Chapter One

~An Explosion of a Getaway~

This story starts off on in a small town in Surrey called Little Whinging, but more specifically the story is stationed around number 4 Privet Drive house. There resides a family that were happy, if allowed, to shout to the mountains over in America that they were a happy and perfectly normal family.

They were the Dursleys, their family composing of a pretty wife by the name of Petunia that was always giving to those in need. Her husband,Vernon, was an important businessman of the company Grunnings and their little son Dudley was such a doll always playing well with others. And who could forget about their poor nephew that though a trouble maker from the start they cared for with all their heart like a second son.

But of course that description wouldn't be true.

The real deal behind this family's craftily made mask could have made the most stone-hearten person cringe away. For Petunia was a horrible woman, that looked remarkably like an underfed horse, always gossiping about the latest dirt and if the day was a slow one for the gossip mill then she'd create some outrageous story just to see what would happen. The father was a man who looked like Santa Clause on a very bad day. He was not jolly at all, glaring at any of who would laugh for any reason he deemed idiotic. Their boy though was a disgusting combination of the two parents as bad as that was.

He seemed to have gained his fathers body though he was barely four and his mother doted on him night and day making him as spoiled as a carton of milk left out in the sun for too long. He bullied the kids smaller that him and had already created a group of kids to help him bully others. His parents never suspected a thing always commenting how their boy was a godsend and their was no one finer in their eyes. But the crowning jewel of their hidden deceit was their nephew. He wasn't how his relatives described him in the least. Little Harry Potter was special.

He wasn't as loud as his cousin as he was a fairly quiet boy, only speaking when spoken to. That was how he was raised, being told what was normal and what was not and how to follow their twisted sense of reality. They didn't want the outside world to know what they were housing after all. No one would believe it but Harry Potter, the mayhem wreaking little brat the Dursleys had kindly raised, was a bona fide wizard. Well a untrained wizard but a wizard none of the less. Large raw reservoirs of magic lay under the surface of the young boy and he had no idea. Well until his life with the Dursleys came to abrupt end that is...


He was utterly exhausted. That was the only word he could describe himself after what Aunt Petunia had made him do. He had woken up from his Aunts shrill screech, gotten dressed in his thrice too big clothing and had sat down at the kitchen table silently hoping that being on his best behavior would coax his Aunt into giving him a bit more for his breakfast. Sure his Aunts cooking wasn't the best but even his Uncles boiled down socks would taste like the best thing ever to meet his stomach in his few years. His stomach hadn't met a proper meal in ages and he was hoping that she would give him a meal like Dudley's which was always an overflowing plateful. And today just felt like a good day to him, after all what could be done to him that wasn't already horrible?

He never should have thought that. Like in the few books he was able to read whenever someone said or thought that, everything became a whirlwind of complications for the hero or heroine. And for him after his downer of a breakfast his Aunt had given him, he was then instructed to weed her garden just to her odd choice. His back was on fire from crouching over the weed infested flower bed and the cramping in his hands told him his body was at its limit and all it wanted to do was lie down and take a well deserved nap. But with his Aunts hawk eyes never leaving his small frame he was afraid to stop and rest.

So here he was walking to the thankfully nearby park for some water since he doubted his Aunt would like him to drink out of the hose. His tired feet dragged behind him as he kept his eyes to the ground not wanting to look at anyone's sneering face as he walked by. For as long as he could remember none of the kids or adults liked him. Putting this thought aside as he neared the greenery that was the park and he sped up his pace wanting the itchiness in his throat to subside by the cool water that would come from a water fountain. His eyes were trained to the direction he knew where the water lay but was distracted by a sound of shouting.

He stopped and his eyes flicked toward the increased level of yells. He inched closer to where the now male shouts could be heard and hid behind a tree as he saw his cousin and his friends poke and whack something on the ground with sticks. He focused his eyes at what they were messing with and felt anger bubble up as he heard a sharp yelp come from the fuzzy something. They were beating an animal! He had been knocked around by them a couple of times but when they did it someone else he felt a helplessness in not stopping them over come himself.


"Woo do that again!"


"Did you see that? See isn't creepy!"


"Whatta sissy."

Unknown to Harry something was making his wish to help the small something come true. He was still glaring and now gripping the trunk in anger at the boys actions when a loud crack sounded from the quiet park and a large branch landed near enough to the boys to make them scream in fear and run away from their sick game. As soon as the last boy was out of sight Harry ran as fast as his short legs could carry him to the small object. He grew saddened as he got a clear image of what the boys were whacking at. A small fox, a baby was laying there unmoving with its eyes closed. He stroked the soft fur flecked with blood as tears came to the corner of his eyes.

"I can't believe they did this to you," he softly said as he continued to pet the black fox. He closed his eyes not wanting to look at the small body, what he didn't notice though was the the kit had twitched her ears in his direction.

He made a decision to bury the kit, but not wanting to bury it with it all bloody he walked around the park to look for something to carry water. He found an abandoned cup and quickly filled it to its rim and made his way to the fox. He cleaned it as well as he could and was about to flip her over to do the other side when the fox gave a loud chirp like bark and blue green eyes flew open to look into his own green eyes. He lowered the now awake kit onto the ground and raised up one shaking hand to its muzzle.

"Its OK, I'm not gunna hurt you," he said in a placating tone of voice, "my name is Harry and I'm trying to clean you up. So don't move too much since that'll only hurt you more." He had overheard his Aunt talking to another woman about how a boy gotten himself bitten all because he didn't let the dog sniff his hand.

He didn't want to end up like that boy with a chunk of his arm missing because of that little mistake. He waited for it to sniff him and gave a little start as it gave his hand a lick. He took that as an okay so he slowly lifted it up into his arms he noticed that the fox was a she and started addressing her as a girl. He started talking softly to the animal as she looked at him with large eyes as if she understood him and was absorbing every little detail. He found himself at the doorway to his house and realized with a shock that he had no idea how to sneak the kit into the house without someone noticing.

He ran a few ideas through his head but decided on peering through one of the side windows to see were his Aunt and cousin were. He didn't need to worry about his Uncle Vernon since he was still at work. What he saw through the window made him sigh in relief. He could hardly see her but his Aunt was in the back yard with a bright yellow floppy sunhat with Dudley sipping on some lemonade. He didn't understand why they'd do this since it was halfway in November and any sun they had gotten was mostly covered in clouds but he shook it off and went back to front door and get to his cupboard to set down the injured vixen. He laid the kit in a spacey corner, but before he could bind her gashes he was called for lunch.

"I'll be right back," he said to her as he wrapped her up in one of his large shirts, "I'm going to eat and bring you something too." He rushed outside into the hall before noticing the splatters of red on his shirt.

"Shoot," he said under his breath and called to his Aunt he wanted to wash up. All he got was snort in return. He raced upstairs and back to his small meal slipping some scraps into his short pockets for the fox. He knew they were omnivores like people but didn't know if if some apple, ham and bread would be enough for both himself and her. His eyebrows formed a v as he intently thought out what he was going to do. He wanted to help her but he could barely help himself, he shook these thoughts out of his mind as he roughly stuffed a crust of bread into his pocket.

'If I left her by herself she wouldn't be able to eat since she'd be too weak and she'd starve. But if I kept her with me I could help her get on her feet and she'd be good as new,' this was the thought he focused on as he ignored Dudley talking about his day with his mouth full of food.

After lunch he went back to clean up his small room to make space for the kit. He had enough room for the both of them and gratefully room to stretch himself like a starfish if he wanted to. He fed the she fox the last of the scraps and petted her back, his eyes becoming minutely smaller as his hand went over the bandages. He picked her up off the dust free floor and placed her beside himself on his lumpy cot.

"I'll help you from what my cousin and his gang did," Harry whispered to the dark as his eyes became heavy with sleep, "I'll help you...Inkwell." He then drifted off only to open his eyes to feel a nip to his nose by tiny white teeth.

"Heh, guess you like the name," he muttered with a small smile with that last thought, the two went to the land of dreams and they forgot where they were and just went to the last place they could call home.


This is how Harry went about his days for a month; waking up, eating, sneaking food to Inkwell, chores, lunch, more food for Inkwell, and just snatching more books to help him out for Inkwell. It was all going smoothly and Harry was slowly becoming friends with the librarian Mrs. Cordons, who after some intelligent questions asked proved to her that he wasn't a complete dunderhead. He even got some snacks from her once in awhile because she felt like he wasn't being fed enough. But then Harry's life went into a twist that would either help him or harm him. And it all started with his first visit from Aunt Marge...

"Wake up! Wake up boy!" his Aunt shouted through the small slot in his door, her loud shout made him as wide-awake as you can from shouts and loud tapping. He quickly hid Inkwell with his used clothes and calmly told her to be quiet and to stay put.

"Coming Aunt Petunia." he answered and there was another tap before his Aunt spoke again.

"I want you on your best behavior as your Uncle Vernon is having his sister over for the holidays," she didn't know why she told the brat this but she felt she should at least tell him why Marge was coming over. A little muzzle bobbed her head as she gave a grin under the folds of cloth in front of her. So she had enough magic to cast a slight truth tripping spell on the horse woman. That was good to know.

"'K Aunt Petunia." he answered puzzled in why she'd tell him this. It was just the 'wake up' speech and he'd be told what his chores would be that day.

He only shrugged his shoulders as he got dressed and went over to Inkwell to stroke his hand over her last two bandages. One was around her head, he didn't know for sure what was wrong there, but every time he pet her there she'd cry in pain and it took all he had for her to become quiet. Another was around her right back leg which was twisted in the beginning and now was only crooked as her paw jut out while her others stayed straight.

"I'm going to get us some food so just stay quiet,"he said as he got a chirp in response and a wag of her long bushy tail from under the clothes.

He moved some shirts out of the way since he didn't want her to suffocate from the long time underneath all his dirty clothes. Turquoise eyes sparkled in happiness as they saw him and her tail wagged even more. She always reminded him of a dog when she did this. He stretched out a hand to scratch behind one of her ears when the sonar ears of hers swiveled toward the door and they flattened as she gave out a low growl. She had learned early in her life to detect smells and what they meant. She didn't know why the skulk would teach her this since everyone in the skulk smelt the same to her, but the smell that practically reeked through the walls answered her question.

Whoever was outside stank from high heaven with ill intentions. Harry stepped out of his room to hear his Aunt talking to someone in the door way.

"How was your trip Marge?"

"Oh just boring, I could hope that they'd change the size of those little taxis. Oh and the highlight of the drive was when Ripper wouldn't have it being in his crate so I let him out and the driver let out such a squeal!"

He inched closer to catch a peek of his other Aunt and instantly noticed the family resemblance. She was as bloated as Uncle Vernon and even had her own mustache though not as impressive as his uncles. She was also carrying a crate that seemed to be drooling however odd. 'Must be Ripper,' he thought as he inched back towards the kitchen but before he could put one foot on the sparkling white floors of the room he was called over.

"Boy come here now."

"Yes Aunt Petunia, what do you want?" he asked never lifting his head from the carpet.

"Don't talk to your Aunt like that you little whelp!" a deep voice bellowed making him think his Uncle had woken up and was already telling him off. But when he looked to the woman in the doorway to see her sneer at him, he knew that today and the rest of his Aunt's stay was not going to go as smoothly as before.


He was angry. He was so, so, so angry! He ranted to Inkwell not knowing what else to do to vent.

"And after breakfast she had told me how I should have been left to an orphanage because I was drowning Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon in debt for all the stuff they've bought me! They haven't bought 'n me a thing that could be called new!" he shouted muffled by the thin pillow over his head. He didn't want the Dursleys to hear him verbally lash out against the horrendous woman that was Marge.

"And if that wasn't the half of it she's staying till Christmas! Dudley wouldn't be quiet as he rattled on about how I was so terrible," he finished the last sentence in a whisper as he hugged Inkwell.

He didn't like how Aunt Marge looked at him. It seemed to magnify everybody's dislike of him all in one glare. Inkwell gave out a small growl as she smelt salt from Harry. He was crying! This only confirmed what she had been hearing, that these people were unfit to house a child like Harry. She wondered if she had enough energy to spring the both of them out of this house and back to her leash.

She licked his cheek to get rid of the tears and nuzzled into his chest as she gave out chirps that she hoped came out as encouraging. He only edged closer to her small body for both warmth and comfort. She really hoped she could get the both of them outta here.

~*~*~*two weeks later

It was two days before Christmas and it seemed that the Dursleys were going to have a couple of outrageous parties till the twenty-fifth. They mostly consisted of a select few of people the Dursleys thought as friends and Aunt Marge was quite loud after a couple of beers. They of course partied when Dudley was asleep but Harry was kept awake by their shouts and Inkwell all but yowled in fury as a coat was shoved into the closet landing heavily on herself one time. But on Christmas Eve Aunt Marge did something that she'd sorely regret.

Harry sat at the table for breakfast pushing around his food as he had felt a feeling of unease settle in his stomach like a rock. He didn't know why since his Aunt Petunia hadn't given him any chores today and his Aunt Marge hadn't even spared him a glance since he woke up. Dudley he avoided like the plague and the same applied for his Uncle. But as dinner roamed closer the unease in his stomach felt like so much he was close to throwing up from it. He felt like hiding in his closet and just reading but his Aunt would have none of that.

"Boy you'll eat with the rest of us like a normal person. Now come and help me set up the table!" and so he did placing the plates noticing how much nicer they were from the ones they regularly used.

'It must be for a special occasion,' he thought as he carefully put the last of the plates down onto the table and made his way to the living room to lay on the couch for awhile.

He wanted to leave as as soon as he saw who was inside though.

Aunt Marge. He had never been alone with his Aunt Marge and he didn't want to start now. Unfortunately for him though his Aunt had already taken notice of him and was motioning for him to come to her. He slowly walked to her hoping that him showing her how reluctant he was to be near her would make her leave him alone. It didn't work though and he just sat as far away from her as he dared not wanting to be too close to the she pig.

"You know," she said her words slurred and her breath smelling off, " I've never seen your folks but I've heard about them from Petunia and Vernon."

He perked up at this. No one talked about his parents and every time he asked they just told him not to ask questions. Maybe Aunt Marge couldn't be all that bad if she was telling him this.

"But from what I've heard they were a bunch of drunks that got themselves killed and saddled you with your relatives. Your mom must have been quite desperate to marry someone who had no job, not too smart she'd be I'd say if that was the truth. They say you look a lot like your father...that lazy lout!" she burped out not noticing the fuming child in front of her.

Aunt Marge was bad. So bad that she would actually tell him that his parents were generally useless and were stinking drunkards. He didn't quite believe her about that though he didn't know what to believe. He just stored the information about how he looked like his dad away. It seemed to be true to the four year old. He wanted to leave but it seemed that Aunt Marge wasn't done.

"And do you know how they were killed?," she asked as she peered at Harry with glazed over eyes, "in a car crash. They didn't even consider other people as they sought out who knows what in their car, piss drunk. And then CRASH!" she shouted out the last word making him jump.

She chuckled at this and her words finally settled into Harry's mind. He leaped to his feet and he could feel his mind going a hazy red. Invisible wind whipped his unruly black hair as he glared at the now startled women that would tell him such lies.

"Now see here boy, stop whatever the hell your doing and accept that your parents were parasites-" she shouted at him as she regained her composure of the strange things the boy was doing.

"NO! SHUT UP! ALL I've HEARD FROM YOU IS COMPLAINTS ABOUT MYSELF AND WELL I've HAD ENOUGH!" he cut off her downsizing of his family and Aunt Marge was roughly pushed to the wall by an invisible force causing the wall to shake from the impact and a picture to fall on his Aunt's head knocking her out.

The sound of feet approaching had his heart pumping and terror in his very being as his Uncle Vernon came to the doorway of the living room with an indignant expression on his face.

"Boy keep down this rac-" he trailed off as he took in the living room. His sister was out cold with the shattered remains of the picture of Petunia, himself and his son. His nephew stood in the middle of the room with panic in his eyes. But what really set him off was that the boys hair was moving as if it was alive and his green eyes were glowing.

His Uncle stalked toward him his face an ugly purple of what he knew as suppressed r
age. He could never remember his Uncle looking this mad and he only knew that his Uncle being this mad meant his anger could only be toward himself. He cringed away as his Uncle raised a meaty fist and he bellowed his displeasure of him to his face spittle flying everywhere.

"You little freak!" his Uncle shouted his jowls a quiver as he glowered at him the hand above him shaking with rage.

"I-i didn't mean to! H-h-honest!" he cried out shielding his head not wanting his head to take the brunt of the hit.

The hand seemed to move in slow motion as it made it's way to his head, but before the blow could land a loud crash, a shriek and a loud growl sounded off at the same time distracting the two off them. A large black fox the size of a doberman was in the doorway panting heavily as it glared at his Uncle, it's long tail swishing back and forth. It launched itself towards the two of them as his Uncle backed away and the animal grabbed a hold of his thin shirt and flung him onto it's back. He dug his fingers into the long soft fur as his Uncle raised the poker from the fireplace in a threatening manner. He didn't want them to leave it seemed.

"Your not getting away with this you lousy freak!" he roared as he continued to wave the sharp bit of iron.

How was he going to get out of this?



She woke startled at the sound as the house seemed to shake to it's very foundation, dust danced in the small space as it fell from the ceiling in small clumps. She sniffed the air as she scanned the place for the source of the sound. She could smell fear, anger, and the sharp tang you can only smell in certain places. The smell she'd only smelt when father was putting up the wards or when mother healed her clumsy bruises from failed adventures. The strong smell of raw magic was here in this house wrapping around it's snake like tendrils and ingraining itself into the very walls.

She sniffed some more, it smelled familiar to her. It hit her as the smell gave a sudden convulsion and the magic became absolutely drowned in fear and panic. Harry was the source and he was incredibly scared. She scratched the door whining wanting to go out and see why he was so terrified when another smell assaulted her senses. Another, different anger from before seemed to be with Harry and was the source of his unhappiness.

"You little freak!" a mans voice roared and she could tell it was that of a man, Uncle, Uncle something Harry always talked about. It seemed he was yelling at Harry for some reason.

"I-i didn't mean to! H-h-honest!" a nervous voice cried out as if in defense.

She couldn't take it any longer. She poured what little Ki and magic she had to break down the doorway, she could feel herself grow in size as mother had taught her and she head butted the door till it creaked with submission and with a deafening crash it broke. She sprinted to were Harry's scent was strongest and skidded on the stone floors as the horse woman gave a shriek. she growled as she saw the walrus with his fist in a ball as if he was almost going to strike the small boy. She propelled herself to were the two were, watching as the fat oaf stumbled backwards and she gripped Harry's shirt in her teeth not wanting to tear his skin. She flung him onto her back as the large man raised a rod of sorts towards us. Tiny hands tightened in her fur showing how afraid Harry was of his Uncle.

"Your not getting away with this you lousy freak!" he roared as he continued to wave the sharp bit of iron.

She growled low in her throat. He didn't want Harry but he was content in keeping him here in his home to abuse him. Well that didn't make me a happy camper at all. She gained what she knew was the end of her Ki reserves as she blasted him back. He fell in a crumpled pile as she shot towards the door that lead to the backyard. It was time to get back to her skulk and away from this horrid place.

As the two hotfooted it from the Dursleys residence the family was panicking about the unconscious Marge and Vernon, a more drastic change was overcoming their house as the last of the already shaky shields broke down. The magical residue leaking into the ground and going back to it's natural, untainted state. Somewhere in a large drafty castle a aged man was also panicking but for a very different reason. This reason seemed to age him even more as he immediately floo-called Minerva and Severus. His senses were on high alert telling him that he'd need them for whatever reason.

"You said this was an emergency?" his potions master asked as he dusted off his black cloak.

"Yes, yes. Lets just wait till Minerva to make this...easier," he said stressing the last word knowing that what was going to be said was going to muss up his Transfiguration feathers so to speak.

"You called headmaster?" a female voice asked as Professor McGonagall stepped from the emerald green fire.

"Yes well you see it all starts with Harry Potter..." he started as he could see Severus's face tighten at the name and Minerva's face to become lined with worry. He ended his tale not knowing what was to come from his two most trusted advisors and companions.

He was ready for any lecture or any disappointed gaze...


She raced across the dark empty street, her hot breath coming out in misty puffs. Harry seemed content to stay quiet as he held onto her neck with a grip of iron. As we neared the park Harry let out a gasp.

"Are you Inkwell?" he asked as the moonlight bounced off the metal playground toys.

She only gave a huff of a laugh in reply. Can't really talk when your an animal you know. He only giggled as he burrowed his face into her fur. She swerved here and there to avoid hitting a tree and Harry giggled even more as if this was all an exciting ride. She made her way to were she knew one of the many portals home lay. She slowly walked to the small opening in outcropping of boulders as exhaustion ebbed it's way through her body.

Her body relaxed as the familiar sense of magic washed across herself but a shout of discomfort made her turn her head to the noise. Harry was on the ground rubbing his bum from a fall. He had slid off her back. She blinked owlishly at him as she padded over to him whining that he needed to come over to where she was. He stretched out a hand to meet her muzzle but he retracted it with a hiss as if he was burned.

"I can't go over there Inkwell," he said as he looked at her with sad eyes.

She walked over to him licking his hand and gently held it in her mouth as she tugged him towards the hole. If they didn't go in soon the portal would close till it was night time and the moon was up. As she pulled Harry to the gap an electric like pain raced across her body making her see stars and her bit down in pain, forgetting that Harry's hand was there. Warm blood rushed into her mouth, as she felt foreign magic leak into herself, a fizzy sensation dancing across her tongue. Harry gave a intake of breath as he too felt something moving throughout him and he slid through the once painful unseen barrier like butter.

They had done it!

She gave out a yip of laughter as Harry whooped loudly. He was overjoyed that he was away from the Dursleys and it seemed Inkwell was going to lead him to something grand and new wherever they went. Harry sprang onto her back and she made her way into the dark hole and with a grind of stone the two were gone and none were the wiser at what had surpassed. The entrance disappeared, melding together like one rock as a long series of cracks filled the air. The Wizarding world would wonder were their savior went but one elderly man would cradle his head in shame for not monitoring the boy better. It seemed that 'for the greater good' was an idiotic saying as it made him forget the little things such as other peoples well being and lives. He could feel two hard gazes on him and he knew that they would never let him forget his one disastrous mistake.
