Title: Pillow Talk

Disclaimer: Standard disclaimer applies.

AN: This plot bunny would not escape my head. I thought of it as a one shot, but it does have a possibility to spawn into multiple one-shots that cover Draco and Hermione's relationship. Draco is OOC. I've been out of the writing game for a while and wrote this quickly.


Draco walked into Hermione's bedroom in the flat that she and Draco had both shared the last two years. Who would have thought that Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger would ever have become roommates, let alone friends? Draco walked over to Hermione's left side of her bed as she had always favored the right. She faced towards the middle of her bed, her duvet tucked up to her chin, and her head placed on her down pillow with her chestnut hair fanning around her.

"Granger?" Draco asked again. The brunette's steady breathing had begun to annoy him as it was clear Hermione was still sleeping, despite his attempt to wake her up. He glanced at the muggle clock perched on her nightstand displaying 3:12 am. He sighed as he kicked off his shoes; his feet weary from standing in the club all night. He pulled back her duvet cover and climbed into her bed, his weight causing the bed to dip.

"Mmm," Hermione mumbled at the sudden shift of her bed. She wasn't alarmed. This was almost a nightly occurrence ever since she moved in Draco's flat.

"Granger." Draco shimmied in deeper pulling her blanket over his still clothed form.

"What is it, Draco?" she asked sleepily, her eyes still closed.

"This is the last time I will be able to get into bed with you," he stated matter-of-factly. He lay on the right side of his body, the right arm tucked underneath him so he could lay his head in his right palm. He stared at her intently.

"You sound disappointed."

"Oh I am."




"You're going to miss me."

"Miss you waking me up almost every night just to say how your day was?" she asked, still not opening her eyes.


"Mmmm," she shifted her body a little so that she was closer to the middle of the bed seeking more heat that Draco's body provided. "What time is it?"

"3:14 am."

"I have to get up in four hours," she mumbled into her pillow. Draco knew that she was getting married tomorrow…er…today. But he wanted to relish this moment because he knew he wouldn't be able to have another chance.

"It was awful by the way."

"Why was that?"

"You made me go to your fiancé's stag night," he stated flatly.

"I didn't make you go," she argued.

"Oh please. Like you didn't want me to tag along just to make sure the bloke didn't do anything stupid with those slags his friend hired."

"I think you were the one who wanted to go with them to keep him in line."

"I don't trust him."

"Oh, Draco, stop."

"Well, if you must know. He behaved well…unfortunately. Kept trying to get the man drunk but he wouldn't take anything stronger than a beer."

"Are you drunk?"

"Hell no. Malfoys can handle their liquor."

"I beg to differ," she cracked a small smirk that could have rivaled Draco's.

"Excuse me?"

"Don't you remember the first time you climbed into my bed?"


"You were piss drunk from Theodore Nott's own stag party, and you ended up climbing into my bed instead of your own," she reminded him. "And then you proceeded to keep me up for almost half the night, talking about all the women at the party, asking me inane questions, and pouring out your feelings about-"

"Nope. Sorry, Granger. Doesn't ring a bell," he interrupted her. He paused to stare at Hermione's face. He always knew she was attractive. He just didn't care to admit it to anyone. "You know what else you'll miss?" he shifted his own body closer to hers so that they were almost touching.


"You're going to miss seeing my face as the last thing you see at night."

"At least the nightmares will stop."


"I thought it was. At least for 3 am."

"Do you love him?"

"Draco, what kind of question is that? You know I do."

"Does he make you happy?"

"Everyday," she yawned.

"I'm going to miss you, Granger."

"You'll see me at work almost everyday," she countered.

"It's not the same," he stated as he rolled back on his back, staring at her ceiling.

"Just because I'll be married?"

"Because you and I won't be roommates anymore. We'll just be co-workers. No more of your books scattered around the flat with parchment papers bookmarking your last spot. No more of your coffee cups spilling over in the sink. No more burnt pot roast for dinner. No more of your lacey knickers hanging in the loo. And forget our Friday nights in, watching that television thing and watching those crappy movies of yours, over and over again. No more… no more of sneaking into your bed at night, talking about… whatever. I think that's what I'll miss the most. It's become routine. Probably the only routine thing in my life that I've come to enjoy. But that's all gone to pot because you're getting married tomorrow. That'll be his place in your life. Being the last thing you see at night, and the first thing you'll see in the morning. Hermione?" Draco looked over to his right and saw that Hermione's breathing had steadied and her lips were slightly parted. She had fallen asleep. He sighed. How did he ever let this woman get so close to him, he thought. He was perfectly fine on his own. Then she had to muck it all up. Now she was leaving him. He had to give her over to her fiancé tomorrow.

"Not that she was ever mine to begin with," he scoffed in a whisper.

Hermione felt Draco's weight lift off of bed and heard his feet pad throughout her room where he reached the other side. Moments later she heard her bedroom door softly close. It was only then when she opened her eyes to stare at the empty space to her left, looking at the dip in her bed, the rustle in her sheets and smelling the remnants of Draco's cologne. Reaching out to the pillow Draco's head laid upon only moments before, she clutched it to her chest. She breathed deeply as a tear slowly escaped her eye, and fell down her cheek.