I kept jumping around the house, trying to keep the voice down. I didn't care, I was already a grown-up, on my twenties, getting closer to thirties. I just loved Christmas and all the stuff related to it. I didn't exactly believe in Christ or God, to me Christmas was for celebrating love. Just for spreading love, to your close ones and also a bit to strangers. It didn't hurt to smile to people even with not knowing them, it'd maybe cheer someone up.

I waited for Blaine to wake up, I wanted to let him rest and at the same time dance with me. He had come home late last night, he needed some relaxing. I still kind of couldn't believe that we had now a house of our own, and it even wasn't a really small place. We had no problems with money, it was coming and going, we were able to afford things but weren't too rich. From my point of view, it was quite OK. Too much would've been too much.

I walked to the kitchen, started to make breakfast. Today it'd be scrambled eggs, mostly. I didn't know if it was already late enough to start but well, it was time for Blaine to wake up. No matter if he had a hundred gigs yesterday, he should get up and celebrate the first of December with me. I knew he loved me but I wanted to hear it again and again, him repeating it, whispering to my ears. I needed to hear that I was loved.

I hummed Christmas songs while cooking; I was full of Christmas joy. I got scared when arms came around me, I couldn't help but scream. Then I realized that it was Blaine, I turned around and kissed him before he had a chance to tease me. I knew he was going to say that I screamed like a girl. It was true but maybe I could get him forget it. I used all of my kissing skills, it was like having sex with only our lips.

Blaine looked at me, smiling. He quickly kissed my lips again and pressed his forehead towards mine.

"I'm still going to say that you scream like a girl," he stated.

"And I really can't deny it. But you should already know that I scare easily," I claimed.

"I know. Which is why I try to scare you every once in a while, I wasn't complaining about your screaming, I think it's cute," Blaine said.

"Oh sure, I believe it. You just enjoy torturing me," I complained.

"No, really, it's sweet! But only when I know why you're scared, of course it's not funny at all if you have some other reason than me to be scared," he added and massaged my neck with his fingertips.

I closed my eyes and concentrated on Blaine's touch, it felt so good. He knew how to touch me to lift me to desire's gates. With him I had been more open than with anyone else and I regretted nothing. Our connection was special, I believed that we were happier than anyone else we knew.

"So, do we have something to do today?" Blaine asked.

"I don't know, in a way we could take out the decorations. Just take them down from the attic, even I think it's a bit early to spread them all over the house," I admitted.

"All right, let's do that. I was kind of referring to the possible visiting, didn't you say that someone had asked us to come? I've forgotten who it was," Blaine said.

"Oh, that's true. Finn asked us to come for a Christmas dinner. Or maybe it was a December dinner, I don't remember how he called it," I remembered.

"I have to admit that you two are the best possible step-brothers. I almost don't understand how excited you both can get when December starts. I only get that excited about you," Blaine laughed.

"Well, I get even more excited about you! But think about it, a whole month to celebrate and glorify love! What could be better?" I asked with a smile.

"When you put it that way...," Blaine said, looking like he was thinking.

I hugged him and we snogged a bit. I could've spent all day in bed with him, it would've been lovely. Just to express our love, get really united. With no hurry and need to care about anyone or anything else. He was the sweetest person I had ever known, I was really happy that he was the first one I'd ever dated. He'd also be the last one and I liked it that way.

"OK sweetheart, let go of me. I need to take a shower. The gig was good and all, I sure do smell like it too," Blaine laughed.

"You smell charming," I said and just tightened my grip of him.

"Good try. I don't want to go to Finn and Rachel's looking like this! But maybe, if you ask nicely, you could come and wash my back," Blaine suggested.

"You think so? Could I come to wash your back, please?" I asked, my eyes were shining.

"Yes you can. Let's get going, I believe we should buy some wine to take with us. And something for the kids, too," Blaine stated.

"Oh yes, goodies! Or something little and nice. No toys yet, only for Christmas present," I got excited.

"It's nice to see Joey and Helena again," Blaine said.

"It is, really nice. Maybe we should think about adopting again?" I suggested.

"Maybe. We are still kind of busy with our jobs but I can't deny that a little kid running around wouldn't be lovely. Let's talk about it later, I believe that we don't have the time for serious talking right now. Come, my back needs some rubbing," Blaine said, grabbed my hand and started to pull me to our bedroom.

I was even more excited, I had talked about adopting a child earlier but Blaine had been sure that we were too busy. I had been talking about kids every once in a while, not necessarily about adoption but kids on common. I didn't want to press him on this subject, it was way too big to be forced into him. Now he seemed to be a bit more interested than before, it was a good thing.

I watched Blaine undress, I totally understood why crowds went wild when he threw his shirt off during a gig. He was hot, really hot. I let my eyes follow the line of his abs, this was the best eye-candy I knew!

"Hey, eyes up here!" Blaine laughed at me, I quickly lifted my gaze, caught in action.

"What?" I asked, smiling widely.

"Unless you're planning of coming with your clothes on, you should undress yourself. I'd prefer you naked right now," he said and winked an eye on me.

It didn't take me too long to get my clothes away, Blaine took my hand and led me to the bathroom.

"Wait, do we have towels there? I washed some yesterday. And where's the sponge?" I asked and hesitated in following.

"I don't believe you took all of the towels from there. I can get some if there are none. And the sponge should be there. Oh just come here," he said, dragged me close and kissed.

I stopped for a while and just kissed him, but soon Blaine started leading us to the bathroom. We were walking slowly, caressing each other. When we came to the stairs, I forced myself apart from him; I didn't want us to fall. We walked down hand in hand. Even after all these years I still couldn't get enough of Blaine.

I rubbed Blaine's skin with the sponge, washed him well. I tidied up every inch of his body, got close every once in a while just to feel his wet skin on mine.

"Could we get a bit warmer water? It'd be nice," I asked.

"Sure. Your turn!" Blaine said and took the sponge from me.

It was pretty orgasmic to have Blaine cleaning my body with almost hot water pouring over our bodies. This was the second most fun thing we could do without our clothes on. His hands knew from where to rub, I was sure that I'd be clean after this treatment.

The shower session only lead to some serious smooching this time, which was good too. We went back to master bedroom, I sat on a chair and started to think about what to wear. Blaine was faster this time, he just dried his skin and put clothes on. He sat on the bed and looked at me.

"Should I pick the clothes for you or are you able to decide by yourself?" Blaine asked with a teasing smile on his face.

"I'm just waiting for my skin to dry, I think I've already cleared up what to wear," I tried to save the situation.

"So I better pick up something?" Blaine stated.

"Well, yes. Thank you," I smiled. He sure knew me well.

It didn't take long for me to get dressed after Blaine had decided what I should wear, we left right away. I tried to think about what we should get for the kids or for Rachel and Finn. Probably a bottle of wine was the best thing for Rachel and Finn but the kids... Too much sweets would destroy their teeth and all but I didn't want to get them any toys at this phase of month. They were almost spoiled anyway.

"What about we get them some toffee apples from that cute little kiosk, wouldn't that be nice?" I suggested.

"And Pinot Noire for Finn and Rachel?" Blaine continued. I nodded, we had a good plan here.

In less than one hour we rang Finn's and Rachel's doorbell. I could hear the kids running to the door, a warm smile invaded my face. I held Blaine's hand and looked at him. I most certainly wanted kids.

"Hey there, how are you?" I asked and went down to my knees to say properly hi to Joey and Helena.

"Hello uncle Kurt!" they screamed to my ears, I almost dropped the apples when they attacked me with their hugs. I couldn't help but laugh, they were crazy, just like their parents.

"Hey Finn and Rachel," I heard Blaine say, I didn't have time to react, I gave all of my attention to kids.

We got in quite soon, it was getting chilly, after all it was December. The whole house smelled really good, Rachel was an awesome cook and when she was cooking with Finn, the results were even more fantastic. I showed the kids the apples but added that they'd get them only after dinner.

"I'd like to remind you that we are still the parents. But I agree, toffee apples only after dinner," Finn said and waved his finger to Joey and Helena.

"So, let's sit down and eat, the chicken should be ready by now," Rachel said. I clapped my hands a few times, I knew it was going to taste great.

It was nice to sit down with the whole Hudson-gang, it didn't happen often enough. Joey and Helena grew up so fast, now they were even able to eat in a clean way. Helena was like Rachel's twin, just several years younger. I believed that she'd look just like Rachel, once she'd be all grown-up. Rachel looked so happy, as happy as she had been on their wedding day.

Visiting Finn and Rachel always made me feel good about being who I was, I held hands with Blaine under the table. He looked at me, I wanted to kiss him passionately, right here and right now, but I didn't dare. Not all scenes were suitable for children. But I could give him hot looks, almost eye-rape him. That was the least I could do.

"So, how would you two like to spend Christmas here with us?" Finn asked from all of a sudden.

"Well, we were planning on visiting mum and dad. And of course Blaine's parents", I answered.

"So are we, but for like rest of the holidays? I find it hard to believe that we live in the same town, we meet hardly ever nowadays!" Rachel stated.

"That's true. Let's think about it, I believe we'd want to say 'yes' straight away but we don't get too much time to spend by just the two of us," Blaine said.

"I totally understand. It's a bit the same with us, especially with the kids around. It's nice that they visit you at times," Finn admitted, Joey climbed to his lap. I looked at him and saw some special love in his eyes when he looked at his son. I wanted to have that too.

Talking with Rachel and Finn was nice, it was long since the last time. Before, Rachel and I had worked at the same theatre, but I had found a new place to work in. I had a better salary, which was nice but the best thing was that I could say something about things, suggest musicals and all. It was a lot harder than my work at the old place but I loved every bit of it. Besides, it was fun to gossip about the people we both know.

Finally Helena fell asleep to the couch, she had insisted in staying up with us. Rachel went to take the girl to bed, I started to think about leaving. It was getting late and I remembered hearing something about Finn having to go to work tomorrow. Joey was still awake but Finn said he'd put the boy to bed and then come to say goodbye. I nodded, me and Blaine would survive a little while by ourselves.

As Finn headed to upstairs with Joey, I got up and sat to Blaine's lap. He stroke my back slowly, I leaned on him.

"It has been a nice evening. And see, Finn was allowed to take the Christmas decorations down too!" I stated and pointed my finger to a box on one corner of the living room.

"It has, it has. I know, I noticed the box at the same moment we came to this room. I'm proud of you," Blaine said.

"Proud of me? Why?" I asked, I got a bit surprised.

"You haven't sang a single carol tonight. Or been over-Christmassy today in other ways," he explained.

I kissed him quickly, caressed his cheek with my fingertips. I leaned on him and breathed in slowly.

"I'm still going to say that if smells like Christmas here," I whispered on Blaine's ear.

"Dear, I believe that it's still the chicken," Blaine stated. I laughed at him and slapped him gently. He slapped me back and soon we were in the middle of a play-fight.

Rachel and Finn came downstairs, I got up as if lightning had struck me. It wasn't like we had been doing something they shouldn't have seen but I got scared when I heard Finn's voice behind my back. I decided to try to hide it and jumped to hug Rachel.

"I think it's time for us to go. We'll be thinking about Christmas," I promised.

"Well, OK, just let us know. It was nice to have you here," Rachel smiled.

"It was really nice to come. And the dinner was just delicious," Blaine stated.

The leaving took a while more, but I felt all warm inside when we sat to our car.

"Honestly, every time we leave here, I promise to myself that we would visit more often, but somehow it never happens," I told Blaine.

"True, true, it would be nice. Maybe we should really try more to do something about," he admitted and started the car.

When we got home, it was actually late enough for us to go to bed. I was quicker than Blaine, waited for him. I stretched myself to all directions, the day had been perfect. And besides, it was about to end in a perfect way too.I considered every day with Blaine as a blessing, it was hard to understand how blessed I was to actually have him.

I was smiling happily when Blaine came to the bedroom, he looked at me and turned the lights off.

"I was about to ask if you missed me but well, that smile on your face tells me that you were having fun," he stated and laid down.

"The opposite, in a way. I was thinking about you, because I missed you, and realised how lucky I am. Thus, I missed you with a smile on my face," I explained.

"Well, that kind of makes sense," Blaine laughed and pulled me close. His fingers were caressing my cheek, I kissed him.

"Today was a good day," he said slowly.

"It really was. Especially the evening, I'd say," I noted.

"I couldn't agree more. Listen, I've been talking about the adoption-thing," Blaine started.

I rolled myself over him, tried to get into a good position to see him better but the room was too dark for it. I had to imagine that I saw him properly. My eyes were shining, but they weren't lighting the whole room for us.

"And?" I asked, it was obvious that he was teasing me, being all quiet.

"I think we should adopt a kid. A boy or a girl, I don't mind, as long as it's our kid," he said and kept caressing my cheek.

"Really? It's going to be a long and hard process," I warned him.

"I know. But I love kids and seeing you today with Joey and Helena, it just broke my heart to think about us returning to an empty house, only you and me," he said.

"You don't think we should get a cat instead?" I asked.

"We should get a cat but I want us to have a child too. Just one, at first, I don't know how many I want, don't get your hopes up too high," Blaine warned me.

"It's ok with me. Blaine, have I ever said that I love you?" I asked.

"You have, a few times. And I love you too," he answered and kissed me. This was even a better way to end this day than I had thought.