I AM SO SORRY! I haven't posted in like two months...I'm pathetic I know. I"M sorry but highschool started up again and it sucks. I don't have time to write...anymore, and I HAVE THE WORSSST WRITERS BLOCK EVER! I SUCK I know. So I have decided...its about time...that I may be get a beta? So if you are interested...PM Me. Thanks guys and sorry for withholding all this crap but this is my LONGEST chapter by two thousand words! Anyway sorry if you hate me. But here I am. SO BETA ME. YEah?

The next morning Massie woke to her alarm blaring. She moaned and hit the snooze button. Her legs swung over the side of the bed and her hand ran over her face. She slowly stood up and walked to her bathroom where she washed her face. After that, she put on her light and natural makeup, then curled her hair with a straightener. All that took about 45 minutes, and it was now 7:48, and they left at 8:30. Massie walked to her closet and looked through her clothes, trying to decide what to wear. She walked around a bit before she settled on a BeBe summer dress that was strapless, and mid-thigh but it wasn't tight. She put on some beige flats and grabbed a purse that matched. She walked out of her room at 8:13. Massie walked downstairs and into the kitchen where a caramel frappuccino was already waiting for her.

"Thanks Inez." Massie smiled at her housekeeper. Although everything seemed to be going fine today so far, Massie was just not in the nicest mood. (A/N: Sorry if I called her housekeeper Mini before, it's Inez.)

"Your Welcome Mz. Mazzie." She said as she wiped up the counter. Massie took a drink of her frappuccino when Landon walked in the kitchen.

"Massie." He nodded at her and grabbed a powerbar from a cupboard.

"Landon." Massie said and took another drink of her drink.

"How was your date last night?" He asked smirking at her as he walked to the fridge and grabbed a gatorade.

"It wasn't really a date." Massie shrugged.

"Well then how was dinner?" He asked taking a big drink.

"It was nice, I mean we haven't had a family dinner that where we were actually happy at since forever. It was nice to you know, feel like I was even a part of a family." Massie shrugged and walked out of the kitchen.

"Mass." Landon called after her as he followed her out of the kitchen . "Massie."

"What?" She asked as she switched her folders and school stuff from the purse she had yesterday.

"You have a family." Landon said grabbing his backpack and throwing it over his shoulder.

"I know." Massie said plainly not wanting to go further into it. She stood up and walked to the door.

"You know I love you, so does Chris, so does Dad, and so does mom." Landon said as they walked out the door. Massie turned around quickly to say something, but decided not to and shut her mouth. She wanted to remind him, her mom slapped her, her dad left because of her, and her brother hates her but then she was tired of always dwelling in the past so she just turned back around and walked to the car. "Massie, you believe me right?"

"Of course I do." Massie said trying to just forget it all.

"I don't believe you." Landon said rolling his eyes as they entered the car.

"Just forget I said it at all, alright?" Massie said and looked out the window.

"What's up? I thought you were like super happy last night?" Landon asked raising an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry, I'm just overthinking and everything is stressing me out." Massie said looking at her brother to try and convince him.

"Well don't you are young, live." He smiled at her.

"Thanks for the pep talk." Massie fake smiled at her brother, but made it convincing.

"Any day Mass." He smirked as they pulled up to the school. They exited the car and walked to their friends together.

"Hey guys." Massie smiled at her friends as she approached them.

"Hello." Everyone through back different types of greetings.

"Hey Block." Derrick smiled.

"Hey." She said as they interlaced fingers.

"Oh yeah, so Massie you have an appointment tonight with that one party planner, for your birthday party." Alicia said smiling widely.

"Thanks so much Leesh! You're the best." Massie smiled and hugged Alicia. Alicia turned and started a conversation with Josh.

"I need to go to my locker you wanna come?" Massie asked directing it towards Derrick.

"Sure." He smiled as they began walking towards her locker.

"You know how beautiful you are?" Derrick said looking into Massie's eye. She smiled at him then kissed his cheek, as they continued to walk to school together, their hands interlaced.

"Your so adorable Derr." Massie said as they approached her locker and she entered her combo. He leaned against the locker next to hers. Massie grabbed her books and shut her locker. Derrick slung his arm over Massie's shoulders as they walked to class, and Massie put her arm around his waist. They walked in comfortable silence, as everyone stared at them wishing they could be the itcouple.

"Wanna hang out later tonight?" Derrick asked as they sat down in their seats.

"I can't I have the appointment with the party planner, remember?" Massie said putting her purse on her desk, and pouting towards Derrick.

"Oh yeah duh, what about tomorrow?" Derrick asked hopeful.

"Uh if my dad doesn't start my training then yeah." Massie smiled at him, this time he pouted. "I'm sorry I know I'm busy, but I'll hang out with you this weekend for sure, kay?" Massie said as she leaned over and pecked his lips.

"Children! No fraternising in my classroom." The teacher said and give them a pointed look.

"Yeah children, no fraternising." Cam mocked them as he sat down in front of Massie, next to Claire.

"You're the one to talk Cameron." Massie shot back making Cam go red. Massie winked.

"No one calls me that." Cam narrowed his eyes.

"Well I do." Massie smirked at him, he shook his head but then turned around in his seat.

"Ok class today we are going to go outside and do a little activity. I have chosen your groups already. So we are going to be doing a scavenger hunt, but I only give you math problems to solve which leads you to places around the school. Each group goes on different routes so don't try to cheat." The teacher said grabbing a clipboard. The teams ended up being Kemp, Kristen, Landon, Claire, Derrick, and Kori. Next was Josh, Alicia, Dempsey, Strawberry, and some other weirdos. The next group was Massie, Cam, Olivia, Dylan, and two other people. The other three groups were just LBRs.

"I am stuck with her." Massie said in disgust as their names were read off.

"Babe, just try not to kill her." Derrick said kissing her forehead.

"Oh no worries. I'm would never use the word kill, it's psychotic, maybe just destroy." Massie said smirking, while Derrick raised an eyebrow. The class walked outside and got in their groups.

"Can you please shoot me." Massie whispered to Cam, and he chuckled. One of the other kids in the group figured out the first clue and they were on their way.

"Hey, I was wondering if you have any left over drugs, from you little incident?" Olivia smiled winking at Massie.

"You're the one that called those stupid reporters?" Massie said shocked, her mouth dropping.

"Yup, just thought people should know about your drug addiction." Olivia smirked.

"You are so pathetically jealous." Massie spat.

"Of you? Hell no." Olivia said smiling. Cam snickered.

"I can't even believe I am wasting my time talking to you." Massie said shaking her head.

"Well your boyfriend spoke to me briefly when you were in the hospital. You know before we got preoccupied with something that didn't need words." Olivia said winking. Massie and Cam both froze. Cam remembered the time when she was in the hospital and he wasn't there for like 20 minutes, but he didn't say anything.

"You're a liar." Massie hissed.

"You just don't want to accept the truth, because you don't want it to be true." Olivia said crossing her arms.

"I know it's not true because you are a pathological liar. Who tells someone they are pregnant? Oh that's right you." Massie said rolling her eyes. Olivia gasped while Cam laughed.

"I would never do that." Olivia hissed.

"I may be new, but I still know everything about you." Massie said winking.

"Really name one thing." Olivia said quietly.

"I know your parents are divorced, you pretended to be pregnant, and I know that you are bulimic." Massie whisper-hissed, so not even Cam could hear. Olivia's eyes widened.

"You are a bitch!" She screamed as loud as she could, everyone turned to stare at them.

"Want me to tell everyone else?" Massie challenged.

"Go right ahead slut." Olivia hissed.

"Oh that's right, I'm not as low as you are." Massie said crossing her arms.

"Your worse! I hope you die!" Olivia screamed again.

"Ladies! That is enough out of you two! I am tired of hearing you scream at each to the Principal right now." The teacher ordered when she heard them. They glared at each other, then began walking.

"Great look what you did now." Olivia hissed, Massie just rolled her eyes. "I swear to god, if you tell anyone that I'm bulimic that will be the end of you. And h-how did you find out?" She asked glancing at her .

"I'm so scared. Also I remember when I first moved here I saw you in the bathroom at the mall." Massie said as they entered the front office. The nurse sent them in the office.

"So ladies, why are we here today?" The principal asked sitting down.

"We were just having a little disagreement when the teacher sent us out. It was nothing big." Massie explained as Olivia nodded.

"Well then it won't happen again right?" She said looking out above her glasses.

"No ma'am." They both answered.

"Very good then. This is your first warning ladies I do not expect to see you here again. By the way your teacher is back in her classroom" The principal stated, then sent them away.

"Why didn't you tell her?" Olivia asked as they were walking back.

"Because 1, I'm not a rat, and 2, I can't take you down if your suspended now can I?" Massie said smiling.

"Wow, spoken like a true alpha. You're not too bad Block, but still you will never take me down." Olivia smiled yet again.

"Yeah, but no one knows about this conversation right?" Massie said as Olivia nodded and they walked to the door of the classroom.

"Get your game face on Block." Olivia smirked.

"Wait, did you really sleep with Derrick?" Massie said as Olivia put her hand on the doorknob. Olivia smiled and shrugged.

"May be." She answered as she pulled the doorknob but Massie walked in first looking annoyed. The whole class was staring at them. Massie rolled her eyes and sighed as she slid into her seat. Her friends shot her questioning looks, but she just stared forward slumping in her seat. And they say I'm a bad liar. Massie thought to herself. The bell rang shortly after the teacher told them their homework.

"So what happened?" Cam asked from in front of her as he stood up with his stuff.

"She's a bitch, that's what happened." Massie hissed smiling.

"So Buh-lock think you're better than me now?" Olivia said pouting playfully.

"I know I am." Massie said pushing her hair behind her shoulder.

"You wish you were." Olivia snapped.

"Get out of face." Massie said.

"Trust me thats not hard since it's already hard to look at." Olivia sneered.

Massie smiled and sighed, "It's sad how pathetic you are." She brushed past Olivia with her friends following.

"I wasn't done talking to you!" Olivia yelled after her. Massie turned back to glare at her.

"But, I'm done dealing with you." Massie hissed, everyone snickered as Massie walked out of the classroom towards her locker.

"Block." Derrick called after her, he jogged to catch up to her side. "What went on in there?" He asked as he slung his arm over her shoulder.

"I am best friends with your ex now. What did you ever see in her?" Massie said as she clutched her binder to her chest.

"I honestly don't know." He said as they approached her locker.

"Well then what do you see in me?" Massie said as she glanced at him, but put her locker combination in. He stayed silent until she closed her locker and looked at him.

"You're beautiful," He paused as he pecked her lips, "I couldn't live without you, and I my day is always better when I'm with you." Derrick smiled as she leaned against the lockers and he began to kiss her slowly. His arm was pressed against the locker by her head.

"Children, separate." A voice came from behind Derrick. Massie sighed as he pulled away. They looked over their shoulder's to see Landon smiling with Kristen underneath his arm.

"Jerk." Massie said as Derrick turned around. Kristen was giggling.

"Caught up in the moment again Mass?" Landon said winking at her.

"Ha-ha." Massie answered sarcastically. She pulled Derrick shirt collar and began to kiss him, just to get her brother to leave. She heard him mumble an ew, and then footsteps, but she continued to kiss Derrick. She lost track of time when the bell rang. She pulled away immediately and silently cursed.

"Is Massie Block afraid of being late?" Derrick whispered in her ear, sending chills down her back.

"Of course not. Hello, invented freshman prank right here. I just promised my parents I wouldn't get into trouble." Massie said as she pouted.

"We aren't getting into trouble...yet." Derrick said as he kissed her once more. She pulled away.

"Derrick. I have to go, if I get into trouble again I won't be allowed to see you." Massie said as she pulled his hand with her.

"You drive me crazy Block." Derrick sighed as he followed. Massie walked to their class, opened the door, and released his hand.

"Ms. Block, Mr. Harrington this is your first warning. You don't get another." The teacher said as the class stared at them.

"Sorry." Massie mumbled taking a seat next to Cam, with Landon on her other side, and Derrick in front of her.

"Okay back to what I was saying, we are taking a 'field trip' down to Florida for a week, while we study Oceanology. This will be the first month of november, We will be whale watching and much more. I need your parents to sign these forms and allow you to go. If not you will be staying here with some other teachers. Any questions?" The teacher smiled as she passed out her form. Some girl raised her hand.

"Yes?" The teacher asked.

"Do we get roommates?" She asked grinning.

"Yes you do. You get to choose one person." The teacher said smiling a toothy smile. Derrick turned around and winked at Massie who rolled her eyes playfully. The school phone rang interrupting her.

"Don't even think about it Harrington." Landon said from the side making Massie rolled her eyes.

"However it must be girl with girl and boy with boy." The class moaned. "No buts, school policy, also there is a curfew." She said making the class moan again. Massie's phone vibrated.

Alicia- Roomie?(:

Massie- Awesome(: And btw thanks SO much for the appointment. Your gunna be there right?

Alicia- But of course(: See you later Chica!

"Derrick Harrington, you are going home for the day." The teacher said as Derrick tensed and his eyes suddenly went stayed silent as he grabbed his stuff and headed out the door, not even acknowledging anyone. Massie shrugged it off and went through class being bored.

"Dude. Guess what D just texted me." Cam whispered to Josh unaware Massie could hear. He mumbled the first part so she couldn't hear the name. "He's staying with D, because his parents are getting a divorce. They don't know how long either." Cam said running a hand through his hair.

"Are you kidding me!? I hate him. How could D even stand him, let alone even being related to that thing." Josh said shaking his head. Massie glanced at them which made them stop talking. She didn't know who this guy was.

"I don't know, but I do know he is going to be going here until he goes back, and D is super pissed." Cam tried whispering again. The bell rang cutting Mass off from asking questions. She went to her next two classes bored, then came lunch. Massie went to sit down with her friends. Landon joined the table and handed her a water bottle.

"So where was Derrick?" Alicia asked remembering that he was gone. The guys stayed silent besides Landon who didn't know who the guys was.

"Um, parents wanted to spend a day with him." Cam answered quickly.

"Oh, really cause I remember him saying something about someone coming but I just don't remember his name." Massie said lying.

"Whoa! D told you about his cousin!" Kemp said his eyes widened. The girls mouths dropped.

"No but you just did." Massie winked as the guys slapped Kemp upside the head.

"He's back." Alicia said frowning. The guys nodded.

"What's so bad about this kid?" Massie asked taking a drink of her water.

"You'll see." Josh mumbled.

"When was the last time he was here?" Massie asked scrunching her nose.

"Like 2 years ago?" Cam answered shrugging

"Maybe he has changed guys." Massie shrugged

"Highly doubtful." Kristen said shaking her head.

"Well, I guess we shall find out." Massie said shaking her head. The bell rang and they went to their next classes, which ended quickly.

"Hey Mass!" Alicia called after Massie as she jogged up to her.

"Hey, you ready?" Massie asked smiling.

"Yeah, we are meeting him at Slice of Heaven, let's go." Alicia said as Massie got into her car, following Alicia on the drive over there. Massie's phone began ringing in her purse. She moaned, but reached over to dig in her purse on the passenger side. When she finally found it, she slid the answer button and held the phone to her ear.

"Hello?" Massie asked, holding her phone to her ear by her shoulder, without checking caller id.

"Massers." The only people that called her that were Chris and Landon, and there was no reason Landon would call her.

"Chris?" Massie said surprised.

"Hey are you busy tonight?"

"Uh...depends what you mean on tonight?"

"Well when are you free?" Chris asked.

"I have a meeting right now, and it shouldn't run that long."

"For what?" Chris asked scoffing.

"Me and Landon's party." Massie said as she turned left into the parking lot.

"Oh, well what time are you going to be done? I want to take you and Landon out to dinner tonight?"

"Why?" Massie asked parking and grabbing her purse to exit the car.

"Because I miss you guys, and you guys are my little brother and sister, and I'm going to be in New York."

"Well, I'll text you when I'm done, alright?" Massie said as Alicia approached her.

"Alright, love you kid."

"I love you too." Massie said and hung up.

"Did you just tell Derrick you love him?" Alicia's mouth dropped.

"No, that was my brother." Massie laughed.

"Oh, I was going to say." Alicia smirked and they walked into SOH.

"Ah-licia, Darling! And you must be Ms. Massie Block." A guy with big shades and a british accent called.

"That's me." Massie said smiling. They took a seat and began the planning.

"Brilliant darling, ever better than was described." He smirked. They began talking for a while which lead to be about an hour and 45 minutes.

"So a casino theme. We are having some tables like vegas, a stage I was thinking Hot Chelle Rae as your special guests, and then another few details and we are going to be good." The planner said as they ended their meeting.

"That's absolutely Perfect!" Massie squealed excited. Alicia said bye to the planner as he left.

"Hey, I gotta run, I have a date with Josh." Alicia smiled.

"Have fun." Massie smirked, and stood up walking to the door with Alicia. They parted ways as Massie took out her phone to call her brother. On the second ring her brother answered the phone.

"Massie." Chris said cheerfully.

"Hey I am done, where did you want to meet?" Massie asked looking around her.

"I can drive you over there if you come home, I'm picking up Landon." Chris answered.

"I really don't want to go home right now, I have my car anyways." Massie said switching the phone to her other ear and walking towards her mercedes.

"Okay, then how bout Fre' Loo'?" Chris asked, talking about the french restaurant in town.

"Je vois que vous n'y grand frère." (A/N: I will see you there big brother.)

"Je pars bientôt petite soeur." (A/N: I'm leaving soon little sis.) Their whole family was fluent in french, since they used to visit there a lot, and have lived there for a year before.

"Bye Chrissy." Massie said, hung up her phone, and went to dig in her purse for her keys. She was still on her way to her car, when her bag flipped over, and everything dumped out. She huffed in annoyance and crouched down to pick up her stuff.

"Here." Someone said handing her, her wallet.

"Thanks." Massie said and looked up, where her eyes met puppy dog brown eyes, she knew this boy.

"Massie Block, is that you?" The boy said in a british accent.

"Ryan Jenkins? Oh my god...it's been forever." Massie said cringing slightly as she stood up.

"Like 5 years right? We were like 11." The boy said smirking.

"What are you doing here?" Massie asked fake-smiling.

"Well, long story short, vistin' my fam, over here. What about you? I thought you moved to California?" He said tilting his head.

"I did, actually. Then my family wanted to move here, so here I am." Massie said nodding slowly. She was glad that she hadn't seen him for so long, but yet here he was.

"Oh, I wonder if you know my family." He asked smirking.

"Massie, I thought you had a appointment." Derrick's voice came from behind Massie.

"I did, it just ended, I was about to text you." Massie said as their eyes met, and she kissed his cheek. He seemed kind of stiff.

"Oh, so what are you doing here with him?" Derrick said glancing at Ryan.

"Oh this is Ryan, Ryan this is Derrick." Massie introduced them.

"Oh I know, wish I didn't, but that thing is my cousin." Derrick hissed.

"W-what?" Massie stuttered. Derrick was gonna freak.

"Yup I am related to Derrick Harrington. Love you too cuz. I didn't know you knew Mass." Ryan said sarcastically.

"Don't call her that." He snapped. Massie rubbed her temple here it came, her world was gonna change.

"And why not?"

"Uh, one you just met her, and two I don't appreciate you giving my girlfriend nicknames."

"Girlfriend?" Ryan asked a devilish grin spread across his face.

"Yeah." Derrick said in a duh voice.

"Really? Wow, small world." Ryan said grinning.

"Ryan stop." Massie whisper-hissed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Derrick said glancing between the two.

"I dated Massie too." Ryan said making Massie bite her lip, and Derrick's jaw drop. "And I believe I was your first kiss too, wasn't I?" Ryan pushed farther, Massie didn't respond.

"Stop lying, you're pathetic." Derrick hissed clenching his jaw.

"I'm not." Ryan smirked.

"Is he lying?" Derrick raised an eyebrow.

"Derrick-" Massie started but he just shook his head and stormed off. Massie immediately ran after him.

"Come on Mass, it was the best way to tell im'." Ryan shouted after her.

"Your an asshole!" Massie shouted back. Massie turned a corner and saw Derrick's car speeding out of the parking lot. She pulled out her phone and quickly dialed his number, which he denied...3 times. Massie gave up and texted him.

Massie- Derrick, I didn't know. I'm sorry that I can't change my past. But it's the future and hopefully you will still be apart of it. If it helps...I dumped him, he's a douche and the complete opposite of you. I'm sorry.

Massie walked to her car and took a deep breath before opening the door. She sat down on her seat and started driving to the french restaurant. By now, she was 30 minutes late. She angrily parked and slammed her door shut. She rolled her shoulders back and sighed, calming down and walking into the restaurant.

"Hello miss, how may I help you?" The front desk worker asked.

"Uh, is a Block here?" Massie asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yezzzz, right this way." The man said grabbing a menu and leading her to a table with her brothers.

"Massie." Chris smiled and stood up to hug his younger sister. She hugged back and took a seat.

"Landon." Massie nodded at him and fake-smiled, trying to look happy.

"What's wrong?" Landon immediately sensed something wrong.

"Nothing." Massie said giving him a questioning look.

"No, something's wrong." He said staring at her. Chris was just looking between the two.

"Nothing is wrong Landon." Massie sent him a look, then proceeded to look at her menu.

"What's up Massikur?" Chris asked her.

"Nothing is wrong guys." Massie said getting annoyed easily.

"Massie..." Chris said giving her a look.

"Can we just have a nice dinner for once, without listening to my problems?" Massie asked looking tired.

"Alright." Chris said looking at her warily, then back down to his menu.

"So how's soccer? We watched some of your games on TV, it's just not the same." Landon asked Chris.

"I was horriblelast game. My mind was just somewhere else..." Chris said looking at his menu.

"Where is somewhere else?" Massie asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I haven't told you guys or mom and dad...but I have a girlfriend." Chris said not knowing what their reaction was going to be.

"What?!" The twins both said at the same time.

"Yeah, we've been going out for 3 months." Chris said sheepishly.

"3 months? Are you kidding me Chris? You've been seeing a girl for 8 months, and you haven't told us." Massie asked annoyed. They were really close siblings, told each other everything.

"Well, I don't know...it just never came up?" Chris tried to play it off.

"Shut up. You can't tell me when you have a girlfriend, but if I even so much as kiss a guy you have to know within ten seconds." Massie scoffed.

"I never said that." Chris defended.

"When do we get to meet her?" Massie asked.

"Uh, you already...have."

"Well what's her name?" Landon asked.

"Skye." Chris said smirking slightly.

"As in...the Victoria Secret model that I went to camp with Skye?" Massie asked shooting him a look. The only time Massie got a break from soccer, was in one of her off weeks when she went to a Victoria Secret exclusive modeling camp. Her mom and dad fought about it because her dad said she should be training, but her mom knew that she had always wanted to model and signed her up in the first place. Only 25 girls from ages 15-18 were let in and over 20,000 girls sent in head shots. In the camp each girl was matched with a model, and Massie was matched with Skye Hamilton, a 20 year old attending Yale University. She was really smart, and her and Massie got really close. They went to each other's birthday parties, which was Massie's sweet sixteen, where Chris and Skye met. In the end of the camp one duo was picked for an advertisement for Victoria Secret, and Massie and her were picked. What made Massie mad was Skye and her always got together, and she didn't mention it. She was like Massie's older sister she never had.

"Yeah..." Chris said licking his suddenly dry lips.

"You are going out with like my sister, and you never told me. Did you guys have like an agreement on not telling me or something? Cause... I've seen her like 5 times in the last 3 months." Massie said raising an eyebrow.

"It's wasn't the right time." Chris said lightly.

"The right time? Chris, I told you guys you should get together for a long time, but why'd you keep it a secret?" Massie asked sighing.

"Because you were moving, and you were already upset with me." Chris said.

"You were dating for like 6 months before that!" Massie said shaking her head.

"Massie-" Chris started, realizing she was .
"No, I don't want excuses. First, I find out I dated my boyfriends cousin, and who knows if we are together still. Then I come here and find out you've been keeping something from me for 3 months, this is just ridiculous. Honestly it would've been fine if you told me early, but really 3 months."

"Wait, what happened with you and Derrick?" Landon butted in

"Nothing." Massie dismissed the topic annoyed.

"Clearly something did." Landon raised an eyebrow.

"Why now?" Massie said changing the subject back to Chris.

"What do you mean why now?"

"Why tell me now?" She asked.

"Because...she's here." Chris said clearing his throat.

"I'm leaving." Massie said grabbing her purse and standing up just as Skye approached the table looking guilty. Massie shook her head at Skye and walked away.

"Massie." Skye called after her but Massie ignored her.

"Uhm...nice to see you again Skye, I'm just going to see how Massie is doing." Landon said standing up and walking away.

"I knew we should've told her earlier." Skye said her eyes watering, and sitting down next to Chris.

"Babe don't cry, it was my fault I was the one who didn't want to tell her." Chris said wiping Skye's hair out of her face.

"No I agreed. It's just...she's like my little sister and I just feel horrible that I lied to her for so long. I mean don't get me wrong, I love you Chris and I don't regret any second that I've been with you, but I just...she's my best friend."

"She'll forgive you Skye, don't stress about it." Chris said rubbing her arm.

"No she won't. We kept it from her for 8 months Chris." Skye pouted.

"Skye, just don't worry about it. We are here for another week so, we will go talk to her again alright?" Chris said reassuring her.

"I just really hope she forgives me, I love Mass and I couldn't stand if she would hate me."

"She'll forgive you, I know Massie." Chris said kissing Skye lightly before pulling away.