One obvious difference between our boys is their style of clothing. Sherlock, for a long time, has liked to look nice and proper, and by that he wears those suits or at least a suit jacket to go with his expensive jeans. He thinks this is comfortable clothing because (yes he knows) that he fucking rocks those suits. They make him confident and add to the dramatics of his life.

John likes to wear his jeans and jumpers or long sleeved shirts or button ups on occasion. He likes to be comfortable, too, and those fluffy jumpers are very comfy. He doesn't like to dress up much, he's worn a suit a handful of times since being with Sherlock and he's worn his dress uniform even less than that, but if he has to he will.

John's favorite part of getting dressed up is the attention he receives from Sherlock. Like any other human that likes men, Sherlock is one that has a kink for sharp dressed men (maybe that's why he's a sharp dressed man?), but since he has eyes for John Watson and John Watson only, he really appreciates when John's dressed up.

Sherlock's favorite time of year for clothing is Christmastime because they go to his mother's Christmas parties at his childhood home. This gives Sherlock the chance to insist John dress up and to show John off to the family that never thought he'd get anyone, no less this gorgeous human that looks damn fine in a black suit and dark blue tie.

So people stare at John as Sherlock pulls him along the crowd to say hello to Mummy and take a second or two to gloat at Mycroft, who showed up alone. Sherlock's aunts, female cousins, that one male cousin Sherlock himself isn't sure of, and those few teenage family friends nearly want to applaud because Damn, Sherlock, well done.

Then the night nearly ends and Sherlock tells everyone goodnight before retiring upstairs in his old bedroom. Then Sherlock gets to pull John by the deep blue tie to the bed and Sherlock momentarily thanks whoever created dress clothes.

*I didn't realize people still read this. So uh, here's one. Long overdue. : )