Clair de Lune Memories

I had this dream before… I had it every night when I did dream. The images were familiar, the sounds familiar… but everything was blurry. I would remember the tears, the cries, the shouts. I would remember the sound of a piano and the smell of soft lily of the valley perfume. I would remember the smell of pipe smoke and a deep, rich voice that read out to me.

After many therapy sessions, I realized that these were lost memories of my childhood… the one stolen from me. The earliest, clearest memories I had were of my mother. She was dressed beautifully. She had deep, rich brown hair and hazel eyes. She told me we were going to the park. We did, and before I knew it… she was gone. I searched all day, crying and begging her to stop hiding.

Darkness came… mommy never reappeared. I slept in the park bathrooms that night.

That night… I became an orphan.

My memories blurred after that. My therapist told me I was repressing them because I didn't want to relive them. I don't. I was taken in by a group of street kids that did anything to survive. They taught me how to pick pocket to get money for food, showed me the best places to sleep… when it snowed, we would go to the shelters that wouldn't care that kids just showed up without parents. They called themselves the 'Pack.' The only one that I remember from that life was a boy named Jacob. He took me under his wing.

One day… another rival group came into the area. A real life gang. They were worse than we kids ever could be. But we fought them. We fought for what was ours! I had gotten pistol whipped in the head and was knocked out and thrown in a ditch. When I came to, I woke up in a hospital. I was eight.

All I could remember was my name: Isabella. I had no last name… I couldn't tell them where I lived since I had no home or who my mother and father was. Like it mattered… all I knew was my first name.

Bella, I turned in my dreams, hearing a more familiar voice. Jasper?

"Bella, can you hear me?"

"Yes," I whispered out hoarsly. The dreams faded away and blackness replaced it. I remembered opening my eyes briefly only to shut them again. There were more voices now. But they were just as jumbled as my dreams.

Finally, I managed to pry my eyes open and shivered instantly as a cold pack was placed on my head. I glanced around, recognizing that I was back at the house. But how did I get here?

"Edward drove you," my eyes darted to where Jasper was sitting. He was staring at me worriedly. "Are you conscious now?"

"Yes," I sat up slowly and saw the aspirin at a bottle of Gatorade. I frowned, we don't have that in the house… do we? I took it and gulped down the drink greedily. At that second, I heard a stream of Italian, what I guessed to be swear words, erupt from the kitchen. Jasper froze and I slowly turned in its direction. I got up, much steadier now, and went towards it.

"Bella, I really don't think you should be up."

"I'm fine, just a headache," I told him coolly and followed the foreign words. I entered and watched as Edward paced my kitchen back and forth. Something blue blinked in his ear as he went around each and every corner… as if inspecting the place. I tensed, realizing that was exactly what he was doing. When his foot 'thunked' on the creaky board, he stopped and adjusted his weight. "Is there something the matter?"

Edward whipped around, eyes brightening when he saw me. "Connor, I have to call you back." Without a second hesitation, he clicked a button and the Bluetooth went off. "You're awake."

"It takes a lot to get me down," I told him.

"That's good," he reached for my hands and I stepped back. "What is it, mia Princepessa?"

"Who exactly are you?"

He looked stricken instantly, "You mean…you don't remember me?"

"Oh I remember. I don't have amnesia. I'm asking who you are. You don't know where I live… how did you find my house?!"

"Sam told me where to take you. He followed me here and called Jasper. Bella, you've been out for almost two hours. Are you sure you're alright?" He successfully took my hands in his and I shivered.

"Holy crow your hands are freezing!" I tried to pull away.

"You know what they say about cold hands," he says, smirking, tightening his grip.

Cold hands, warm heart, I thought and tugged again. He released me this time. "Please, sit." He obeyed. "I…" I twisted my hands in my lap. "I want to thank you for bringing me home. What do I owe you for gas?" I went to where my wallet normally sat and pulled it out… and found the stack of twenties. I blanched. All I got were the tomatoes. "Oh shit…" I breathed and winced. I pulled out one of the spare quarters in the change pouch and put it absently in the swear jar.

"You owe me nothing, Princepessa. What is the matter?"

"Nothing… nothing that need concern you. I've been out for two hours?" I asked, looking at the clock. "HOLY SHIT!" I dropped my wallet back into my bag. "Shit, Jasper! I need to go get Rebecca!"

My stepbrother looked up in alarm, "What? Why?"

"It's a long story, where are my keys?!" I dug around in my bag. "I need you to go to the store and get something for dinner. The freezer's got only ice cream for tonight's dessert and I don't have anything in the pantry."

"Bella, I'll go get Rebecca," Jasper told me, standing up. "Doc said for you to wait an hour after you got up before going anywhere. I already took the liberty and called the school—"

"Why?" I snapped around. "I'm fine, Jasper. God-" I stopped and took a deep breath before I swore again. "I'm fine. I need to go get her and then head straight to the school. I got to…"

Cold, gentle hands grasped my shoulders and began to knead them slowly. "Easy, Isabella. You're going to pass out again if you don't breathe." I took a breath, trying to calm down. But I was worried insanely for Rebecca. I promised I would get her from school today. The other high school kids and middle school kids would be home any minute! And I have nothing for them to even snack on.

"Jasper, go to the store."

"Okay." I tossed him my wallet.

"Now, where are my keys?"

"Hidden. I will take you to get your foster daughter. It's doctors orders that you do not drive for at least one hour," that was Edward speaking. I froze, turning to look at him. He looked calm, collected… much like he did when I first saw him. In a flash, I saw him in his suit and shades. The vision didn't last long, but it left me with a very different impression. Something told me… that this man was dangerous.


Edward blinked, clearly caught off guard. "Scusi?"

"Bells," Jasper shot up and hurried over to me. "If it counts for anything, I trust him."

"Excuse me?" I blinked, flabbergasted.

"I trust him," Jasper's blue eyes bore down into mine. I saw the conviction in his words. He believed that Edward was okay. I wish that I could say the same.

"And what suddenly brought this on?" I asked.

Jasper smiled sheepishly and rubbed his neck nervously. "He's… kinda… my new boss with the shipping job I took on."

Whoa, mother load of all surprises.

My eyes slid over to Edward, who still looked thunderstruck. "Your new boss..?" Then it clicked, "He's that Cullen?"

"I'm not the Cullen in that regards, Ms. Swan," my spine straightened at the calm that flowed from his voice and into my ears. "I'm a silent partner. The boss he refers to is my brother, Emmet Cullen. The shipping industry is just one of my… talents." Our eyes met again and he smirked, hands in his pockets. I immediately thought of our dance last night and blushed.

"Jasper, can I have a word with you? In private?" I caught the slight tense in muscle around Edward's jaw. I frowned, pointing to one of the dining room chairs. "Sit down." He obeyed. The boys watched as I moved to the fridge and pulled out one of the last bottles of water and handed it to him. "I won't be long."

What am I doing?! My conscience chastised me.

Jasper followed me outside and onto the back porch. I shut the door, glad for the rain battering the tin roof overhead… it would drown out our words from prying ears. "What is going on here?!"

"Mr. Cullen called me at work and told me there was an altercation," Jasper explained calmly. "He had been in the area and recognized you… and called me."

"Recognized me how Jasper? My God it's like pulling teeth to get information out of you right now!"

"I showed him a picture during one of our meetings. He had been present and we got onto the topic of family. I told him about you."

Okay, that's not suspicious at all, I thought. "Would it raise a flag if I told you I met him last night? At Eclipse? Or that he's been there before?"

"That doesn't surprise me, no. Mr. Cullen is a business man. I'm sure this is one big coincidence, Bella. You really need to relax."

"Relax?! How can I relax, Jasper?! I… I can't describe it but I just get this weird feeling."

"Weird? Weird how?"

"I don't know. It's like, something tells me to be on my guard around him."

"Then be on your guard, but accept a helping hand when it's offered."

"You can't be serious."

"I am. Bella, he's a good guy. Alittle rough around the edges, sure, but he's good. I trust him."

That's the second time he's said that.

"Are you being forced to do something against your will?" I asked bluntly. Jasper looked startled and he emphatically shook his head. I relaxed slowly, "You would tell me if you were in any kind of trouble?"

He held up his hand and crooked out a pinky. I took it automatically, "We may not be blood, Bells, but you are my sister."

That alone calmed me down, I sighed and hugged him. "I don't want to lose you, Jazz. You're the only family I've got left."

"I know," he rubbed my back and gave me a good squeeze. "Now will you please follow Dr. Cullen's advice and put my mind at ease and go with Edward? I don't like the idea of you driving."

"Fine, but I need to grab my workout gear so I can go to the school."

"You sure you're up for that? Nothing too rough."

I sighed, holding up my hand. "I solemnly swear not to do anything rough."

"Good. I'll hold you to it," he smiled. When I turned, I jumped when I found Edward standing on the other side of the sliding glass door.

I slid it open, "Jeez, you're trying to give me a heart attack aren't you?!"

"I was worried," he stated, looking surprised that I lashed out. He took my hands. "Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm fine," I sighed, pulling away. "Let's go get Rebecca… Jasper, I need my gear."

"I'm going, I'm going. Mr. Cullen, she needs to get to the MMA school on Main and Fifth. I would appreciate it if you took her there next if it's not too much trouble."

"The—" I tensed, blushing under his gaze. They darkened slowly and a smile crept up his lips. "Well, aren't you full of surprises? I happen to have a workout session there today. It seems as if fate is working in my favor today."

"Are you fff-" I held my tongue and sucked in a breath. I stared at him in the face. "You're bluffing."

"This is not poker, mio caro, I have no reason to… bluff you." He grinned. "I only speak the truth."

He's either very good at lying or he's telling the truth, I thought, clenching my teeth. I turned in time to see Jasper appear with my workout bag. "Let's just go…" I sighed, heading outside. I nearly passed out again when I saw what was waiting behind my old Monster of a Chevy.

Fuck me… it's… it's… "That's an Aston Martin." I stated.

"Yes it is."

"You… drive an Aston."

"Si, mio caro, it's an Aston Martin Vanquish." I watched as Edward clicked something on his key ring. The car blipped and he hurried to open the door for me. I followed more slowly, suddenly feeling very grungy right now. I smelled, honestly and I knew it. I needed a shower. I wished I was wearing cleaner clothes. "Come, Bella," he beckoned me gently, grinning. "We've got to go."

I was on the verge of saying, I'd rather walk, but the look in his eyes… the insane pride won me out. Besides, how many times am I going to say I rode in an Aston Martin? I asked myself. I put my workout gear on the floor in front of me and buckled in just as Edward shut the door. In seconds, he was sitting beside me, strapped in and we peeled out of the driveway. I gasped, hunkering down as he tore down the street in the direction of the school.

"Shit! Slow down!"

"I thought we were in a hurry, prezioso."

"We are but I want to get there in one piece!" I snapped, watching as the light was just starting to turn but we leapt through it anyway. I gasped as he swerved around car after car with ease.

"Bella, I would never ever willingly put you in harms way."

"Somehow, I have a hell of a time believing that." I yelped, hitting my sore ribs as we screeched to a halt at a stoplight. Edward whipped around, staring at me with shocked eyes.

"I swear it, Bella, I would never willingly put you in harms way." I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. "I swear," he emphasized, gripping the steering wheel.

"Okay," I murmured. He relaxed slowly and eased his foot on the gas. We sat in awkward silence and I gazed down at my workout gear.

"Would you like some music?"

"Sure," I answered absently. I nearly leapt out of my skin when soft, soothing melodies flowed out of the speakers. "What song is this?!"

"This..? Ah… Debussy's Clair de Lune."

"My mom—" I froze, feeling a memory wash over me. I remembered her again, sitting in front of a sleek, grand piano as she played. I was sitting on the floor… dosing off. "My mom played this for me to go to sleep."

Edward didn't say a thing as I closed my eyes and listened. He only interrupted and turned off the music to let me know we were in front of Seattle High School. I quickly got out, scanning around for Rebecca… but my mind was elsewhere. I was reveling in the memory.

Finally, I saw her. "Rebecca!" I shouted. Kids turned and I could feel a massive shift in the atmosphere. Like moths to a flame, they surrounded the Aston, admiring it loudly and snapping pictures. My foster daughter raised her head and gaped openly at me. I waved her over. She clutched her sketchbook tightly to her chest as Mrs. Cope chaperoned her to me. She looked questioningly at the car then to me. Her eyes widened, "Ms. Swan!" she gasped. Rebecca dropped her book and stared at me.

"What? What is it?!"

"Bella… your face is bruised!" Rebecca gasped, trembling. I reached up to where Robert MacGuinness had struck me and winced at how tender the spot was.

"It's nothing. I won," I told her, hoping to ease her fears. "He's in jail now… he won't bother us anymore." Rebecca's wide eyes stared at the bruises though and bent down to pick up her sketchbook. I became aware that the crowd around us was staring at us… me. "What are you all looking at?! There's nothing to see here!" I snapped, startling them with my rage.

"But… it's…"

"Yes, it's an Aston Martin. You've got your pictures, now leave us in peace!" I snapped, opening the door. Rebecca was hesitant but obeyed me and climbed into the back seat. She yelped slightly when she saw Edward but I shut the door before anything else could be said. When we began pulling away from the school, I let myself soften again. "Are you alirght?"

"You're asking me that?!" Rebecca squeaked. "You really took down Robert?"

"I told you, the minute you walked into Swan Haven House, that I would protect you no matter what. You would be safe."

"But… he's Robert!"

"And she is Isabella Swan," Edward chimed in, looking up into the rear view mirror. "And I am Edward."

He and Rebecca shared a long look. I jumped when she gasped, "Mr. Cullen?!"

Edward's lips quirked up in a smile, "It's good to see you, kid."

"You two know eachother?" I asked, caught off guard.

"Her father… did some work for me. I got to know his family. When Maria died, she asked that I would watch out for Rebecca. I admit that I lost her somewhere in the justice system. But again…" his eyes slid to me.

"If you bring up fate one more time, I'll sock you one."

"Si mio caro," he grinned, picking up my hand and kissing it. I couldn't fight the blush even if I wanted to. Rebecca giggled softly and I heard the scratching as she began to draw. I pulled my hand away and stared out the window. "Music?"

"Yes please," Rebecca piped up. I grunted softly and settled down into the butter soft leather and closed my eyes. I wasn't surprised when he put on more classical. I braced myself for another shocking revelation but it never came. Edward drove more slowly this time, for Rebecca's sanity I think. I sighed softly, feeling weary and closed my eyes… drifting into a nap.

This time… I dreamed of my mother.

"Isabella," I tried not to giggle at her sing-songy voice. We were playing hide and seek and I was the best hider! "I'm going to find you," she laughed. "Are you hiding… in the cubboard?" I stifled a gasp when she opened the one right across the hall from where I hid. "No? Well... how about… in the room?!"

I squirmed, hiding deeper in my closet underneath the pile of clothing.

"a-ha!" She leapt over and ripped open my closet door. I squeaked and covered my mouth, waiting. She grinned, "Little Bella, your foot is still visable." She tickled the sole. I squealed in delight and jumped into her arms, inhaling her favorite lily of the valley perfume.

In my mind, I found it strange that I remembered her scent… but I couldn't see her face.

"Bella," she whispered, stroking my hair. "Mia Bella."

"Mia Bella…"



I jolted, grabbing the hand that shook me out of my dreams. My thumb immediately dug into the pressure point at the base of the hand, immobilizing the other person. That person… happened to be Edward. I heard Rebecca whisper, "That's why we use a stick to wake her up!"

"Duly noted," Edward hissed shaking out his hand when I let go.

"Sorry," I murmured, stretching. "Relfex." I reached over and grasped the door handle when Edward cleared his throat. I watched as he climbed out and quickly circled the car. He opened my door and held out his good hand.

"My lady," he purred. I blushed and met his eyes. They were deep, careful but bright. My lady? Where does he come up with this? I grasped his hand firmly and allowed him to pull me out and grabbed my workout bag. Edward quickly adjusted the seat and helped Rebecca out next, giving her a smile and patting her head. She gazed up at him with respect, as if he were her favorite uncle.

"There you are Bella!" I turned to see none other than Detective Walsh in full uniform standing at the door.

Detective Walsh: Male, age fifty-eight, light brown hair that is gray at the temples, pale skin, brown eyes, height is six-one, approximently one-hundred-eighty pounds, wears a go-tee, tribal tattoo bands on left arm.

"I was getting worried!" he strode down and took me in. "He clocked you good, kid. Jasper wasn't sure if you were coming in today. I took precautions and called Leah in to take over in case you didn't come in."

I blinked, Leah is here? Oh no... this is going to turn into the Spanish Inquisition real fast. I steeled my back, "I'm here now. Let me get changed." I raced up the steps and inside, already seeing my group stretching on the mat. Leah and I have been rivals for years, even as students. I caught sight of her and smiled sarcastically. She glanced around before flipping me off. I grinned and ducked into the locker room, quickly changing. My uniform was black, and thankfully long sleeved. I tied my black belt on, depicting three gold stripes for my degree in the school. The clock caught my eye and I flushed with embarrassment. I'm almost twenty minutes late.

When I walked out, I saw that my top student, Rory, was taking charge with the basic exercises. I took a breath, pulling my hair back into a pony tail and bowed before stepping foot onto the mat. Rebecca waved to me from where I sat. I suppressed a smile when I caught sight of Edward sitting beside her, reclining easily as he talked with her. He looked up and his eyes locked with mine. "Hey Swan! Hurry it up!" I snapped around to Leah.

"And your point is?" I barked out. My students scrambled to get in position, Rory at the front and center. I turned to my class and loudly came to attention and bowed. "I apologize for being late. I will assure you that it will not happen again unless unavoidable."

"We accept," Rory spoke for the group, her voice strong and calm. I straightened again.

"Attention!" Feet slapped and backs straightened instantly. "Bow!" The class bowed to me. I returned the gesture, though more slightly now than I did before. We straightened in unison, as we did every time.

"Rory, I take it everyone has been properly warmed up?"

"Yes Ms. Swan," Rory answered my question without hesitation. Her steel gray eyes were sharp, focused and intent.

Rory Walsh: daughter of Detective Walsh; height five-three; weight approximately one hundred and twelve; dark hair; gray eyes; firm build; strong sense of justice and good sense of judgment.

"Lead the class and do fifteen laps around the dojo while I stretch out."

"Yes ma'am!" I watched as Rory took the lead and the class filed out to do as I instructed. I dropped onto the mats instantly and began my stretches.

"It's not like you to be late, Swan."

"It was an unexpected day, Clearwater."

"That's some shiner you're sporting there. I didn't know you had a boyfriend either. He's not… being rough with you is he?"

I looked at Leah, who stared down at me with equal parts of aloofness and concern. "He's not my boyfriend," I told her. "And the shiner didn't come from him. When do you think I'd ever let a man lay a hand on me?"

Leah may be my rival, but she was also my closest friend ever. She dropped down and stretched forward, easily touching her toes. I matched her just as easily, craning my neck for extra stretch. "You're right. But there are bound to be rumors and questions."

"I got into a fight—"

"Not for money again, I hope."

I glared at her. "No… I left the underground when…"

"Good. I don't want those kids to end up homeless again," she stated as if unconcerned.

Leah Clearwater: Age twenty-nine; height five-five; weight approximately one hundred and forty pounds; Native America descent; dark hair and eyes; thunder bird tattoo on her chest; second tattoo with a rose for her birth mother with a pink ribbon around it for breast cancer on her right arm; orphaned at age ten, taken to Swan Haven House immediately after mother's death; best friend and rival since arrival.

"Bella," I got to my feet and helped her up. "What happened?"

"One of my kids' sperm doners appeared and we had a… disagreement. He was drunk and that cost him."

"The McGuinness girl's dad?" her eyes darted over my shoulder. "Is everything okay?"

"Seth came with the cops. I don't know how he got there so fast but he did. I'm keeping Rebecca with me till I'm sure he's shipped back to Minnesota. How he got to Washington without his P.O finding him is a mystery."

"So the guy clocked you?"

"He caught me off guard with his gun—"

"Bella!" I flushed. "It's no big deal Leah, honest."

"It sure as hell is! You could've been killed!"

"You're beginning to sound like Charlie," I sighed.

"Good! Maybe that'll knock your sense back into place!"

"My sense is just fine!" I snapped.

"You better not get killed for that sort of thing, Bella, or I swear to God I'll come after you when I'm in the dirt!"

I laughed, "I wouldn't think anything less."

We stretched together, catching up and planning a run in the city park in a week. When I turned to my class, I heard a solid 'Thump' and a battle yell. My students faltered as they lined up again, turning to look to see where the sound came from. What I found caught my attention and held it.

Edward was grappling with a bear of a man, whom I recognized from Eclipse last night, and Stefan… our school's master. And winning. The three men broke apart and I caught Edward looking up. I snapped around, "What are you all looking at?! Right defense stance!"

My class snapped around and immediately dropped into position. "Rear reverse kicks! Spread out so you all have enough room. One!" They ki-yuped together. "Two! Three! Higher Michelle! Four! Five! Six!" I moved around, dodging the swinging feet and correcting a few postures till they were to my satisfaction. "Switch! One! Two! Three!" I barked, watching carefully. I caught the youngest out of my class, Bree, who was struggling to keep her balance. "Rory, take over the count!"

"Yes ma'am! One! Two!"

I gently tugged Bree to the side and stepped back. "You balance is off, do you know how?"

"I can't get my feet to stay steady," Bree muttered, flushing with embarrassment. I smiled softly, trying to ease her fears.

"It's not because you can't stay steady, Bree, it's because your body is out of balance. I want you to try an exercise. Stand on one foot." The younger girl looked at me quizzically, her eyes bright but obeyed. She barely lifted her foot off the ground though. "Higher." She obeyed and instantly started to wobble and set it down again. "It's okay. Here, I'll do it with you. Hold your arms out if you have to."

She did so this time and caught her balance until she was in full crane stance. "Now bring your arms down."

Bree looked at her feet and slowly began to lower her arms. I caught her shifting and she nearly fell back. I caught her. "Don't look down!" I ordered. "Look up at me and try again. You've got to feel where your body is. Feel where the weight is being positioned and compensate if it feels out of balance."

"How?" she asked.

"Like this. Look me in the eye first." She did so and then looked away. "Don't mind the shiner, hon, look at me." She slowly met my eyes. "Now… balance." She held out her arms and raised more easily onto one leg. "Now… arms down." She slowly lowered her arms and her eyes widened as she tried not to wobble. When her arms were completely down, she was steady again.

"I… I'm doing it!" She gasped. "I'm balancing!"

"Yes. Now, Right defense stance!" She dropped into the stance. "Now, follow my technique." I stood beside her. "Swing your back leg up and twist like this." I did so and struggled to hold it. "Then lash out! Fast! And when you're done, land on it, but bring it back quick!"

"This is nothing like our exercise!" she sputtered.

"I never took you for a quitter Ms. Tanner," I stated, putting my hands on my belt. She looked down at her own yellow belt and blushed. "Are you a quitter?" She didn't answer. I became sharper, "Then you may strip your belt off and hand it to me." I held out my hand.

"I'm not a quitter," she stated softly.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"I'm not a quitter!" she told me, more firmly.

"Good," I smiled. "There's no room for quitters here. Ready?"


We took up stance together. "Back leg swung forward and up, twist, lash, down and return." She did so, wobbling still until her third attempt. This time, her head stayed up.

"I did it!"

"Yes, you did. And you did it perfectly." I smiled. "Alright! One more set!" My students groaned loudly but switched stances. I took to the front. "One! Two! Three! Four! Five! You kids are doing great, and six! Alright, everyone go take a break and get a drink." My students bowed weakly and trudged away, a few massaging sore legs.

"You're quite a force to contend with," I jumped when Edward's voice whispered in my ear.

"Shit! You are trying to give me a heart attack!" I squeaked, patting my chest to slow my racing heart. "Quit sneaking up on me!"

"I admit, it is fun watching you jump like that. I've been hearing some interesting details about you, Ms. Swan." I watched as he came around to face me. He was covered in sweat but he held a bottle of cold water. He offered but I refused. "You're the undisputed MMA champ here at this school, right?"

"What of it?"

"I can't seem to picture you fighting like that. Not like in competition. For survival, possibly… you definitely did so earlier today. You're the… how did the boys put it, the 'Wildcat'?"

"That was a lifetime ago. The name stuck when I came to the school to teach." I shrugged, moving. He stopped me.

"I train and own six different schools of varying fighting styles from kick-boxing, to judo, to tai-chi, to Akido. I am the undisputed champ there."

"Good for you," I offered. "Look, I really need a drink. So move will you?" He followed and waited for me to swallow my first drink of ice cold water from the fountain.

"There is a point to this story, mia Princepessa," he continued. "When I first saw you, I knew you were meant to be mine. I knew it when we danced. The minute I touched you. You were mine!"

I slowly stood straight again and turned to look at him. The heat in his voice almost made me shiver. Almost. But something here… made me feel trapped and cornered. Like a cat being backed into a wall, I thought.

"I am the MMA professional fighting king. Every king needs a queen. But the queen needs to be strong, powerful… a perfect match to me. I admit that I have looked. But I see now that you are that match."

I glared. "Bold words."

"I'm a bold man."

I huffed, "Be careful… your shifting emotions are giving me whiplash. You're calm and," I stopped from saying 'sweet.' I didn't want this guy to get the wrong idea. The impression that I got earlier still had me on edge. "And the next you're… like this." I waved to him. Edward blinked, clearly caught off guard. I turned and took another drink before ducking around him to return to my class, proud of the stunned look I had placed. "And besides, you're not tough enough for me Mr. Cullen. You maybe champ elsewhere but this is my dojo. I'm champ here."

Wheew! Man that is a long one! Took me nearly a week to finish but it's done!

I do not own the Twilight in this story. All rights reserved to Stephanie Meyer.

I do not own Clair de Lune. (Man... I'd be old if I did own it though lol)

I do own the plot line and the non Twilight characters mentioned in this story (now that there are too many to list)

Credit goes to Google for helping me with the translations.

mia Principessa- My princess

Principessa- Princess

Scusi- Excuse me?

mio caro- my dear

prezioso- precious

REMEMBER! Reviews= love!

Criticism is welcome :) I want to give a particular shout out to Werewolflover1997 for their critiquing bit :) Thankyou and I will try to make Bella alittle more hardcore ;) Although she is pretty hardcore now. I've gotta have a soft spot somewhere other than the kids, right? ;)

Til next time!

AND DON'T FORGET THE VOLCANO TACOS! Writers need to eat too you know!
