The moment her dad had told her not to get to friendly with him, she knew she had to at to go meet him and ultimately get friendly with him. What was life with out a little risk or in this case a lot?

Rose walked passed the carriages of the Hogwarts express looking for the pinched faced blonde.

"Rose, I thought your dad said not to get friendly." Albus moaned as he trailed behind Rose.

"Exactly and what fun would life be if I actually did what my parents told me to?" Scoffed Rose but she was barely paying attention to her whining cousin, she had spotted him. He was sat inside the carriage to her right all on his own; Rose could not but help but feel sorry for him. Her family name gave her respect and admiration but his brought him an empty carriage.

Rose turned to her cousin "Now you have two choices Al; one you come with me and you are nice to him or two you go back to James and you can do what ever the bloody hell you fell like. Choice wisely young one?"

"Umm… Err… Well…,"

"Oh my god, grow a pair and make a decision" Rose interjected

"Oh, Ok I will stay with you, but if he is anything like his death eater of a dad…" Rose let out sigh of expiration. Here she was trying to build bridges and her cousin was collapsing them beneath her feet.

"Al the whole point of this is to prove he is not like his dad!" Rose fumed, her parents always told her the war was fought so that people could be know by who they were not what they were and here was he the son of there leader dubbing a person he did not know purely because of the mistakes his father made around 20 years ago.

"Just go back to James, I might come down and see you in a bit."

Rose watched as Al walked back down the train, she knew she had been a bit harsh she blamed it on her dad's genes.

Taking a deep breath she composed herself, before turning towards the compartment and slamming the door open.

The occupants head shoot up at the sound; she found her self starring in to the most stunning sliver blue eyes ever. She could of just stood there and looked into them and count the shades of grey for the rest of her life but she was on a mission.

"Hi, I'm Rose Weasley." She managed to choke out.

"Scorpius, do you want to sit down?" Scorpius smiled at her and she once again became the cool collective Rose.

"Yeah, thanks." She plopped herself down in front of him as he gave her a lopsided grin.

"So your one of the Weasleys would have thought that your lot would not want mix with me, no one else seems to want to." He was now staring at his hands as he fiddled with his wand, but she knew he had lost the cute lopsided grin

"Oh, dad told me to beat you in everything and not get to friendly but the noise was too loud when he said the last one so I didn't hear him." Scorpius was now chuckling to himself. Rose liked this boy.