I'm going to start updating this fic every Thursday night (UK time)… starting this Thursday
Enjoy the next chapter… (Oh and by the way the majority of this fic will be from Bella's POV- just while she is unconscious we need someone else to tell the story)

Oh and also… Can we pretend (just so I don't feel like a terrible person) that their baby isn't far along at all, I know it's supposed to be a rapid pregnancy and the baby is meant to have kicked already but can we pretend it's still early stages (The kind of normal stage a woman would have an abortion). So no kicking yet!

Rosalie's POV

"Emmet, what are you doing? Get out of my way!"

"Rose, calm down, please, this isn't our business, this isn't up to us." Emmet said grabbing my shoulders and holding me in place at the foot of the stairs, I tried to struggle against him but he really was just too strong, yet my efforts did not cease.

"You're right! You are absolutely right! This, Emmet, is not up to us; it's not up to any of us!" I retorted still trying unsuccessfully to twist and turn out of his grasp.

"Rose, she'll die if they don't—"

"And what about that baby? Huh? No one seems to care about that baby. Does he or she deserve to die because of Edwards obsessionwith that girl?"

"That's not fair Rose, we don't even know what itis!"

"Don't say it!" I screeched.

Emmets head suddenly snapped up as if he was looking through the ceiling and I realised how quiet it had become, Bella had stopped screaming. It was happening then, they were actually going to do it. Until the past few days I hadn't really had much respect for Bella, it's not that I disliked her I just found her willingness to abandon a life I would literally kill for irritating. She was the girl who had everything in my eyes and she was willing to throw it all away without a second thought on a vampire. Why would anyone choose this life? Yet in the past few days her determination and conviction when it came to keeping her baby instead of following Edward's lead blindly like she normally does had created a kind of respect with in me. I still wouldn't say I liked her but at this precise moment I don't think I had ever understood someone more in my life.

"I will never forgive you." I heard her say before her breathing slackened into a more regular rhythm.
The silence after she had breathed those words was deafening as both myself and Emmet stared through the ceiling as if we could see the scene we were listening so intently to. As Emmet concentrated his hold on my arms slackened and within a second I was up the stairs and standing in the doorway staring at Edward on his knees next to Bella's stilled frame with his head in his hands. Carlisle was patting his shoulder as Jasper stood across the room staring intently at Alice's whose whole frame was shaking with gentle sobs and Esmee was sitting at the foot of the bed biting her lip her eyes flicking between Edward and Bella.

"You need to stop this!" I said as calmly as I could, breaking the silence , I didn't know exactly who I was talking to but I knew I just had to get one of them to listen. I couldn't let them do this.

No one spoke. No one even turned to look at me.

"Esmee" I pleaded deciding she was my best bet at making a crack in this plans foundation, "How can you be letting this happen? After what happened to your son?" I knew it was a low blow, but after killing herself because her new born baby died I really couldn't see how she'd agreed to this.

Esmee's eyes widened at my words and tears began to fall down her cheeks, Carlisle's head snapped up a look of concern mingled with anger etching his features.

"It's because I love her Rose" Esmee whispered after a heavy silence, her fist balling the bed sheet from where she was sat, "I can't lose any more of my children not Edward and not Bella."

"Well you are going to lose Bella" I whispered in reply, ignoring the pain that contorted her face, I knew she was upset but I needed to stop this, "You all are! And what about how Bella will react, when she wakes up and realises what you've all done to her; her family? People she trusted. How will you feel if she goes and throws herself off a cliff?"

"That's enough!" Carlisle interjected, "This isn't your choice Rosalie!"

"AND WHO MADE IT YOURS?" I screamed not being able to stand it any longer. At my outburst Alice's sobs became louder and I saw from the corner of my eye her fall to her knees with her head in her hands, in a flash Jasper was by her side smoothing out her hair.

Carlisle's gaze lingered on Alice and Jasper for a second before he looked towards Edward who had remained motionless since I entered, "I believe what I'm doing is right Rose, but the choice is Edward's!"

I let out a humourless laugh that made me sound almost deranged, "The choice is Edward's." I repeated, "I wonder if Bella sees it like that?"

"I know it shouldn't be my choice Rose. But I can't let her die." Edward said simply not moving.

"Maybe we should think about this" Esmee softly whispered, "I'm not sure… I mean… what if… Maybe we should think about it some more."

"No" Edward answered immediately, lifting his head to gaze at Bella's stilled form, "I've done nothing else but think about it, I'll take the consequences, whatever they might be."

"Oh well how very noble of you Edward," I said trying my best to control my anger, "And what about Bella? Hmm? What about the consequences for her? Or have you even thought about her once?"

In a second he was in my face a look of complete anger on his.

"Have I thought about her? Have I thought about her?" He spat our faces inches apart. "SHE'S ALL I THINK ABOUT!" he screamed.

Immediately Emmet, who I guess had been standing behind me this whole time put his arm around my waist and pulled me back.


Edwards eyes seemed to show a flicker of emotion for a split second, was it guilt? "Don't pretend you care about her." He said barley audibly.

Suddenly a wave of calm came over me and I stopped fighting against Emmet. I snapped my head around to Jasper and snarled at him as best I could manage given my calmed state. "Don't you dare!" I spat.

Alice suddenly stood up and began brushing down her clothes while she held back sobs. She seemed determined for some reason as she wiped her eyes. "Maybe Rose is right—" she began to say before Carlisle cut her off, "A decision has been made." He said in an authoritive voice, stepping forward and placing a hand on Edwards shoulder, "She will die, of that I'm certain, and it will be a slow and painful death. Bella will waste away to nothing, the life being sucked out of her. After all the research we have conducted we have a clear enough picture of the process of death. This is the best thing, for Bella, for Edward, for all of us. Rose you would give anything to be human and be able to conceive a child. Bella is a young girl who has her whole life before her, she has options none of us do. We can't let her die because of something we've brought into her life. We don't know what it is she is carrying but it's not yet well enough formed to suffer any pain from the abortion. Bella is still human Rose, this doesn't have to be her only chance at birthing a child." His gaze flickered to Edward who was staring at the floor, "Myself and Edward have discussed this thoroughly, Edward wants her to be happy Rose and if having children with a human is what she wants then he has made his peace with that."

"Oh I don't think you need to worry about that" I said my eyes locking on Edward who was still staring at the floor, "I doubt she'll ever want to see him again when she wakes up! She probably won't be able to get away fast enough!"

"Okay Rose time to go" Carlisle said as Emmet's grip on me tightened, "All of you it's time for me to start!"

"But…" Alice began, she looked so conflicted and small from where she stood with Jasper. Jasper lightly took her arm and guided her past me out of the room where I heard her burst into tears hysterically.

"Carlisle…" Esmee's soft whisper came from the bed, she like Alice looked conflicted, she was shaking her head slightly as tears began to roll down her face once again.

"Shhh," Carlisle soothed sitting next to her as he caught a tear with his thumb, "Please Esmee, you know this is for the best, the chances of either of them surviving iare low and for Bella are non-existent. Please Esmee; don't fight me on this I couldn't stand it. You must know this is the best thing!"

Esmee sniffled, squeezing her eyes shut and nodded softly; she looked like she was trying more to convince herself than him. She quickly got up and blurred out of the room, probably afraid if she stayed she'd change her mind.

Carlisle stood up and walked over to me placing a hand on my cheek, "It's because we love her Rose." he breathed.

I couldn't stop the tear from escaping my eye and rolling down my cheek as I stared into his eyes, he looked so pained to have to do what he was about to but I knew there wasn't a doubt in his mind that this was the right thing. He gave me a small smile before returning to the bed and placing a hand on Bella's forehead.

Edward still stood before me his eyes on the ground. " What you're doing Edward" I said slowly and calmly "Is just as bad as what Royce did to me."

With that his head snapped up and he stared directly into my eyes, pain contorting all of his features into a mask of grief. "You just can't see it yet." I breathed.

I heard a small intake of breath from Emmet and Carlisle's head snapped up. "Leave Rose" he said, and with that I was dragged backwards and out of the room, my eyes not leaving Edwards until the door slammed shut between us.