The Secret Heir

Merlin belongs to the BBC and its creators.

A/N: Contains spoilers for 4x09.

Hardening Her Heart

'You are banished from Camelot and to return is to do so on pain of death,' with Arthur's words ringing in her ears her heart broke in two. She didn't understand her actions with Lancelot as she truly loved Arthur. Now the man whom she loved had banished her and told her if she returned to her hometown she would be killed.

She thought this punishment was not fair when Arthur had been enchanted under a spell and had fallen in love with Vivien she had not punished him. But he seemed to forget that now she had to pay the price rather than Arthur's honorable Knight as Arthur had called him. Well with Arthur's words she vowed she no longer loved him and would never do so again.

Today was supposed to be their wedding day but instead she was leaving Camelot. In a way it was a good thing nobody had stood up for her not even her own brother. She'd planned something special for this night she was going to tell Arthur that she was carrying his baby. Now he'd never know she'd make sure of it.

She packed her belongings and felt someone watching her. She turned to see Merlin but he didn't say anything and to Gwen's mind he was just another person who hadn't defended her. Little did she know that he had indeed spoken up for her to Arthur but Arthur wouldn't listen.

Gwen had no idea where she was going to go nobody had cared enough about her to help her. Where would be a good place to raise her baby without Arthur finding out? Gwen decided that Cendred's kingdom would be good. They were mortal enemies of Camelot and nobody would ever look for her there. It was a four day walk and she knew she'd have to take it slow for the baby she already loved.

On the second day she tripped over a branch and hurt herself. When she got up she saw a group of men looking at her.

'Don't be afraid Guinevere Leodegrance we are Druid's and we've come to help you.'

'Help me? How can you help me?'

'You carry the heir to the throne of Camelot and you are destined to be its Queen.'

Gwen laughed at this, 'Arthur has banished me and if I return he will have me killed. He will never know his baby I'll ensure it.'

'We know what happened but I don't think you do. Morgana Pendragon knows that you are destined to be the Queen of Camelot and she wants the throne for herself. She knew that Lancelot was your first love so she brought him back from the dead to come between you and Arthur. When you didn't let your feelings for Lancelot show as your love for Arthur was too strong Lancelot gave you a bracelet to enchant you. You were then drawn to Lancelot and Agravaine who arranged this with Morgana as he is the spy within Camelot made sure that Arthur saw you kiss Lancelot. Lancelot is now dead and you were the only one left to blame.'

'I don't care what you say my destiny is or what you tell me. He's banished me I don't love him anymore and my baby will never know its father!'

'We will take care of you but be warned to not let hatred twist your heart or you will become as bitter as Morgana Pendragon.'

'Well none of the Knights or Merlin or my own brother stood up for me.'

'That is where you're wrong Merlin did stand up for you.'

'How do you know?'

'Because Merlin is a Warlock and alerted us to your presence. He told us to protect you. Don't worry he doesn't know about the child.'

Gwen couldn't believe it Merlin Arthur's bumbling servant had magic. She hoped he didn't find out about the baby because he would surely tell Arthur.