With the redred hair and the blueblue eyes it's easy for anyone to fall for her.

All she did was flash a smile. Just one.

That was years ago pretty boy. Now all she does is flash you a look of contempt.

But that's really your fault isn't it? You sleep with girls just because you can. All you need to do is show off those blinding teeth and flex those tonedtan muscles. Simple really...

But you would give all that away just for her attention wouldn't you?

You could get any girl... but she won't FALL.

Because she already has both feet on the ground. She does not care what people think and that just makes it even harder to make her fall. But you have always loved3 a challenge haven't you?

You want her soso bad, but it would never work anyway. Because she's the Gryffindor Princess and you're the Slytherin Prince. But every Princess needs a Prince right? Wrong. She kills all the dragons by herself. Outsmarts all the evil queens. Defeats the witches. So what is the need for a Prince?

What doesn't she see in you? You have the looks, the money, the charm. Hell, you even have top marks. Quittich star. Popular. What more could a girl want?

But she just flashes the look of contempt and walks away...

You become Heads with her. You share a Common Room and yet, the only time she talks to you is when absolutely necessary.

Your friends say to move on. But you are hooked. And you're finally able to talk to her and get through her stubborn head that you're not a bad guy.

And then you had to screw up. You shagged her cousin and then b|r/o\k/e the veela's heart3.

But then she started to change. Little things at first. Lower cut shirts. Shortshort shorts. Then she started talking to you more. Flashing that smile that made you FALL in the first place. You can't help it. It draws you in. You should have known what was happening, pretty boy. You did it all the time.

And then on the last day of school, she kisses you. Then she just leaves, and you want more. You desirelongyearn for her. To be able to feel that *spark*.

Then she comes back. But again, she's changed. She's hanging on some other guy's arm. And you're hurtangrysadjealous and soso much more. What ever happened to that *spark*?

You corner her at a bar one night. She's finally alone, and you can't help feeling that she has been avoiding you. But when you ask her what happened she just flashes that smile. Then she leaves again.

You wait and wait but she doesn't come back. She won. In whatever twisted game you were playing. She beat you. Even though you had been making up the rules as you went along.

With her redred hair and blueblue eyes you were just one of the many who FELL for her.

All she did was flash that smile. Just one. But you could never get her.

Your friends still tell you to move on but you just can't.

Because she's the one that got away...+

A/N: Depressing? A little. Confusing? Probably. This could have been any boy and any of the Weasley girls, but I think this is what RosexScorpius could be like. Well, this was not exactly what some people consider RosexScorpius, but oh well. It's a possibilty. Read and Review please!