A/N: Thanks for all the reviews! I'm not very impressed with the show lately but I still love Jane/Maura fics sooooo w/e, right? Jane tells of Hope and Kaylin in this and Maura has a small breakdown! Hope you guys like it :)

Disclaimer: Disclaimed.

Chapter 3: Revision

Jane had been looking forward to this all day – how could she not? Maura was hot and Jane loved hot Maura so they were very good at the sex thing.

Usually she let Maura instigate sexing because Jane didn't want to come on too strong with how often she wanted to screw Dr. Isles… but it had been a long, long day and Maura was done crying over the kidney thing and started caressing her and kissing her, so logically Jane had to make a move if she wanted to get laid.

She started kissing Maura's neck – Maura loved that, she called it primal compared to lips on lips. Then she started taking off Maura's shirt and settled between her legs and things were going great.

Maura obliged her, readily spreading her thighs wider so Jane was even closer… taking off Jane's shirt… moaning and gyrating…

"You're so beautiful," Jane would say, lips over the sexy doctor's nipples and hands groping sultry flesh where they could.

Maura would usually respond with "thank you" or "you're so hot" or "hurry up" or even that one time (that Jane wasn't allowed to speak of unless she wanted the cold shoulder) when Maura adamantly demanded "fuck me harder!"

Something was different when Maura stopped vocally moaning and her hands on Jane's back fell limp.

It all went to shit when she realised Maura's responses had halted, tears returned and her body was motionless.

Jane practically jumped off of her girlfriend, looking frightened and worried.

"Maura? Maura!" She grabbed Maura's face in worry, her girlfriend looking very sad as tears continued flowing. "Did I hurt you? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Maura tried to convince her, "let's continue."

Jane wanted to continue, she really, really did… but Maura was crying and clearly not that into it.

"I thought you were all cried out?" She tried to joke, choosing instead to pull Maura in for a comfort hug and be a caring girlfriend who was perfectly able to control herself with Maura's naked, lovely breasts smushed against her stomach.

Maura started to sob, her hands resting in fists against Jane's clavicle as tears and snot were pressed into the detective's hardly-there cleavage.

Jane rubbed a smooth, sexy back slowly and combed the lush hair with her other hand.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry," Maura just cried some more. "But I'm so messed up, how can you still love me?"

Jane kissed a hairline, "how can I not love you? Don't be stupid."

"My biological father is a mob boss in custody because my girlfriend shot him!" Maura pushed out of the comforting and secure arms of her Italian lover and wiped her eyes.

"I thought you understood why I-"

"Yes, Jane," Maura shot her an annoyed looked and Jane closed her lips. When did she go from being Maura's blanket to being Maura's bother? It was best to keep quiet and let Maura vent a little. The doctor rarely vented like Jane after all, preferring to meditate and yoga off her grievances or do Jane's favourite sport and fuck them out. "I understand! I do, the man told me himself he would have shot you because you're a cop – but what about Colin? The biological half brother who stole identities and money? I found him on my AUTOPSY TABLE."

"Uh…" Jane felt like maybe Maura needed reassurance that she wasn't a thief or a murder in her genetic makeup, but when Maura stood up and started pacing with her boobs bouncing all over the place she ended up thinking a dirty thought (it was hard not to with the wetness between her legs).

"Are you listening to me?" Maura crossed her arms.

"Totally," Jane told Maura's tits.

"Then, my own mother who neglected me for my whole life just turns around and tries to immerse herself in my life only to get hit by A CAR!"

Jane leaned back into the sofa, finding the television remote under her butt. She tossed it aside.

"Now I find my biological mother and she's a decent person – even you think she's a decent person…"

"A little bit obsessive but, yeah." Jane murmured, finding it strange that Hope was all over Maura since they met.

"But my half-sister Kaylin IS DYING from BACTERIAL INFECTION! And the both of them reject me so fast, like I'm some DISEASE – did I do anything WRONG?"

Jane stands up, puts her hands on Maura's shoulders and towers over her with comfort of a lover.

"Maura, listen to me, okay? You're amazing and it's not your fault – none of this is your fault. You did nothing wrong, you're the sweetest kindest-"

"There must be something wrong with me!" Maura grabs Jane's hands and shoves them off of her as a fresh bout of tears take over.

"No there isn't-"

"Even you!"


"Even you, Jane! Everyone around me gets hurt – you break your bones and you SHOT YOURSELF! I'm all alone after all!"

There was some storming off, and suddenly Jane wasn't watching the breasts with hunger but hearing a bedroom door slam with hurt and anger.

She stood there, shocked to her spot, and guilty in her heart.

You've never… we've never talked about it much… do I really hurt her that much?

She brought a smile to Maura's face every day but Maura brought a smile to her life. Jane was supposed to love and protect the woman, but she had no idea Maura was hurting this much under the surface… what kind of girlfriend was she?

Clearly not a very good one…

Maura had avoided her at work all day, and Jane wasn't sure if it was because of embarrassment or lingering anger. She decided she was angry with Hope and Kaylin – did they have the right to hurt Maura like that? No.

Maura hated wrinkles, and right now this biological mother drama was one huge ass wrinkle Jane decided to get in the middle of. She had to iron it out.

The Martin residence was close by. Jane had noticed right off the bat that one Dr. Hope Martin had been very excited to have found a close friend in Maura, a woman who lived nearby and worked in a similar field.

The doorbell was exactly the same as Maura's, a long hollow dong that somehow managed to be highly pretentious.

"J-Jane?" Hope looked frazzled and surprised, and then her lips pursed just a bit even though she tried to remain civil. "What are you doing here? Did Maura send you?"

"No, she doesn't know I'm here… but I would like to talk with you and Kaylin."

"I… about what?"

Jane just managed to stop herself from rolling her eyes, "you know about what, Dr. Martin. Please just hear me out."

Jane was invited to sit in a quaint and elegant living room and Kaylin sat moodily across from her in awkward silence until Hope emerged with some coffee.

The gesture helped calm Jane down, Hope wasn't evil. She was sweet… like Maura.

"Thank you, this is nice coffee…" Jane could tell Kaylin wasn't as rude to her now that Jane's badge and gun were on full display. Her detective status always gave her an inflated ego, she couldn't help it. "I went to visit Maura this evening-"

Both of the Martins tensed slightly, and Hope was babbling, "I think I hurt her but… but you must understand she mentioned something very… I'm sure she told you but I…"

Jane winced, Hope was full on ready to cry. She needed to talk faster.

"Maura found out Doyle was her daughter just over two years ago. No one knew but me and two other detectives because if word got out, someone could kill her to get revenge on him, do you understand?"

Hope's tears halted (thank God) and she nodded, seemingly appreciative of Jane's direct and cut-the-crap-and-sap of the moment.

"For that time-"

"Do we really need to hear this?" Kaylin piped up, looking torn between listening and chucking her coffee mug at the wall.

"You went to Oxford, you're not stupid so I'm sure you're capable of listening to what I have to say before judging her." Jane gave her a good stare-down. It was probably best she dealt with them like perps because this wasn't a joke – Maura's happiness was in the equation.

Kaylin looked away, but she was listening.

"Do you know how she found out Doyle was her father? He had a son that was murdered and she found out because she did the autopsy."

"Are you serious?" Kaylin looked shocked, thinking of what it would be like to find that out. "So what, you want me to feel sorry for her?"

"If Maura wants to apologize," Hope shot her daughter a look before looking at Jane, "she should say it herself, don't you think?"

"Maura is sweet," Jane decided to say what she really came to say before she lost her nerves. "She would never hurt anybody, there's not an evil bone in her body. You both hurt her very much with your quick judgement and words, and I came to respectfully say that if you ever hurt her again…"

She let their imagination run wild, and set the mug down on the table with a distinct clink.

"I won't be so nice," Jane decided was good enough before she showed herself out.

Jane used her key on Maura's front door, annoyed to find Tommy watching television as Maura and Angela talked in the kitchen. She had wanted some privacy.

"Ah! Jane, you're here," Angela smiled, looking really pretty in yet another new dress.

Jane scowled. Her mother dressing pretty meant her mother was, as Maura put it, back in the mating game. She was so not cool with that.

"Hey Ma," she kissed her mother's cheek and felt a little hurt when Maura avoided her eyes.

"Maura said she wasn't sure if you were going to make it but I'm sure you wouldn't forget… Frankie should be here soon." Angela peeked inside the oven. "Pot roast is almost done."

"Pot roast? That sounds lovely Ma, I'm starving." Jane rubbed the back of her neck absently, the heat was getting to her in her suit. "What's the occasion?"

"Jane Rizzoli!" Angela gasped, looking more amused than upset, "I can't believe you've forgotten your own birthday!"

Jane was very surprised and her eyebrows shooting up were evidence of that.

A giggle came from the table where Maura was setting up what looked like a feast, and her eyes twinkled when they finally met Jane's.

Jane smiled at her, feeling embarrassed.

"I told you," Maura winked at Angela. The Rizzoli matriarch smiled at Maura, awing at their silent communication. She had seen both women sharing a passionate moment on more than one occasion, usually by accident, but it pleased her that Jane and Maura had such a connection.

This was just proof Maura and Jane suited each other, and she smiled at the way Jane shyly walked up to Maura and whispered something in her ear. Angela hoped marriage was something the women were considering.

"Jane and I will be right back for dinner we're going to change our clothes," Maura announced as she was ushered towards the bedroom by a flustered looking Jane.

"So cute," Angela sighed before she snapped her fingers at Tommy. "Tommy! Help your mother set up the table, and remember try to be nice to Jane, I know you guys but heads but it's her birthday today okay?"

"Okay, okay," Tommy grudgingly turned off the TV but helped his Ma out.

Maura pounced on Jane as soon as the detective shut the door, kissing her soundly and apologetically on the lips.

"I'm sorry about what I said last night and for not answering your call or your texts."

"It's okay," Jane hugged her girlfriend close. "I'm sorry too, and I think we need to talk."

Maura sighed, "Jane-"

"No," Jane put a finger on her lips. "I won't take the easy way out. I love you, more than anything, and I don't want to lose you because of my… inability to have a deep conversation about myself."

Maura closed her eyes, a grateful smile on her lips. "Okay… so?"

Jane felt bad because Maura sounded truly relieved. She wasn't ready just yet, though. "But not tonight, tonight is my birthday and I'd rather we only talk like…" she slipped a hand up Maura's dress, "this."

She kissed Maura with urgency, frustration from being left hanging last night and not being able to see Maura all day… Dr. Isles drove her crazy and Jane needed her. She'd always need her.

"Jane…" Maura was breathless as her back hit the bed, just as needy as she worked on Jane's buckle with her hands.

"God Maura…" Jane let herself be rolled onto her back, shrugging off her blazer as Maura sat comfortable on her hips and pulled her leather belt loose with a sexy flourish.

"Shhh," Maura's lipstick was smearing all over her lips, but Jane really didn't care. She moaned when delicate fingers toyed with her blouse's buttons. "Happy birthday, by the way."

Jane chuckled, biting her bottom lip when Maura sat back on her heels, hands now working the button on her slacks with a flick of the wrist. "You look really sexy…"

Maura smiled, a gorgeous flush on her cheeks. "Thank you… can you speak some Italian to me?"

Jane's hands rubbed soft thighs and she sat up so they could wrap around Maura's ass and squeeze.

"Mio amore," she pressed her lips against a delicate ear shell, "come sei bella…"

Maura sighed, dreamily parting Jane's shirt from her pants. Jane closed her eyes, shivering with anticipation as she heard two deafening clunks, first from her gun and then from her badge as they met the hardwood floor of Maura's bedroom.

"You're so…" Maura rocked her hips, grabbing a fistful of Jane's curly hair as the taller woman feasted upon her neck, "Jane… I love you!"

Jane's chest was heaving, disappointment on her face when Maura suddenly got off of her, but she knew dinner would be ready soon and Maura hated being late for anything.

To her surprise, Maura sunk to her knees and looked up at her with a silent offer.

Only an idiot would refuse and while Jane was stubborn, egoistic, and temperamental, she was no idiot! So, she helped Maura yank down her pants and underwear.

"Fuck," she parted her thighs and watched her gorgeous girlfriend press tiny, lovable kisses and licks on the sensitive flesh of her upper legs. "Maura…"

She leaned back on one hand, taking a fistful of Maura's hair in the other as Maura finally

"Jane? Maura? Are you both alright? You're taking a while?"

Jane inhaled and steadied her voice, staring at the ceiling as Maura's hands clenched her thighs, that tongue… "we're fine, Ma, just—just getting ready. Be out in a few minutes okay?"

"Okay," Her mother said back, leaving them both alone.

Jane sighed with relief and tried to stop moans from escaping her throat. It was a futile effort. She looked down, the sight of Maura's blonde hair between her legs was…


Her orgasm ripped through her and she kept Maura in place as the blonde kept up for another minute, making the sensation last longer and better. Jane stood up unsteadily, suddenly very tired.

Maura wiped the corners of her mouth and smiled, proud of her handiwork.

"Get changed darling," she gave Jane a playful shove, giggling as Jane collapsed easily back on bed from the tangle around her ankles.

Jane let out a blissful sigh as Maura went in the bathroom to wash up and redo her makeup. Jane removed her clothes, her under things going in the hamper with her shirt. She let her suit pants and jacket go back on a hanger, swapping them with some black jeans and a long sleeve maroon shirt in Maura's closet and some sexier lingerie for an after dinner special she had in mind.

She joined Maura in the bathroom, running her fingers through her hair and ogling Maura's ass as the doctor applied lipstick (bending over to do so).

"You look great in that shirt, I bought you that shirt," Maura put the lipstick down and then did some strange head toss of her hair before picking up a comb and making quick moves to untangle what Jane's grip had done.

"It's nice," Jane conceded easily because Maura loved clothes and ever since Jane started dating her she had been more sensitive to Maura's tastes and decided to let Maura get away with buying her clothes. It made Maura happy so Jane let her dote.

"Mmm," Maura walked by and her fingers caressed Jane's waist as she left the bathroom. "Shows off your amazing figure – which I appreciate very much."

Jane smiled, her ego inflating on its own and suddenly more motivated to keep her fitness regimen up. She freshened up until she was pleased with her appearance and turned the light off in the bathroom to find Maura in a change of clothes, a new dress hanging loose off of her shoulders.

"Zip?" Maura wrapped her arms around Jane's neck and kept eye contact as she felt Jane's obedient fingers slip behind and slowly zip up her garment.

"You look stunning," Jane pecked her cheek. "Shall we?"

Maura, mindful that she had already reapplied makeup, removed her arms and was about to open the door until Jane caught her wrist.

"Maura… when dinner's over, and everybody leaves…"

She closed her eyes as the lanky form of her girlfriend pressed dangerously close behind her, wearing a new spray of perfume that Maura loved to inhale.

"I'm going to…" a hand curved around her breast gently, and another up the hem and against her lacy, racy thong.


"You like that?" Jane's finger rubbed naughtily and a tender kiss was placed against her neck. "I'll fuck you. Hard. Anyway you want…"

The hands left the frazzled doctor's body and Jane quietly escaped before her, thoughtfully giving Maura a moment to collect herself.

Maura smiled.

She had a girlfriend with a few faults. Temperamental, shot herself once, and a bit of a control freak who liked eating food that clogged her arteries… but Jane was mostly perfect.

Loyal, protective, ridiculously capable in bed, intelligent, and good looking with a fit modeler's body…

"Jane, Jane, Jane," Maura sighed to herself, overwhelmed with love for a moment. "I so want your babies even though I know how incorrect that statement is and I'm just saying it figuratively though on some level I hope we'll be co-parenting in the near future… and I can't even say these things to you because I feel like a silly little girl!"

She turned her head to the side and smiled brightly at Bass who was slowly making his way into the room.

"Jane is amazing, isn't she Bass? She makes me the center of her universe, as the metaphor goes… and I couldn't possibly ask for more."

Bass ducked into his shell as Maura turned off the bedroom light and headed out of the room to join the celebration of her girlfriend's birthday.

"Though I suppose I should talk to her about why Hope and Kaylin suddenly want to meet for lunch to apologize… but that can wait until tomorrow," Maura muttered under her breath, a happy bounce in her step.