My answer as to why my jumping/running abilities are so crud:

Ezio heard it, again.

A soft noise, barely out of earshot, that seemed to communicate frustration whenever he miscalculated a jump or two- not that it happened too often. But on his off days, not that he got too many of those, it was there.

At first, he had brushed it off thinking that it was merely a citizen observing his antics; they did like to add their own commentary, after all.

But, then he heard it in all different cities in the highest of places at the darkest time of night, that same voice. He took more care to observe his surroundings with his eagle vision, even checking behind debris that would block it just to be sure. But no one was there.

Ezio wondered if he was going mad, perhaps he craved the flesh of a woman when after a particular nasty fall he could swear the identity of the speaker was female. Alas, Ezio was never short changed when it came to his other...targets. Maybe he was slave to this particular sin so much that it had compromised his mental state. A few experiments of abstinence came about after this train of thought, none proving anything except that it was better for him as well as his enemies if he were sated in the bed before he fought.

He noted how the voice would only express itself whenever he fell, so Ezio took it upon himself to be a little less of an Assassin and more of the curious youth that he was. He miscalculated many more jumps after that and it proved fruitful as Ezio was cussing along with it.

Yes, it was female. And no, it was not a citizen, a stalker, or another Assassin. As he concentrated, it resonated more and more in his earshot as if they were floating a couple feet away from him.

That made him somewhat self-conscious as to how much this creature watched him. Yet, he never heard when he wasn't running across roofs on a mission of sorts so he thought himself safe.

He fell once more, giving up his chase of a thief and grinned when he heard the voice clearer as it cussed him, he frowned, along with the thief. Perhaps, he thought as he felt his joints ache, he was taking it too far.

The young Assassin considered talking to Leonardo about it but even he would think him mad for trying to kill himself just for her.


HA! If only you knew.