Chapter 1

Harry Potter, The-Boy-Who-Lived. That was his old title. Barely anyone used that title anymore. Now it was Harry Potter, Master of Death. But that's what happens when the Deathly Hallows accept you.

But the Deathly Hallows didn't just accept Harry as their master. They decided they never wanted to be apart from Harry. It didn't take long for Harry to realize that he had absorbed the Deathly Hallows. Of course the fact that he had the Deathly Hallows symbol on his wand hand, he couldn't age, and that he looked like a FREAKIN FIVE YEAR OLD somewhat gave it away. Harry's five year old body looked just like he did when he was five.

Unfortunately Harry was starved as a child so naturally he was too skinny and underweight. A lot of Death Eaters that escaped from the final battle thought that Harry would be weakened as a child.

That was not the case. Many Death Eaters found themselves in jail because of it, though those Death Eaters came in groups of three at most.

Which was why Harry was surprised when at least fifty Death Eaters showed up while he was wandering the forbidden forest and kidnapped him.

That was how he ended up in a cell at an old Death Eater hideout, wearing magic handcuffs with runes on them to prevent him from doing magic and is currently suffering from the side effects of the many crucios cast on him.

Which brings us to where Harry is now, trying to figure out a way to escape.

Harry wanted to scream! He knew it was idiotic to walk around in the forbidden forest alone but the forbidden forest was the one place where nobody would follow him. He just wanted to relax but look where that got him. Locked up by Death Eaters. They had taken his wand, too! Not that he needed it with the Elder wand practically part of him.

He knew that complaining wasn't going to get him anywhere so instead he decided to study the runes on his handcuffs. As Harry studied the runes, he noticed something very interesting.

The runes weren't totally preventing him from using magic. A simple Point-Me was possible. Also, he noticed that an animagus transformation had unknown affects.

Harry didn't know whether he should chance it, though he missed his animagus form even though his form was very rare and relatively unknown, even to wizards. He decided to chance it and quickly transformed.

A black-furred, nine-tailed kitsune with tails tipped white and eyes, Harry's own Avada Kedavra color, appeared. It was an impressive animagus although, since Harry was physically five, the kitsune was kitten-sized.

He looked at his cuffs and realized that something bad was happening. The cuffs were glowing in a white light and were breaking. Harry managed to gasp, which sounded more like a whine in his new form, before the cuffs completely disintegrated and the world went white.

First thing I realized when I woke up was that something was burning.

I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a forest and there was no sign of anything burning. I quickly realized I was still in my animagus form and tried to change back. Keyword there was tried. When I realized I couldn't, I panicked a little.

That was before I heard a roar. I twisted my head quickly toward the direction of the roar and spotted something I hadn't noticed when I first arrived. A giant kitsune seemed to be wreaking havoc on something. I quickly sped off in that direction, my hero complex coming into play. As I got closer, I saw a giant frog with a blond man standing on top of it, holding a baby. The man said something in a different language. I had no idea what the man was up to and what strategy he had to defeat the kitsune.

Nothing could have prepared me though, when I saw Death fade into reality.

I tried to run faster as I watched everything unfold. Death helping the man transfer the malicious, dark energy into the baby, then once the kitsune disappeared, Death slowly stalking up to the man.

I knew I didn't have any time to waste and started running up the frog, to the man. The toad spoke in the strange language, probably to warn the man of Harry's presence, but was too slow.

Before the man could spin around to check who was coming, I was there and stood between him and Death. The man looked surprised and somewhat nervous, not that I can blame him. Although kitten-sized, I was still a kitsune, like the thing that attacked the village.

I knew that Death would understand me even if I spoke kitsune. I wouldn't let Death take someone's soul while they were still living. I started to growl and hiss at Death.

"What do you think you're doing Death? You cannot take a soul that is not dead," I hissed.

Death quickly bowed, keeping his head low. He knew who was superior.

"Master, this man made a deal with me. I would help contain the Kyuubi in exchange for his soul."

"I don't care," I hissed. "I won't allow this to happen while I'm around."

"It was a deal. I can't change it unless you have something better to replace his soul."

I thought about this. No, I didn't have anything to replace it but I have something else that might work.

"I don't have anything to replace his soul with, but you owe me."

"Oh? How so?"

"Voldemort killed a lot of people close to me in the war. All people who would have survived if you had succeeded in killing Voldemort when I was a baby but Voldemort thwarted you. You couldn't get him. I helped you with that. I helped you claim Voldemort so you owe me. Don't take this man's soul and the debt will be repaid."

Death looked at him and smirked.

"You are very cunning, Harry Potter. Some Slytherin traits, I see. Fine, I accept your proposition. I hope to see you soon, Harry."

I watched as Death faded into inexistence before turning around.

Harry knew he wouldn't be able to turn back into a human for some time. Whatever brought him here used up a lot of his magic, which he needed to turn back, so he was stuck for now.

Just as he was about to walk away, someone grabbed him, and held him at an arm's length away with one hand (which was very uncomfortable). The blond man he had saved and the grey-haired man who had picked him up started discussing something.

He knew a spell he could cast wordlessly and wandlessly that would make him understand the language but it would make it take longer to restore his magic so he could change back and he would become exhausted. It would be stupid to cast the spell, especially when his life was in the hands of a potential enemy. It would be stupid…

But very Gryffindor.

With that decided, he cast the spell. The gibberish slurred into words until he could completely understand the language.

"-and this thing could be very dangerous. You can't be serious about this Minato-sensei!" the grey haired man yelled.

The blond, now identified as Minato, didn't seem like the type of person to listen to others.

"You said it yourself, Kakashi. It could be dangerous, which is why we should keep a close eye on it."

Minato then moved closer to me and took me out of Kakashi's hand to hold me close. He used one arm as a support for me and used his hand on his other arm to pet me.

I started to purr. I couldn't help it! It felt so good. I nuzzled my head into Minato's shirt and felt myself falling asleep.

The last thing I heard before entering my dreams was Minato's voice.

"Do you still fear this kitten Kakashi?"

So how was it?

Review if you have comments, questions, or ideas.

PM me if you want to use my idea for your own story or if you drew a picture of my story and send me the link. (Please draw a picture of my story!)