'I-I have to escape!', thought Yuki as ran through the hallways of his school.

"W-wait Yuki-kun come back!", yelled Yuno as she ran after him.

Yuki ignored her plea as he raced down the stairs and out of the side door of his school, onto the street. Yuki glanced behind him to see if she had caught up, and while he couldn't see her behind him, he could hear the pounding of footsteps nearby.

'I have to get away from her! I want to live!' Yuki thought as he checked his future diary.

18:09 (Street)

I can't seem to get away from her!

It was at that moment when Gasai Yuno appeared in front of Yuki blocking his path.

'H-how did she…!'

"You can't escape from me, Yuki-kun.", Yuno said calmly her eyes trained on Yuki, as she began to chase him again.

Panicking, Yuki ran away from Yuno as fast as he going in no general direction, but at every corner Yuno was either already there or just a few moments away. Yuki couldn't believe how his day was just spiraling down out of control. Yuki checked his future diary hoping for a miracle.

18:13 (Street)

There is a building under constructing nearby.

Maybe I can hang out there.

18:15 (Inside Building)

I was able to lose her, and catch my breath.

Got on the nearby elevator.

'Y-yes a way out' Yuki swore he was crying tears of joy as soon as he read the message and made an immediate right to where the building was.

As Yuki was heading towards the building he took a quick glance at it. The outside looked a bit rustic with its dry and cracked brick, but better than what most building under construction looked liked. The dirt around it was upturned and in separate piles with construction machines around it. Surprisingly though, the side entrance wasn't blocked. Could the construction almost be finished?

Yuki shook the thought out of his head; he had more troubling matters to deal with. Yuki scrolled through his future diary.

18:33 DEAD END

Killed by a serial killer.

'-Like getting away from a serial killer!' Yuki thought as he finally made it to the run down building and opened its side door. As soon as he got through the door he slammed it shut and slide down its length. He heard stomping of feet rush by but dared not rise to the door's little window to make sure it was Yuno. As soon as he heard the call of his name from a distance he sighed in relief. His diary had been right, he lost her and was finally able to breathe, well cough really. Yuki hadn't ran like that in ages. He brushed himself off and looked around the place he was in. It was a little tight in space but it had stairs and… an elevator!

'Finally! I can just wait there until my diary says it's safe.' It wasn't the most convenient plan but it was the only one he had. Yuki started for the elevator.


'My phone…?' Yuki looked through his diary worried about the noise it was making. The screen no longer held his diary, the screen just looked like it was going through some static or was losing a signal. 'Is it possible to be out of the future's range?' Yuki wondered lightly. The screen showed the future diary's messages again only this time there was a new one.

18:31 (Inside Building)

Someone got me!

Yuki panicked then struggled as he felt a hand clamp over his mouth and an arm clamp over his waist, dragging him under the stairwell.

'I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die!', Chanted Yuki over and over again in his head as he continued to struggle against his captor.

"Shhhh… You're gonna get us caught." His captor quietly breathed in his ear. Though Yuki swore he heard an amused tone in his captor's voice, as though he somewhat liked the option of getting caught by… whoever.

'I-is he trying to get away from the police! Is he killer and not Yuno!'

Yuki felt the stairs above him vibrate and heard the clanking of feet above him. Someone was coming! Yuki struggled against his attacker even more desperate to gain the attention of whoever was above them. It could be a construction worker, police man, or even Yuno he wasn't gonna give up the chance of being rescued and saved from his fate. He even went so far to lick and bite his attacker's fingers that were at his mouth. The attacker quietly snickered at his victim's attempts at freedom, but gripped harder on Yuki's mouth and dragged him back farther under and into the shadows of the stairwell.

Tears were swelling up in the corners of Yuki's eyes. His captor's grip on his waist was crushing, the pressure on his mouth hurt, and it was too hard to try to bite his captor's fingers again. Yuki could only hope that the small noises he made escaping through his captor's fingers would be enough to catch the person's attention from above.

The pair heard the mysterious person's feet finally hit the final floor, their floor. The person was heading towards the side door, and Yuki's heart swelled with the joy and hope at the thought that the person would see them. The feeling of dread and horror slowly replaced those feelings as he saw who the mysterious person was. It was a tall man that was well built. His trench coat draped over his figure and the long browed hat covered most of his face. Though it didn't cover the most disturbing implements he had. Yuki could see the nozzle of a gas mask protruding from his face and a long glistening blade attached the person's wrist.

Quieting down, Yuki slowly backed farther into the shadows of the stairwell, lightly pushing back his captor as well. The captor loosened his grip on Yuki and let himself be quietly pushed farther into the shadows until he hit the wall. The man with the blade cursed and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a black flip-open cell phone. He glanced through its contents and reacted the same way before he opened the cell phone.

"The hell did that brat go to!" Cursed the trench coated man as he stormed out the buildings side entrance.

After a few minutes, they were pretty damn long minutes to Yuki; Yuki's captor let him go. Yuki fell to the ground gasping for breath, choking on sobs, and letting his tears spill out, though despite all of that, Yuki was glad to be alive.


Yuki didn't need to check his cell phone to know what had happen. His "captor" had just saved his life.

"How cute.", Smiled his captor, and Yuki turned around to get a look at him.

The man couldn't have been much older than him, though he was a bit taller. He had silver short hair and smile, well smirk, which seemed to sum up his mood, entertained and interested. It was obvious he wasn't built but the jacket he wore gave him some kind of intimidating presence…. No actually it wasn't the jacket. It was his eyes. His red eyes, that while showed amusement like his smirk-smile, held another similar but still clearly different emotion, if one could call it that, and it was intrigue. And endless pool of curiosity that held both questions and answers that was aimed in Yuki's direction. Yuki could no longer stare into those eyes.

"That my dear friend was" Yuki's savior announced as he helped Yuki up and continued, "the Phantom Street Killer."

'So that was the serial killer… H-he saved me.' Yuki can't help the tears flowing from his eyes. Yuki tried but he choked trying to tell his gratitude to the stranger. 'I don't even know his name.'

The stranger as if reading Yuki's mind offers him a kind smile and his name.

"I'm Akise Aru, boy detective." …And a title.

Gripping tightly onto Akise's jacket, Yuki forces himself to look at the eyes he feared from before. "Thank y-you." Yuki silently curses himself for stuttering.

Akise is taken a back for a bit at the honest display of gratitude from the boy before him. It's certainly not the first time he's received a thanks, as he's helped many people before. And it's certainly not one of the biggest thanks he's received. But Akise can't deny that he feels his face heating up and his heart even skipping a beat as he stares into the dark eyes of the boy. Akise feels his mind fog up and knows this boy is dangerous to be around. He becomes unfocused on the world around him and can only see that boy. Questions, trivial questions in his opinion, flow into his mind, all about boy before him. Akise knows he should be focusing on the case at hand, the Phantom Street Killer case, but can't help…

"My name is Yukiteru Amano..." Continued Yuki softly.

"Is this love?" Asked Akise though more too himself.

It takes Yuki a few moments to realize what Akise had just said.


Yuno, outside the building, frowned in anger as she read her own fututre diary.

19:15 (Inside Building)

Yuki-kun is hanging out with a mysterious boy.

Yuki-kun is safe for now but... I don't trust him!

Yuno closes her diary as she decides her next course of action.

Author's ending thoughts and such:

Hello fans of Mirai Nikki (well I hope you're fans) and welcome to my first story on this profile. As some of you have noticed this chapter has been edited quite a bit in the last few hours (example being this 'Author Ending Thought' thing) and probably expect that to happen quite often as I tend to only really write when it's late (mainly because for some reason that's when I feel the most creative) so it gets subject to a lot of grammar mistakes, misspelling (the edit box on has no spell check T.T), and wrong word placement (this is due to the fact that when I make a spelling mistake spell check options are not the word I wanted to spell but me being ignorate find this out often to late). This story is pretty much another universe where Akise, while on the Phantom Street Killer case, bumps into Yuki unexpectingly, and thus we get a little more shounen-ai in the story than expected (because there wasn't enough in my opinion!). Long story short this is sort of like Mirai Nikki mixed with the side story Mirai Nikki Paradox. Don't expect this though to go over T rating thoguh (you pervy yaoi fangirls). As I do also support YukiXYuno and YukiXAkise, so expect both examples of that couple to be here, and that's all I got to say for now... Reviews and constructive critisims(sp?) are welcome! ^.^