Wow 10 Reviews this story is tied with Everlasting Love. I may possibly start on the sequel. I even have an idea for a Hercules style its called The Demigod. Do not own ATLA own the is this plotline. This could possibly be the last chapter but don't hold me to it. Just because I'm the writer doesn't mean I can predict when the story's actually over. Come on people cut me some slack.

Chapter 8: City Under Siege

The band of wagoners had reached the city's entrance, and were making their way to the palace. Katara had been bound and gagged so she couldn't escape or talk, needless to say that she was upset about this would have been and understatement. So far the only good thing that came from this situation was that she was with her mother again, and as much as she hated for seeming like the little girl she was the day her father's body came home it was a relief to be near her mother again. She was partially glad Zuko didn't come along, she shuddered at the thought of what Ozai would do to him. It was better this way, he did have to worry about her getting in his way or slowing him down. He could do things at his own pace just like he wanted. As the neared the palace gates Katara noticed it started to get cloudy as tough it was going to rain. Azula followed in the air as she did the night she attempted to steal Bashkim, she was still angered at the fact that a mere water spirit was more skilled than she. She was practically raised on the battlefield the way her father trained her.

Ty Lee was in charge of watching Katara as she could block chiis which would slow her down in the attempt to escape. Katara knew she stood little to no chance of escape with Ty Lee around, so she decided to by herself some time. Suki was placed in the driver's seat of the carriage as she would be the key to gaining entrance to the city. She was not proud of what she was about to do but she had no other option now, when Katara ran away she knew she could stall as long as possible hoping and praying that Katara got to Ba Sing Se before she did so Haru was warned and could prepare. But now that Ozai had Katara prisoner again she had to follow his demands because Katara was being heavily guarded now so she wouldn't get away again. Even though she was a trained warrior Suki knew her odds at a successful overtake of Ozai and his men were slim to none and she knew Katara wasn't ready or finished with her training, and knew only the basics.

"Wagons approaching, sir." A lookout called to his superior

"Who is leading them, and how many are there?" the superior asked

"Not a word, and the girl keeps her head." Ozai said softly, Suki said nothing not trusting her own voice.

"Lady Suki sir with around five."

"Lower the gate she''s probably her for market day."

"Yes Sir."

The gate was lowered and the lookouts were completely clueless as to what was about to unfold. Suki clenched her mouth so as not to cry out 'it's a trap!' knowing that Ozai would keep his word as to what would happen to Katara should she speak up. Ozai smiled at the foolishness of the guards, they were incompetent fools to think that Suki would come for market day when she never left Omashu since her husbands death. But then again it could be possible that she would have eventually left Omashu, nothing was set in stone in regards to the future. But he did know one thing and that was that Haru was going to get what was coming to him toady and nothing could stop him. Everyone however was completely oblivious to the shadows that followed.

Using the clouds to their advantage the small group of three that were now flying over the city knew they had to hurry if they were going to reach the palace in time. However it didn't help that the glider they were using was made to hold one person and they were using it to carry three, and it wasn't made out of what it should have been to be sturdy enough but so far it managed to do the job. That was more than what they hoped for, the man with the dark hair was thinking of what to tell Katara that he was sorry and anything else that would make her forgive him. He really thought himself an idiot for letting her go off on her own at this point knowing that she was being followed with the hopes of being recaptured by said followers. Not only that but he knew that Ozai and his men were after the sword and Katara, but all he could think at the time was what she was going to think of him when they reached the city. He would never let himself forget that he pushed her away when she needed him the most, and swore to himself that he would make it up to her any chance he got.

Once the gate was lowered the band made its way inside, Ozai took in his surroundings and realized this was the first time he had set foot in Ba Sing Se in 12 years. He saw that there were new noble houses, meaning that some people got promotions he thought about the changes that would be made once he was king. He made sure that no one was able to recognize him but unfortunately things never go according to plan. The wheel hit a rock and jarred Jee and Katara took the distraction to her advantage. She took her leg and swiped it under Jee's leg which knocked her down, and out. Unfortunately there was nothing for her to untie her wrists so she had to wait until Suki was alone before she could do anything. Then she saw a small jug of water and somehow bended it into an ice blade to cut the ropes and ripped the gag off and made her way towards the wagons opening.

Meanwhile one of the palace guards entered the king's bedchambers and told Haru that Suki had paid them a surprise visit. Haru told the guard that he would receive her at the round table. The guard made his way down the stairs and noticed the citizens were watching the man in the Eel-Hound next to the band of wagoners. They seemed to be eyeing him cautiously as though he was someone who could not be trusted. He couldn't tell who it was but if the people were uneasy about him then there probably was something wrong about him. He had no real proof so all he could do at the moment was to sit back and let the events unfold for now. When he exited the main door he started to tell Suki what Haru told him to.

"Lady Suki King Haru-"

"Don't it's a trap!" Katara cried out while coming out from the back of the wagon. Ozai took this moment to strike and as he made his way to the castle calling out to his men to seal it off. And the city was swept into a panic, people were running everywhere and children were swept up by their family. Soldiers were taking defensive manuvers as well as attacks in order to try to keep the castle safe. However it wasn't enough to keep the intruders away, one of the guards made a comment, "Ozai has breeched the castle the King is still inside."

"Mama, I've got to go help Haru." Katara told Suki as she was heading to the palace

"Be careful, and I'll be fine." She called back

Katara made her way to the ramp that lead to the main hall temporarily, but was stopped as a fireball was shot in front of her. She looked to see Azula making her way towards her she quickly ducked out of the way and on the outer gate that surrounded the palace, and landed on her stomach. No sooner did she stand up but one of Ozai's men came at her with an ax swinging it left and right forcing her to back towards the edge. She stumbled then fell backwards, she closed her eyes as she fell but as she braced for the ground to catch her she noticed that her shoulders, and her lower legs felt warmer. Chancing a glance at her rescuer she cracked one eye open only to see

"Zuko, I can't believe you came back!", she pulled him into a quick hug which startled him.

"Of course I did, I'm just glad I wasn't too late and had a lucky catch. Aang go on ahead Toph if you would do the honors." He told them Aang nodded and opened his glider while Toph launched them up on the gate again. Aang made a quick swipe in the air which knocked all the men off and Toph quickly bended a small pit which they landed in.

"Sorry I'm late I hate playing referee.", he said, and pulled her into a hug that he was too startled to return earlier.

"They're not fighting each other.", she commented

"Yea I knocked some sense into them, not literally of course.", he replied chuckling at the end.

Haru made his way down the main stairs he was still a little weak from the attack on the palace a few days ago.

"Suki?" he called but he noticed a different figure in the room that was not female.

"She couldn't make it, she had other priorities." The voice said


"Pleased to see me.", he remarked and Haru took a defensive position as he didn't have Bashkim.

"Do you plan to earthbend against me? Well it won't work. A king would use a more noble attack, such as Bashkim.", he said proudly brandishing said sword.

"Where's Ozai?", Zuko asked as he could not sense him

"He's trapped Haru inside the palace there's no way in."

"This is bad, but I know a way under the tea shop.", he said remembering the secret passage but Azula appeared and was ready to fight them but Momo who was chattering behind Zuko, and Katara flew in the line of vision only to distract Azula long enough for the formers to make a run for it.

"Did you miss me little girl?", Momo said in a voice that was very familiar to Azula

"You can talk?"

"You miscalculated I not only can talk but I'm the one who stopped you from stealing Bashkim a few nights ago.", she said turning into Lady Mai.

"It's you!" Azula shouted and began to fight Lady Mai in the air as before. Zuko was leading Katara to a safe spot to jump, but Katara saw the opportunity first, spying a horse and cart with hay.

"Zuko give me your hand, and jump!", they jumped but Katara landed in the hay that occupied the cart while Zuko landed in the seat and they took off.

"Zuko what are you doing?"

"What does it look like driving."

"Is that really a good idea?"

"Don't worry, hang on tight."

"Zuko, to your left.", she called out but he turned in the opposite direction instead

"Your other left. Right, the RIGHT!"

"Look out!" they called out as they were flung from the horse and wagon into bags of flour

"Now was that so terrible?"

"Not commenting other than the next time I'm doing the driving."

"Fair enough."

Ozai slapped Haru hard enough that it sent him on the table while commenting, "So many memories in this room. It makes me sick. You once said everyone at this table was equal, well I have something else in mind. It's a little something called Revenge!"

After about five minutes of searching Zuko found the entrance and with some difficulty it opened, " These tunnels lead to the round table in the throne room."

"I can't see a thing." She said with a twinge of fear in her voice

"Don't worry I'll be your eyes.", he said taking her hand, he also had to tell her he was wrong, "Katara I'm sorry for walking away from you before if I didn't leave you none of this would have happened."

"Zuko you don't know what could have happened if you stayed with us. All that matters now is that you're here now."

"I could have sensed them, I knew he was after you and the sword, but all I could think of was…", he couldn't finish his sentence because he knew she was right, he was there now and he wouldn't make the mistake of leaving her alone again, it was bad enough she grew up without a father. He didn't know about Tahn and Katara would have told him if Suki had married.

Azula was gaining on Mai as the latter was still a little weak from their fight before the only thing that managed to stop the former was a wall of earth that suddenly appeared in front of her then a gust of wind sent her flying and gave Mai the opportunity to gain the advantage. Unfortunately Mai lost her balance and fell to the ground below but luckily for her Aang was able to catch her and set her on the wall Toph bent . leering

"Hey Twinkle-Toes lets show her how rough the earth can be."

"I couldn't agree more let's blow her away."

Aang and Toph then took over the fight for Lady Mai as she was too weak to continue. Suki meanwhile was attending to the wounded as best she could, but it wasn't enough as the rest of the healers were also attending to the wounded. She heard someone approach and looked up she saw one of Ozai's men sneering at her as though she lost. Ty Lee who was also tending to the wounded noticed Li and intervened turning his attention to her long enough to strike him with her chi blocking technique.

"Oops guess I hit the wrong person, this little brain of mine only tells me where the guys are not the target."

She kept blocking the men and defended Suki who made a mental note to ask about learning a few chi blocks to use in the near future. Zuko and Katara had just opened the secret door to the throne room and were amazed that Haru was able to hold his own given the condition he was in. Ozai however was still dominate in the fight but what he said really got to Katara and she figured out everything that happened that day 12 years ago.

"Getting rid of you is going to be more fun then getting rid of Sokka. He seemed like a pushover to me what do you think?"

"You may kill me but you'll never destroy the ideals and traditions of the Earth Kingdom." As Haru spoke Katara found a rope with which she could use to her advantage, Zuko having sensed where she was going said in a whisper, "Katara don't do it."

"Well that doesn't give me much to play with now does it", Ozai then threw a fireball at Haru who barely managed to avoid it. He swung the sword in the air, as he picked Haru up by his shirt and said in a loud clear voice, "Say 'Hello' to the new king."

"You're no king, you have nothing to merit yourself a man anymore." Haru replied strongly

"Then I must be a god." Ozai shouted as he threw Haru back on the table, Katara seeing the opening took advantage of it and turned Ozai's attention to herself.

"Ozai, maybe this will refresh your memory, 'I will not serve a Firebending Earth King'" she then swung in his direction extended her feet which sent them both through the window of the throne room. Zuko made his way as fast as could to Haru to help him to the nearest guard to get help, then turned and ran back to the throne room to help Katara.

Once they were sent through the window they both landed hard Katara on Ozai long enough to roll across him and stop as she got up he stood up and she saw a stone in the middle of the courtyard and was going to lead him to it. Ozai not suspecting anything followed her.

""You know you remind me of your father a little bit", they were halfway to the stone so she played along, "And since you want to be like him so much why don't I help you in seeing him again.", as Ozai went to strike Zuko's sword the Third Eye came up to meet Bashkim, luckily though the sheath didn't break. He grabbed Zuko by the shirt and tossed him aside which landed the later near Katara, and continued towards Katara who had now reached the stone. She helped Zuko up and whispered something to him, "Hold your ground until I tell you to move."

"Alright grab my sword when you do and use it as a defense only I'll provide the offense.", what nobody knew was the stone actually would hold Bashkim inside it until Haru would pull the sword, as this is where it was kept sometimes . Ozai was close enough that Zuko and Katara's plan would work he was just to power hungry to notice anything else going on at the time.

"This is most certainly my lucky day as I get two lives for the price of one." He leaned back a bit and when he made the slight movement forward Katara nudged Zuko to tell him be ready when Ozai made a more obvious lunge Katara pushed Zuko and he her so that they were both out of the way when he plunged Bashkim into the stone. Katara did as Zuko told her to do and Picked up the Third Eye ready to use it and Zuko drew his twin swords but the stone shook Ozai's body and sent jolts of energy through it that in a matter of two seconds but really was a minute his whole body disintegrated into nothing but dust and flew away on the breeze.

Haru found help and went to retrieve his sword as he'd been away from it far too long. Katara ran to Zuko and gave him a hug which he returned gladly they went off to find Suki who was at the palace doors, Katara and Suki hugged each other glad they were alive and Zuko met her mother whom he'd heard a lot about. With Ozai gone everyone set to finish rebuilding the city which took a few days as the earthbenders rebuilt the buildings as best they could. The women, and people who could not earthbend helped by providing food and drink when the earthbenders needed it. Ty Lee joined Haru's guard as a sort of secret weapon and bait when needed. Suki and Katara went back to Omashu to retrieve a dress for her to wear as Haru told them Katara, Zuko, Aang, and Toph were going to join the Dai Lee as a reward for saving Ba Sing Se and because they had earned it.

Katara's dress was white with a light blue that had a purple hue in it. She pulled her sides back into a bun. Zuko wore a simple light brown shirt with a dark brown vest over it and pants matching the shirt he left his hair down as it was too short to do much with it but he liked it that way. Aang wore a dark green shirt with light brown pants his tattoos proudly showing. Toph wore a simple white dress trimmed in green along the sleeves hem and trim around the neck. Suki wore a simple green dress with her hair down. Aang and Toph stood with Suki having already been through the ceremony. Zuko was already standing next to Haru, Katara was walking through the throne room to join the formers. When she walked past her mother and Aang, and Toph Suki called out to her, "Katara you're missing a few things." And proceeded to hand her a sword and shield, "They're your fathers but I know he'd want you to have them so their yours now."

Katara continued on her trek and stood next to Zuko. They knelt at the same time and Haru raised Bashkim which was flat side and announced in a loud clear voice, "I dub thee Sir Zuko," and touched the sword gently on his shoulder, " And I dub thee Lady Katara," he then turned and gently repeated the motion on Katara's shoulder, and continued, "Thank-you for saving Ba Sing Se, in doing so you have reminded us that the kingdom's strength is not based solely on the king, but on the strength of the people as well and from this day forward you will all sit as members of the Dai Li."

Everyone cheered and soon started to celebrate and dance around the throne room as though it were a ball. Suki found Tahn and was dancing with him, Aang and Toph were dancing, Haru and Ty Lee were dancing together. Katara took hold of Zuko's hand and soon they were dancing. Everyone was celebrating not only the defeat of Ozai but for peace settling in around the world.

"You now have everything you could ever want, you know that Zuko?" Katara said

"No I'm still missing one thing." Zuko replied slyly

"Really what's miss-" the rest of Katara's sentence was cut off as Zuko planted his lips on hers gently and lovingly. Suki smiled at the sight, and wished Sokka could see his two prodigies together. Little did she know that he saw it all from the spirit world and was pleased he whispered to Suki not knowing if she could hear or not but had to tell her anyway, '.My dear I will be watching over you two until we can be together again.'

Bumi watched the party which was now in full swing, noticed that Momo had disappeared he followed the trail which lead to Lake Laogai. He approached the shoreline just in time to see Mai take her place.

"Leaving us so early my lady.", he asked with a small smile

"The boy no longer needs me, he has a new set of eyes to look out for him, and she will take better care of him than I did. I taught him to survive she'll teach him how to live and love.", she replied with a hint of sadness in her voice. Bumi gave her a reassuring hug before she departed to her watery home. That night Suki, Katara, Zuko, Aang, and Toph, returned to Omashu, where Aang, and Toph stayed to help Suki when they were not summoned. Katara and Zuko stayed for a few weeks then they decided to travel the Earth Kingdom for awhile, where in the town of Gaoling Zuko proposed to Katara. Seven months later they were married.

Suki eventually remarried a man called Lee Katara was happy for he mother finding happiness again but still referred Tahn as her stepfather as he was in her life longer than Lee was, but she still called Lee her stepfather as well. Toph and Aang stayed with Suki and Lee after Katara and Zuko moved to Gaoling, and were happy there as they had a family. Haru changed the meetings as he felt they needed to meet more than once a year but also made it not required except at least twice coming to Ba Sing Se. He also made sure to keep an eye on his agents so that if they started to show signs of Ozai's actions they were relieved of duty and if they continued they were imprisoned in Lake Laogai. Peace reigned throughout the world and everyone lived life to the fullest.

Happy endings to all, And to all … good reviews please.