Hey so this is something I've been meaning to post for a while but haven't gotten around to it. Hope you enjoy it's about my OC and yeah... well ok i suck at sums so just read and theres your info so hope you enjoy XD

Disclaimer: I don't own Portal... i wish...

There was a loud knocking noise and a blurry humming like trying to hear someone talk under water. My head slowly started to clear and the knocking sound became more intense and I groaned trying to remember something, anything but my mind was whirling. I felt dizzy and nauseous even though I was lying down. The knocking came again.

"He…o… is an…one…there?" I could barely make out the words as I struggled to focus. Groaning I rolled to one side and fell off what ever I was laying on and hit the floor hard.

"Oh, hey uh are you going for the door? Anytime?" The voice was obviously coming from outside whatever room I was in. Grunting in discomfort I pushed against the plain wood floor with both hands managing to get to my knees. Grabbing the edge of the bed and leaning on the wall I shakily got to my feet. Stumbling and pushing my back into the ugly creamy brown wall I looked around. The room was small; the walls painted like someone had spilled coffee all over them. Faded palm tree silhouettes were growing across the wallpaper. There was the typical hotel room furniture; wardrobe, desk, lamp, microwave, mini fridge, chair, bed and TV. The room was dusty as if house keeping didn't exist wherever I was.

"Um… Hello are you gonna open the door?" stumbling off the wall and almost falling into the desk I made my way over to the door and pulled it open.

"HA! I knew someone was alive in here!" instead of the regular sight you'd expect to see standing outside of a dirty hotel room, I found myself looking at a tall lanky young man, maybe in his late 20s, he had gingery hair and his strange blue eyes stared at me in triumph from behind his glasses. I had no idea what to do, so I probably looked like an idiot with my mouth hanging open. His face was suddenly matching my idiotic surprise.

"AH! Oh. My. God. Auren? Is that you? Oh my umm… you look terribl… umm… good. Looking good actually." He had a very prominent British accent. He stepped forward into the room. I stumbled backwards and would have fallen if he had grabbed my arms pulling me into a hug.

"Oh my God, I thought you died when well you know the whole explosion thing and then you were and the Doctor took you out of the… then the…" He pulled back examining me at arms length. I blinked a few times, realizing that he was talking to me about something. I had no idea… "You're a little freaked out right now soo… uh maybe this will help ease the shock of… well uh… whatever." He gently sat me on the edge of the bed and sat next to me. "Just calm down Auren umm… I uh…" he frowned when he saw the way I was looking at him. "Don't you recognize me?" I blinked but found myself getting dizzy again and couldn't respond.

"Uh… ok well this is awkward umm… well maybe you're just in shock or something I mean you were under for…" I groaned putting my hands on either side of my head and slumped onto the floor, I felt sick and I was sure my head was ready to burst.

"Whoa! Are you okay? Are you- don't answer that. I'm absolutely sure you're fine. There's plenty of time for you to recover. Just take it slow." He gently took my arms and pulled me back up onto the bed. Suddenly an intercom went off.

"Please prepare for emergency evacuation."

"Stay calm! 'Prepare'- that's all they're saying. 'Prepare.' It's fine all fine. Alright? Don't move I'm gonna get us out of here." He reached up and grabbed a cable that was hanging from the ceiling.

"Oh. You MIGHT want to hang onto something. Word of advice, up to you." He hooked the cable into one of his arms and it opened a panel in the wall, which he stepped into. The wall closed and I was alone again. I was so confused right now… Seconds later the ground started to shake, gasping I fell forward hitting the floor again. Still dizzy I crawled over to the other side of the bed and grabbed the thick white sheets. A chair tipped over and hit my shoulder. The lamp on the desk fell over and shattered on the floor. The man's accented voice came from somewhere in the ceiling.

"You alright down there? Can you hear me? Hello?" the room stopped moving and I was able to crawl back onto the bed and look up just as he came back into view.

"Most people do experience some cognitive deterioration after a few months in suspension. Now you've been under for… quite a lot longer, and it's not out of the question that you might have a very minor case of serious brain damage." Well that sure helped the situation; at least I know why my head hurts so much. He placed a hand on my shoulder giving me a genuine look of concern.

"But don't be alarmed, alright? Although, if you do feel alarm, try to hold onto the feeling because that is the proper reaction to being told you have brain damage." He smiled awkwardly. I groaned again and pushed my fingers into either side of my head while rocking slightly.

"Hey uh… its ok just do you understand anything of what I'm saying? Is any of this making sense? Just tell me 'yes'." I was shaking slightly as I looked up at him and nodded. An alarm went off somewhere.

"Uh ok… um just hold tight." He vanished again.

"All reactor core safeguards are now non-functional. Please prepare for reactor core meltdown". The intercom hummed cheerily over the alarm. The room began to tilt. The wall in front of me collapsed and fell away so that I could see that the whole room was swinging over thin air.

"Alright, I wasn't going to mention this to you, but I'm in PRETTY HOT WATER here." The room lurched and I fell onto the floor again, luckily I fell on the side furthest from the giant hole being ripped in the opposite wall.

"How you doing down there? You still holding on?" why does he have to keep asking if I'm ok? Obviously if I have a minor case of severe brain damage and if I'm being thrown around like a beach ball and stuck in a hanging box that's being smashed to bits then I'm not fine! Suddenly part of the roof collapsed and I scrambled into the only corner that wasn't falling apart.

"The reserve power ran out, so of course the whole relaxation center stops waking up the bloody test subjects." The room hit another wall and I was thrown onto my stomach. Test subjects? I thought trying not to fall through the floor. I vaguely remembered the term but my head was aching even more as I tried to recall anything. "Hold on! This is a bit tricky!" Another jerk made me hit my head on the wall.

"And of course nobody tells ME anything. Noooo. Why would they tell me anything?" I clutched my stomach and tried not to be sick. The whole room was being bashed to pieces, it was all I could do not to be crushed or fall to my death. I had no idea what was going on, my head was ready to explode and I was so nauseous that I wanted to cut my stomach out! While some guy I didn't even think I knew rambled on and on, dragging me through hell it seemed.

"Why should I be kept informed about the life functions of the ten thousand bloody test subjects I'm supposed to be in charge of?" he continued talking.

"Oi, it's close… can you see? Am I gonna make it through? Have I got enough space?" how the hell should I know?

"Agh, just… I just gotta get it through here…" he made a grunting noise as the room hit another wall.

"Okay, I've just gotta concentrate!" the room swung as if it were turning.

"And whose fault do you think it's going to be when the management comes down here and finds ten thousand flipping vegetables?" the world was ripped out from underneath my feet and I was flung into a metal beam. I clutched at it, my legs dangling over a sea of rubble.

"Aggh, see now, I hit that one, I hit that one…" really? I hadn't noticed.

"Okay, listen, we should get our stories straight, alright? If anyone asks – and no one's gonna ask, don't worry – but if anyone asks, tell them as far as you know, the last time you checked, everyone looked pretty much alive. Alright? Not dead." Forced to look everywhere the room swung all that I could really see was a massive junkyard or the result of a really bad earthquake, I couldn't imagine anyone being alive in this place.

"Okay, almost there. On the other side of that wall is one of the old testing tracks. There's a piece of equipment in there we're gonna need to get out of here. I think this is a docking station. Get ready…" uh oh… that didn't sound good. I held on tighter squeezing my eyes shut. He had apparently crashed the room into the docking station because I was suddenly jerked forward the metal bar crushing my ribs. I gasped in pain.

"Good news: that is NOT a docking station. So there's one mystery solved. I'm going to attempt a manual override on this wall. Could get a bit technical! Hold on!" I wanted to kill him so bad right now but I did as he said and held on. The room slowly moved backwards like the slow assent of a roller coaster just before it plunges straight down. Suddenly speeding forward almost made me lose my grip but I was quickly crushed back into the bar. I felt a crack and knew I'd broken one or more of my ribs. I gasped in pain, squeezing my eyes shut and gritting my teeth. The wall crumbled and I was flung into a glass window or something. After a moment, when the world stopped spinning and exploding I tried to sit up but I was stopped by a sharp pain in my middle section. So I was lying on my stomach amidst broken glass, rubble and shattered metal. Moaning in pain I pulled myself into a fetal position. My skull was throbbing and I finally couldn't take it anymore. The last thing I heard was;

"Oh God. Auren are you all right? Uh never mind… hey uh… hold on your gonna be fine…" and then everything went black.

Please review they fuel the love! All none reviewers will go directly to android hell... no joke, nasty place too wouldn't want you to have to go through that so just click the blue button down there and leave me a little love 3