Hello readers! This idea for this story came to me some time ago but I had to let it stew. As I have just seen Breaking Dawn Part 1, I had to finally let the world read this great idea. I do hope you enjoy this story. It's taken me some time to write it. Enjoy!

I had grown accustom to pain…

"AHHH", pain flowed through my skull burning my brain and making my eyes water. The light bulb above me shattered casting glass everywhere.

"Eyota!" my mother grabbed at my arms and legs trying to stop my thrashing.

"Make it stop", I begged and my mother let out a loud sob as she backed away from me. I could barely see my mother through the tears in my eyes. "Momma", I begged.

"I'm so sorry Eyota", she turned around and stormed out the room. The pain increased in my head and my vision began to blur as everything went black.

but the pain of my mother leaving was even worse.

"It seems her mother has left her", he whispered gently to the woman. My hair covered my whole face as I sat on the ground outside of the Elder's home.

"Oh Kota, how could she do that to the Chosen one; she's only nine", she whispered gently.

"I do not know, but she shall live with me now; I will help her harness her true abilities", he said in a finality voice.

"First her father, now her mother", she whispered quietly.

"Little one", he called to me and I looked up. The older woman looked at me with pity and I turned to look at him. He stared at me with hard eyes; no pity was in them. "You shall stay with me now, come along your things have been moved into a room in my house", he went to grab my hand and I flinched away from it.

He sighed and waved for me to follow him into his home. The woman stared at the left side of my face as I passed. I caught my reflection in the window as I walked by. The long pink scar along my left side of my face was obvious and impossible to hide.

"You feel pain at all times", he told me as we made our way to the back of the house where a small hut was. When he said that I paid attention to the ache in the back of my skull; I nodded slowly to his words. "Your powers are strong and sometimes make it difficult for your brain to handle; you feel this pain because you aren't allowing your powers to give you answers", I looked at him confused and he motioned to the small hut.

I hesitated before I stepped in and he nodded motioning to step inside. I stepped in to find the small room filled with smoke and a small fire blazing in the middle. My eyes watered from the smoke and I sat down on a log.

"Stay here until it happens", he said from outside the hut. I didn't know what that it was but I listened to him. It was silent until I heard it; the screaming. I shivered and I looked up in shock to see humans…no demons standing before me. All with bright gold eyes; skin pale and I could feel from where I was how cold their bodies were. I heard the screaming again to find a human girl lying there withering in pain. One of the gold eyed things with brown hair whimpered pressing his face to her knee. She cried out again and I looked at her stomach. It was like I just knew; she was pregnant. I looked at them again and I knew what they were…vampires. My mind filled with information that I had no knowledge of before. I knew every way to take care of her and to help her survive. I knew who they were and their purpose.

"Help her", he screamed at me and I stared at him for a few minutes. Then everything changed again a beautiful wolf stood before me. His coat russet and his eyes a dark soulful brown. Everything called me to him; his chest puffed out and he changed into someone different. A beautiful man with short hair and the same eyes.

"My Eyota", he said lovingly holding his hand out to me. I stared at him stuck to my spot until an explosion of light appeared behind him making him disappear. I gasped in pain when it hit me; I fell off the log screaming in agony. Information filled my head at a fast rate; vampires, love, wolves, imprinting…

"EYOTA AWAKE!" my eyes shot open and I let out a startling howl. The Elder, Kota stood over me with a proud look in his eyes. The pain disappeared and my brain was buzzing with a lot of information. "You did it Eyota; now you know your true calling", I stared at him shocked.

"What…what am I", I whispered to him. He gave me a wild grin helping me up.

"You are the Leader of the Makah; Eyota…you are also the Leader of our wolf pack", I gasped when I looked down at my hands. My nails were like claws now and my eye sight was well even through the smoke. He pulled me outside with him and I could smell the earth beneath me. I took a deep breath and concentrated like I knew just what to do as I watched the nails retract. "Congratulations; my leader", my eyes widened and I looked out into the forest.

Seven Years Later

"Johnny keep in formation", I roared out my bare feet slapping the wet forest ground. My long black hair went flying behind me; I ran at an in human pace. The trees broke and four majestic wolves appeared next to me. We all kept pace and one snarled at me. "I know Johnny, but we take her down together", he huffed and we began taking off faster.

"Keep moving before she makes it into vampire territory", I ordered jumping upward onto the trees. I flew through them quickly my eyes not leaving the fire red hair in front of me. I leaped forward again and my body slammed into her rock hard one; I cringed at her cold temperature. She threw me off her and I went flying back; my eyes closed ready to hit a tree but I met the soft fur of one of my wolves.

"Thank you Brad", I whispered holding onto his fur as we all went flying through the woods. I cursed loudly as I watched her leap over the small embankment where water fell in between. Johnny let out a loud howl in anger but also alerting the vampires on the other side of her presence. We all skidded to a stop at the embankment. I sighed watching her run through the trees deeper into their side.

"Damn leech territory", Johnny's voice filled my hearing. I turned to him in his human form; I slid off Brad's back and he phased into human. Kane and Jeremy returned to human form as well. Their naked forms were unnoticed to me since I was use to it. All four of them were tall with muscles that made most woman drop at their feet but to me they were like brothers to me with no appeal.

"What do we do now Chief", asked Jeremy and I cracked my neck watching my nails retract and my sight return back to blurry. I lifted my glasses out from the belt at my waist and slid them on.

"We return home; no more we can do, the vampire will stay over there", I said in a knowing voice.

"Why'd you make us chase her if your vision told us she'd just be running through", snarled Johnny at me. I gave him a dangerous look and he shut up.

"Johnny, she obviously had a good reason if she did so", Brad said coming to my defense as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder now that he had his cut offs on.

"Stop being such a kiss ass Brad", he snarled and Brad began shaking.

"Enough", my voice raised and they both stiffened to my strong, Alpha voice. "Johnny cool off or I'll make you run the midnight shift for the next five days", I snapped at him my eyes searching him for anything to make me give that order. He lowered his neck and turned around storming off. I looked up at Brad with a smile and he returned it. Jeremy interlaced his arm with mine and Kane walked next to Brad with his arms rested on top of his head.

"So Chief; since it's pretty late do we not have to go to school tomorrow", Kane asked me innocently. I snorted at all of them.

"Oh you're definitely going tomorrow Kane; you've missed too much school already and you all need to graduate", I said calmly and they all let out noises of protest.

"It's not fair Chief; you're sixteen just like the rest of them and you don't have to go to school", I smiled at Jeremy.

"I have other business to handle and besides I already got my diploma last summer; remember?" they all nodded and I walked along making sure each of them made it home safely. I walked by Johnny's home toward mine assuring he was in his house. He looked at me from outside his window with a pained look. I sighed and turned away making my way along.

My name is Eyota Youngblood; I am sixteen years old. If you saw me walking down the street now you'd see a typical girl in this village; the Makah village. If you looked closely though; you'd gasp in surprise to see the long pink scar on the left side of my face and the tribal tattoo on my right arm. If you were a part of this village you would know who I am; I am the youngest and second female to ever be Chief of the Makah reservation. My bastard of a father was the Chief before me; before he ran out on my mother and I. My mother was the Chief until she ran out on me too. If being Chief of the village at a young age wasn't strange enough I was also a part of a large secret.

The large secret of a hidden world unknown to this one; I was the Alpha of a pack of shape-shifters here on the rez. I was the first of the pack; I unlike them though, could not phase into a wolf. But, my nails turned into claws my senses heightened and my strength and power was unimaginable. I kept my physique when I phased back though. I had abs most woman didn't know were possible and strong but feminine arms. My hips were wide and swung back and forth when I walked. I'm sure I would be considered attractive if it weren't for all the scars on my body from my father's constant beatings as a child.

As I was saying, I was the first of the pack and the strongest; I also had the ability to see into the future. I was only nine when I phased while the other four didn't phase until fourteen to sixteen. I waited a long time for my brothers in this curse to come; none of us were actually related but we all held a bond stronger than most families. I helped each and everyone through the painful transformation; holding their hands and washing them down with water to cool their raising temperatures.

Jonathan Raise; or Johnny for short, was the first to turn. We were both thirteen at the time; he had the hardest time since he's always been a hot head and trying to control the anger was difficult for him. Johnny and I had bonded closer than the others; we waited two years together for the others to come. Little did I know all those years I thought were friendship in reality Johnny was falling in love with me.

I denied him though, only then revealing to him then what imprinting was; I was not his imprint so we could not be together. I didn't let myself become emotionally attached to him in the manner he had of me for I knew one day he would imprint on a girl and my heart would be broke. He had yet to imprint on someone but I was sure there was a girl for all of my wolves. But now Johnny held anger at the world for not being with me.

Kane Fuller was next; I met Kane the day before his transformation as he lay withering in his bed screaming. Kane begged me to kill him which shocked me because everyone had told me how much he loved life. I knew I had to get the wolf to come out so I drug Kane out of bed into the rain and slapped him harder than I've ever hit anyone before. In seconds he phased in front of me. Kane has the easiest time handling the wolf in him for he's always been laid back and not easy to anger.

Brad Creek came only months after Kane; I was completely unaware of Brad until Johnny drug him to me one day and told me that he knew he was one of us. Johnny had punched him in the face after a snide comment and Brad phased right in front of us. Brad apparently had changed during the summer and had hidden it for months already. I welcomed him with open arms which made Johnny angry since Brad loved to push Johnny's buttons into thinking that Brad was in love with me.

Then finally, only six months ago little Jeremy Todd was found. Jeremy is the youngest of us only about to be fifteen while the rest of us were sixteen years old. Jeremy had a difficult life like me; his mother and father beat him to a pulp most of the time for no reason other than being drunkard jerks. Jeremy's transformation was hard and I suppose some form of maternal instinct came out and most of the time I was cradling Jeremy in my arms while he changed. He phased in front of me the first time and I was extremely proud of him. Jeremy found me as some form my mother figure toward him and he was always coming to me with problems. Johnny thought he was a kiss ass but in reality Jeremy never had a mother and me being the only woman in his life now he came to me for nurturing.

We were a strange group of five but I loved my wolves; every single one of them for entirely different reasons. Johnny for being so strong minded even if it irritated me sometimes, Kane for how relaxed he could make me, Brad for his ability to make me laugh, and Jeremy for warming my heart. All of them encouraged me as I encouraged them. I was their leader but in reality I lead only with the best thoughts for all of them. I would die for any of them if it meant they would be alright.

I hope the chapter was well enjoyed! The romance with Jacob will take some time so please be patient. After all, love is patient. ^_^ Please review and tell me what you think of the first chapter!