Chapter 9-

A/N Holy crap, I am so sorry for not updating. I guess I was on a hiatus, but now I am so over it.

Day 3 Water Slide, My Best Friend, More Scavenger Hunts-

Feliciano woke up early, and yawned, sitting up. He looked over at the clock. It was just after ten in the morning.

He smiled when he didn't hear and noises coming from his brother. "Maybe I'll go get some breakfast for both of us!" Feliciano said to himself.

He hopped out of bed and got dressed, going quickly to the door and skipping to the elevator. He squeezed his eyes shut as the elevator took him down to the main level, trying to not get sick by the motion.

When the doors opened, Feliciano smiled and walked out of the elevator, heading for the stairs that lead to the food shops. He was happily walking down the stairs when he missed his footing and fell forward, his chin scrapping against the rest of the stairs. When he reached the bottom his eyes began to tear up and he began to sniffle.

A pair of boots filled his vision and a rough voice asked, "Are you alright?"

Feliciano looked up and saw the blonde haired male that reminded him of Luddy. He whimpered and with a sigh the blonde reached down, picking him up carefully and taking him to the closest bathroom.

He gently sat Feliciano on the counter and grabbed some paper towels, gently cleaning off Feliciano's chin.

"You should try not to fall down stairs. It helps when you pay attention." The male said in a condescending tone.

"Whatever you say. My name is Feliciano!" Feli said, smiling. "Is your name Ludwig? Because, you look like my friend, Ludwig. And he used to tell me the same kind of stuff."

The tall male froze and looked at him before slowly pulling out his necklace from under his shirt, showing his monkey ring.

A huge grin crossed Feliciano's face as he pulled out his ring and said, "I knew it was you, Luddy!"

Ludwig stood there, staring at him before saying, "Feli?"

Feliciano nodded and started to swing his feet happily. "This is turning out to be a great vacation!"

Ludwig nodded and started to turn slightly red, unsure what he was supposed to do now.

Feliciano, however, seemed very at ease. "Luddy, I'm hungry." He stated simply.

And then it was as if eleven years hadn't even passed. Ludwig sighed and helped Feliciano off of the counter, leading him to a shop where he could get something for himself and his brother.

(A/N: So, now I just have to get them… Romantically involved.)


Arthur was lying in bed, staring at the roof and being miserable. He had acted rashly at the arcade the night before. He shouldn't have slapped Francis. It wasn't his fault that the situation had reminded him of a time in the past.

Arthur rolled over, burying his face in his pillow. He was so sure he had moved on from Alfred. He had dated. He had hung out with Alfred and felt nothing for him other than friendship.

And yet spending ten minutes with the stupid Frog had brought up memories that he didn't want to think about.

What was it that had made Arthur remember all of those feelings? Really, what had it been that had made him feel so strongly toward Francis?

Arthur growled into the pillow and then rolled back over, facing the roof again. He closed his eyes. "I have to apologize to him."

He groaned. "But there is no need to seek him out…"


Antonio couldn't figure it out. Francis had acted strange all day long. He hadn't flirted with a single girl, though they had been at the pool all day long.

Actually, he had turned some girls down, rather rudely.

And Gilbert had begun to notice too.

"What is your deal, Franny?" Gilbert asked, looking at him, confused, as yet another girl walked away, looking hurt.

Francis shrugged. "I'm just not in the mood for shallow girls today."

Antonio just kept looking at him. "This doesn't have something to do with a certain green-eyed male, does it?"

Francis looked at Antonio and gave a forced laugh. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Before Gilbert or Antonio could answer Francis walked away.

Gilbert shrugged and then saw Mathew, sitting across the room by himself. "I'm gonna go." Gilbert said, and he was off again too.

Antonio sighed. "Maybe this vacation spot isn't as great as I thought it would be…"

Antonio rested his head in his hands and stayed that way until a familiar voice said, "Hey, ass hole."

Antonio's spirits instantly lifted. "Lovi!"

Lovino scowled but didn't say anything about the name. "What the hell are you doing, moping? We have a scavenger hunt to finish."

Antonio was slightly surprised, but he said, "Okay, let's go!"

The next clue sent them to a life guard post. The life guard signed the ipad and gave them the next clue. "The person you are looking for helps you with the heavy things in life."

Antonio thanked the life guard, while Lovino rolled his eyes. They started to walk away when Lovino said, "I bet he was talking about the bell hop."

Antonio smiled. "You're right!"

Lovino rolled his eyes. "Let's go find him."

When they found the hulking, terrifying bell hop, they also found a grinning Alfred. "Dude, I am so the hero. But you can be my side kick!"

The figure gave a chuckle and signed the ipad that Alfred was holding. "I'd be a much better villain, da?"

Alfred grinned, "Then you can be nemesis!"

Then he noticed the other two standing there. "Hey, you're the guys from the room mix up!"

Antonio nodded and smiled, while Lovino scowled.

"Well, bye dudes, I have a scavenger hunt to finish."

Antonio looked at the bell hop. "We need you to sign this!"

He nodded and signed. Lovino pulled Antonio away before he could start conversation. "That guy gave me the fucking creeps." He muttered.

Antonio laughed and said, "Come on, Lovi. We have more clues to follow!"

Lovino sighed and followed him.


Mathew was sitting by himself when Gilbert came walking up.

Mathew smiled and waved.

"Hey, Mathew." Gilbert said, sitting down.

"What, no comment about how you are gracing me with your awesome presence?" Mathew asked.

Gilbert grinned. "Nah. Now that we have equal amounts of awesomeness, I don't need to do that."

Mathew grinned and felt his cheeks warm up a little.

"Do you want to go down the Mega Slide with me?" Gilbert asked suddenly.

Mathew looked over the several flights of stairs that led to the slide.

"Uh… Sure…" He said, nervous.

Gilbert grinned and stood up, walking toward the pile of inner tubes used to go down the slide. They began the long ascent to the slide.

Soon they had to stop to wait in line.

"Lines are so un-awesome," Gilbert muttered.

Mathew shrugged. "Then let's play a game."

"Like what?" Gilbert asked, looking at Mathew.

Mathew was quiet for a second before saying, "I spy something red."

Gilbert grinned. "I should tell you, I am a pro at this game." Mathew shrugged. "So am I."

Gilbert looked around. "Is it that persons shoes?"

Mathew shook his head.

"What about that inner tube down there?"


"Is it… that bottle of sunscreen down there?"

"How did you guess?" Mathew asked.

"I saw you peeking over at it. I spy something green."

"That's easy. The pair of flip-flops down there."

"You're pretty good."

"Okay, my turn. I spy something… Blue."

"The inner tube in the wave pool."

"You're good too…"

Gilbert grinned as they reached the top of the line. "We'll continue later."

Mathew nodded as the life guard started telling them the rules. "Hold on tight. Stay seated. Do not try to move off of the inner tube. You have to sit with one of you in the others lap."

Mathew blushed as he reluctantly sat down in Gilbert's lap, grabbing the handles.

"On the count of three. One. Three!" The lifeguard pushed them down, Mathew letting out a surprised shriek as they went flying down the slide.

Gilbert laughed loudly and they began to go down in the completely dark tunnel. Suddenly they were free-falling down into a hole, before bouncing into a large area, where they spun around and around toward a small hole in the middle. Then they were plunged into complete darkness again before finally exiting into a pool.

Mathew was breathing heavily and he stood shakily.

Gilbert laughed and stood as well. "That was pretty awesome."

Mathew nodded, slightly shaking.

Gilbert gently grabbed his hand and led him toward the dry concrete.


A/N: I promise to update again in the next two weeks.