A/n: Ok, last chapter so enjoy. Quite short, but enjoy it anyways.

Chapter 5
A Few Weeks Later


"Eeeeeiii! Not again!"

Hinote and Cozart sweatdropped at hearing that signature scream from up in Giotto's office in his quarters. It had been a few weeks but the Sky Guardian was back on his feet and fully recovered.

"Kufufu~! G. or Hinote what did you do?"asked Daemon.

"Hinote dumped a bunch of paperwork the same height as Giotto into his office while he was fast asleep at his desk again."chuckled Cozart.

"Hnhnhn, Silly Hinote!"chuckled Daniel from where he stood by his brother.

"At least he isn't sick anymore, praise the good Lord."pointed out Knuckle.

"You got a point there, Knuckle-san. He's just as lively as ever!"said Asari, bursting into laughter.

Soon enough all of the Vongola Guardians were laughing as well as the Primo Shimon. The main thing was they had their sky back in all his wisdom and kindness. Everything had returned to normal. If they only knew of the surprise from the future that would come in a few years.

If they only knew...