ohGOD. hey all. this is my first fanfiction. EVER. I've written short stories and such before but never fanfiction so I am EXCITE. I would love constructive criticism and just anything else you'd like to say to me.
I know the teacher!Klaine thing has been done to death, but I'm hoping I can put a fresh spin on it, considering that I have a huge thing for teachers, and the image of Blaine holding a briefcase and laughing with his students and later fucking his coworker Kurt over his desk is a very delicious image.
anyways, I'm gonna try to update this as often as possible. andddd... enjoy!

"We would love to have you on our staff here at Dalton, Mr. Hummel." Dr. Daniel Elmore stood and adjusted the waist of his khaki pants over his slight gut. Kurt stood as well and smoothed his lightly sweating palms over his supple silver vest.

"Thank you so much, sir. I really appreciate it. And I really look forward to starting in August." Kurt's airy soprano voice hitched at the end of his sentence in excitement. He shot his hand out for the principal to shake and the older man grasped Kurt's soft hand in a firm grip and chuckled.

"Of course, Kurt." He stepped out from behind his desk to open the oak door of his office. "Right this way, son. I'll leave you with Ms. Hendricks, our VP. She'll get you squared away with all the boring paperwork and take you on a quick tour." Kurt followed and Dr. Elmore lead him to an office nearby with the name plaque 'Joan Hendricks, Vice Principal' on the door. "Joan, Kurt Hummel is here and ready for your guidance." Daniel knocked on the door and opened it cautiously.

"Oh good, send him in." Joan hopped up from her desk and shuffled over to Kurt. "It's so nice to meet you, boy." Joan was a stout woman with bright red hair and dark dramatic eye makeup creased with crows-feet; Kurt tried to stop himself, but almost immediately his mind went to five different products he had in his medicine cabinet to diminish the appearance of wrinkles. She smiled brightly and her teeth were shiny and had a muted yellow tint to them that Kurt had noticed was quite prevalent in older people.

"Well, let's get to it."

"Down that way are the science lab classrooms. I don't imagine you'll be spending too much time down that way." Joan gestured down the empty hallway and Kurt silently nodded. Science was never his strong suit, plus the safety goggles were tacky and messed up his hair.

"And up this way…" she trailed off and began to march up the stairs, "is your new home." She made a wide sweeping motion at the surrounding area and Kurt took a deep breath, trying to take it all in.

Dalton Academy was vast and posh and beautiful. Kurt was grateful to have been hired at Dalton for this reason; if he was going to be living in Ohio again for an indefinite period of time, he needed to be working in a place that reminded him of New York. Kurt had worked at a private school in the city, much like this one, for the past two years so he thought it was great he could be reminded of the big city in a small town such as Westerville. Dalton was covered in cold, hard marble floors and rich wood paneled walls, intermixed with bright, hand-painted murals.

"This is the foreign language hall. Isn't it beautiful?"

Kurt looked up at the crystal chandelier and smiled, "I love it."

"Great," Joan beamed. "Your classroom will be right down here, dear." Kurt trailed the older woman, noting that they passed three other classrooms on the way to his.

"This is room 315," she pointed at the gold metal number on the door. "Your new room," She swung open the heavy door and Kurt frowned, confused.

The wood paneling and the marble floors continued into the room, a fact that Kurt admired. The desks were all wood and the only aspect of the room that even slightly resembled a regular public school was the white board, which looked supremely out of place against the dark wood. But Kurt couldn't complain about that either; he hated the way chalk felt against his skin and refused to clap erasers. The room was also equipped with a relatively new looking computer and an expensive looking projector system.

The characteristic of the room that confused Kurt the most was the unconventionally large German flag on the far wall of the room. The room also had no wall murals, but one half of the room was pasted with posters of German grammar rules and verb conjugations.

Kurt turned to Ms. Hendricks, perplexed, "I think there's been a mistake. I teach French."

"What? Oh! You mean the posters." Joan chuckled and passed Kurt and left him in the door way, pausing at the bulky desk in the front, obviously the teacher's desk. "Well come on in and I'll explain it." Kurt crossed his arms tightly across his chest and strutted over to Joan, the heels of his boots clicking all the way.

"Okay, so you're technically sharing this classroom. You won't have classes at the same time or anything. This door," She pointed to the door on the left of the teacher's desk, "is your office. And that one," she pointed to the door on the right, "is Mr. Anderson's office. He's a really nice guy though so there's no need to worry. But he'll most likely stay in his office while you have a class, and you are definitely welcomed to do the same when he's teaching; he's the German teacher, obviously. I'll also show you the teacher's lounge on our way out, that's where a lot of the staff spends their time."

Kurt nodded and digested the information. He was a firm believer in personal space and wasn't sure how he felt about having another teacher hovering around while he was working. But it wasn't his place to complain, so for now he would have to accept it, and pray that this 'Mr. Anderson' was as nice as Joan had said.

"I can handle that." Kurt smiled. Joan clapped, and hopped down from her seat on the desk.

"Perfect. Now let's get goin'. I've got a bottle of wine at home and some leftover lasagna calling my name. And I'm sure you wanna tell your friends you got the job."

Kurt nodded and exited the classroom after Joan. He gave one last look back at the room before the door closed and his stomach erupted into butterflies. He was surprised by how excited he was to be starting his new job here, even though it was in a state that he loathed. But in a month, Kurt would be in this room teaching the language he loved, and that would have to keep him happy for now.