes flitted about the room franticly as I tried to understand why my body had suddenly stopped functioning, then I locked eyes with Jasper as his gaze bordered into mine. He was changing my mood. He was calming me down, then I looked to my right and saw Carlisle pulling a syringe out of my arm, he had done it there was no stopping them now. I shut my eyes as tight as I could and tried to escape reality. This could not be happening. Not to me. Not by these people that I loved. Not my family. They could not seriously be about to abort my baby against my will. My whole body shook as I cried histerically, and through broken sobs begged them to stop.

I felt an ice cold hand upon my forehead and my eyes snapped open to see him, to see Edward looking down at me, his expression contorted with pain, I had never seen that expression on anybody's face before and I was sure, even if I lived another thousand years I would never see it again. He looked haunted, scared, as if he was in the most unimaginable agony. But as the blackness began to take hold, as I felt myself slipping away under the influence of the drugs it was not words of comfort I offered him, as my eyes clouded over and I stopped being able to feel my own body there was only five words that left my lips before I disappeared completely.

"I will never forgive you."

Unsure as to whether or not to leave this as a one-shot or whether to continue... THOUGHTS? PLEASE REVIEW AND LET ME KNOW!