
The fifth year Gryffindor, Neville Longbottom, sat down at the Gryffindor table insecurely and figity. He had just had potions and Snape had finally snapped-well, worse than ever before. Snape told him that he was getting him a tutor whether he like it or not.

Normally a tutor would be a good thing. The problem was that Snape was the one choosing the tutor. Knowing him, he would choose someone from his own house, Slytherin, and for that reason Neville was terrified. Especially since the Slytherins would normally torment him. Neville didn't know how he was suppose to survive.

Hermione, Harry, and Ron sat across from Neville. They had just entered the Great Hall to eat lunch.

"Neville, what's wrong?" asked Hermione concerned.

Harry had to agree. Neville's face was pale, and his expression clearly displayed dread.

Neville stuttered an answer. "S-s-snap-p-pe is-s m-ma-kin-king m-m-m-me get-t a tut-t-tor."

"What's so bad about that? Maybe then you'll be able to pass his cla-Ow! What was that for Hermione?" Ron rubbed his now sore arm.

"Don't be rude."

Harry looked curiously at Neville. He asked, "By any chance is Snape picking your tutor?"

The three watch Neville dumbly nod his head.

"Bloody Hell. I'd pray to Merlin if I were you." He was not comforted in anyway by Ron's words.

Ron snapped his head behind him as he felt a light tap on his shoulder. There stood a girl with black hair and blue eyes. She wore the Gryffindor uniform yet he didn't think he had ever met he before. Hermione, Harry, and Neville held similar thoughts.

"Um, sorry, but do you know who Neville Longbottom is. I'm afraid I don't know many aside from the sixth years as I transferred this year.

Neville stared at the pretty girl. Why would someone like her be looking for him? Having a bit of confidence - not that anyone could tell by his continuing stutters - he slowly raised his trembling hand. "I-I'm him."

Kagome stared a moment and Neville trembled more beneath her gaze as if she was analyzing. She suddenly clapped her hands together surprising them all. "That's great! I'm Kagome Higurashi. Professor Snape appointed me to be your tutor."

They were surprised for at least one of two reasons or both. That Neville would get a pretty Gryffindor for a tutor and that Snape appointed her or the fact that she treated Snape formally with the title professor and held no malice in his name.

"Oh! That's fantastic. So-um-tonight at eight?" When Kagome agreed Neville felt great.

Maybe getting a tutor wouldn't be so bad.

I'm still practicing writing one-shots and drabbles so I have been trying to write more. I am posting two today(this one included) to celebrate the beginning of December Fest that will start tomorrow (me updating everyday).

These Ideas randomly came to me so if someone wants to write a better version or write a longer story using these ideas all ya gotta do is ask.