Hi everyone, this is a two-shot requested by a friend of mine, Brunettemama123. I hope you'll like it XD

i don't own anybody, Randy Orton and other wrestler/superstars belongs to the WWE & TNA respectively..

I only own my OC Rachel Winters.

Brunettemama123 owns her OC Kya Nicole Hardy..

Please read & review :)

[Kya Nicole Hardy POV]

I was in my locker room getting ready for my match when somebody knocked on the door.

I got up to opened it and was met with a beaming Rachel Winters. She is my older brother Jeff Hardy's girlfriend. That's right, I'm the Hardy's little sister.

Growing up with the Hardy's is a lot of fun and I'm thankful that not once have they bullied or argued with me. They were good big brothers...

"Hey Rach, what's up?" I exclaimed with a smile.

"Nah, Jeff told me to keep you company since he knows that you tend to get nervous before a match." she said.

"Awww you shouldn't have, I'll be fine after a while. You should have kept Jeff company instead." I added.

"He should be fine, since he'll be facing The Miz tonight." she assured me.

"By the way, who are you facing?" she asks.

"I'll be facing Beth Phoenix, who's one half of the sisters of doom." I exclaimed nervously.

Not gonna lie, I felt sick to the stomach once I learned that I'll be facing the Glamazon since I know that she and Natalya loves to torment other divas...

Sensing that I must have been feeling troubled, Rach sat next to me and put her arm on my shoulder.

"Awww take it easy Kya, I know you can beat her! Just hit her with your Viper's Special Finisher and it'll be set and done. Looks like you're taking this viper thing too far Kya, when are you ever actually gonna ask Randy out or you're just like every girl who wants a guy to make the first move..?" Rachel added, scrutinizing me closely.

Its no secret that she knows that I'm totally in love with Randy Orton. I was nursing a huge crush with the Viper for so long that I even named my own finisher the Viper's Special. As I was deep in though, Rachel nudged me. "Yo girl, this is not the time to zone out, you gotta get ready for your match." she reminded me.

As Rach and I walked out of my room and headed over to Gorilla position. I whispered to her, "Do you think that Randy will watched my match?"

"Of course he would, why won't he?" she assured me.

"I hope so." I said softly as Rachel wished me a good luck right before I headed out to the arena...

[Kya Hardy vs Beth Phoenix-Non-Title Match]

"Introducing first from Blackfoot, Idaho. Here's Kya Hardy...!"

As my theme 'Sugar Coat by Breaking Benjamin' began to play, I walked out wearing a sexy white net fishnet top with a black D&C Stunning pants and a pair of black knee high suede boots.

Look what you did
Suck on your lies 'til your eyes turn red
what did you say
willing to drown in a tidal wave
Take me away
let me believe that you're on your way
look what you did
Suck on your lies 'til your eyes turn red

If I was gonna catch a certain viper's eye, then I need to dress to impress. I was thankful that Rachel went shopping with me yesterday and she's the one who convinced me to buy these new Dolce & Gabbana stunning pants which I find utterly sexy.

As I walked down the ramp, I was greeted with "Let's go Kya" chants. The fans have been behind me ever since my debut. My brothers were fan favorites and so I became one of their favorites too.

I climb up to the ring and stood to the side as I waited for the Glamazon to came out...

"And her opponent, accompanied by Natalya, here's Beth Phoenix...!"

Her theme began to play and she walked out holding her Divas title up high with Natalya strutting beside her. I just hoped that Nattie won't get involved in these match...

The Glamazon smirks at me as she climbs up to the ring and after doing her usual ring pose and flipping herself backwards from the turnbuckle and into the mat, she sized me up as the bell rang. Nattie waited by the apron and gave out instructions. I was beyond pissed as she continued glaring at me...

I glared right back at her and when she suddenly dashed towards me with a clothesline, I ducked and deliver a reversed spinning heel kick to the side of her head, she staggers backwards and I connected with a series of elbows to her face. After about 4 shots, she grabbed my arm and pulling me closer towards her, she picked me up into a military press and literally dropped me from a height of about 10 feet..! I yelled in pain as I crashed down belly first into the canvas. That move does knocked the wind out of me!

Beth didn't waste any time, She yanked me by the hair and picking me up, she performs a scoop slam driving me to the mat. I groaned in pain as she kept stomping on me. After she finally stops and reaching down to grab me by the hair again, I quickly capitalize by elbowing her jaw, she stumbles and I slowly got up to my feet and performed a hurricaranna. She flew to the side of the ring and as she gets up again, I delivered an enziguiri and once she falls to the mat, I quickly run to the top turnbuckle and nailed her with my Viper's Special which is my brother's Swanton Bomb and I quickly went for a pin...

1! 2! 3! I won and the referee raised up my hand in victory.

"And here's your winner by Pinfall, KYAAAAAAAA HARDYYYYYYYY!"

Beth didn't looked too happy and so is Natalya but I just ignored them and headed backstage...

[Kya's POV Backstage after the Match]

I walked down the hallways when I hear a familiar voice behind me.

"Hey Kya! We're not done with you!" I turned around and scrunched up my nose. The sisters of Doom are apparently heading towards me...

"What do you girls want?" I hissed at them.

"Easy there sunshine! Its not fair and I demand a rematch! YOU HEAR ME BITCH!" Beth bellowed to my face as Nattie added, "Yeah she deserves a rematch cause you clearly cheated just now!"

"WHAT? I cheated? What the hell are you girls talking about! I pinned her fair and square!" I yelled at their faces.

Beth and Nattie looks seriously pissed off.

"Kya don't think that we don't dare to messed up your pretty face just because you're the Hardy's little sister..!" Beth snapped.

"Well I dare you to messed up my face Beth!" I hollered at her.

This enraged the Glamazon further... She advanced towards me and shoved me towards the wall and just when she's about to raise up her hand to slapped me, I heard a man's voice from out of nowhere...

"Is there any problem, ladies?"

I whirled around to see who it was, and boy was I mesmerized for it was the Viper himself, Randy Orton!

He came towards us and asked the same question again. The sisters of doom looks terrified and they quickly mouthed a very quick, "No problem" and walked off.

I was grateful that the Viper came in time cause I wouldn't wanna be at the receiving end of one of Beth's vicious slaps.

"T-thanks R-randy." I stammered. Damn why do I have to stammer at the wrong time. But I know that the reason is mainly because I was mesmerized by his gorgeous appearance.

"No problem, I'm aware that the sisters of doom have been harassing a lot of the other divas backstage and I'm absolutely disgusted by it!" he hissed.

"They are like that." I shrugged.

"By the way are you alright? You had a good match out there, Kya and congrats on pinning the Glamazon." he exclaimed with a smile.

Wow am I dreaming? Or did the gorgeous viper just praised me!

"I'm okay and t-thanks Randy. Beth is a tough competitor, and I tried my hardest to pinned her." I shrugged.

"That's good." He nodded and continued, "So I was wondering if you would like to go out to dinner with me?"

His words caught me by surprise! The viper just asked me out to dinner! This is beyond amazing! Wooo Hoooo!

"Y-yes I would love to Randy." I exclaimed with a smile and pretty careful not to stammer too much.

"That's nice, I'll picked you up tomorrow." he flashed me his beautiful smile and walked back to his locker room leaving me speechless...

Wow am I dreaming? I can't believed that he asked me out! I need to tell Rachel about this...

I walked back to my locker room and grabbing my I-Phone, I quickly dialed Rachel's number.

"Hey Rach, where are you now?" I asked her.

"I'm in Jeff's locker room, and I just watched your match girl. Its awesome that you pinned Beth!" she chuckled.

"Can you come to my room for just a sec. I need to tell you something." I said.

She agreed and a few moments later, there was a knocked on my door.

I opened it up and let Rachel in.

"So what do you wanna tell me?" she asked as she eyed me closely.

"Well my victory over Beth is not the only awesome part. Guess what Rach! Randy just asked me out! I shrieked.

"WHAT! No freaking way! The same Randy Orton, the viper?" she looked at me quizzically.

"Yes the viper, he asked me out to DINNER TOMORROW NIGHT!" I practically shrieked in delight and the both of us jumped for joy.

Rachel gave me a hug. "But Rach, here's another problem. What should I wear?"

"We should totally go shopping tonight, Kya. Let's go that mall downtown and find you a cute dress." Rach assured me.

"Awww thanks Rach. I don't know what I'll do without you." I smiled...

"That's not a problem. Jeff did ask me to look after you." she added with a smile.

"Okay Rach, I'm gonna have a quick shower and then we'll go to that mall." I added.

After I'm done with my shower, I dressed in a blue top and a black skinny jeans. I walked to Jeff's locker room and knocked on the door. Jeff opened it and beamed as he saw me.

"Well there's my little sister. Rach has told me everything." He teased as he gave me a hug.

"Isn't that awesome. My only dream is to have dinner with him and now it came true." I blushed.

"Good for you, Kya." he said.

"So you're ready to go?" Rachel asked me.

"Yes, let's go and find me that beautiful dress." I smiled...

Up next is the 2nd part of the 2 shot :)

Yayyy Kya finally got asked out to dinner by Randy.

How will the date turned out?

Will she ever find something pretty to wear on the date.

Please Read & Review Folks..