Hello back haha now this will be the very last chapter for you all.

Enjoy reading! :)

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Twilight or anything but the characters I have created. This story is mostly made out of my imagination.


Two weeks had passed everything had settled, gone back to its normal place.

"Dad, before anything happens I want to remind you that you agreed to this alright, so please don't freak out when he gets here." I sighed as I stood blocking him from the other side of the front door, I wasn't sure how he would react and it made me even more nervous than what I had ever faced before. "Relax Rae, how bad can he be? I trust you as long as it's not that…was it John, no maybe Joe…" I bit my bottom lip nervously as I heard him trying to guess, already hearing the sound of someone approaching the front door. "Jacob" I sighed stopping him from guessing any other name from the top of his head. "Yeah that boy as long as it's not him." He beamed a warm smile on his lips at once the door bell ringing. "Oh that must be him, come on open the door. Let me meet the boy already." He said pushing me to open the door, but I just stood there trying not to move. "Maybe we should wait for some other day…"

"Oh nonsense Rae. I'm meeting him today and that's that." He sighed as he stepped forward gently moving me aside so he could get the door. "No, wait dad…" I tried to stop him from seeing who stood on the other side, but as I let out my words he had already opened it revealing the person on the other side. "Oh, Jacob. Well this is awkward we're actually waiting for…"

"Nope, dad that's him." I sighed as I ran my hand through my loose hair. "Rae did I just hear right? He can't possibly be the boy you're seeing at school." He said his voice growing a little irritated as he crossed his arms glancing from me to Jacob. "You did, so dad this is Jacob and Jacob this is dad." I half smiled innocently, biting my lip as I walked out from behind the door to stand closer to Jacob, but as my eyes fell on him I was surprised, a small smile playing on my lips. Now I sort of understood why my dad didn't go completely bonkers at the sight of Jacob, but he still was. "Rae, we've already met remember so no need for introductions, right Jacob?" he sighed pressing his lips together into a thin line. "Yes, Mr. Aylmer." Jacob said his voice giving the slightest hint that he was nervous.

"As for this…" my dad continued slightly unsure. "Dad, you already agreed remember and besides you have the night shift today so you're going to be home late and I kept my promise the time you left me here alone so you could trust me." I reminded him hoping this would give me much more of a chance everything would turn out okay. My dad opened his mouth to say something, but stopped himself as he glanced from me to Jacob until his eyes stopped on Jacob. "You bring her back before curfew…" He said sternly pausing as he turned to me crossing his arms, "Its 7 right now so Rae you remember you're curfew right?" he asked, I nodded as I answered him, "By 10 and not the latest."

"Right." He nodded to my answer as he checked his stop watch. "Now if you bring her home later than that oh be sure that I will not let you go so easily. Don't think just because you dressed up you can change my mind." He said staring Jacob down, his voice full of authority. "Yes, si- Mr. Aylmer." Jacob said his voice sounding more nervous than before. "Okay well you two have a good time, I'm going to trust both of you so don't you guys go off disobeying me now. Rae I'm calling so don't think about coming later." He said as he stared at both of us. "Dad, your embarrassing me." I sighed as I shook my head. "You two have a good night." He smiled as he closed the door. I knew he would probably be watching us from the window at least until we were out of sight.

I took Jacob's hand in mine as a smile played on my lips. "So why'd you go with the tuxedo?" I asked as I followed him to the sidewalk where his motorcycle was at. "Your dad has it out for me so I dressed for the cause and I parked far from view so he doesn't see us leave on my bike." He sighed a little nervous. "Relax he agreed to this and once he agrees he doesn't turn back maybe he'll want to invite you over for dinner sometime. You know get to know you better." I smiled as we reached his bike. He hopped on and then I hopped on wrapping my arms around him. "Rae don't get ahead of yourself. He barely let you out today." He sighed nervously. "Are you nervous? The Great Jacob Black is nervous of my dad." I teased him laughing slightly as I leaned my head against his back. "Well your dad is a very scary man, but it helps having you." He smiled squeezing my hand a little before he drove off. "So what will it be tonight?" I asked. "It's a surprise and I'm not telling and you told your dad we were seeing at school?" Jacob said. I nodded slightly, "I had to tell him something I couldn't tell him 'dad I got to really know Jacob when you were off in Florida' he would have never let me go besides technically I'm not lying. We would meet at school remember?" I sighed.

"Yeah I remember. So let's have fun tonight." He smiled giving my hands a warm squeeze before he started his bike.

All at once everything went black and I could see something, something heading our way soon. Then I was back with Jacob. "Rae? Rae everything okay?" he asked a little concerned. "Yeah, everything is fine." I half smiled nodding slightly. "Okay good for a second there I thought you had a vision or something." He said I could almost see the smile of relief on his face. "Nope it wasn't." I sighed as I glanced back a little. "Let's go on our date now." I half smiled as he nodded. Jacob kicked off the pavement and off we went until we disappeared into the night.


Okay now this was the end for this story.

Thank you to everyone that stuck along for this far. Thank you for the reviews and I hope you all enjoyed reading.

Sorry about the fight scene in the chapter before this one as you could see I'm not that good at writing action scenes and well till next time.