Title: Little Red Riding Rogue

Author: MoonbeamDancer

Fandom: X-MEN/Trick 'r' Treat cross over

Notes: No, I don't own any of this, they all belong to their actual owners, I'm just playing. This is just a little idea I had to see how Marie would react to being a werewolf, I'm still working on it, so please let me know what you think.

She walked along the dirt path, leaves scuffing and blowing past her feet, the scent of wood smoke and decay in her nostrils. It was happening more and more often, the ability to scent change on the air. Lately the scent had clung to her. Thee was a rustle in the brush behind her. She whipped around, red cloak wrapping itself semi around her legs and body, one hand moved to untangle it.

Nothing there, just trees and the occasional jack-o-lantern.

She turned back around, basket in one hand, cloak edge in another and continued walking. She had no idea why she let Danielle talk her into this costume. She glanced down at the red skirt, white blouse and red corset and flicked the edge of her matching hooded cloak in annoyance. Little Red Riding Hood... she really did look like she was five. But it was apparently tradition, so Little Red it was.

It was a quiet clear night and she could see the moon through the trees, hanging big and red-ish orange in the air. Her mind flickered back and forth, images presenting themselves to her, most of them of what had been going on for the past few months. Mainly the last six or so when things had started to get strange. It had been a night like this, clear and crisp, when she had been attacked. Marie quicken her pace trying to out run the thoughts in her head.

She was walking in the woods behind the mansion. She couldn't sleep, Logan's nightmares were strong that night, so she thought some time in the woods would calm her. She unlocked the patio door and stepped down to the lawn, dry grass and a scattering of leaves crunching under her shoes, as she pulled her green hooded coat around her. The air had a nip to it and she could see her breath stream out of her as she breathed in the scent of night jasmine and smiled at the moon. Using it's blue light and a small flash light, she made her way into the woods. Marie soon came to a clearing, one she had been to before, and sat down in the grass, the moonlight hitting her body and making her shadow jump away. She closed her eyes and began her breathing relaxation. She had tried doing the same techniques in her room once after a particularly brutal nightmare of Logan's, but found that the Logan in her head, enjoyed being outdoors more after such happenings.

She sat, breathing, brushing her fingers though the grass, counting back from ten. Logan growled softly in her mind and she grinned. He wanted to run. She was more then willing to indulge him but needed to get control of herself first. Marie was counting for a third time when she heard a sharp snap in the trees behind her. Eyes snapping open, she scrambled to her feet as another snap sounded followed by heavy panting and a growl. A rather large wolf stepped into the clearing. It had yellow eyes and dark fur and Marie saw what looked like the shredded remains of a dress hanging from it's waist and arms and shoulders. The fabric was blue.

She just stood there staring at the wolf as it started towards her, body low to the ground, before it sprang into the air with a snarl. "Run, kid!" screamed the Logan in Marie's head, as her body moved without her realizing it and ducked so that the wolf's claws raked through the back of her coat. Marie scrambled on her hands as her feet kicked up dirt in her body's desperate, panicky attempt to flee. Jaws snapped behind her, catching cloth and pulling back as the girl pulled forward. Fabric tearing, Marie shot out of the clearing in a tangle of torn coat and flailing limbs.

To this day she doesn't know why she just didn't run for the mansion or why the two telepaths living there, didn't pick up on her panic driven mind. She never would and well, now it was too late.

She had run wildly through the woods, low hanging branches slapping her in the face when she didn't pay attention, Marie stole a quick glance behind her, the wolf was still running after her, and that's when she tripped. A loose boot lace and a half buried tree root was what did foot hooked the root with her boot toe and the lace wrapped itself around it and down she went. The impact was hard and her landing left Marie lightly stunned, her vision swimming as the wolf advanced. She tried to pull herself up and the wolf pounced on her, slamming Marie's body back into the dirt with a low snap of it's fangs. Marie stared terrified at what she was sure was going to be her death. The wolf seemed to study her for a moment while Marie's heart beat inside her chest. A part of her mind was surprised it hadn't jumped out of her body yet, while she watched the wolf in return.

The two watched the other for a second before the wolf quickly nosed back Marie's right coat shoulder, lips peeling back over it's fangs, and lunged back and bit down, blood spraying from the wound. Marie screamed in pain, body fighting and kicking at the wolf, before she heard it yelp and be removed from her. A scuffle to her left and up a bit told her that the wolf and something else was otherwise engaged. A voice and a burning pressure on her shoulder let her know that help had finally come. She willingly passed out.

It was too late even then, but none of them knew that, they just knew that Marie had been hurt and needed medical attention. The next time Marie opened her eyes, she was in the medlab.

Marie kept walking, memories swirling like bits of fog through her brain, she had woken up and Jean had explained what happened.

"A wolf attack?" she asked. "I had no idea that there were wolves in upstate New York."

"There normally aren't, but they did inhabit it at one point." Jean replied, checking Marie's wound and making notes in her medical file. "The bite is clean and the stitches should be out in a few weeks. You can go if you want. Logan's waiting for you."

Marie changed her clothes and found Logan waiting outside the door, the alcohol smell of the lab had always bothered his nose, so he stayed out as much as he could.

"Hey kid."

"Hey Logan. Jean told me, you got that wolf off me, thanks."

Logan smiled, Marie was one of the few who ever saw a true smile on his face. "You're welcome, though there was something off about it. Wolves don't normally attack people. It's scent was strange too, but I'm guessing the girl scent was you and my nose just mixed both."

The two talked for a bit and things seemed to return to normal.

Marie laughed sadly at that thought, "normal" indeed, it was shortly after the attack that the dreams started and things quickly became undone.

At first it was nothing but a sense of running, of being finally free and being able to hunt. She wasn't alone, her pack, her sisters were with her as she ran in the moonlit night, chasing whatever scent the air had to offer. But soon the urge to feed was stronger and it was quickly sated with a feast of deer meat. A fresh carcass was at their feet, blood splashed about on the forest ground and on their fur as well. Well it was on the other three girls fur, Marie could feel it on her skin, taste it on her tongue. It, and the meat, tasted wonderful sliding down her throat as fast as she could eat it.

When she woke up, her mind just dismissed it as a dream and she ignored the dark dried red stains under her nails and on her sheets. The dreams continued, getting more and more intense and graphic, until one morning Marie woke up in the woods, miles away from the mansion. Her clothing was gone, the tattered and torn remains clinging limply to her wrists, they were no more then strips of dirty cloth really. Marie looked around in fear, flinching hard when nearby twigs snapped and a pale, blonde haired girl came into view. She was a little taller then Marie and had a bag tossed over one shoulder.

"It's okay, you're safe. My name's Danielle, I won't hurt you."

She tossed the bag down, crouched to unzip it and pulled out a pair of jeans, a sweatshirt and a pair of worn sneakers. She put those next to her and proceeded to get dressed after tossing the bag in Marie's vicinity.

"Thank you." Marie whispered, bringing the bag towards her and pulling out the contents, It was much like Danielle's, but a red sweatshirt instead of white. The two dressed in silence, Marie watching Danielle out of the corner of her eye, there was something familiar about her.

"You have questions, I can explain, but I need you to trust me. Can some friends and I meet with you later today?"

Marie watched her, Danielle had been true to her word so far, and had brought her clothing. It was then that the familiar thing about her clicked in Marie's brain. It was the girl's scent, it reminded her of one of the wolves scent from her dream.


"I need a ride home first. And how does the coffee shop in Salem Center sound? Two o'clock good?"

Danielle nodded and they set off into the woods, soon coming upon a jeep and the road leading back to the school.

"My name's Marie." she said, getting into the car. "Drive down this road until you see Graymalkin Lane and then take a right." she continued, once the GPS had stated where they were.

The two rode in silence, Danielle pulled up to the gate asking if Marie wanted to be taken to the door or if here was good.

"The door is fine."

They went though and up the drive, Danielle pulling around to the front door of the school and stopping. "I'll meet you at two o'clock, I'll be in a booth waiting with two friends. I can explain everything then, but I can tell you now that you aren't dreaming, what happens at night is very real."

"Thanks for the ride, I'll see you then and bring the clothes with me." Marie replied, not wanting to admit that she knew deep down that Danielle was telling the truth. She opened the door and got out, shutting it behind her and walked towards the front door.

Danielle took off as the door opened for Marie, who paused on the stoop seeing Logan in the doorway.

"Who was that and where the hell have you been?" he asked.

"A friend and she gave me a ride home." came the reply as Marie walked around him to go inside.

Logan grabbed her upper arm and pulled her in close for a sniff. "That still doesn't answer the question of where you were. And while we're at it, why do you reek of wolf and blood?"

Marie yanked her arm out of Logan's grip, growling at him. "That is none of your business! I don't belong to you." she snapped back, pointing a finger in his face. In her anger, the nails on that hand, lengthen, enough to be seen by the two of them, almost long enough to be considered claw like. "I don't need to answer to you or anyone else if I want." she finished and stalked off to her room. On the stairway up, her hands shook slightly as her nails shrank back to their normal length.

There was another scuffle and snap behind Marie, pulling her from her memories. Irritated, she turned around again, yelling into the darkness. "I'm not in the mood so just come out!"

Once more, nothing but leaves, trees and pumpkins. Marie huffed in annoyance and turned to start walking again. She screamed as a figure in black just appeared before her. "Jesus! You scared the hell out of me!" she said, looking at the imposing man dressed head to toe in black, with a black hooded cape and black tooled leather face mask that covered the upper half of his face. Only his eyes, a bright blue, were visible.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to." came the reply. He moved to the side and gestured for Marie to continue down the path.

"Thank you." Marie said, walking down the path, the man in black following her. "Why are you following me?"

"I saw you earlier at the parade and wanted to talk, when you went into the woods, it seemed like a good idea to follow you."

"Oh. Well I'm actually on my way to a party, would you like to come?"

Marie couldn't believe her luck, after having to turn down prospects at the parade, one just falls into her lap. Tonight may go as planned after all. She smiled at that thought and breathed in deeply. The scents of the forest came to her again, along with a new scent, that of the man next to her. He smelled of leather, cologne and something else. It reminded her of Logan after a battle. A sharp bitter smell.


This man smelled of Death. The violent kind.

She took a step closer to him, under the guise of wanting to be closer to talk, and brushed his arm with hers. There it was again, the bitter dank tang stuck to the back of her throat. It had a sour aftertaste, like sweat and salt, Marie's nose wrinkled and she almost bared her teeth in disgust. This man was a murderer and he had killed recently, this close she could also smell the blood on him. With Logan the scent had been different; violent yes, but different in that Logan had either been defending himself or someone else. That scent has an aftertaste of honor, if that made any sense. Marie didn't really know how to put it into words, it was just different from what she was smelling now.

The man in black smiled. "Sure, why not?"

Marie pulled up in front of the coffee shop and stared out the windshield for a moment. She really had no idea what she was doing here, but she knew that she needed answers and that Danielle could supply them. Marie took a deep breath and grabbed the bag that held the clothes and shoes she had borrowed. She stepped into the shop and let her eyes adjust to the light, looking for Danielle.

"Marie! Over here!" called a voice, as a hand shot up and waved at her. It was Danielle, this time dressed again in jeans and a clean lavender turtleneck, with boots and hair pulled back into a ponytail..

She was sitting with two other girls. Both were brunette, one with shoulder length hair and the other's was a bit longer, about shoulder blade length. They sat with their back towards the door and as Marie approached, she saw they were dressed in a skirt and long sleeved blouse and a sweater and jeans, both wore boots as well.

"Sit, down sit down." Danielle said, scooting over in the booth to make room for her. "Anything to drink?"

"Peppermint tea." Marie said. "And here's the clothes, thanks again."

"You're is Maria," the girl on the right in the skirt, "and that's Janet." the girl in the sweater.

"Hello." Janet said coolly, eyes assessing Marie, and smiling at her.

"Hi." Maria chirped.

"Hi." Marie took her tea when the waitress brought it."Thank you."

The man in black couldn't believe his luck, here was another victim and this one appropriately dressed as Little Red Riding Hood. He smiled inwardly, Little Red would run screaming into the night if she knew he was really the big bad wolf in disguise. He wasn't lying when he said he had seen her at the parade. he had seen her after he had gotten done posing that other girl; sitting her against a store front, closing her eyes to make it look like she was just asleep. With the bite marks and the way the blood splattered across her body, she just looked like another parade goer who was waiting for friends and had fallen asleep. No one would realize that she was a dead body until it was time to clean up or even later then that. He watched her walk, noted the swing of her hips, she would make a very nice nightcap. Something sweet and innocent would go down nicely.

Marie could see the man watching her. "I'm Little Red Riding Hood, who are you supposed to be?" she asked to make conversation. She needed a first kill to make the transformation complete and she had already decided that this man would do, he already had blood on his hands and the world didn't need men like him in it.

"Little Red, I like it." the man smiled, Marie saw a hint of fangs as he did. "I'm a vampire." he concluded.

"Very nice, I like your mask."

"Thank you."

Marie sipped her tea and quietly asked what Danielle was talking about when she said that Marie hadn't been dreaming.

"I mean you haven't been dreaming. Those late night runs and the hunting were all real. You'd wake up in your room, with blood on your sheets and under your nails, right?"

"It's happened to all of us." Maria said. "We all went through a denial phase, it took us all a while to accept what was happening to us."

Marie put down the cup. "And what is happening to me?"

"You're becoming a werewolf." Janet said softly, draining the rest of her glass of water.

"Funny, but there are no such things as werewolves."

"In a world of mutants, there is no such thing as werewolves?" Danielle asked.

"No, there aren't."

"Yes, there are, you know this you just don't want to admit it."

"There aren't. Now tell me the truth."

"That is the truth." She held out her wrist to Marie. "Smell me, you know my scent, we've hunted together, all of us have hunted together."

Marie just looked at Danielle like she had lost her mind. Danielle kept her wrist held out, waiting for Marie to take it. Marie finally did, taking it gingerly in one hand and holding the blond girl's wrist to her nose, sniffing delicately at the skin.

The scent of dirt, wood and honeysuckle washed over her. Marie tightened her grip slightly and took a deeper sniff, running her face up Danielle's arm. She curbed the urge to lick Danielle's skin, her tongue pressing against the back of her teeth.

"I know you. You're the wolf from my dream." She stared at her in hesitation and wonder.

Danielle gently took her arm back. "I'm no dream, I am the wolf you've been hunting with. We are the pack you've been running with. Do remember the night you were attacked?"

Marie nodded, it had been a couple of weeks ago, but how could she forget?

"You were wearing a green coat and the wolf bit you on the right shoulder." Danielle stated.


"I was there. I chased you down and I'm the one who bit you."

"You bit me?" Marie asked dubiously.

"Yes. I was the wolf wearing a torn up blue dress. I bit you, that makes me your sire."

"Oh." At this point, Marie noticed that she was holding Danielle's bare hand. She dropped it like a hot brick, shocked and scared that it had taken her this long to notice that she was having skin to skin contact with someone. She hadn't even realized that she had reached out for Danielle's hand.

Nothing happened. There was no pulling sensation, no feel of drowning in memories and a life that wasn't hers. Nothing. The other girls just stared at her.

"We're missing something aren't we?" Maria asked.

"We know you're a mutant, we can smell that." Danielle said softly.

"Seriously?" Marie asked. "What do I smell like, do all mutants smell like this?"

"You smelled of cotton and lace. Now you smell like that and like pack. Our pack tends to smell woodsy and it mingles with the scent of the person. You're the first mutant I've heard of becoming a werewolf. What was your power?"

Marie swallowed nervously. "Whenever I touched someone skin to skin, I could absorb their memories. With mutants I could take on their powers as well. I can't control it, you should be twitching on the floor right now."

"That's different." Janet said. "Maybe being a werewolf has cancelled out your powers? Or given you the control you needed?"

Danielle nodded in agreement. "That could be it." She gently reached back to Marie and squeezed her hand. "It's okay, we'll help you with this."

The group talked for a bit more, agreeing to meet later in the week. Marie stared at their hands, intertwined. "Thank you." she whispered.

Danielle quietly watched the woods, waiting for Marie, she was taking her time getting to the party and the last Danielle had heard from her, she was still at the parade. Catching a guy didn't normally take this long, but then Marie didn't have much luck in the guy department, all things considered. Janet stepped up behind her, a bottle of beer in each hand, offering one to her.

"She's a big girl, she'll be fine." At Danielle's refusal, she shrugged and kept both for herself, waste not, want not after all.

"I know, just wish I could help her is all."

"You can't and you know that. The First Hunt is done by yourself, if you helped, you'd be stunting her transformation. It's been hard enough for her as it is, being the first mutant werewolf." Janet said softly, not wanting to be overheard by the other girls there. While the three of them were alright with Marie being a mutant, none of them were sure how the rest of the pack would handle it. Best to keep mum about it and watch their "virgin"'s back as much as they could.

"I know, but that doesn't make things any easier." came the reply, as a conversation she and Marie had a while back, right before they had made the decision to leave Westchester as a matter of fact, floated to the surface of Danielle's brain.

Marie had shown up at her motel room late one night, banging on the door. Danielle opened it to find a scared, shivering, bloodied with torn clothing, Marie on her step. It had started to snow sometime that night and the flakes, while melting on the ground, clung to Marie's hair and clothing. Danielle let her in and quickly grabbed a towel, drying off her hair.

"What happened? Why are you like this and with no coat?"

Marie wiped her chin, smearing a tear track and small blood strain together, and sniffled before answering. "Logan ran me off."

"What? I don't understand. Let's get you some clean clothes and and hot shower first, c'mon."

Danielle quickly grabbed a set of pajamas and steered Marie towards the bathroom. "Tell me while we shower."

Danielle quickly stripped off her clothes and made short work of Marie's, wrinkling her nose at the scent that came off her and the clothing as she tossed it into the corner. The brown top had been torn along the stomach,a faint red line on her skin indicating where the cut was. Her scarf had bits of leaves and dirt ground in it and her jeans were filthy. She wore no gloves, her hair was a tangled, knotted mess. Marie flinched hard when Danielle took her hands and pulled her into the shower, turning on the hot water.

"Can't hurt me remember, I'm your sire."

"Sorry, habit."

Even after the past several weeks of meeting together, both at the coffee shop, their motel room, and the woods surrounding the mansion, Marie flinched sometimes when the girls brushed her skin. With humans the connection was instantaneous, their minds flooding hers, with mutants it was delayed but she would absorb them as well. But with werewolves it was sluggish, like the connection was blocked. Well it was with Janet and Maria, she could touch them for a bit, but the connection would open and their thoughts would trickle in albeit very, very slowly. Mainly she would just get feelings with them and a stray thought, it was chalked up to the fact that Marie's body recognized them as an extension of herself and different at the same time.

Except with Danielle.

With Danielle, nothing happened. Marie had tried multiple times, but there was nothing there to grab a hold of, it was like she was grasping at thin air. It was concluded that because Danielle had bitten her, Marie's body saw her as her parent and didn't react to her. They had known as much in the coffee shop that first meeting, but having it happen again and again made it more solid.

Danielle placed Marie under the spray of the shower head and let the water wash off the remaining dirt and warm her up. Soaping up a loofa, she began to wash Marie's back. "Talk to me, what happened to you."

"It's all a jumble, don't know where to start." Marie shivered as the water sluiced it's way down her body.

"Anywhere is fine, just tell me please."

"I was walking back to the mansion after we had met that week, watching my nails shift back and forth and seeing how many scents I could name in the woods. I went into the kitchen, after putting my gloves back on, since I was starving. I'm amazed at how much I need to eat still. Jean's noticed by the way, I'm sure of it, she saw me in the kitchen a few nights ago eating all the bacon and ham we had. And the giant pitcher of water next to it. I don't think she knew that I had eaten all of it, she came in towards the end of it, but she did ask if I was okay and if I needed to talk that she would listen to anything I had to say." Marie snorted. "I don't think she would believe this."

Danielle turned her and began soaping up Marie's arms, the soap running off her back. Massaging her hands, Danielle squeezed and replied. "We are creatures of Myth, from what you've told me, she might, but would have a hard time of it. Besides isn't one of the others there a shape shifter and she turns into a wolf?"

Marie nodded. "Rahne's not here though, so it couldn't be passed off as that. Anyway, I was in the kitchen, looking for something to eat. I'm sorting through the fridge, sniffing out what smelled good, when I found a bundle from the meat market. One of them just reeked of blood and meat, so I took out that one and while I was eating at the counter, Logan came in."

"What the hell Marie? What are you doing?" Logan demanded, grabbing Marie's hand, mid way to her lips.

"Hey! I was eating, I'm hungry."

"Too much so to cook your food?"

Marie looked down at her hand. She had chosen a package of stew meat and had eaten half of it before Logan had interrupted. It had tasted so good that she didn't notice the blood running down her chin or the fact that it had ruined her gloves. "Yes. And if you don't mind, I'd like to finish and then clean up." She pulled her hand free of his and popped the chunk of meat in her mouth, moaning softly when the blood hit her tongue.

"There's something wrong with you, there has been since the attack. You're acting differently, you smell different, what's wrong, let me help."

Marie swallowed her food."You wouldn't understand and I'm getting help already." She moved back towards what remained of the meat, wanting to finish it off.

Logan growled, getting in her way. "No."

"Get out of the way, Logan." she growled softly.

"No." Logan repeated, stubbornly refusing to move. He shoved Marie back when she tried to get around him. Marie growled louder and bared her teeth just a bit, before making one last attempt for the meat on the counter.

Logan shoved her again, this time Marie snarled at him, swiping him across the cheek, her claws ripping through the gloves. The cuts bled briefly and Logan was surprised to feel his flesh split and then heal. He was more surprised by the claws that Marie had and the blood on weren't very long, just a few inches, hell they were still the color of her nail polish (pale lavender) but they were more then sharp enough to hurt him.

Marie watched the blood on her fingertips as it dripped off and then smeared as she rubbed her thumb across it.

"Let me take you to Jean and Hank. Jean said she found something in your blood work, there is something wrong, let us help."

"No. I already know what it is and you wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Then you're not giving me much of a choice, kid." Logan replied, before rushing Marie, moving to tackle her to the ground.

Marie lashed out again, claws ripping through fabric before reaching Logan's skin. The scent of blood filtered through the air and Marie shuddered in excitement.

"Would have been better if you had just let me eat and then go upstairs." she hissed, jumping at Logan, digging her claws across his chest.

Logan growled back and slapped Marie away, shrugging off what remained of his shirt. He silently watched her, shifting on his feet and when she jumped again, grabbed her using her own momentum against her, rolled onto his back and threw Marie into the air over his body and through the kitchen entrance, where Marie slammed full force into the wall.

Logan bounced to his feet and met Marie head on as she lunged at him again, her eyes glowing yellow in the dim light of the hallway, snapping at his throat. Logan shot out a foot and landed a kick to her mid section, forcing her further down the hall and a yelp from her lips. The two tangle and fight, both growling like animals. Logan blocked a punch and tossed Marie again, only to see her hit by a burst of red energy and be thrown out of the house, smashing through a nearby door.

Marie landed in a ball of limbs and pain, getting up quickly and running for the forest, glass and wood fragments raining down from her body.

"Logan, what the-" began Scott.

"That was Marie, you idiot." Logan snapped back at him, before running out after her.

The trail led into the surrounding woods and Logan followed the visible trail of glass and broken wood that Marie left behind, before it stops and all that's left, is her scent and signs that someone has come though the brush of the forest. His nose led him to a clearing and he stops on one side, Marie on the other.

"What the hell is going on? What are you?" Logan doesn't bother being polite about it, there's something wrong, and he's tired of being kept in the dark.

"What am I?" Marie's laugh is bitter, her hands are still stained with Logan's blood. "Interesting question coming from you."

"Then answer it. Something is wrong, I can feel it. I can smell it. What the hell is it?"

"Nothing you would get." Marie growled softly as Logan watched her, all his senses were screaming that she was dangerous, that she was to be driven away. Her very scent had changed, there was a wildness to it now, and his instinct was to get rid of her right now.

Dani quietly poured some shampoo into her palm, before rubbing her hands together and soaping up Marie's hair.

"Did you tell him?" If she had, he was a loose end that would need to be taken care of and it could get messy.

"No, I couldn't in the end, and he didn't like that. It started another argument and we fought again. I could feel my wolf, she was stronger then ever, she wanted him dead. That scared me, for a moment I didn't see him as Logan, I just saw him as an enemy. That he needed to be destroyed."

"It means that your body is wanting to change, that you are almost ready. It would be a good idea if we left soon, the faster we can get somewhere you aren't known, the better." As she rinsed out Marie's hair, Dani leaned over and kissed her mouth lightly. "It'll be fine, don't worry." she whispered.